Op-Ed: Iran is the problem, not Israel
Jewish Telegraphic Agency / Rabbi Steven Weil
18-Jul-2012 (one comment)


NEW YORK (JTA) -- The third round of negotiations with
Iran on its nuclear activities have failed, the latest and most severe
round of sanctions against the economy of that country have gone into
effect, and all eyes are turned to -- Israel.

. . .

The world should not be focused on whether Israel will attack Iran in a
lifesaving effort to prevent the Islamic Republic from acquiring nuclear
capabilities. Israel is not the problem. The world should be focused on
preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear capabilities. Not for Israel’s
sake, but for the sake of the world. 

. . . 

time and again, little Israel is viewed front and center stage as an
aggressor, an oppressor, an antagonist and the source of all the evil in
the Middle East and beyond. Terror attacks, boycotts, divestments,
sanctions, hate conferences and countless U.N. resolutions have been
aimed at Israel, punishment for her “crime” of survival. The
international community seems to thrive on making her government, her
occupation, her military maneuvers, her self-defense and her pre-emptive
strikes the problem.

Dan Huck

Don't We Have a Right To Pre-emptive Strikes?

by Dan Huck on

Rabbi Weil, 46, is Chief Professional Officer of the Orthodox Union, and, to some, the presumed heir-to-be to Malcolm Hoenlein, Chief Professional Officer of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.  Rabbi Weil is being facetious when he says 'little Israel'.

Great Jews have given the world great insights.

"The New Colossus", Emma Lazarus
. . .
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land'"
. . .

Albert Einstein
. . .
"Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police."

Everything hinges on how all of us answer that question, Rabbi.  Can you trust the international community?  Can you trust Muslims?  Can you trust Christians?  Can you trust Jews who are not Zionists?
