
Unity in Diversity

As the struggle for democracy and humane living conditions in Iran continues, irreparable cracks begin to appear in the once seemingly unbreakable and undisturbed panorama

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Conscientious Mistake

Today, the mind-numbing disease of political correctness has so infected the American military leadership that it is a threat in itself. The political correctness mentality

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It’s Islam Stupid …

It’s Islam, stupid… It is often claimed that Islam means “Peace”. The word “Islam” however, to those who understand even a modicum of Arabic, transliterates

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Individual vs. State

The last prime minister under the Shah of Iran, Shahpour Bakhtiar, in Persian poetry tenor eloquently said, “Iran Harghez Nakhahad Mord“ (Iran will never die).

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Ever Green

In a televised interview broadcast just a few days ago, University of Michigan History Professor Juan Cole described the Tunisian uprising as not only “the

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The Dark Side of Religion

My parents, Monda and Enrico, are immigrants. My mother left Iran when she was 21 yearsold on Jan 1st, 1978 to attend college in Florida

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My Day, Rights Day

“Our homeland can betray us, it can become unlivable, but it remains the place where we belong. Perhaps Iran’s greatest tragedy is that it has

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Welcoming Nowruz in December!

Nowruz/Norouz is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and an official U.S. Holiday. Learn about it, practice it, and gift its story to friends,

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Think Again

New York Times: The United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization decided on Tuesday to pull the plug on another embarrassment to its reputation, dissociating itself

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