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Fanatic friends
MEK tricks US progressives, gains legitimacy
June 22, 2006
Inflating the truth
Did Human Rights Watch get it wrong?
June 19, 2006
Dancing to Western music
Open letter to Iran's Nobel laureate
May 4, 2006
The Western precedent
Freedom of expression denied
February 24, 2006
Reckless Democracy
You see, we have been conditioned to think that tyranny can come only from government
October 15, 2005
Not that bad
To millions of voters of modest means, Ahmadinejad symbolizes resistance to the anti-democratic global free-trade elite with whom the relatively secular reform movement has aligned itself
August 16, 2005
Born again vs. the renaissance
Culture wars masquerading as development theory
April 13, 2005
Habits that divide us
Let's not perpetuate them
November 7, 2004
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