Design based on illustration by Anthony Russo
Current events
Ha ha, he thought
May 1, 2007
Intimacy in the universe
They wanted to see him dream a little
January 19, 2007
An American and an Iranian
The America and the Iran inside him were good friends
October 6, 2006
We knew that the best words were the ones that came out of silence
September 22, 2006
Revolutionary fervor
I'm not raising my glass to anyone that anybody wouldn't raise a glass to if they knew their real story
August 1, 2006
An American and an Iranian
He remembered the day he had officially become American, standing in a government building with his family among a crowd
May 25, 2006
Better late than early
Letting in their happiness seemed like the kind of thing that would leave a person headed for a fall
April 14, 2006
Lying down
They had come together and found something that had worked
January 19, 2006
The clouds
I'll always wonder how it looks when it's a man who was not born in America
December 22, 2005
The street
It wouldn't be good to have walked down the street for years and then finally see that it was a place itself
November 27, 2005
A peace march
It deserved to be in the history books as much as a day of war
September 13, 2005
A war plan
"I am looking at the street," she said. "And I am thinking about how it is going to change if there is a war."
June 24, 2005
The love frown
Remember the men & children of war
May 26, 2005
My uncle's declaration
I hoped there wouldn't be a time when outside forces would be trying to get me to choose between being American and being Iranian
May 4, 2005
Memory and rain
Short story
April 26, 2005
The dream
Short story
February 23, 2005
In bed
Short story
January 4, 2005
A story is a story and a bar is a bar
Short story
November 23, 2004
The tree
Short story
September 28, 2004
A walk in the park
Short story
September 9, 2004
An artist
Short story
July 28, 2004
The Peacemonger
Short story
June 29, 2004
Just saving my own life, that's all
He knew that somewhere inside he had a broken heart, but he did not feel it
April 20, 2004
My uncle's declaration
I hoped there wouldn't be a time when outside forces would be trying to get me to choose between being American and being Iranian
February 19, 2004
A story of talk
She began to notice the existence of something like a script in conversations
January 3, 2003
The couple
Love's limits
November 28, 2003
A man with his little sister
November 12, 2003
Some of the nicest moments of my life happened in there
October 20, 2003
A plane
It can be an awfully lonely feeling sitting on a plane
September 29, 2003
The Book
"It's a book," I said. "Let me keep my goddam book."
September 18, 2003
Staying home
Short story
August 27, 2003
One gray Sunday
Short story
July 24, 2003
My father had plans for grass and cypress trees
May 14, 2003
The boy who believed everything
A fable
May 7, 2003
Valentine's Day
You could never be lonely when you had a story in you
February 14, 2003
The Race
Short story
January 14, 2003
The Poem
Decenber 2002
The Giants
War and peace and people
November 2002
A university acceptance
He had wanted to be a man fighting against an unjust system instead of living as part of it
November 2002
Gentle strength
A revolutionary speaks on violence
November 2002
Piety among atheists
The whole house would seem more humble
October 2002