Goodnight Baghdad, good morning Tehran
Our generation's Gulf of Tonkin is about to drag us further into endless war
February 1, 2007
The other side of the War Party
U.S. Left's unwarranted giddiness over election gains
November 12, 2006
Try and catch the wind
We are seeing the perfect storm that libertarians and anarchists alike have warned us about for generations: the unholy merger of the ueberstate and corporate hegemony
October 16, 2005
Teach your kids
Why it matters to know about Africa and the
rest of the world?
August 24, 2005
are here
It's not over by a long shot
November 5, 2004
the policies, stupid
Whoever wins the Big Prize will inherit a free
world so angry and fed up with US
November 2, 2004
States of Duh
The veneer, our seemingly unending capacity to stay Still
Stupid After All These Years, allows our governments literally
to get away with murder
July 30, 2003
We are on a runaway train and the conductor doesn't care
March 17, 2003
against a kid
What does it means to beat Iraq
April 9, 2003
Picking on an enemy you can easily beat neither solves the
problem nor wins any friends
January 23, 2003
Writer, singer, linguist and activist Daniel Patrick Welch
lives and writes in Salem, Massachusetts, with his wife, Julia
Nambalirwa-Lugudde. Together they run The Greenhouse School, greenhouseschool.org. Some
of his articles have been broadcast on radio, and translations
are available in up to 20 languages. Links to the website are
appreciated at danielpwelch.com.