Many Iranians have an uncomfortable relationship with sex. There is little of it on television and while escorts in Iran exists the black market is hardly filled with videos of Iranian porn stars.
With sexual acts such as kissing, oral and good old fashioned sex, practice makes perfect and if you are prohibited from ‘dating’ prior to marriage, you are essentially deprived of the opportunity to become better at the various forms of sex.
By and large Iranian culture vis-a-vis sex is quite prudish. Promiscuity is certainly frowned upon, but as are public displays of affection among men and women.
The fallout from the lack of sexual pleasure, and dating prior to marriage is that many Iranian men and women do not really know what they are into (sexually) and what sort of partner they are looking for. Luckily, sites like Iranian Personals help singles meet in a safe offline space, and arrange private trysts but the conundrum of being sen in public or scolded by their parents for ‘dating’ prior to being engaged persists and weighs heavily on the conscience of many youth.
Sadly, many Iranian women and even men will have to wait until marriage to better understand their bodies, likes, dislikes and exploration into the wonderful world of sex.