August 1, 2003 * Astounding intellectual bankruptcy Compare and contrast the reaction by some Iranian exiles to the death of the 18-year-old Keyvan Tabesh [killed "after charging at a police officer" in Vancouver (news here)] and the journalist Zahra Kazemi [killed under interrogation in Tehran]. In one case we are calling for a military attack
country which you claim to be your "homeland" and in the
other instance we view it as simply a mistake by a bad policeman, who
now claims the boy ran at him with a machete - how convenient!! The fact is that those Iranian exiles that have prostituted their souls to the West have no love for Iran or fellow Iranians. They sit comfortably outside the borders of Iran, manipulating and conspiring with a racist regime that views our brothers and sisters inside Iran as nothing but pawns, to be played and disposed at will. * Thank you for leaving Iran To: Honourable Bill Graham Dear Mr. Graham, On behalf of all Iranians in Canada I would like to applaud your decision on asking Ambassador Mackinnon to leave Iran. This decision has made Canada the only western nation that has formally condemned the atrocities committed by the Iranian government. Your action has made us proud Canadians and has reminded us as to why we chose this country to immigrate to many years back. We hope that the Canadian governments‚ strong stand continues until the Iranian government and those who may have committed this horrible crime are punished. With kindest regards, * Kayhan Bacheha and Kayhan Varzeshi Dear Ms. Nemati, Thank you for your continuous great works in bringing the most beautiful music to millions who have loved what you have been doing. My sincere thanks to you for all you are doing for us. It just happened that I used to work with Sarhangzadeh at Kayhan newspaper. He was working with Kayhan Bacheha and I was working with Kayhan Varzeshi, our offices were next to each other. * Desprate dude If you can't stop looking at these pictures then you must be one desprate dude! [Tall, dark & Iranian] * Gorgeous & amazing Yasmine is gorgeous and the photos are amazing. [Tall, dark & Iranian] Sadaf Kiani * Difficult not to agree, BUT... Dear Mr. Agha, But all in all, Jews, like most other normal human beings, like to
lead a normal life. By the way, in case you are wondering, I am NOT a
Jew. * Bush v. Saddam? No comparison Why do you discredit your website by publishing such trash written by an idot named Hadi Khorsandi? [A story of good boys and bad boys] It is one thing to dislike Republicans and voice your opinion. It is quite another to compare the rapist and sadist Hussein sons to the president of U.S and his brother. No wonder we have a bunch of blood sucking Mulahs running our country. After reading Khorsandi's poem and observing his unability to differntiate between right from wrong, I say that people like him and the one's who like to read his trash deserve what happened to Iran. Please do your selves a favor: Keep the standard of your web site high and done publish and advertise the trash written by this moron. It offends a lot of people. * Affront to every tax payer Kudos Sepehr for taking a stance and speaking out, even at the cost of losing future air-time on some of these LA-based stations [Pay per preach]. Funding these morally, ethically, and reality, bankrupt stations is a great way to encourage rubish on par with informercials for abs of steel or magic diet pills and should be an affront to every tax-paying citizen concerned about how their money is spent. * Although many watch in Iran... Bravo Sepehr jan! Well said! [Pay per preach] A single penny is too much to spend on these cheesy and substandard immitations of a worthy media. Every time I happen to get a glance of these programs (in a friend's house since I don't have a satellite receiver at home - thank God!) I am amazed at how void of artistic and journalistic taste most of these productions really are. I know there are some talented individuals involved with almost all of these outlets but for the most part these stations have mushroomed as a placeholder to absorb the millions of Uncle Sam's money that is expected to come their way (which is already being covertly paid to some of the main stations!) Even their political programs and commentaries are often nothing more than shouting and obsenity without much reasonable political dialogue! Although many people watch these stations in Iran, even to those viewers, these TV outlets are a joke and treated and accepted accordingly! In short, no political change will ever come from caricatures like Zia Atabai and Reza Fazeli!!! * Shut up First of all I would appreciate if you not reveal my email address, because I don't want the Islamic mozdoors like Seyede Katayon [Nobody can deny this truth] who ever she is to have any contact with me. Apparantly people like her have been bought well by the filty Islamic regiem and the these are the ones who are shamelessly supporting the government of Iran for their own benefit. The only Gand that we have seen in the 2600 years history of Iran is the Islamic government. How dare she claims that we have more educated women during the Isalamic dictership? This is another one of those lies like any other lie that we have heard in the past 25 years. Mr. Seyed Katayoon Shut up and go to hell. Your time is up. Vatanparast * Common sense poll Because of a total lack of democtrcy there is no possibility of taking a true opinion poll in Iran. But we can try to get a rough picture of the social situation in this country, using our common logical sense. Iran has a population of 67 millions. Let's suppose as an ultra-optimist that : a) 1 million of them are scientists; These people are usually attracted by a secular and free society. But what about the 57 millions others who mostly are living as an average Iranians and are deeply hypnotized by the Shiism, the Islamists and Mullahs ? These remaining 57 millions or even 50 millions have still the absolute majority in Iran. If Mullahs were gone, who or which organization would you suggest to replace them, considering that Iranians have never had any real experience in democracy ? You don't govern a country by a minority of journalists and so-called "intellectuals". What would you do to establish in Iran a society based on law, free market and multiparti system ? There may be a possibility : you could import from Sweden, Switzerland, etc, police officers, magistrates, lawmakers, advisers, etc...!! In addition, the regime of the Mullahs is managing greatly its survival with the indrect moral help from the regimes of ayatollahs Bush, Cheney, Flawel and other ayatollahs or rabis who are governing Israel. * Humanity also died I have a little comment about these two sisters and any one monitoring
the news closely to them.
What happened to Laleh and Ladan was done and it was sad, but there
is another sad question for me left, and that is: * Any volunteers? Hope you are doing well and nothing problem with you. Really I would like to send for me Imam Khomeini's photo for me, but I want clear photo. Many thanks for your helpful, |
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