August 1, 2003 * Need this evil weapon Very good article. Every Iranian knows, from shah to sheikh, the only deterrent that would do the job is atomic capability! if shah,s government had developed the capability! Saddam would have thought twice before rushing in and costing us so much! Regardless of our politics we need to have this evil weapon in our arsenal! Persevan * Encourage "Finglish" over none As a mother of two boys born and raised here I so appreciate your battle over the years [A mother's response], eventhough I myself was raised abroad after the age of 10, I still had this urgency to secure my children's future with the understanding of FARSI. My attempts over the years has only resulted in familiarity on their parts and a reason for me to keep practicing my limited language knowledge, sometimes ashamed of not taking enough pride to keep at it, I still believe that some exposure is better than none. So unlike your lucky children if we want to call it that, mine are on daily basis exposed to Persian music and occasional words and surprisingly they are more than happy to be familiarized and learn as long as I respect that there is a time and a place for it. When with their friends we do as the "Romans do" and keep it westernized but in family gatherings I definitely encourage "Finglish" over none. Thank you for your article. * Essence of the human life This is a simple, sweet, factual and true little story about all of us that left ourselves behind, on an unknown discovery trip, in an unknown place, in search of a better life. Partial pulsation of our heart is still at home and other part has left floating "empty, lonely, light". Congratulations to the writer, excellent comprehension of the essence of the human life in the first decade of the 21st century. * My name is Enemy In response to "Xander the Great", None of my business sir, but just curious to see if its a misunderstanding or what; why to name your son Alexander and not anything else, the name of our first national enemy who played one of the worst and dirtiest roles in our history by invading us, our culture and wealth, and (trying to) eliminating our national identitiy among other of his crimes. God bless your son anyway. Just curious. (See reply below) HS * I would name my mother Alexander Dear HS, [My name is Enemy] I could answer your comment regarding my son's name in one of several possible ways. I could simply agree with your first sentence and tell you that it was really none of your business what other people name their children, just like I would never comment on what kind of car you drove or whether or not your socks matched your necktie! But instead, I will tell you that
your message was extremely disappointing to say the least! You don't
know me and have no idea why I chose to name
my son Alexander Ali. He could have been named after his favourite
uncle, grand father or a best friend of the family, for instance, who
may have
passed away recently. How can you question something as And although my wife and I didn't for a moment think of or remember "the" Alexander The Great when we decided on the name, since you brought it up, I will go ahead and respond to your apparent "problem" with a person of Iranian heritage naming his child Alexander. It's true that Alexander invaded the region that is known currently as Iran and his army caused much destruction and carnage (by the standards of the day, anyways!) But if you consider Alexander as an individual and rate him for his capabilities and achievements as a person, then what you find is a leader in his early twenties, over 2000 years ago, with none of the modern mass communications, books, wireless, transportation and resource management capabilities used by military leaders today. Alexander rallied and lead thousands of roughnecks across several continents, fighting bloody battles, accepting casualties and continuing forward with no significant desciplinary problems! That my friend is the type of superior human being that I would name my mother, my wife, my brother and even my dog after; if I had a dog that is! May you live a happy and free life and respect other people's freedom! * Baba was not depressed (or naked) Mr. Zahedi, [Baba was depressed] I do not want to be ignorant and assume you are related to the Zahedi who served the crown cannibal despite his stupidity and low self-steam which made him fall in love with Elizabeth Taylor. But I cannot help it because only an idiot could come up with such hideous and moronic statements about one of Iran's great poets. Once again an idiot lumped all Iranians together. You and other depressed people need to get it into your little brains and stop using words such as "generation of depressed" in your venting. I am an Iranian and filled with life and joy and know quite a few who love life and humanity. But that is not the only reason I am mad. Just because your small brain does not comprehend the magnitude of Baba Taher's poetry then you should not give yourself the right to write about the crap that distorts your understanding. Baba Taher was not naked (you are a real God damned moron to even assume that) but did not care for wearing too much clothes and for your little brain even in his time there were people who cared too much about their appearance and attires. As for him talking about being dead even for a person with grade school education it should be easy to understand that the poet uses death symbolically as the ultimate freedom and also having a sense of privacy. I bet that you are one of those untalented, heartless, calculating, boozers with no sense of identity of being Iranian that puts my heritage and culture and its contribution down. Don't you dare to try and get noticed by writing crap about Iranian poetry or literature. The next time you reach out for your glass of "make me happy" shot or pop your pill to help the imbalance in your brain, remember that many of us educated, talented, successful Iranians get our "highs" from reading Iranian poetry and are quite lively and happy people. We even help spread that happiness by helping losers like you to get of the "pills" they do not need to take. * Going porno Judas fuckin' Preist, Iranian dot com. Now you're going porno "Delivering nudes"? Oh well... might as well. Peace and happiness, bro. Issa * Dwelling on the past Dear Mr. Ameli, We will get nowhere by continually dwelling on the past and blaming each other for where we stand now. With this in mind, one can assert that Mr. Milani's book, The Persian Sphinx, was a great step forward and not at all "nauseating". We need to be grateful to Mr. Milani for his hard
work in achieving to record a good chunk of history which might have
been overlooked again like it has been so often in the past history of
our country. * Getting out of hand Excuse me, but why have you displayed such a pornographic image? Is there some reason why you wish to dehumanize women? First you publish the foul language [Delam khonak shod], now you publish porn. I think you are getting out of hand. |
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