
No plain Jane
Don't change that beautiful Iranian name
By Amir Mohammadzadeh
December 10, 1999
The Iranian
If my children were to change their names when they grew up, I have
to say that I would be heart broken. I had very special reasons for each
name I picked; family, history, and good memories of those who deserve
to be remembered. A good traditional name is something to be proud of.
A lot of thought, love, pride, and hope goes into this once-in-a-lifetime
decision . What does it say about a person if they do not have confidence
to defend their own name? ... GO
Filling the void
Asian Football Confederation Magazine
Over the last two years Iran has become Asia's
most prolific exporter of players. But with many either joining lower division
sides or playing reserve team football in Germany, dissenting voices are
being raised within the Persian nation. Michael Church reports on the pros
and cons of the Iranian exodus.
The question has already been asked but the volume with which it's being
posed continues to grow: Just how vital is it for Asian players to move
en masse to play in Europe?
Conventional wisdom has dictated for some time that, for Asian football
to improve, the continent's top players need to be playing against the
world's finest in the top leagues, pitting their wits against the best,
and working with the game's greatest coaches ... FULL
As if...

The Fadaiyan Khalq Organization (Minority or Majority Faction?) is boycotting
the Majlis elections and says whoever becomes a candidate is basically
a traitor ... FULL
More Letters
* Untidy semi-detached house
A. Hashemi writes: To some people ("Top
ten" and "More
thankful than Americans") freedom means "going out in T-shirts
& shorts", or being able to take advantage of sexual liberties
by "looking at hundreds of beautiful women of all ages"...
I think it's great that people, such as "new" Americans, are
thankful for their "new home"; I just can't understand why they
have to compare it with our "old home". It's like comparing a
noisy, dirty and untidy semi-detached house with a gloriously majestic
old castle ... FULL
* What cause?!
Soheil writes:
I read your recent article about the conservatives in Iran ["It's over"].
I agree with almost everything you said. They are losing ground and popular
support and the youth want change. Correct. However, your statement that
"Khomeini did all that for a cause he believed in", strikes me
as a severely blind observation ... I absolutely cannot comprehend anyone
seeing him as someone who wanted to bring good to Iran ...
You brought up many good points in your article, but it sounds like
to me that you used to be one of the people who wanted Khomeini in power.
Iranians, especially in Iran, are blinded by the fact that they think everything
is the fault of the West and the British. Iranians always want to put the
blame on others and not take responsibility for their own stupid actions
and decisions. The Shah's monarchy had many holes, and he was far from
perfect. But he dragged Iran into the 20th century, unlike the clerics
who want to drag it back to the days of Mohammad. The Shah was progressive
and educated, unlike Khomeini, who was the most incompetent ruler in history
... FULL
* Politics: Old students movement remembered
The 40th anniversary of the Iranian students confederation and the 45th
anniversary of the 16th of Azar will be celebrated in various cities around
the world ... DETAILS AT
Books of the Week

* Saaniyeh-yeh
aakhar (1999)
Y2K issues in Iran
By Dr. Ali Parandeh
* Barandeh-haa
ham baazandeh-and (1999)
A memoir by a former mayor of Tehran, with photos
By Ahmad Nafisi
* Jazireh
sargardaani (2nd edition, 1998)
By Simin Daneshvar
* Mumia
va assal (1996)
By Shahriar Mandanipour
* Mehr-e
giaah (1998)
ByAmir Hassan Cheheltan
See more
Iranian books for sale
Video of the Week
Iranian Style

A new documentary that goes where Western camera s have never before
gone: into an Iranian divorce court. The film is directed by award- winning
independent filmmaker Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini, an Iranian
anthropologist and writer, based in London, whose specialty is women's
rights and family law in the Mid-East.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Hossein Makki dies
Tehran (Iran daily) - Hossein Makki, a key player in the oil nationalization
movement and a member of Mohammas Mossadegh's cabinet, has died at the age

Rafsanjani stops short of criticising resumed
Syria-Israel talks
Dec 10 (AFP) - A top Iranian official Friday slammed Israel's failure to
keep its promises but stopped short of criticising its ally Syria's decision
to reopen peace talks with its arch-enemy, the Jewish state. "We know
that the negotiations are going to resume but we don't know much about them
except that Israel never respects its undertakings," said Iran's still
powerful former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.... FULL TEXT

Towards a society free of capital punishment
- Moratorium 2000
December 10, 1999 (Iranian Human Rights Working Group) -- A worldwide
campaign is underway to make the world free of the capital punishment by
the end of the year 2000. On Human Rights Day (10th December) Amnesty International
is launching "Moratorium 2000" with the same objective. Three
years earlier, on Human Rights Day in 1996, the Iranian Human Rights Working
Group (IHRWG) launched a campaign to abolish the death penalty in Iran.
We welcome this opportunity to combine our efforts with the international
human rights organisations and press for an early end to the practice of
capital punishment in Iran ... FULL TEXT
Iran Mends Ties With Europeans Businessmen
Find Myriad Opportunities
Friday, December 10, 1999 (The Washington Post) -- TEHRANâ¤"With
two Iranian waiters drumming their fingers on the table, a group of Italian
businessmen sang lusty love songs as restaurant patrons smiled, laughed
and tapped their feet. The impromptu concert at a downtown Tehran restaurant
reflected the current mood in Iran's relations with the European Union as
the two sides embrace after years of strained relations.... FULL TEXT

Made in Hollywood
(Iran daily) - Pouran Derakhshandeh has directed an Iranian film in Hollywood
called "Eshq-e bedoon-e marz" (Boundless love). Cost $650,000

Chiti Bang
Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - "Chiti Chiti Bang Bang" --
a translation of the book -- has been published in Iran ... FULL TEXT IN

Bring the same guys
(Iran daily) - The U.S. Soccer Federation has asked Iran to send the same
team that played against the U.S. in World Cup 98 ... also, looks like Alireza
Mansourian may be join da boys in the match against the U.S. on January
Hashemi-Nasab speaks
Tehran (Iran daily) - Mehdi Hashemi-Nasab is one of Iran's top
soccer players. He's a member of Persepolis. But he's also an Abadani and
single. Oh, and he doesn't have a high school diploma. Which is cool. Here's
an interview ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE

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Updated December 9
Buying: 860-870 tomans per dollar
Selling: 876 tomans per dollar
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The Web
Another list for Iranain singles. Those in Iran pay about
3,000 tomans ($3.50) for three months to be listed. Hmmm... Sounds like
a good idea.
Beyond Iran
Y2K Fun
Prepared for Y2K? Beginning to panic? Stop! Don't let the
impending global apocalypse get you down. Here's a handy tip: Bookmark the
FUN PAGE and visit it regularly until your power fails. It's Matt Neuman
doing what he does best -- being funny. Frowns are not Y2K compliant!
web sites
Quote Unquote
No sense
It doesn't make any sense for Fariba to call herself Lucy in the hope
of easier assimilation in the work place when every atom in her body screams
"I'M IRANIAN". Is she also going to have plastic surgery. Maybe
she should save some money for a good psychiatrist.
-- Amir Mohammadizadeh
plain Jane"
The Iranian
December 10, 1999
Photo of the Day

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