Cover story

Khiyaar chambar
"Persian" words in the English language
By Mansoureh Haqshenas & Koorosh Bayat
June 28, 1999
The Iranian
- What are you scribbling?
- Nothing...
- Nothing? It's the third time you've written down something on that notepad
in the past 20 minutes. What's so interesting about Star Trek?
- Nothing, really.
- ...
- (Starts taking down notes again.)
- May I see that notepad for a second? I'm really curious. |
- I'm just writing down words with Persian roots commonly used in English.
This guy at work challenged me to find 100 words.
- Fascinating... So how many 2have you got so far?
- About fifty.
- Like what?
- Algebra...
- Aziz I think that's Arabic ... GO TO FEATURE
Talking about a revolution, in pictures:
Nigel Andrews finds Iranian film director Abbas Kiarostami
a fearless and eloquent spokesman for a medium that has yet to realise
its potential
Financial Times, London
Monday June 28, 1999
Just as poetry is "What oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed",
wisdom can be a statement so interestingly unexpected that you realise,
deep down, that you have always expected it.
"Cinema is the most atavistic and backward of all the arts,"
Abbas Kiarostami suddenly startles me by saying. Sitting in a west end
London hotel behind a pair of elegantly implacable dark glasses - now part
of celebrity drag from Tinseltown to Tehran - Iran's leading filmmaker,
who won a Cannes Golden Palm two years back for The Taste Of Cherries,
is attacking film. Or at least what the rest of the world has made of this
newborn 20th century form ... FULL
They said Iran has no Internet
To whom it may concern:
I have a question about internet service in Iran. My relative lives
in Iran. Of course they are Korean. I wana send an email to them, but
they said that Iran has not Internet service company.
Iran government doesn't allow internet. Is it true? If it is not true,
let me know any internet service company in Iran. I'll call them and let
them know on it.
Regards from Korea
Song Byung-Joo
More Letters
* Iranian Golden Throat
Saeid Saba writes: The
Sunday dinner (khoreshe-e Bodemjoon) tasted doubly nice with the divine
voice of the Iranian GOLDEN THROAT, the one and only, DELKASH.
Thank you for a lovely reportage.
What has amazed me over the years is that Delkash was the FIRST singer
to perform a piece in KHARABATI amongst all the singers male or female
- she sang the famous "Sagash raa" [sag as in DOG!]. But, nobody
has ever dared to either mention it or reproduce it. "Sagash raa"
is definitely a milestone in the entirety of Iranian music - for those
who understand of course!...
I give any thing to hear a piece of KHARABATI by Delkash, Iraj, or the
chap who used to play Sarcar Ostovar in SAMAD sitcoms. Are you up to this
challenge? ... FULL
* No Monica
Mehran writes: I enjoyed your
site very much, which is why I urge you to remove Monika Lewinski's picture
& Bill"]. A site like yours should not be spoiled by the picture
of a famous American slut. Her picture is hanging in the Oval Office. That
is enough.
* Conference: The Iranian Woman at the
Threshold of the Year 2000
The Tenth International Conference of the Iranian Women's Studies Foundation
presents: The Iranian Woman at the Threshold of the Year 2000 - July 2-5,
1999 Montreal, Canada Concordia University... DETAILS
Book of the Week

The Legend of the Persian Carpet
By Tomie De Paola
Children who've been told of the diamond's legendary hardness may question
the ease with which this one is shattered. A king, accustomed to dwelling
in a light-filled room where a large diamond creates a million rainbows,
is bereft when it's stolen and smashed, and thereafter takes his only pleasure
in staring at the fragments, away from the subjects who need him. An apprentice
weaver comes up with the idea of making a magnificent carpet that will
lure the king back to his duties. It works. But, unfortunately, neither
the words nor the art here convincingly suggests the lure of the diamond's
prismatic play or the carpet's intricate patterns. Readers will have to
take these on faith. Still, Ewart's illustrations are prettily evocative
of old Persia, and perhaps the tale will pique interest in this ancient
art form ... GO TO BOOK
featured books
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Khatami demands justice for the press
TEHRAN, June 27 (Reuters) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami,
keen to protect press freedoms he has fostered as part of his two-year reform
drive, on Sunday demanded cases involving the media be removed from hardline
Revolutionary Courts and heard before special press juries. Khatami used
a national gathering of judiciary officials, led by arch-conservative Ayatollah
Mohammad Yazdi, to remind them that the constitution calls for jury trials
for press violations and political crimes. He also said defendants had a
right to legal respresentation at all times ... FULL TEXT
Kharrazi says arrested Jews passed on military
TEHRAN, June 28 (Reuters) - Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi
said the 13 Jews arrested in Iran on charges of spying for Israel had passed
on secret military information to foreigners, Iran's state media reported
on Monday ... FULL TEXT
U.N. Report Urges Urgent Iran Action On
TEHRAN (Reuters) - A United Nations report has urged Iran to act
urgently to deal with the millennium computer bug (Y2K), the official Iranian
news agency IRNA reported Monday ... FULL TEXT

Court keeps MKO on State Department's terrorist
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two dissident groups hostile to the governments
of Iran and Sri Lanka have lost a legal bid to be removed from the State
Department's list of terrorist organizations ... FULL TEXT
Iran building its own fighters - Jane's
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran has begun series production of a locally
developed fighter called the Azarakhsh (Lightning), according to Jane's
Defense Weekly ... FULL TEXT
Russia may build 3 nuclear plants in Iran
MOSCOW, June 28 (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin
gave the go-ahead on Monday for discussions with Iran on building three
nuclear power plants in that country, Interfax news agency said ... FULL
Iran welcomes British investment in oil
TEHRAN (June 28) XINHUA - Iran welcomes British companies to invest
in the country's oil sector, said an Oil Ministry official Monday. ... FULL
Iran, Saudi to compete for top OPEC job
DUBAI, June 27 (Reuters) - Iran said on Sunday it will put up a
candidate for the post of OPEC secretary-general, unleashing a battle with
powerhouse Saudi Arabia for the key post at the helm of the influential
oil cartel. ``Iran has a candidate for the position of OPEC secretary-general,''
an Iranian oil ministry source told Reuters ... FULL TEXT
lliance with Daimler Chrysler licensee
in Iran
June 28 /CNW-PRN/ - Alternative Fuel Systems Inc. (AFS) is pleased to announce
the signing of a detailed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the largest
diesel engine manufacturer in Iran. Iranian Diesel Engine Manufacturing
Company (IDEM) manufactures Mercedes Diesel Engines under license from Daimler
Chrysler. Daimler Chrysler has a 30% ownership interest in IDEM ... FULL

Iranians win Russian hearts
(Neshat) - Two Iranians have won top prizes in Russia; one for a short documentary
film and the other for his love & knowledge of Pushkin ... FULL TEXT
Navvab Safa's life story
(Neshat) - Esmail Navvab Safa, one of the top authoprities of Persian music,
has written an autobiography rich with memories of a long gone era ... FULL

Qermez o Aabi-yeteh
(Neshat) - Persepolis and Esteqlal move on to the next round of the elimination
Malekiyan proves himself
(Neshat) - Esteqlal's Fred (Fard?) Malekiyan scored two beautiful goals
against Nassaji, proving that the new Russian coach was right about his
Persian Service
$ Rate
Updated June 28
dollar now offered at 850-890 tomans in the U.S. and 900 tomans in Iran
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Iran at the
The Hermitage Museun in St. Petersburg has a great Iranian
art collection. Search for "Iran" and see about two dozen magnificent
Persian paintings.
Beyond Iran
and Archival Exhibitions on the Web
The Smithsonian Institution maintains an A-to-Z list of
online exhibitions created by libraries, archives, historical societies,
museums, et al.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Backward art
Cinema is the most atavistic and backward of all the arts.
Filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami
about a revolution, in pictures"
Financial Times
June 28, 1999
Photo of the Day

tons of drugs
Musician of the Week

* Parivash
* Biyaa biyaa keh sookhtam
* Menar jonboon
* Shaterbaashi
artists index |