
The time is now
A new beginning in Iran-U.S. relations
By Hooshang Amirahmadi
December 22, 2000
The Iranian
Two significant developments have increased Iran's stature in the world,
both of which will directly and positively affect U.S.-Iran relations.
One is the indigenous democratic movement; the other is the emergence of
a proactive Iranian diplomacy. These new developments are rock solid as
they are based on structural changes in the Iranian society and developments
globally. While the ongoing contest over the pace and extent of domestic
reforms is expected to dominate the national agenda in the immediate future,
foreign policy will increasingly assert its significance for the Islamic
Republic. No wonder that President Mohammad Khatami has made "dialogue
among civilizations" and "detente" the cornerstones of his
proactive foreign policy >>>

His red-robed highness
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets
By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian
Saving his gray-robed highness
Serial murders court to open
BBC Persian Service
Head of Tehran's Department of Justice rejected allegations of factional
tendencies in the Judiciary and among the judges. Abbas-Ali Alizadeh made
the remarks in a letter to the Head of the Judiciary in response to a letter
by the Association of Journalists in Tehran. In an interview with Reza
Alijani, journalist in Tehran; Maria Sarsalari asks how far Mr. Alizadeh's
remarks can convince the journalists >>>
Iran's Supreme Leader Pushes Boundaries of Authority
By Geneive Abdo
International Herald Tribune
December 21, 2000
TEHRAN The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, is
changing the nation's postrevolutionary history by expanding his divine
mandate to include the daily affairs of governing.
Since being appointed the supreme leader on the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini in 1989, Ayatollah Khamenei has extended his reach to include
the affairs of Parliament, the presidency and even the theological seminaries,
which long took pride in independence from government control >>>

Before and after
This beauty shop in Los Angeles does miracles >>>
Thanks to Sourena Mohammadi
More Letters
* Worst Muslims
Reza Shiraly writes:
Let's admit it. Wwe Iranians aren't the most obliging Muslims. Out
of all the one billion adherents of Islam, Iranians adhere to Islam the
least. The majority of us don't pray even once a day let alone five, and
most of us drink alcohol... The Islamic Republic didn't help our faith.
It damaged it >>>
* No monopoly on Iranianness
S. Mashadi writes: Mr.
Racial Cleanser ["Iran
has seen worse throughout history"],
You can certainly be gay and be Iranian. Certainly our history has had
its share of gay and khaajeh personalities. You can also be a Jew or an
Armenian and be Iranian. And guess what? You can be a woman and marry a
Black man and still be Iranian >>>
* Terrorize women if they date other races
Bahram writes:
Most Iranian girls I've known when I lived in the States were not decent
and many of them dated freely with Negros, and all the rest. The real concern
I have is that Iranians need to understand that our women need to get terrorized
the same way an Arab or a Paki would treat his sister or cousin for dating
anyone outside their races >>>
* Not exercising true journalism
Babak Aminian
writes: This is related to Ali Parsa's letter "A
lot of hypocrisy". I completely agree with him. He said it all
so well. I am very glad that finally someone brought this issue up.
Jahanshah Javid, I do have a lot of respect for you as a person. However,
your work as a true journalist, at times is very questionable >>>
* First Iranian cowboy
Darius Kadivar writes:
I liked your article ["Persia,
Iowa"]. It's really a curious coincidence to see a town in U.S.
called Persia. It's really a incredible to imagine that a compatriot immigrated
to the U.S. in 1882. This is really incredible and heart-warming.
I must note that an area southwest of Paris is also called Persia >>>
Wanted: Googoosh fans for TV interview
Channel 4 News in Britain is making a short film about the Iranian pop
star Googoosh and her London concert at Wembley Arena on Jan 6th 2001.
The film-makers are interested in interviewing a small number of her
most devoted fans who have special memories of Googoosh and her music.
We are particularly interested to hear from UK-based Iranians >>> DETAILS
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
What is it that brings delight to a face
And without it a face is sad and down?
One moment it's hidden, not to be found,
The next, out of nowhere, it's in your face.
* Also see more Rumi
Rumi book

The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi
By Frankin D. Lewis
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

US court orders Iran to pay 311 million
dollars for dissident's killing
Dec 21 (AFP) - A US court has ordered Iran to pay 311 million dollars to
the brother of a dissident murdered by Tehran agents in Paris 10 years ago.
Cyrus Elahi, a US citizen who was born in Iran, was gunned down in Paris
by Iranian secret agents in October 1990 as the Islamic Republic sought
to eliminate opposition at home and abroad, according to court documents
Russia's defense minister to visit Iran
December 26-28
Dec 22 (AFP) - Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev flies to Iran next
week on a controversial visit extending military cooperation between the
two states despite strong US objections, officials said here Friday. Leonid
Ivashov, head of foreign affairs in the Russian defense ministry, said that
Sergeyev's December 26-28 visit falls within all international commitments
to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction >>> FULL TEXT
Assad may visit Iran after Ramadan: Iranian
Dec 22 (AFP) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad may pay a visit to Iran
following the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends next week, an Iranian
diplomat here said Friday. "We have the promise of a visit after Ramadan,
but no date has yet been fixed," embassy counselor Massud Rahimi told
Iran set to welcome more wounded Palestinians
for medical care
Dec 21 (AFP) - Iran was set Thursday to accept another dozen Palestinians
coming to the Islamic republic for medical care after being wounded in the
almost three-month-old uprising against Israel, aid officials said. They
are due to arrive Thursday evening via Amman on the return flight of an
aircraft bringing some 30 tonnes of medical supplies and other humanitarian
aid for the Palestinians >>> FULL TEXT
Displaced Afghans flood into UN camps
The United Nations says thousands of Afghans,
displaced by severe drought in Afghanistan, are arriving at UN camps in
the western province of Herat in search of food and shelter. The UN says
thousands more are expected to arrive in these camps as winter progresses.
Meena Baktash looks into the current situation of Afghan refugees >>> LISTEN HERE
BBC Persian

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Quote Unquote
New beginning
The key point to stress is that we cannot be complacent
about recent positive changes in U.S.-Iran relations and cannot allow the
past to determine the future. We need a leap of faith and the times call
for a new beginning informed by a new vision.
-- Hooshang Amirahmadi, President of the American Iranian
time is now"
The Iranian
December 22, 2000
Photo of the Day

Day in Tehran
Iranian of the Day

Reza Rejaei, New Jersey

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Hosseynali Asgari
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