Feb 19-23, 2001 / Esfand 1-5, 1379
* Shah's general:
- No comparison
* Elaine Sciolino:
- More Iranian than most
* Art:
- Far from pretentious
* Sadaf Kiani:
- Qovat-e qalb
* Googoosh:
- Not Enrique Iglesias
* Esmail Nooriala:
- Better poem
* Identity:
- Big deal!
* The Iranian:
- Hooked
* Art:
- Buoyancy of spirit
* Sadaf Kiani:
- Unusual talent
- Ghalam-e saadeh vali...
* Food:
- Gross me out
* Model:
- Oy vey!
* Persia, Iowa:
- Sad, in a way
- Stop and say hi sometime
* Revolution:
- Will not look the other way
- Your idea of a good leader?
* organization:
- Divided we fall
- Join Persian Watch Cat
email us
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February 23, 2001
* No comparison
While I respect every person's right to their opinion, I find a disturbing
double-standard in the author's treatment of history ["The
general's widow"]. It is utterly abject to treat General Rahimi's
story with such emotion and sensation while the by-orders-of-magnitude
less guilty and less-deserving-of-execution Dr. Fatemi receives an oh-so-sorry-it-happened
mention sprinkled with the "dasto-del-bAziyeh AryAmehri" to his
widow. How convenient and liberating >>>
Aref Erfani
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* More Iranian than most
Elaine Sciolino is a renowned expert on Iran. I consider her more an
Iranian than most Iranians. Recently, I have heard a few derogatory comments
about her works, in plural. I personally will halt effective immediately,
association, affiliation, and contributions in any manner to any organisations
that are the self-serving rogue origin of such comments and strongly urge
you to as well >>>
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* Far from pretentious
I know some of the guys in the paintings by Mani Gholami ["Happy"].
They are art students. You are right. These paintings are very close to
that hidden world of Iranian "in-door" life. In this sense they
are far from the pretentious style of other Iranian contemporary painters.
Sourena Mohammadi
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* Qovat-e qalb
Faghat meekhaastam begam keh shomaa behtareh keh bedaaneed that kesaani
mesleh man hastand keh daayem montazereh nevesh-tehaayeh shomaa dar Iranian.com
hastim ["Sadaf Kiani"].
Ravesheh neveshtehaayeh shomaa vaaghe-an beh del meesheeneh va daleeleh
asleesho ham nemeedoonam. Please please injoor neveshtan raa edaameh daheed.
Man dar Dallas, Texas hastam va goftam shaayad qovateh qalb begeereed keh
bedooneed dar injaa ham taraf-daar daareed keh bi-sabraaneh montazereh
nevesh-tehaayeh jadeedetoon hastand.
E. Salehi
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February 22, 2001
* NOT Enrique Iglesias
I thought I should bring to your attention a mistake regarding Enrique
Iglesias and Googoosh's song "Baavar Kon'". This
performance is not by Enrique Iglesias but by an Armenian artist called
Vatche who resides in Los Angeles. and recorded a CD of "21 European
Favorites" in 1998 (Talpete Ent.). The song "Bavarkon" is
#21 on this album consisting of many Italian, French and Spanish songs.
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* Better poem
When I read Esmail Nooriala's poem "Baar-e
digar, Bahman!" I wrote something better >>>
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* Big deal!
I love Tennis and Andre Agassi as a tennis player. I don't know if he
is really offended by his father's Iranian origin or not ["Just
don't do it"]. Big deal!
For God's sake his father moved to the U.S. about what? Half a century
ago? Married an American, had kids! And Andre became such a great athlete
in America. He has never been in Iran and most likely he will never go.
Let's just admire him as one of the greatest tennis player ever and
let him deal with his origin himself. And let's not be offended by his
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* Unusual talent
Sadaf Kiani's works
are excellent. She is an extraordinary writer whose works reveal unusual
Mehran Shahidehpour
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* Hooked
You guys are doing an incredible job with this site. My husband, even
though he is American, is totally hooked on your site!
Sholeh Cooper
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February 21, 2001
* Buoyancy of spirit
These painting ["Happy"]
have the quality they do, most likely because they are painted from family
photos. People posing for pictures tend to put on their best smiles...
they want to be remembered in a certain way. The paintings also have an
"innocent" or "naive" quality to them because of the
childlike brushwork. Overall they do have a certain buoyancy of spirit.
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* Sad, in a way
I just read you little article about Persia,
Iowa. I, too, am from Persia, the Iowa town. I, too, am a journalist
by training. I spent a few years as a farm magazine editor and the past
20 working in corporate communications.
When I was growing up in Persia, it was a nice, active town (1954 -
72). There were three grocery stores, a hardware store, two gas stations,
two farm grain elevators, a lumberyard, two barbers, three bars, etc. The
town had a school high on the hill >>>
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* Stop and say hi sometime
Hello! We remember you. We were looking on the Persia web site and saw
the pictures that you took in Persia, Iowa. And that is where we are from.
Stop back and say hi sometime -- if you are passing through.
Jennifer Crozier
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* Divided we fall
A well meaning group of individuals formed a group for the benefit of
the whole. But it seems their disunity brought about by the probable clash
of opinions and egos might put an end to a great effort ["Power
of one"].
May I suggest that these individuals of capacity take cue from a certain
persecuted and outlawed religious minority in Iran and learn from their
administrative principles of respect, sacrifice, consultation and unity
Faryar Mansuri
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February 20, 2001
* Will not look the other way
Ms. Fariba Amini indicated ["Monarchist
fascists"] that I have not grasped the essence of her article
father's sins"]. Nonsense. Revolution, as it turned out, was a
massive criminal act and a treason against the Iranian nation. This catastrophe
was committed by the former revolutionaries and their blind supporters.
I will not look the other way for the sake of dialogue. As far as I am
concerned, until this fact is acknowledged, there is nothing to talk about
Khosrow Moniri
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* Your idea of a good leader?
Mr. Moniri ["Shah's
mistake: Didn't shoot rebels"], I just hope there are not many
Iranians who think like you do. Why are you filled with such haterd towards
your own people and towards freedom? Your idea of a good leader is one
who imprisons and shoots his opposition?
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* Join Persian Watch Cat
I am a member of Persian
Watch Cat, like six hundred other Iranian/Americans and in that capacity,
do not represent the group or speak for the group and only represent myself.
There have been many letters published in Iranian.com recently both
pro and against actions of PWC. I don't want to bring yet another view
to that discussion, but only try to encourage Iranian/Americans to join
PWC >>>
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* Ghalam-e saadeh vali shegeftaavar
Khaanome Sadaf Kiani Abbassian,
tabrik migam bekhaatere in ghalame saade vali shegefte shomaa. va yaa in
aakhari "Paalto
khaakestari" ke manro cheghadr teshne sarmaa va barfe emsaale
tehraan kard - haminjaa beonvaane jomle mo'tareze begam ke neveshtehaaye
shomaa betarze gharibi baraaye kasaani ke dar vatan nistan haalo havaa
va shoore digei daare chon khode shomaa engaar hesse nostaalogike ghaviei
daarin! >>>
Reza Kazemzadeh
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* Gross me out
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee! Can we have some more decent recipes ["Persian
cooking"] that someone might want to make, like some of the normal
khoreshts, some cookies or something. Gross me out.
Iran Javid Fulton
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* Oy vey!
Oy vey! That is positively the UGLIEST supermodel I have ever seen ["Shiraz"].
Nariman Neyshapouri
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February 19, 2001
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