Death to Sparta...
The film does portray the Persians as barbarians but the Spartans are hardly portrayed as civilised April 12, 2007
Iran frees British sailors, demonstrating that the spirit of Norooz is still alive and well
April 4, 2007
Hostages and hospitality
The truth is the Revolutionary Guards were bored
April 3, 2007
Part 6
As Asgar picked up a ripe plum to eat and wrapped his hand around it, the plum slipped straight out of his hand and flew at Asal's face
October 18, 2005
Part 5
He imagines under-age blondes running their hands through the Persian rug on his chest
May 4, 2005
Part 4
Asgar was coming for khastegari. But Maryam needed to see Valentino one last time
April 22, 2005
Part 3
It starts with a caress and ends in bliss.
Our eyes meet as I graze your lips.
April 14, 2005
Part 2
Passion inspired by the most traditional and sacred of Persian instruments: the Yamaha keyboard
April 8, 2005
Part 1
He imagines under-age blondes running their hands through the Persian rug on his chest
March 30, 2005