Be reasonable

An Iranian Baha'i's letter to President Ahmadinejad


Be reasonable
by Avid Reader

President Ahmadinejad,

I am writing this letter to you as an ordinary member of the Baha'i' faith.  Due to religious persecution of Baha'i's in Iran, I have lived abroad since 1980.

During your visit to the U.S. in October of this year, you were asked about the plight of the Baha'i's of Iran, specifically as it relates to of the concept of “Freedom of Religion”.  In both cases, your paraphrased response was as follows:

“In Iran, there are 3 officially recognized religions; Judaism, with Moses as the founder, Christianity with Jesus as the founder and Islam, with Mohammad as its founder”.  Your response implicitly indicated that the Baha'i' faith does not exist or is not recognized as a religion in Iran.  Interestingly enough, you failed to mention the Zorasterian faith which far out dates Christianity in Iran and some believe to be the oldest formalized religion in our country.

The second time you were posed with this question, you went a bit further asking the questioner who was the founder of the Baha'i' faith, when did he declare his message and what was his holy book.

Mr. President, as you well know, there are over 6.5 million Baha'i's in the world; more than Jews and Zorasterians combined.  There is no one country that has a great majority of its population consisting of Baha'is.  We reside in every country in every continent of this globe.  In over 90% of non Islamic countries, the Bahai faith is recognized as a religion and the Baha'is of said countries enjoy the freedoms offered to all its citizen equally.  Additionally, the United Nations recognizes the Baha'i' faith as a major religion and we are involved in humanitarian work in NGOs along side people of other faiths.  

Before continuing, I would like to remind you of the definition of “Freedom”.  Religious freedom means that citizens of a country have the right to worship God in the manner they choose.  It does not mean that ONLY RELIGIONS ACCEPTED BY YOUR GOVERNMENT are to be practiced by the citizens of your country.  You should not put yourself between God and man.  That is not a mission nor a station for you or any mortal man.

Secondly, it is somewhat well known that you and many of your advisors have been and are still invloved in an organization called the “Anjomane' Tablighate Islami”.  The major if not the sole purpose of this organization was/is the study and subsequent refutation of the teachings of the Baha'i' faith.  Many members of your organization had read more about the Baha'i' faith than perhaps some actual Baha'i's.  Therefore, I find it hard to believe that you, as an academically educated Iranian with ties to the “Anjomane' Tablighate Islami”not knowing that Baha'u'lla'h was the founder of the Baha'i' faith and that he declared his station and mission in mid 1800s.

At the outside chance that you had not known about Baha'u'lla'h, and his message of “Unity of Mankind” until now, I have summarized his teachings below.  In addition to the following main tenants, obedience to government and non-involvement in partisan politics is another one of teachings of our faith:

1) Unity of God
2) Unity of religions
3) Unity of mankind
4) Equality of sexes
5) Harmony of science and religion
6) Independent investigation of truth
7) Progressive revelation (every several centuries, God sends new messengers for continued spiritual education of man)
8) Elimination of all prejudices
9) Elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty
10)  Universal compulsory education
11)  Universal auxilliary language
12)  Establishment of Universal Peace

I am certain that these principles are in line with the ideals and goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

God willing, next time you are posed with a legitimate question regarding the religious rights of the Baha'i's you will give a more reasonable response.

With regards,

An Iranian Baha'i' living in the U.S.



what is so hypocritical in

by Hypocrite! (not verified) on

what is so hypocritical in asking some one to stop bullying you, persecuting you, taking away your livelihood, imprisoning you and executing you? Our holy places were built when the land was palestine not Israeal. would you say that Bahais would have been safe if the place was still Palestine? I very much doubt that!

Bahais are being treated unfairly in Iran, how is it wrong to ask the government of Iran to treat all its citizens with equality?
It is not any other but Iran. It would be hypocritical to believe in fairness and equality and not to demand it from those who deny you of it. The political conflicts do not play a role here for us. We are respectfully asking for our rights in our place of birth. What is so wrong with that?
It is not any place but Iran where we have no rights!
God loves all


mass delusion

by awake (not verified) on

it is called Progressive revelation.
your 1st grade teacher although he or she could, would only teach you concept of numbers and then of course when and if you progress there would be algebra, calculus and so on as long as you develop capacity to understand more! Other wise the prophets would not promise you a constant return but funny they all did and they will continue to do so, regardless of those without capacity. the revelations and manifestations in this eternal circle will guide you, invite you to realms eternally unfolding by the eternal God. His knowledge will progressively is revealed and is the source of spiritual renewal after the withering of previous one.
If you find that funny, I find it amazing that despite such vehement, urgent need of true revival from the eternal source, some sit so oblivious of self in this place of opportunity!
I do agree with the wake up call!


Your problem is . . .

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

You are still a rotten muslim. Once a monkey always a monkey - you can call it wahbi, shia, sunni, goh, anh, gooz, sufi, it is all Islam and it is all rotten.

Bahaollah was another nut job muslim claiming he was the hidden kosskhol Imam.



by Anonymous-haha (not verified) on

anonymous-13237890, are you that retarded to assume anyone who questioned Israel's actions as somehow in link with IR.If that is so,since you travel a lot to Israel with no problem, I assumed you must be a bloodthirsty zionist stalwart. Israel came to existence in the most brutal way - without the permission of the native people who were expelled from their lands and by the vote of 33 nations that had nothing to do with ME. My point is this -Bahais are hypocrite to demand equality when they support a nation that persecute Palestinians. Bahais are hypocrites to bash IR for its crime but are silent when it comes to the crime of Israel.


Unity in diversity

by Tahirih (not verified) on

We have to learn to enjoy and celebrate our differences .So to those foul mouthed writers,God has spoken and the law is "unity in diversity".Go and find out the meaning.


It is not the religion we

by mass paranoia (not verified) on

It is not the religion we must blame but our blind following of the self appointed leaders and clergy who by the power given to them by blind imitators,
have afflicted us with mass paranoia.
There are good Moslems, Christians, Jews ... who follow with sincerity the dictate of their conscience and logic and actually read their book and meditate on their own believes.
Unfortunately it has become our second nature to voice superstitions and false beliefs devoid of any thought processes. this is brainwash and nothing else. when a person stops forward positive thinking
and resorts to contention
he has effectively denied himself of the benefits of the worlds of humanity how much less the divine world!
then promptings of shear ignorance,
will lead him to the grim world he actively imagines.
No religion tells one to be mindless.
If it is difficult to be a religionist it should be
plausible to try to be a human being who is endowed to show concern, consideration, and humanity.
We are capable of that and God loves us all.
God loves us all keep that in mind at all times, and cling to it as if you would to your life line.


Oh no! Yet one more religion!

by Mass_Delusion (not verified) on

That's exactly what we need, one more religion!!
As if we don't have enough already. Specially this one which has British(design) finger prints all over it! Folks wake up.
Funny thing, so they believe god sends a new prophet every couple of centuries!! Ha .. ha
Let me guess who is the recent one! hummmm!
Lets see, Madona? Ahmadinejad himself?! GW?

Did you say one of the principles is: "obedience to government"?!! and that is unconditionally?!
My fellow Iranian, you consider that a plus for your faith and a selling point?! People on this site are MUCH more educated and smart to accept this kind of nonesense!!
best wishes...


I am Iranian ...

by True Iranian ... (not verified) on

I am first an Iranian & second a Moslem. (I know, that by itself is a massive contridiction...) I have some very close friends that are Baha'i. They are the nicest people & I respect them highly for the way they live & practice their peaceful lives ... As an Iranian, I am very ashamed of what has happened & still happening to them inside IRAN ... After all, True Iranians/ Persians follow the first declaration of Human Rights ( including Freedom of Religion)that was rewarded to us by Cyrus & Dariush ...
After all that has been happening to Iranians of every religion in the past 29 years, I am officially denouncing the criminal acts of Islamic Republic against Human Rights & seriously questioning the Islamic Faith that they are preaching & practicing...
May God bless Iranians & the whole world ...


To Jerk

by anonymous-13247890 (not verified) on

No, I am not a jew. the last time I checked, I gave up on all religions but I have a Muslim family. I hope that clear things up. You talk like a fascist, you must be listening to Mahmmud a lot and your brain has rotted. The plight of Palestinians is important and needs to be resolved but people like you won't be able to solve it. As far as I am concerned you can go and take a very long walk on a very short pier. No one will miss you.


What to be and What not to be!!!

by give us peace O Lord (not verified) on

The teachings of the Bahai faith is exactly what Iran and our hamvatans need in order to rehabilitate, morally, spiritually.... Yet so ironically we deny ourselves the medicine we so most urgently need, the wisdom, the insight, the peace the inner strength the dignity the maturity, the respect the integrity the character and most of all the faith and the trust we so desperately need to sustain us day and night.
If a cult can produce these then that is a true religion told of in all scriptures.
As for those who slander consider their plight, their accomplishments and the fruit of their lives. Ye shall know the tree by its fruit.
What do you want the fruit of your life to be.
I give you respect, peace and freedom to choose
You are my best friend. I will live next to you and walk with you and will be your faithful friend. I will not humiliate you i will not oppress you or burden your family. I will give your children the peace I am given. I will be with you as i have been, i am your faithful friend. I am a Bahai.
Be fair to yourself, be sincere with yourself be kind to yourself. Don't worry about those who have been denied goodness.
"peace be upon him who followeth the right path"


from Victoria canada

by hajiagha on


we have so many rich Bahai in Victoria canada and I can not remmbers one of them try to help me? for a job or seat and have coffe they not so friendly people ?


To Person who wrote message to ha ha

by UjerkOff (not verified) on

if you go to Israel all the time you must be a Jew so of course you have no problem in Israel, Daaaaaaaaaaa, you dick.
and if you're not a Jew, why would you go there and support that apartheid system?

oh yea, we don't know shit and you do.

stop supporting people who are the most racist, cunning, deceiving, lying, money grabbing, land grabbing, baby killing bastards on earth.


Message to haha

by anonymous-13247890 (not verified) on

haha, I think you work for Iranian embassy or you are a loony like your boss Mahmood. I travel to Israel all the time for business and I do not have any problem with them and I am not a Bahai. Now, eat that you little brain washed character. If you want to do something for Palestinian, I suggest you get engaged with both sides and try to help them rather than fuel it with your little hate actions. Arabs tried for over fifty years to solve this problem by force and they couldn't now a genius like you think he/she can do it using old tactics. grow up.


So Baha'is have some of

by Anonymous-fair (not verified) on

So Baha'is have some of their holy places in Israel (Which used to be Palestine at that time)- hence they are accused of supporting Israel.

Muslims have some of their holy places in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Jeruslem, does this mean than Iranian Muslims are supporting these countries?

Thanks for being fair


There are some interesting

by Anonymous-Sydney (not verified) on

There are some interesting views here. For the record, Bahai's population in Iran is more than any other minor religious group in Iran not in the world. And 2ndly, we don't support Israel or any other government as the matter of fact. Baha'i Faith is a spiritual religion not a political one. Followers of Baha'i Faith are strongly discouraged to involve themselves in Politics or associate with any Political Factions, Governments or Groups. The essence of politics (arguments, opposition and conflicts) is against the principals of the Baha'i Faith, Which are Love, Harmony and the fact that we are all from one source.



by mamaleey (not verified) on

if you are an american stating that you should return your citizenship certification to wal-mart and buy your self a big loly-pop and suck on it!!!because you are nothing but a stupid SOB!!!!?


Bahai's are Cultist

by Anonymous112 (not verified) on

i agree with john Wayne, please stop , these people are brainwashed by the Brits and the yanks to create friction in Iran.

yeah, and also why do they support Israeli with their apartheid system. oh yea, they are so nice , i guess as long as you're not Palestinian or Iranian Muslim they are nice to you.

plzzzzzzzzzzz, don't believe these guys.


The Baha'i Faith is bunch of crap -

by john wayne (not verified) on

There is no such a thing as Baha'i as a religion. it's a cult pure and simple.
oh, i agree. the message is all good until they ask all of you to drink the Kool-Aid just like in jonestown Guyana (that is where the followers of Pastor Jones committed suicide, just like Scientology and so many other cults.
you guys complain about persecution in Iran, wow, how do you think people in this country feel about cults? Americans view, Mormonism as a cult imagine what they think about you bunch of loonies.

when are you Bahai's going to meet the mothership behind the moon. (i think is already there waiting for you .. maybe you're waiting for the kool-aid)

Cult, cult, cult. that is all you are. why don't you admit it.


Extreme form of stupidity

by Farzad (not verified) on

We have supported Saudis with our hard earned dollar for over centuries with our Hajj. It wasn't long time ago that they massacred over 400 Iranian pilgrims and every year Iranians are being harassed by the Saudi forces at the time of pilgrimage.


extreme form of hypocrisy

by Anonymous-haha (not verified) on

It's an extreme form of hypocrisy when Bahais demanded Muslims and Christians to accept them when Bahais will travel with glee to Israel and support the persecution of Muslims and Chrisians.

It's like having your shrine built in Apartheid South Africa and demanding the Blacks to accept you.


may i ask

by Anonymous-haha (not verified) on

what's the position of Bahais regarding the I/P conflict? The reason I am asking is because Husayn-Ali seeked refuged in another Muslim land, back then Palestine which is now the modern day Israel. Since Bahais travel to Israel to visit the Shrine in Mount Carmel, Haifa, I am just curious - does Bahaism support Israel?

If so, Bahaism is supporting the expulsion of 750,000 Arabs ( Muslims and Christians alike )from their land and the daily discriminations and persecutions of Muslims and Christians.

Can I show sympathy to Bahais then?



by bfellini on

That was a fantastic letter, unfortunately this regime will never accept anything like the Baha’i Faith. Think of what the ramifications would be for them. In the west I think we forget that the Islamic Rep. of Iran like the former Soviet Union has to keep there party lines, in order to survive. I’m not sure why we think we can over turn these ideas. Worst yet we get upset when a person like Ahmadinejad gives the world his parties rhetoric. Is their really an expectation that he or any other Iranian official should say otherwise or
”change” their ideas?  I hope the best for all Iranians and pray that one day our culture will get out of its self imposed ignorance.



by Alireza Sefati (not verified) on

also // if you live in US


A Question

by anonymous-13247890 (not verified) on

Iranians are Iranians and I am proud of each and everyone of them and respect them no matter what their personal belief is. Would you be kind enough to direct me to some websites so I can learn more about Bahais. I am just wondering what is it that Bahais stand for that is so wrong that the regime is so steadfastly try to silence it. I have never heard a Bahai to start a riot or take a gun against Mullahs government. So what is it that ticks of these clowns in the regime to behave so badly. Thanks in advance.


Excellent letter

by Ari (not verified) on

Dear Avid:

You wrote an excellent letter. May I suggest one thing. The next time, if ever, Ahmadinejad comes to the New York, for the annual United Nations meeting, you should come and speak with him directly on this matter! I am not kidding or joking. A private one on one meeting. This is a crucial topic and I have many Ba'hai friends who love Iran and many of their family member have still remained in Iran because of the love for their mother land.

I don't know much about the Bah'ai faith unfortunately, thank you for educating me. But all of the tenants that you described about the Bah'ai faith are equal to that of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other peace loving religions. Iran is a country for all people, from all ethnic and religious backgrounds. You are all our countrymen and country women, with absolutely no distinction that makes any one of us better than the other. Iran is one nation for all of its people!



by ahvazi on

Our bahai hamvatans will live in an Iran where you are "judged not by your religion but by the content of your character"

Ben Madadi

6.5 million???

by Ben Madadi on

That many? Can you show any serious source for this? That's quite a lot. And, yes, Jews are far more numerous than 6-7 million. There are, I think, about 8 million Jews in the US only.


Good one, one mindor mistake.

by Alireza Sefati (not verified) on

Good article. I really express my support for our Bahai Hamvatas. There is however one mistake: "there are over 6.5 million Baha'i's in the world; more than Jews and Zorasterians combined"

From what I know, Jewish population is something near 12 million in the world. Not sure of Zorostian. Perhaps the write was pointing out the Iranian Bahai Population?