Destroying Iran

Shortcomings of extremist secular nationalism


Destroying Iran
by heshtherest

Today, a great many Iranian opposition blogs and websites trumpet the secular nationalist ideology as the flag of opposition to the current Islamist government of Iran. The pre-historic glory of Persepolis is the other component to the complex Persian/Islamic binary of modern Iran. In its extreme form, this ideology is harshly anti-Islamic, denouncing the current IRI servants of the Arabs who have forced the yoke of Islam upon the Persian masses who would yearn to cast off this alien ideology. Such rhetoric may serve well in riling up opposition to the current government, but it is grossly inaccurate in its analysis of Iranian society and politics.

The monarchist camp of the secular opposition yearns for the days of the Shah, and the more ambitious among them even push for war against Iran. They argue, in a very Chalabist fashion, that the masses of Iranians are awaiting liberation, and they would brave a bloody invasion if it spelled the end of the Mullah’s regime in Tehran. Of course, this camp is well out of tune with the majority of the Iranian public, just as Chalabi was with the Iraqi public. An invasion of Iran would be a lose-lose situation for all parties involved, and most of all for Iranians themselves. A fracturing of Iran in the style of Iraq would result in almost immediate chaos, destroying Iran from the inside.

The retaliation of a dying IRI would probably consist of the mobilization of Iraqi Shia and Lebanese groups against American and Israeli interests, which would probably lead to another disproportionate counter-retaliation by Israel. A crippled Iran would also invite the presence of unwanted Arab (and other) Sunni extremists, eager to push the dagger of Salafi Islam into the heart of the Shia Muslim world. One can easily imagine hoards of eager young Egyptian and Saudi Arabian jihadists lining up to be recruited in the battle against Shia ‘Safawis’. In addition, there would be inevitable that the Americans and Israelis will encourage a tide of ethnic separatism to undermine Iranian unity. It has already been postulated that Israel is training Kurdish troops in the case of war against the Iranian government. Kurds, Baluchis, Khuzestani Arabs, and perhaps even Azeris could be goaded into seeking independence and destroying the unity of the nation known today as Iran.

The monarchist camp is doing a great disservice to Iran by pushing for war, but their image of a postwar Iran is also one that is highly unfeasible. On the extremist anti-Islamic fringe of this group lies a group that imagines an Iran free of Islam (“the ideology of doom”). I do not argue here whether or not Islam has been beneficial or damaging during the course of Iranian history. I do argue that it is impossible to erase Islamic identity from current Iranian identity.

Perhaps the majority of Los Angeles and North Tehrooni bourgeoisie has cast off this ‘backward’ ideology, but the fact remains that the great majority of Iranians are devout Muslims, and even in a postwar era would probably demand a government based on Islamic principles. The secular nationalist dream of an American style democratic and totally secular government in Iran is quite a far-fetched one. Rather, it is more reasonable to push for a pluralist democratic government that is partly based on religious principles, in much the fashion that Iraq is doing today.

At the heart of the extreme secular nationalist push for war with Iran lies the assumption that the American government holds the interest of Iranian people in high priority and is only antagonistic towards the Islamic regime that not only presents a danger to the world but to its own people. But this is not the case, as America has acted against universal Iranian interests often. In addition to having overthrowing Iran’s nascent democracy in 1953 and imposing a dictator, America also supported Iraqis in their disastrous invasion of Iran, in which chemical weapons were used on Iranian civilians (at which point America turned a blind eye).

Today, America is supporting groups that it itself deems terrorist groups to undermine Iran, and is refusing Iran the right to create nuclear energy, even though it just endorsed Egypt’s program (and let’s not forget that the leader of the Sept 11 terrorists was Egyptian, not Iranian). The Iranian government sent a memo in 2003 laying everything on the table in exchange for a security guarantee and the end of support for the MEK, and somehow, the American government refused. Iranians cannot rely on Americans to protect Iranian interests, and therefore should not push for America to change Iran’s regime. Since 1979, the IRI has done great damage to Iran, demoting it to a state not to be taken seriously in the modern world. There is no doubt that something has to change in Iranian governance, but this change must come from within, not without.



When you don't know enough

by XerXes (not verified) on

Jamshid...Dear friend. I can agree that IRI has issues, but you can't agree that your president Bush has raped innocent people? Can you sit there comfortability and just talk from your ass about how civilized America is and how horrifying Iranians are? Do you know what this country has done to the world? If I am blind to the crimes of IRI, you are to the crimes of US, so where does that leave YOU? This is a fight that you can't understand because you are full of hate, I have the same problem with the Americans who are mostly lived in the mid west..I just wrote this in other site and repeat it here. Then you are on your own. Before I go, Please go read any history books about Iran from at least 200 years to today so you get a bit more information about my country. (No wonder LA/Tehrangeles has become the joke of the Iranians all over the world, even in Iran)
Iranian sickos are those who can't imagine Iran a modern city, progressive people and educated crowd, and recently the Super Power of the region. Just because you are against the regime doesn't give you guys right to be against the people of Iran and their accomplishments. I don't get it. Can anyone spell Khaen? Don't like the government then fight against it. Go demonstrate or write blogs and inform the world about the Iranian human rights violations but please stop acting like bunch of stupid non Iranians who just hate to hear anything good about Iran. Even during the Shah when the socialists or any oppositions that hated the Shah would hear about the Iranian progress would've made them happy. Because they were patriotic, you guys are just unbelievable. Unbelievable.Here are my reasons:
-None of you want to help Iran in ANY POSSIBLE FORM
-None of you want to put your life in danger
-none of you want to start a revolt
-none of you want to fight for Iran
-none of you want to live in Iran (regardless of regime)
-none of you know Iran
-Most of you have forgotten to speak proper Persian
But all of you know how to solve the Iranian problems. Prescribe democracy for the people and some even go as far as saying BOMB Iran so the Mullas can go!!!!
What's wrong with the Iranian community in the US. I just don't understand Iranian American culture at ALL. God saves us all.


Tazo or Taazi, but please don't pick a fight with Arabs

by Amir Khosrow Sheibany (not verified) on

The author writes:

"Rather, it is more reasonable to push for a pluralist democratic government that is partly based on religious principles".

So.. after 30 years the opponents of Mohamad-Reza Shah Pahlavi want to establish the very same political system that ‘His Imperial Majesty’ wished to impose on the country.

Notice, there is no mention of a 'National Referendum under International Observation", the main thrust of the Monarchist political strategy these last few decades. This would allow Iranian's themselves to determine if they want 'partly Islamic principles' or not..

Instead we are told Iranian Nationalist call the clergy and their collaborators "Arabs" and suggesting an animosity toward the Arabs that amount to animosity to most of our neighbouring countries. Then the author goes off scaremongering, and raising the prospect of the same Arab’s neighbours attacking us in possible future scenario.

May I suggest as many Arab’s are friends of Iran, and Iranian’s, that we label the clergy and their ‘political base’ as Taazi’s or if you prefer Tazi’s. That way we move one step forward and can get to the bottom of what and who is the real threat to Iran and the Iranian people. Foreigners, or the mullahs and their thugs and bankers?


Re: XerXes

by jamshid on

I read your comment. Do not even start to compare the Iranian and American governments. At the very least in here they don't stone women to death and they don't execute children. They don't tell you what to wear either. There is a large middle class in the US, unlike in Iran whose middle class is virtually wiped out. There are many other reasons why the government in the US should not be compared with the one in Iran. YOU LIVING HERE INSTEAD OF IRAN SPEAKS VOLUMES ABOUT YOUR HYPOCRISY.


Then you say "Iran is much more free than you think" Tell that to the guy who is being tortured in your IRI prisons and the others who are being hanged for the crime of wanting freedom, while YOU are loafing off in the USA.




Dear Author

by Face it (not verified) on

You are very naive, and I was right to say that deep inside you, maybe unknowingly, you are an islamic fanatic (that is a fan for no logical reason). As a proud Iranian, I want the BEST of everything for my country, let it be from iran, us, europe, or the surface of the moon. Unfortunately, an objective study of the past 28 years shows us that the preached islam has had nothing to offer, even in the worst days of our history; and had nothing to offer in the past 1400 years beyond what iran could do without islam, as it did in 1100 years prior to islam. So, you see, you are an ideologue for no reason, that is called a fanatic; or maybe you don't see what mullas have done to my country. You have not shown any evidence that islam can help us getting out of this mess, and you have forgotten that when your Emam was lining up our youth by hundreds to be shot, some for nothing but for insulting him, none of the ayatollahs, who had spent their whole life studying islam, had the guts, the courage, the basic humanity, or any primitive form of morality to face him, and at least to challenge your Emam to stop the mass murders. They were a bunch of cowards, looking only after their own interests: selling after-life with 72 virgins for cash in this life. And may I remind you that your "extremist nationalists" have not harmed a fly in the past 28 years. And even before that, if you consider Pahlavis as nationalists (which I don't), they did not harm nearly as many innocents as your Emam murdered, and none were 13-14-15-16-17-year old girls. And you are wrong about religiosity of iranians; those days are long gone; today people as a whole are not religious at all since they have learned that religion is only means of oppression and tool of deceit. A truly religious person would go home and pray to god and avoid harming any individual for any reason, lest he ends up in hell, rather than selling people the heaven by force and murder, and owning the wealth of the country, while our beautiful and hungry children sell flowers, fale-hafez, and likes, in the streets for lousy 5 cents (50 tomans) instead of attending school. Enjoy the doings of your pure mohammadian islamic government here:


Kamagir I have a question

by XerXes (not verified) on

Based on your logic, do you think the election in the United States of America is free? Anyone can run? Even those who are Jewish, Muslim, Non Christian, or as the Americans call them Commo_s? Come on man. The freedom of election that you are thinking doesn't exist. i have lived in the United States for about 15 years and have not heard a free media. All directed news. Have you ever wonder why all of them sound the same. In Iran they criticize the governments and Ahmadinejad much more than they do Bush in this country. I might have disagreements with the Islamic Republic but one must be fair. You are fed up with Iranian regime and religion, don't say "People of Iran" and talk from them. You don't know that. Iranians are Muslim...They believe in 12 Imams. That's it. And Iran is much more free than you think. Any government in Iran today would have killed whoever opposed it, because we were and are not ready for democracy. Islamic Republic is much more popular than you think. They can bring the people to the streets that Shah could've ever dreamed of. Man go to Iran, not Northern Tehran, visit Tabriz, Urumiyeh, Gilan, Yazd, Kashan, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kerman, Mashad and tell me that the Iranians are not religious people. Wow you guys are just far far away from Iran.


Re: heshtherest

by Kamangir on

heshtherest, if you have read through the subjects I have written in the Blog, as you claim,  you'll notice that several are against military action against Iran (the one I titled 'breaking the hormat') and the last one titled 'Rule of law or revenge' which is about the negative sides of starting a revengful bloodshed against the current regime and its members once they lose power (for the sake of civility and our own hormat) The only reason I'm mentioning these two, is because I do see it as very possible event in the future. Regarding your article, you titled it 'extremist nationalists' or something like that. You used words lile 'north tehrooni bourgeoisie' and 'los angelesi' in a manner that suggests that you are no keen on their way of thinking and living. The most interesting part of your article is the following: The secular nationalist dream of an American style democratic and totally secular government in Iran is quite a far-fetched one. Rather, it is more reasonable to push for a pluralist democratic government that is partly based on religious principles, in much the fashion that Iraq is doing today. Which, is simply unbeliavable and bizarre. You claim that the vast majority of Iranians are devote muslims. Are you fine?  so you think that only the north tehrooni and losangelesi are secular and non-religious Iranians and that's it. This is the retoric of Ahmadinejad and his gang. They seem to only see their own backward circle of religious families. You are asking why the 'majority' of iranians chose ahmadinejad. Are you serious? do you really think the majority chose him?  There're no real or free elections in Iran, only a bunch of pro-regime candidates chosen by another bunch of religious gang. The ones who voted for him were the poor classes (and usually in Iran that means religious, supertcious, sector) of the society who again just as they did in 1979 were impressed by 'cheap oil, and food and lack of corruption promises'. It's amazing that you living in the West, think the way you do. Iran is NOT iraq. Iran is fed up with religion mainly because neither Saddam nor any other Arabic or muslim nation has supressed so much its population (and please don't bring in the Saudis, as they have never had any freedom). Iranians have lived through it day by day for the last 29 years. Perhaps you were refering to the 'minority' who voted for the jackass of antarinejad, perhaps you're talking about the minority of true muslims in Iran, perhaps you think your own kind are the majority (which is quite bizarre!)  For whatever reason, you don't seem to be against the Islamo-fascist regime or the islamo-backward sector of the iranian population. You seem to hold a grudge against north tehrooni and losanegelesi, why? aren't you too living in the West, enjoying the freedom your people have been denied? tell me, WHY DID YOU LEAVE IRAN? PLEASE TELL US WHY YOU ARE LIVING IN THE WST ALONG WITH LOS ANGELESIS. Although i know the answer. The expression 'arabzade' or eslamzade, is similar to what the IRI (and its fans)use when referring to normal Iranians calling the 'gharbzade' therefore please start getting used to it, as this expression best describes what you and others like yoursef actually are. Just as we got used to hearing, 'taghooti' (which I think none of you even knows what it means) just as we got used to expressions such as 'gharbzadeh' you and others will get used to the expression 'arabzade'.


Dear IVY leaguer

by masoudA on

You wrote this article to share your thoughts and maybe to educate - yet hopefuly you learned a lot here.   

Best Wishes





by heshtherest on

Yes jamshid, i hear your message. I think I'm about to wet my pants. What're they gonna do to me?

Oh by the way, on what charges are you doing to indict me?


Re: IslamoFascists wetting their pants...

by jamshid on

IslamoFascists are not afraid of a war. They are afraid however of a war that could lead to regime change. We know why they are not afraid of a war that would NOT lead to regime change. It' will just solidify their position in Iran and will allow them to oppress the hell out of the people even more than before.


You may think that you know why they are afraid of a war that WOULD lead to regime change. Quick. Tell me the reason. I bet the first thing that came to your mind was that they are afraid of regime change because they will loose their power. WRONG. They are afraid of regime change because of the ruthless PUNISHMENT that awaits them.


They know there will be rewards on their heads. That nothing and nowhere will protect them. Their foreign citizenships won't help them either. It will be similar to the Nazi hunt after the WWII, only worst. And I am not even talking about the mullahs, I am talking about the lackeys like those in this site.


Their days are numbered. The oppressed masses in Iran are gaining momentum. History has shown that nothing can stop the wrath of a people. It is the people they should be worried about and not a war.


Do you hear IRI lackeys?


And Lastly

by heshtherest on

I have browsed through several of your articles, Kamangir, and most are quite interesting, but I cannot help noticing how similar your ranting about Half-Breeds and Persian traitors reminds me of Draco Malfoy and Lord Voldermort. Have you ever read Harry Potter?


Also to Kermanshah4Life

by heshtherest on

Unfortunately I know the situation with Kurds is very delicate. If I were leader of Iran I would try to give Kurds more rights so that they feel more included in the Iranian political process. I would allow the construction of a Sunni mosque in Tehran, which is something that should have been done a while ago but which has been denied by Khamenei. However, there is no doubt that separatism exists in Kurdistan, including support for Kurdish separatist groups. Here is a recent quote by Osman Ocalan: "There are more and more fighters in Iranian Kurdistan and the Iranian Kurds support the PKK strongly."

A recent New York Times
article stated that PJAK and PKK "appear to a large extent to be one
and the same, and share the same goal: fighting campaigns to win new
autonomy and rights for Kurds in Iran and Turkey. They share
leadership, logistics and allegiance to Abdullah Ocalan, the P.K.K.
leader imprisoned in Turkey.

I do not agree that Iran should be federalized either, rather it should just be more inclusive of Kurds so that they feel Iranian. Indeed, this is another shortcoming of Persian nationalism, as it alienates the 49% of the Iranian population that is not Persian.



by heshtherest on

I wrote this article to spark a little honest debate about the subject. I honestly cannot believe the low level of insults and banter that discussion of the article has degraded to. As my first article written, I have been accused of being someone I have never heard of, been accused of being an Islamo-fascist, and an Arabzadeh. First of all, to clarify, I am a college student at an Ivy League university, and lets leave it at that because none of you seem to be people I want to meet in the near future. Second of all, if you are going to call me an Islamo-fascist, please cite where my article indicates that instead of loosely throwing around insults. I don't even know the prayers, but I am accused of this. Also, honestly, I may or may not be an Arabzadeh, just as well as any of the rest of you might be. Yes, there are Persians with Arab blood, just as there are Arabs with Persian blood, as I'm sure Saddam Hussien even had.

Also, you accuse me of bringing about the revolution that ruined Iran. Don't worry, I wasn't born until years after the revolution. Perhaps it was the repressive rule of the Shah that did know, the SAVAK and such.

Now for some honest debate, as I hope you all are capable of without throwing around substanceless insults and labeling all disagreement Islamo-fascist and terrorst. So here's my question:

You assure each other that the majority of Iranians actually hate Islam and are in agreement with your principles. I ask, why did this majority end up electing the most radical person president of the country? Are you sure the majority of Iran agrees with you, or is it just the majority of people you know? Do you even consider me to be an Iranian?


Dr. Muhammad Sahimi !!

by masoudA on

Just in case the author (heshtherest) is actualy Dr. Sahimi

Here is another one of his masterpieces - it's just depressing to see how some Iranians live in USA yet promote life under Ayatollahs:

Islam rejects nationalism. It is a religion in which any two people can start a religious entity independently of the state. There are over 70 Islamic sects, which indicates the great diversity of opinion in the Islamic world.

Shi'ism, in particular, divides all Muslims into three categories: the ayatollahs, who interpret the Islamic teachings; the people, who are not knowledgeable enough and, thus, follow the ayatollahs' interpretations; and the mohtaats – people who know enough to decide for themselves which interpretations of Islamic teachings they accept and, hence, do not follow any ayatollah or even the state's instructions (as in Iran, for example).

Most ayatollahs act completely independently of the state. Often, they do not agree among themselves on the correct interpretations of Koranic teachings. Some still cling to the interpretations of many centuries ago, while others present interpretations that address the needs of a modern society. As Ayatollah Khomeini once said, "If we were to live with some of the interpretations of Islamic teachings of 1,300 years ago, we would have to live in caves."

This diversity of opinion among the ayatollahs not only gives Shi'ism dynamism and flexibility, it also explains why we have many dissident ayatollahs in Iran who oppose the theocracy there.


Dr. Sahimi, author of the article, works for IRI

by unknown (not verified) on

Feel free to let your local FBI office know.


very interesting

by MRX (not verified) on

Islamo fascists, after nearly thirty years of bringing death and destruction to Iran and the whole mid east,Europe and US, threateing every one with death and destructions, now they are scare the shit out of being bombed by U.S and try to accuse Iranian in exile for it! what pathetic looser you bunch are!!!! what ever happend to beauty of martydom and shehadat and shit!

Iranian exiles have no influence in what U.S will do or won't. Hey Islamo fascists: it's your actions you morons that is causing them to take an action! just yesterday five of you shit heads were indicted for blowing up buildings in Argentina and killing 85 innocent people. What did those poor Argentinean Jews done to you that you did this savage act? It’s your philosophy and obsession with death and destructions that makes every one hating you.

Iranian people have been fighting against Islam, which is nothing but an Arab cult for over thousand years now and I suspect our struggle will continue as it should.


Only Islamic regime is responsible if any war happens

by Anonymous1326 (not verified) on

This article is repeat of same lies which have been in circulation by IR lobby and their gang for a while. They have been blaming Shah for all the problems that they created for Iran since 30 years ago and now they blame Shah again. what a bunch of crap! Islamic regime has shown it many times that all they care about is their Islam and their Palestine and "Ghods". some of their leaders are being prosecuted for involvement in terrorism. for god's sake, where in the world leaders of a government have been officially accused of such act? even the world has recognized that there are a bunch of terrorists ruling in Iran. Arrest warrant has been issued for some of them who were cought red handed by international judicial system. does the whole world lie?

kamangir is absolutely right in his analysis about Islamic republic and its behaviors which are always justified according to religion of Islam. If any muslim believes that their religion is different then they sould fight this brutal and savage regime which is presenting itself "Islamic" rather than objecting to those who do not find any difference between the religion and the regime.


Dear Kamangir

by masoudA on

You are so right on the money - and trust me - majority of Iranians feel the same way you do.  Don't let the pesting of some bacheh akhoonds deter you from opening eyes and spreading the truth.  


To those who say akhoonds won't destroy Iran !!!  I must say: They do their best.   As another member suggested, there is 1400 years of history behind this deliberate attempt to destroy Iran and Iranians - a genocide which also targets our culture.   Those who travel to Iran often, and do more than just attend family parties - know about the gradual deteriation of morality and cultural values, which is far far more important than any physical aggessions on the land.   Those who are closely involved with Iran can also tell you how Hezbollah and other Arab forces are becoming more and more visible inside Iran and within the IRI power circles !!!   Next time you are in Iran - take time and review the Tehran-Damascus-Beyrut flights and observe who travels inbetween !!!


Darius - I think the fact that you are using a fake PERSIAN name instead of your real Islamic name speaks volumes !!!   You have very little to contribute to discussions - just as we all expected.  Thanx for representing your side here - it can only help our cause !!!!


Kamangir: You are so angry and so insecure. Its great!

by IranLover (not verified) on

I knew it! Using the 'j' word got you rev'd up, didn't it? It always works. And it shows how hypocritical you are. Its ok for you to basically spit on another religion, consistently in every message that you post, but its not ok for anyone to say anything about your beloved 'j'? You didn't even know what that meant and you got angry. I love it! Such insecurity is clearly overtaking your thinking. Feel sorry for you.
And the 'kale siah' comment ... first, I am not one, and second, again, it shows how insecure you are. You've been called that before, haven't you? They do say that those Iranian "j's" are the darker ones (if that's what kale siah means). And maybe that's why they are not treated that well in israel. I feel sorry for you. Now ... take it easy ... don't get mad. I really do feel sorry for you .... and I love it (and the Germans!)! Oh yeah, I am treated just fine here. No need to share your bad experiences with me ... remember, we're not all the same. I love it!


To cyrus 80

by Kamangir on

You're right! Insults and harsh language is not the way of having a conversation. However, when it comes to Iran and its current situation, it's extremely difficult for many to distinguish when the religion starts and when the IRI mafia ends. The IRI regime itself, uses this islam to shut up Iranian voices, anything said against the regime is interpreted as against the Islam. They brainwash, torture and kill using the islamic laws. It has become very difficult to distinguish between the regime and those who practice the regime's religion. Muslims and very specially the Iranian muslims have to start getting used to hearing all sort of things against their religion. They themselves brought this nasty mafia to power thanks to their islamic ideology. Iranians have to learn that their main problem is not the IRI mafia, but their own religion. If they use this islam to destroy our Iran and identity, well,  we'll use everything we can get against islam. We have heard the name of this religion so much, that it disgustes us!  If it wasn't because of this religion, we would have never ended up in this situation! To many of us this religion means backwardness (not only in Iran) means arabism, means harsh punishments, means death, means killing, means fatwa, means akhoond, means lust, means shekam va zire shekam and ultimately means 30 years of brutal represssion and insults to our identity and dignity. That's why we have no respect for their religion, not for the sake of it. islam, islam, islam... (to hell with this nasty religion!)


To the Author

by Kermanshan4life (not verified) on

I agree that there shouldn’t be an invasion by foreign troops and that the changes have to come from within. However this won’t be fulfilled without force. Israelis and American do support the minorities, but not as a tool to encourage separatism. The minorities have fought for their individual rights for years. You can’t wait and talk with a regime that has the tendency of discrimination, torture, murder and the list goes on…..As Iranian Kurd I believe that, only a democratic secular federal Iran can save our country from destruction.



by cyrus80 (not verified) on

can you say something more then insult people and their religion.
you must be over 25 and if you are, you should know this is not the way to have a conversation.
what ever you want it or not
in iran people are against mullah but they are against those who insult their religion.
have respect for other if you want respect from them. if you want a better iran then you have to respect other iranian and their religion


Obsession With Mullahs

by Mehdi on

First, I very much agree with this article and the point that we should not allow a superpower to just destroy Iran to see what will happen, or hoping that it will somehow magically become a democratic country.



Additionally, I think some people have become obsessed with mullahs. Personally, I don't give any credit to mullahs for appearing to have control over the government. I don't buy it for a second that these guys could run anything, never mind a whole country. I think an inability to see the supporting legs holding this regime in place has caused some people to eventually become obsessed and fascinated by mullahs. I think because such people have not correctly identified the actual hand that rocks this craddle, they have gone completely off track and have actually become mesmerized by the incredible apparency of the power of mullahs. Hence the obsession.



When we say everything should be blamed on mullahs, we are saying we are not willing to take any responsibility. We are also saying we have no power over this situation - we are victims - we were tricked (same thing). I think we are denying that we helped by our actions or inactions for such a system to come into power and stay in power. It seems more convenient to blame somebody else and claim that we are just victims.



It takes a bit of courage to admit that we have all made mistakes, and that we are still probably making a few here and there. Please people, realize that mullahs are supported in place by something. None of them shows any sign of intelligence. Who would give Ahmadinejad for example any credit as a smart person? He has very clearly demonstrated that he is just too dumb for his own good to be considered anything but a puppet. So why obsess over the puppets instead of the puppet master?



This gets so bad that some even expect the puppet master to help them remove the puppet! Talk about going off the track and talk about pure psychological obsession!


To Iran lover or sucker

by Kamangir on

Iran sucker, listen

You a 'kale siah' have taken so much racism and shit in Germany that think everybody is hitler. As for you display of German language, badbakhte oghdei, tell me what the last two mediocre words mean (RAUS jude!) what does it mean? anything to do with Jews? How do you say in German (panahandeye, oghdeie kalesiahe shepeshoo) because ultimately that's what you're in Germany, a lice, leech sucking the resources of that society  Bichareye maflook, are you keen on Islam or the IRI? tell me, jackass, what the hell are you doing in Germany? who told you to leave Iran? Or maybe you're a seyedd, a relative of the ali ghasab and mohamad shahvati.  Next time you use the verb ' identified' I'll make sure the ones that have to identify you, do so.



Kamangir: As the say in German ...

by IranLover (not verified) on

Geh Raus! Raus jude. Geh!
Your shyster identity and hatred has been identified. You are an embarassment. Now go back to one of your 1000 ugly temples in LA and start licking your fellow shysters up and down. And I would say read the book - Mein Kampf. It perfectly resembles you - a loser, one with no more faith or confidence, that blames everyone else for his problems. RAUS jude!


Stop Genocide of Iranians by Islamists

by Islam is poison for Iran (not verified) on

Stop Genocide of Iranians by Islamists.


Persians don't hate Jews, Islamists do.....

by Unknown (not verified) on

True Persians do not hate Jews or any other ethnic or religious groups, but Islamists do since the core of Islam teaches hatred of those who are not muslims.

Islam does not leave any room for being different.

IRI needs to have people to be occupied with Israeli/Paletinian issue so that its own shortcomings will take sidelines.

IRI never wishes peace between Israel and Palestinian, since its own survival depends on the level chaos it can create in middle-east.


I smell a Rat

by Daryush on

Hey Shalom (aka Kouroush) are you the one who wants to bomb Iran? Get the fuck out of the you ass holel. We Iranians are polite but we know our enemy and will destroy them. You be gone just like your other Shaloms. Later Shalom. Iranians Unite against the enemies of Iran today. Shalom is one of them. Shalom you want to make Iran like Israel where the blood of the innocent is running on every corners in every allley? Sorry dude, no can do. Here in Iran we are civilized and will kick you and like you's ass. Get the fuck out you make me sick. You might get a few Iranians to agree with you but you can't ever win against the great Iranian Nation. Remember that we Iranians saved you in the history so now you can sit in Israel and type you garbage.


It is time!!!

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

It is time to destory Mullahs. The Mullahs destroyed much, but not Iran in the last 27 plus years. Their destruction will not mean Iran will be destoryed. The "West" absolutely wants and is eager for a secular regime in Iran. The "West" knows that a country of non-arabs is necessary in the Middle East, like Turkey, Israel and Iran to keep the arabs at bay.

It is time for Iranians to know the truth about Islam. They already know they are hated by Arabs. They just need to know why they are hated. There is 1400 years of history behind this hate. They will want to know and yes, it will take much bloodshed.

Talk to any Arab and he or she will tell you that


Re: Well said Kamangir and Face It...

by jamshid on

I agree with both of you. IRI is the only one to be blamed for the current destruction of Iran, and the future coming up with war. IRI is not scared of war, they are scared of war towards regime change. A war alone is what they even welcome.


Imagine how much more they can oppress the poor Iranians. How much more they can plunder, so the likes Rafsanjani could continue loafing off and the likes of Daryush could do the same in the streets of other countries.


wow, what a refreshing prespective!

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

thanks for the piece.