Destroying Iran

Shortcomings of extremist secular nationalism


Destroying Iran
by heshtherest

Today, a great many Iranian opposition blogs and websites trumpet the secular nationalist ideology as the flag of opposition to the current Islamist government of Iran. The pre-historic glory of Persepolis is the other component to the complex Persian/Islamic binary of modern Iran. In its extreme form, this ideology is harshly anti-Islamic, denouncing the current IRI servants of the Arabs who have forced the yoke of Islam upon the Persian masses who would yearn to cast off this alien ideology. Such rhetoric may serve well in riling up opposition to the current government, but it is grossly inaccurate in its analysis of Iranian society and politics.

The monarchist camp of the secular opposition yearns for the days of the Shah, and the more ambitious among them even push for war against Iran. They argue, in a very Chalabist fashion, that the masses of Iranians are awaiting liberation, and they would brave a bloody invasion if it spelled the end of the Mullah’s regime in Tehran. Of course, this camp is well out of tune with the majority of the Iranian public, just as Chalabi was with the Iraqi public. An invasion of Iran would be a lose-lose situation for all parties involved, and most of all for Iranians themselves. A fracturing of Iran in the style of Iraq would result in almost immediate chaos, destroying Iran from the inside.

The retaliation of a dying IRI would probably consist of the mobilization of Iraqi Shia and Lebanese groups against American and Israeli interests, which would probably lead to another disproportionate counter-retaliation by Israel. A crippled Iran would also invite the presence of unwanted Arab (and other) Sunni extremists, eager to push the dagger of Salafi Islam into the heart of the Shia Muslim world. One can easily imagine hoards of eager young Egyptian and Saudi Arabian jihadists lining up to be recruited in the battle against Shia ‘Safawis’. In addition, there would be inevitable that the Americans and Israelis will encourage a tide of ethnic separatism to undermine Iranian unity. It has already been postulated that Israel is training Kurdish troops in the case of war against the Iranian government. Kurds, Baluchis, Khuzestani Arabs, and perhaps even Azeris could be goaded into seeking independence and destroying the unity of the nation known today as Iran.

The monarchist camp is doing a great disservice to Iran by pushing for war, but their image of a postwar Iran is also one that is highly unfeasible. On the extremist anti-Islamic fringe of this group lies a group that imagines an Iran free of Islam (“the ideology of doom”). I do not argue here whether or not Islam has been beneficial or damaging during the course of Iranian history. I do argue that it is impossible to erase Islamic identity from current Iranian identity.

Perhaps the majority of Los Angeles and North Tehrooni bourgeoisie has cast off this ‘backward’ ideology, but the fact remains that the great majority of Iranians are devout Muslims, and even in a postwar era would probably demand a government based on Islamic principles. The secular nationalist dream of an American style democratic and totally secular government in Iran is quite a far-fetched one. Rather, it is more reasonable to push for a pluralist democratic government that is partly based on religious principles, in much the fashion that Iraq is doing today.

At the heart of the extreme secular nationalist push for war with Iran lies the assumption that the American government holds the interest of Iranian people in high priority and is only antagonistic towards the Islamic regime that not only presents a danger to the world but to its own people. But this is not the case, as America has acted against universal Iranian interests often. In addition to having overthrowing Iran’s nascent democracy in 1953 and imposing a dictator, America also supported Iraqis in their disastrous invasion of Iran, in which chemical weapons were used on Iranian civilians (at which point America turned a blind eye).

Today, America is supporting groups that it itself deems terrorist groups to undermine Iran, and is refusing Iran the right to create nuclear energy, even though it just endorsed Egypt’s program (and let’s not forget that the leader of the Sept 11 terrorists was Egyptian, not Iranian). The Iranian government sent a memo in 2003 laying everything on the table in exchange for a security guarantee and the end of support for the MEK, and somehow, the American government refused. Iranians cannot rely on Americans to protect Iranian interests, and therefore should not push for America to change Iran’s regime. Since 1979, the IRI has done great damage to Iran, demoting it to a state not to be taken seriously in the modern world. There is no doubt that something has to change in Iranian governance, but this change must come from within, not without.



Jahanshah Javid, Hezbollah in Disguise!

by Justice (not verified) on

Jahanshah Javid, Hezbollah in Disguise!
Hezbollah's Front Businesses in America!
Part one
part two


History lesson!

by Ajam (not verified) on

Dear "Mr. Carpenter," you are right, I don't remember that history. You say "70 million Iranians entered the 1979-80..." Iran's population being only 36 million at the time, I wonder where the other 34 million came from?!


Dear Qmars

by masoudA on

Read your  article and enjoyed it.  Good job. 

The good news is that the world and Iran are headed to a junction where we can put an end to all the deceitful inhumane political tactics and mass manipulations.   If us Iranians play our cards right we can come out of this in good shape.   Us Iranians must take a stand sooner or later.  We did not in WW1, and remained neutral in WW2.   We have tried to be neutral in the Arab/Isreal conflict, and did the same when Turks committed genocide against Armenians.   This time the whole thing is about us !!!  so god help us take a stand on the side of humanity.   


It was not until September 11 2001 when the Brits recognized they befreineded the wrong crowd in the middle east i.e the Arabs.   It took them a while but I think/Hope they now recognize the strenght of the Persian culture as the only hope to bring back sanity to a middle east which is suphocating under the intolerant, inhumane, backward, oppressive and IMPOSING Arab culture.   A culture which even Islam could not fix !!!  I think the Brits now understand the price they can pay when getting into bed with evil.  


massoudA you are so right

by Q on

I wonder if you have read my own investigative report on this I did a few years ago. It's right here.




Dear Mr. Carpenter

by masoudA on

I must give you A for courage.  It takes courage to be such an ill informed non-Iranian and make such comments about Iran, amongst Iranians !! 

But for this abuse - I feel I owe you some education.   For over 3 centuries (except the period between ww2 to 1978) Iran has been an unofficial British colony - a colony they SOMEWHAT lost to USA after WW2 and regained in 1978.    In the last 3 centuries, you may be interested to know, every policy and politician had to be endorsed by the Brits - and in cases when the Shah got too daring, either the Shah or the appointed politicians were assassinated (i.e. Mohammad Reza Shah in 1962 and the pro America Prime Minister Hassan Mansour who was killed, both in the 60's).    You ask how the Brits do it ?  - The mullahs via Islam and Pyramid style secret organizations such as the Freemasonary. 

don't underestimate us.   


Fascist fantasies...

by Q on

everytime I hear idiot Iranians cheer on George Bush thinking he will "destroy the Mullahs", I can't help but laugh! How stupid can some people be?



Of course Bush has the power to take over Iran and overthrow the Mullahs but it won't happen. Americans can't stand another ground invasion. It will take about a million soldiers and years of occupation and dealing with an Islamic insurgency to truly achieve "regime change" in Iran. Let me make one thing simple for you before you even think about making predictions:

no ground troops = no regime change



So what can you possibly gain out of a massive aerial bombardment which will not change the regime? Well, Bush can show his manhood by showing that he is a tough SOB and hope that people will not completely destroy the republican party for the next generation. That's IT!!!


On the ground, any central government in Iran will be truely strengthened, any forces of moderation quashed and the Iranian government survival will be guaranteed for another 30 years. US gets a "long term" enemy that can justify military production and budget. Mullahs get to consolidate power, and ditch International treaties. Iranians will get a taste of what real fundementalism is relaly like, Taliban style. Seems like a win-win for all, except the ordinary Iranians.



This couldn't be engineered better by Rafsanjani himself.


The Theocracy is the only option in Iran

by John Carpenter (not verified) on

Iran has been a theocracy since February 11,1979. Even after popular Prime Minister Mossadegh was arrested and put into prison by the Shah, the monarchy only lasted for (1953-1979) 24 years. The theocracy has lasted for (2007-1979) 28 years. The Shah had the backing of the CIA, Israel's Mossad, the KGB, the M16 of the UK and he still could not stay in power. His SAVAK, secret police could not save him. 70 million Iranian entered the streets and asked the lord almighty of the Shias in Iran, ALLAH for the Shah's death. in 1980, the Shah died and a lot of Iranians danced in the streets. A lot of people forget Iranian history. I am just here like a hammer to remind you what happened in 1979-1980.



by cyrus80 (not verified) on

shoma migind ke badbakhtie iran az daste eslam hast!
va hagheshone irania foosh bokhoran be dalile inke mosalmonan
1400 sal badbakhty hmmm
ghablesh chie pas? zamane sassanian ke iran dasht az bein miraft ba janghai ke ba room dasht? ba khak yek san kardane armenestan? man ashghe korosh kabir hastam valli mibini west chetori kharab mikonan, alan migan terrosristim va ba filmashon migand iranian hata zamane hakhamesneshia ham adam kosht bodan va zede azadi.
farghi nemikone che dini biad che dolati ta vaghti nakhai noche bashi to saret mizanand ke pain hasty, hala shoma ra gol zadan ke takhsire dinet hast.
agar bekhay toohin koni va ehtram nazary jai vase shoma nist to iran akhe mardome iran zede jomhorie eslamiand va tarafdare democracyian valli hazer nistan kesiam be dineshon toohin kone. khodeshona mosalmon midonan va etefaghan migand akhonda eslam ra kharab kardan az dine eslam so estefade shode
agar bekhay irane behtar besazi pas mardomo zor nakon ke dienshona bezarand kenar be dalile inke harfaie to gashang mecle harfaie akhondi ke ba zor mikhad mardom rahe eslame ona ra berand


Irani Lover, I'm glad you

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Irani Lover, I'm glad you want people to be realistic. Well the realistic facts on the ground and historical perspectives have shown that smaller countries formed from the disintegration of a big mother land have not necessary being unstable. Every country has its own unique characteristic and geopolitical facts and figures. Secondly, the argument about "smaller countries own America and Israel favors" is wrong in many ways, one is that in the world of politics, whether you are a big or small nation, weak or strong, ancient or new, "favors" are replaced by instant interests. Governments act according to the best interests of either their elite or their population. That's also historical. As far as the Iraq elections go, you can easily turn to any neutral source of information, including the United Nations, which would show the majority of Iraqis participated in the elections. Now whether they have elected a government that serves their true interests are definitely questionable. So maybe you and your "Chavezian" (If that's even a word!!) can be REAL, for once!

Rosie T.

I. Lover-Jewish/Iranian Connection/Unknown--My Whereabouts

by Rosie T. on

Iranian Lover, I am in an expensive pay by minute I'net cafe so I'm not going to fully reply until tomorrow from work (my computer's broken at home) but I just want to say for now that fundamentally I agree with all your points and they are very important to the overall discussion on this thread, but as usual things are more nuanced than meets the eye, and also contain some surprising paradoxes and turns.


Unknown, thank you. Actually I've been writing here for I guess about a month under Rosie T. or Rosie T + something or Robin Jayne Goldsmith, my name, so I HAVE been "gracing the discussions", mostly those on censorship, Monarchism, and Islam, and most of these guys know me by now. But the broader political discussions I've just been lurking and gestating, yesterday's post was the fruits of all that. I have a blog space but I haven't blogged because I always get caught up much more in the other discussions. Maybe it's better that way, maybe I will just start blogging my poems. Because, yeah, I think maybe I AM a Persian poem...because what made me learn Persian was stumbling on a particular poem I found in translation in late 2003 while surfing and ...well...since then things have never been the same...yeah, maybe I should just blog the poems. Thanks so much for your support.




Re: XerXers

by jamshid on

What? "YOUR" country? I read this: "you get a bit more information about my country..."


"YOUR" country? Iran is NOT your country. Iran is the country of the masses that YOU, yes "YOU", and your IRI are oppressing.


YOU, yes you are again reading it correctly, "YOU", XerXers, belong to the group of people that have OCCUPIED Iran. Your days are numbered. You and your murdering IRI will be thrown out of "OUR" country sooner than you think.



RE: Rosie ...

by Irani Lover (not verified) on

Your thoughts are enlightening and interesting. Interesting part of it is the Hitler connection at almost every phase or part of your 'poem.' I offer something for you to think about ... if someone comes out there to NYC and throws you out of your hous, with no justification nor legal support, do you have the right to go to someone else's home in another city or state (someone who had nothing to do with what happened to you) and force that persone out of his/her home and claim it to be yours????
I actually agree with some of Ahmadinejad's argument, and that is - while the whole world should give condolences to Jewish people for being victimized that way by Hitler (a half-jewish Austrian), why should the Palestinians be forced off of their land just to make room for the European jews???? I think its a valid and logical question. What did the Palestinians do to the jews????
What I do remember is the network and inhumane and bloody work of the Stern gang and Irgun in the 40's and 50's. It was these people that introduced the entire world to the idea of TERRORISM. They would place bombs in bazaars. The would assasinate other leaders (such as the killing of Lord Myone in '44), they would even kill their own. I guess I went off track, but I'm just curious that why do others (besides Nazi leaders and possibly other Europeans) have to pay for the Holocaust???? I oblige to donate to variety of programs (whether jewish or not) that try to prevent the Nazi movement from happening again. BUT why are we (the 'West') forcing the non-Nazi, non-holocaust participants to pay for what the Nazis did?????????????????? I think its a very valid and logical question ... and I think once that is answered, or somehow issues surrounding this question are resolved ... then the entire middle east will more quickly (much more quickly) move towards peace.


RE: Farhad Kashani

by Irani Lover (not verified) on

I think you misunderstood my argument. US and israel want Iran (and Iraq, as we are seeing that slowly develop) to become a mixture of smaller countries which creates instability (at least for the first 50 yrs). And I project instability because of what all of those small ethnic and religious groups have been through for such a long time. Such instability will create the need for the "big brother" to be there and help out, just in case. And who is the "big brother"? Well it can be either US or israel. Think of it this way - these newer countries will owe the US or israel some favors, given that it'll be the US or israel that has brough them the so-called independence.

In terms of the Iraq elections, please Farhad khan, get real! Tell me what % of Iraqis actually voted in that election???? Also, you took my MAJORITY argument the wrong way. I'm saying that as you and probably your kamangir-type buddies keep barking about muslims (which you guys assume are all bad people) and that they won't be in power if there was democracy, etc .... I'm saying that given the fact that they are the majority in that region and in that country, it is likely that even with a democratic govt, your hated muslims will still be in power. You guys just gotta come up with more hatred stuff against muslims to turn other Iranians against the idea of unity. You guys gotta work a bit harder. Gotta have some imagination, pal. Good luck.


Robin aka Rose..........

by unknown (not verified) on

Are you a Persian poem? What a beauty.......

Can you be kind and charm this room from time to time?..

If you are an Esther, then there is a Xerex inside every soul here, wishing to pick a queen worthy of his kingdom.

Rosie T.

A Few Observations from Ashkenaz in the Anderoon...

by Rosie T. on

or brave little Esther, past her prime.  In no STRICT order, addressed to no specific individual, but to whoever each one may apply.  And not really about the article but about the replies.

My grandfather's entire shtetl in Byelorus was "erased from the pages of time".  And  I was raised to believe "Never again" and after I learned of the attrocities in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in 1982 I determined that "Never again" included everyone. .

 And I've watched Rafsanjani's recent Friday sermons on memri tv and he makes Ahmadinejad sound like Moses. Mahmoud QUESTIONED the Holocaust, Rafsanjani EXTOLS it. And I have seen much footage from the Third Reich, and those poor faces of those brainwashed young people at those sermons are AS indoctrinated as the Hitler Youth. However, there ARE differences. They are a minority, these kids, and these Mullahs DON'T plan to exterminate millions. But in the attempted extermination of the human mind, they are every bit as Fascist as Hitler. Perhaps most of us agree on this. If so, please remember it.  There really IS a clear enemy.  And it ain't none of you.

Next.  THEY resemble Hitler. Khatami and Ebadi do NOT. Just in case anyone's confused about that.  But neither do the two Shahs.  NO, they weren't Santa Claus but they weren't Hitler either. I speak here relative to the Arabs. Yes, I am aware of the excesses of the Persianization and the modernization  campaigns,But Daddy called Junior MOHAMMED Reza. Hitler would NOT have called his son Levi Adolph.  And yes, both Shahs tortured. Yes, they did, my dear Colonel.  But the US government tortured too. Do you know about that School of the Americas? They taught Nazi torture techniques to Latin American dictators.   And for what?  For fruit..

 Next.  I have read and conversed with Monarchists on this site who state they categorically oppose US miitary intervention in Iran and support referedum. There are other stripes of monarchists, no doubt, but these ones I know a bit by now and I believe them.  Now, our colorful Colonel says he would support any alliance with the US SHORT of military intervention.  And I say such an alliance does not exist. I think a lot of us are on the same page here.

Now.  Monarchy IS a legitimate politcal position within the framework of a parliamentary democracy.  You may not like it, but it can't be argued. Because UK and all the rest. Monarchy may well be STUPID for Iran, but if it is, what's the fuss? Let them jabber on. And if their jabbering threatens you in some way, well, that just bolsters the legitimacy of their position because then they must  have real support. Because Bush and Dick, they're still mad about the hostages and they like oil and war. They don't care about Monarchists, not really.

Next. Islam.  The heart of the matter. Iran is a glorious tapestry and Islam many of her threads and shades. And as I understand it it took almost one thousand years for Iran to become Shia and when she did, that WAS the beginning of the modern Iranian identity. Achaemenids, the Sassanids, and all the rest, they left their considerable legacies, but Shiism in  Iran is a modern IRANIAN phenomenon. a FUSION, NOT an overlay, of Arab with  Persian AND Turkic elements.  HIDDEN IMAM?  OCCULTATION? That ain't no Mehdi, that's the Shoshyant. Sunni Islam, apart from Sufism, is BORING. 

Since September 11, my particular journey lto understand this so-called "Muslim" world revealed to me gradually that every "Westerner", because Alexander following Cyrus, because Christianity and ethical Judaism, because those preserved texts that led to the Renaissance, BECAUSE, not in SPITE of being a "Westerner", is, in a very real sense, an Iranian.    Well HELL if I can embrace that and treasure it, why can't YOU embrace the richness and the nuance that is Iran?

 History, someone said, is the memory of the people.   Do you want to be like the Americans, like "my" hamvatans? We can't remember from one day to the next, let alone from one century. And what has it got us but but MacDonalds and nukes? WHY do you seek amnesia?

I saw young Kiarostami's film, you know, "Shush raa Didaam"  And it is much more a love poem than a film.  Now, Shush may well be the oldest continuously inhabited settlement in the world, And Cyrus chose a palace there, and Xerxes married Esther there. Yet for thousands of years before the Achaemenids, Shush was NOT even Aryaan. She was ELAMITE. And yet they chose her. Why can't you choose it all too?

Well, Jamshid, my friend, (and Jamshid IS my cyber-friend, and Kamangir is his friend so he is my friend too, and honestly I don't LIKE my friends being called Nazis)....NOW do you understand why I was just "babbling" for a while there?  In part because I wanted you to recognize babble in me. Now can any of you recognize it in you? 

Okay, that's it.No more from me on this, unless someone replies. You all know the trees far better than me. That was just my personal view of the forest.


Irani Lover, your arguments

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Irani Lover, your arguments are false for the following reasons: First of all, what evidence do you have to prove that smaller countries are weaker? Why are we Iranians are obsessed with size so much? Look at England in the previous centuries, and even today, a small Island controlled half of the world. And look at Lebanon today, its politics has a worldwide impact. Look at Holland, Cuba, Switzerland, ect..all small sized countries with huge world influences. So that argument that “U.S and Israel want to disintegrate Middle Eastern countries to smaller size territories” is bogus. Second, if you claim that democracy is what the MAJORITY want, how do you explain that the MAJORITY of Iraqis voted for their current government and elected who they WANT with the help of these so called “neo-cons”?


Irani Lover, your arguments

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Irani Lover, your arguments are false for the following reasons: First of all, what evidence do you have to prove that smaller countries are weaker? Why are we Iranians are obsessed with size so much? Look at England in the previous centuries, and even today, a small Island controlled half of the world. And look at Lebanon today, its politics has a worldwide impact. Look at Holland, Cuba, Switzerland, ect..all small sized countries with huge world influences. So that argument that “U.S and Israel want to disintegrate Middle Eastern countries to smaller size territories” is bogus. Second, if you claim that democracy is what the MAJORITY want, how do you explain that the MAJORITY of Iraqis voted for their current government and elected who they WANT with the help of these so called “neo-cons”?


Destroying Iran

by Hoshang Salamati (not verified) on

The author it seems is out of touch with reality in Iran. The fascist apartheid regime through its propaganda machine just like Hilter of Germany is brainwashing the people to accept that the mullahs are the shepherd and the people lambs, to be led by the shepherd. Censorship to the extreme is prevalent in Iran. The common people if the author should come to Iran and mix with them will find that the poorest of the poor while talking about the present day hard conditions will say what terrible persons hossein,hassan and ali were judging the actions of the mullahs who claim to be their descendants/followers.
And then the mullahs have planned everything in such a nice way that people in order to get a job or a register their child in a school must show to be religious even if they are not. In companies doing namaz has become the mode, as if one does not go for the namaz then automatically he is targeted. So one is forced into being Islamic and then it becomes a habit.
After all what can one expect of people who bow their heads in front of assholes in the act of namaz, having the belief that the asshole in front is the manifestation of allah. And what can one accept of people who go around a stone room covered in black situated in Saudia Arabia in a ritual called the haj.
The non islamic Persians were clever in that having lost on the battlefeild and seeing the arabs wiping out the Persian race not only religiously but also forcing the use of Arabic language to be spoken and marrying of Persian women to the arabs (note that the inhabitants of Southern Iraq upto Baghdad where Kak e Kasra was located were Persians), they invented shiaism to put a permanent wedge between the Iranians and the Arabs. Hence the reference to hassan getting married to the daughter of Yazdegard which is a whole lot of bull shit.
And on the death anniversary of the imans nowadays in Iran it is customary to have chest beating and wailing organized by the mullahs to completely brainwash the Iranians. Islamic theology takes over ones heart and soul so one gets subjugated to a sheikh or a mullah and you have the sword of hell over your head if you do not follow the dictums of the koran.
A person could be anyone from an illiterate to a literate, from a sweeper to an astronaut who if he or she has a little bit of sense in his or her head will know after reading the koran that the whole contents have been written by a madman.
Hoshang Salamati


To the Author

by Kermanshan4life (not verified) on

Unfortunatly you are misguided by the media, it’s true that PJAK works along side with PKK however they are a very small group who share Marxist ideology. As a Kurd I'd say that they don't have much support within Iranian Kurdistan. The party that carries the support of most Iranian Kurds are KDP-I. You can check their website and see what they stand for. Federalism for Iran is the best tool to safeguard our country's territorial integrity. It also pushes away the thought of separatism which only exist within small groups.


Laugh if you will, but ...

by Irani Lover (not verified) on

Laugh if you will, but some of the posts that I see on this site (and likely on other Iranian sites) clearly show the propaganda machine. Before I go further, I must say that I am 100% against the current regime in Iran. I'm also 100% against a military action by US or israel against Iran. Now ... back to the propaganda theory ... when you see messages with the same 'kickers' posted by different users, its likely that they were given directions on what kickers or key words to always use in messages they post. This is not an unusual thing at all. It happens in the regular political world, especially in this Internet day and age. Just saying this because I don't want anyone to get fooled. Most Iranians are muslim and most Iranians want some type of change for the better. BUT the ones that want regional or ethnic-based independence are actually the minorities of the minorities. In basic and simple English - the US and israel are looking for a Middle East structure that forces the countries to turn to one or both of them just to survive or for protection. They want the breakup of most countries (which they think is doable given each country's amazing history of various ethnic and religious groups going through and claiming power). They want that area structured in a way to throw the smaller countries (as a result of the breakups) at each other, which basically keeps the US and israel in control of them. Look at Pakistan and India - all they have done (both US and israel) is sell weapons to both countries for years.
And remember, a democracy, which is what we all want (except for Bush and his neocons, because they don't give a damn), is based on what the MAJORITY wants. And to offset this, it makes sure there are opportunities for every gender, religion and other types of people to voice their concerns and opinions. Just remember this ... a propaganda machine is at work 24/7.



by heshtherest on

what the hell are you talking about, I am not dr. sahimi, i don't even know who the hell that is, is that really the only way you can discuss my article, by trying to convince me im someone I actually am not?


What are you talking about?

by Abarmard on

I am not sure if I understand. Why are you, my Iranian
country men, so afraid of Islam or Arabs? I am a proud Iranian who would never
allow any foreigner ruling my nation, but why are you talking about "Arabs"
when the west is fighting us? Maybe I am missing something!?


Arabic Names

by masoudA on

Let's first distinguish between Arabic names and Islamic names, Sunni names and shia names........... but seriously,

Names are not important.  It's what you have done and what you will do - starting today.    And your choices are very simple - right vs. wrong.  Good versus Evil - and we all know the difference don't we ? 

just one hint - If you have to act and lie - it's evil. 

doing the right thing hurts initialy - but it's heaven when it becomes your 2nd nature !!

PS - to all of you anti mullah Iran lovers - I love you




by unknown (not verified) on

Don't panic.

The good thing about US is that even a character like you is protected under the law, unlike Iran where in daylight they murder innocent people (remember Forouhar and his wife
during "ghatl-haye-zanjireie").

The good-vs-bad islam that you preach here and there is a futile argument. The true face of Islam is what it is - killing under the name of the God and getting the 72 virgins in Paradise......

How sad......

A highly educated man like you, chairman of USC's Chemical Engineering Dept. preaching for Imam Hossien and his failures of 1,200 years ago.

But, then again, maybe it is not surprising since there were great scientists, artists and intellectuals who served the 3rd Reich.

Have you taken your coffee break with Dr. Meshkati today?



by Kamangir on

I have iranian friends with arabic names. I know others with pure persian names that are very pro-IRI.  Is this a serious question?


You will be given a choice to change your name if you don't

by Anonymous2345 (not verified) on

You will relocated to Saudi Arabia to be with your buddies!!!


Here are the groups that

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Here are the groups that have and are destroying Iran: 1- Islamists 2- Ultra-leftist 3- Russia and China. These are the groups who will make a difference: 1- Student movement 2- International community (yes, including the so called “neo-cons”, as long as the help they provide us in order for us to liberate our country is without A- Asking us to give us our sovereignty to them B- That help does not result in killing of innocent Iranians. People in Georgia, Ukraine, Lebanon, East Timor, Kosovo, and ECT... got American help). The biggest obstacle in front of the liberation movement in Iran: The ultra-leftist groups and individuals (Many of them very vocal in this site) who bash and attack any Iranian voice inside or outside of Iran by labeling them with imaginational labels such as pro-neo cons, pro-U.S, pro-capitalism and garbage like that. They don’t seem to understand that the people of Iran and the world have witnessed their bankrupt and disastrous model and would never ever go down that path again. Yes we are actively seeking for the liberation of our country, and yes we accept capitalism as the best available model for progress, and yes we respect America’s traditions and might and we will use their economic, financial, and military power to our own benefit


To: Xerxes

by Ari (not verified) on

Dear Xerxes:

Don't bother wasting your time trying to explain what has happened here in the U.S. to Jamshid. He has obviously been on a different planet and has no clue what this country has turned out to be!!

Any attempt to reason with these people is like hitting your head on a stone wall and expecting a response back.


Here's a simple question for kamangir and his buddies ...

by UCLA (not verified) on

Would you be friends with, or willingly socialize and communicate with an Iranian that has a muslim name and is also looking for change (more freedom democracy, etc) in Iran?


Turn on CNN is happening...

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

several military and nuclear sites have been attacked in Iran. is here!!! Mullahs pack your bags, but where will you go! I hope you have extra razors!