Destroying Iran

Shortcomings of extremist secular nationalism


Destroying Iran
by heshtherest

Today, a great many Iranian opposition blogs and websites trumpet the secular nationalist ideology as the flag of opposition to the current Islamist government of Iran. The pre-historic glory of Persepolis is the other component to the complex Persian/Islamic binary of modern Iran. In its extreme form, this ideology is harshly anti-Islamic, denouncing the current IRI servants of the Arabs who have forced the yoke of Islam upon the Persian masses who would yearn to cast off this alien ideology. Such rhetoric may serve well in riling up opposition to the current government, but it is grossly inaccurate in its analysis of Iranian society and politics.

The monarchist camp of the secular opposition yearns for the days of the Shah, and the more ambitious among them even push for war against Iran. They argue, in a very Chalabist fashion, that the masses of Iranians are awaiting liberation, and they would brave a bloody invasion if it spelled the end of the Mullah’s regime in Tehran. Of course, this camp is well out of tune with the majority of the Iranian public, just as Chalabi was with the Iraqi public. An invasion of Iran would be a lose-lose situation for all parties involved, and most of all for Iranians themselves. A fracturing of Iran in the style of Iraq would result in almost immediate chaos, destroying Iran from the inside.

The retaliation of a dying IRI would probably consist of the mobilization of Iraqi Shia and Lebanese groups against American and Israeli interests, which would probably lead to another disproportionate counter-retaliation by Israel. A crippled Iran would also invite the presence of unwanted Arab (and other) Sunni extremists, eager to push the dagger of Salafi Islam into the heart of the Shia Muslim world. One can easily imagine hoards of eager young Egyptian and Saudi Arabian jihadists lining up to be recruited in the battle against Shia ‘Safawis’. In addition, there would be inevitable that the Americans and Israelis will encourage a tide of ethnic separatism to undermine Iranian unity. It has already been postulated that Israel is training Kurdish troops in the case of war against the Iranian government. Kurds, Baluchis, Khuzestani Arabs, and perhaps even Azeris could be goaded into seeking independence and destroying the unity of the nation known today as Iran.

The monarchist camp is doing a great disservice to Iran by pushing for war, but their image of a postwar Iran is also one that is highly unfeasible. On the extremist anti-Islamic fringe of this group lies a group that imagines an Iran free of Islam (“the ideology of doom”). I do not argue here whether or not Islam has been beneficial or damaging during the course of Iranian history. I do argue that it is impossible to erase Islamic identity from current Iranian identity.

Perhaps the majority of Los Angeles and North Tehrooni bourgeoisie has cast off this ‘backward’ ideology, but the fact remains that the great majority of Iranians are devout Muslims, and even in a postwar era would probably demand a government based on Islamic principles. The secular nationalist dream of an American style democratic and totally secular government in Iran is quite a far-fetched one. Rather, it is more reasonable to push for a pluralist democratic government that is partly based on religious principles, in much the fashion that Iraq is doing today.

At the heart of the extreme secular nationalist push for war with Iran lies the assumption that the American government holds the interest of Iranian people in high priority and is only antagonistic towards the Islamic regime that not only presents a danger to the world but to its own people. But this is not the case, as America has acted against universal Iranian interests often. In addition to having overthrowing Iran’s nascent democracy in 1953 and imposing a dictator, America also supported Iraqis in their disastrous invasion of Iran, in which chemical weapons were used on Iranian civilians (at which point America turned a blind eye).

Today, America is supporting groups that it itself deems terrorist groups to undermine Iran, and is refusing Iran the right to create nuclear energy, even though it just endorsed Egypt’s program (and let’s not forget that the leader of the Sept 11 terrorists was Egyptian, not Iranian). The Iranian government sent a memo in 2003 laying everything on the table in exchange for a security guarantee and the end of support for the MEK, and somehow, the American government refused. Iranians cannot rely on Americans to protect Iranian interests, and therefore should not push for America to change Iran’s regime. Since 1979, the IRI has done great damage to Iran, demoting it to a state not to be taken seriously in the modern world. There is no doubt that something has to change in Iranian governance, but this change must come from within, not without.



Are you kidding me?

by jeez (not verified) on

Seriously, are you kidding me? Normally my comments would be in response to the author of this article, but this time, I would like to direct it to the readers. As I have been looking over some of these responses, I've concluded that many of you need to redevelop your critical reading skills.
heshtherest is obviously neither an IRI agent or an arabzadeh. Nor is he trying to insult anyone's intelligence or state of mind. He is stating the obvious fact that an supporting external force to lead the downfall of the Iranian regime is quite possibly the stupidest and worst thing that Iranians could do for their country. Daryush had got it right by saying the change must come from within NOT from more powerful countries such as the United States, England, Japan, etc. And why is that? Because these big countries have no reason to ensure the well-being of Iran after a reestablishment. It is the people of the country who have everything to lose, and should therefore take matters into their own hands from the inside. History has taught us that revolution is the birth of evolution.
I encourage everyone to stop being so caught up in their own little ideas and try to see what consequences could arise if we act without truly thinking.


Exactly so I wish Iranians be more aware

by Daryush on

Stargazer you are right and that is what I am afraid of. This article mentions that too. Iranians az khare sheytun biyaayn payeen and become smarter realizing that there is a bigger threat right now than IRI. We MUST UNITE so Iran remains.



by stargazer (not verified) on

None of the powers-that-be (USA, Euro, Russia, China,
Japan) or any other country in the world has the
slightest interest in the survival of Iran and of

In fact, to the rest of the world, Iran is just a
nuisance, inconveniently sitting on a whole lot of oil, natural gas, and other natural resources. Right now Iran's leaders are making a lot of threatening noises upsetting to the global economy
and to their national profits.

They want Iran out of the way, and free and easy
control of all of those natural resources.

So they've arranged for Iran to go supernova
(disintegrate, balkanize, Yugo....whatever name
you like) into a bunch of helpless, poor mini-
countries, each within "the sphere of influence"
of one of the Big Boys,- just like in the good old
days of 19th century imperialism.

Iran, as such, will simply disappear. And the world
won't miss even a bit of it.

So say the stars.


Masoud A or Musad?

by Daryush on

See how easy it is to blame when one doesn't agree with your points. I think being agend of Musad is far worse than being Hezbulah, because the latter at least is working for Iran. But I am not saying you are Musad, that is just to make a point that you can't "lable" those that have a different point of view. Let's even say that the IRI is the only reason for us being so messed up, the solution still remains for us to discover. The biggest mistake for the Iranians during the Pahlavi era was that they just wanted Shah gone, without a solution that what is to replace that regime. Or they voted for IRI without asking to know the constitution of the country. Now only a donkey will fall on the same hole twice. Are you suggesting that this person who has written the article is an agent of IRI because (And just because) he does not agree with the position of the Monarchists as an opposition? now he could agree or disagree with IRI but that is irrelevent to the possiblities of a true discussion. Specially for those who think demoracy is a true solution for the Iranian future, they must practice it first. In the future Iran, if democratic, there should be room for all groups including the current IRI members. Then there would not be a blood shed and everyone gets a fair chance to make a point. If we start from today and say that one group doesn't get Rights and another does, that's a wrong path that we have been there done that...I think the major point is not to let any foreigner to even discuss a possibility of any sort of aggression against our country. That is not necessary pro IRI point, it's pro Iran.


Dr Sahimi.....of USC school of Chemical Engineering

by unknown (not verified) on

Why not publish articles under your own name, rather than a fake one?

Let the rest of us who are not connected to IRI's intelligence services remain anonymous.

Khatami and his so called reform movement
were just guises for Islam's true faces, cruel and ugly.

Those who kill old men, marry 14-year-olds, kill Bahaies and consider Jews as inferior, and Pursue a hidden Mehdi must not rule a land that was once the center of tolerance and freedom.



I tell you who is destroying Iran !!

by masoudA on

The Mullahs and Hezbollah - that's who

Along with people who can analyze, evaluate, and blame everything and everybody, except the fact that the mullahs and Hezbollah are destroying Iran. 

People who have no solutions - just opinions - and unbased opinions at that.   Twice in your article you have claimed to know exactly how "majority" of Iranian PEOPLE think and feel.  Is that so ?  or is it just part of IRI's latest propaganda campaign using the last of the PR funds ??!!!  

No dear - I as one Iranian am waaaay passed where you are - focused totaly on the real enemy and task in hand.  The enemy which has been hurting Iran and our culture for so long.   Many like me feel this is the chance we have been waiting for to deroot evil in Iran once and for all.   But you are not with us are you ?

Dorood Kamangir



by Face it (not verified) on

I have no problem with the part that you have mentioned; I have problem with placing the blame for the current situation, including the threat of war, on anyone but the regime, if not solely but to a very very large extent. And yes there are monarchists that have misplaced judgments, but face it, the chance of monarchy returning to iran is practically zero; so why so much obsession with it. But thanks for your comment. Maybe I should have been clearer.


Face it, is 100% right and accurate

by Kamangir on


Do you interpret people's writting according to your personal beliefs, or what?


Re: kamangir do you read?

by Kamangir on


This man uses expressions such as : North Tehrooni and Los angelesi, which tells a lot about his mindset and background. I did read his article and he somehow is giving some sort of 'legitimacy' to the current regime of Iran, again this tells much of his mindset.

He has a muslim identity, not a Iranian one, just like the ones ruling Iran right now.


Face it do you READ?

by Daryush on

I feel like repeating myself this time with you. Why is it that you see the writer blaming? There are a portion of the Monarchist who think the attack is a solution, that's it. No blaming here. They are those monarchists, are you saying there are not? I don't know what is so hard to understand here, the author is not saying anything wrong, just the fact that the "CHANGE" needs to spark from within. THAT"S IT. God this is so frustrating ;)


Wrongly placed blame

by Face it (not verified) on

Sir, you are so wrong. You are placing the blame on monarchists. The blame is solely on islamists who brought nothing but disaster for my country in the past 30 years. And they made a backward, third-world country out of my country in 1400 years. Yes, islam did nothing for my country in 1400 years. Face it, you don't believe in iran as a nation and as a distinct rich culture; you only believe in ommatte islam, which defeats nations in favor of fanatic rule. Even that would have been fine, had it brought prosperity to iran or any other country. Come out and say it that you are an islamic fanatic and cannot accept that islamic rulers did nothing but murder since the day that prophet died. Very few monarchists are left, and few of them live in Los Angeles as you claim. But there are a lot people who hate I.R. because it has been quoting words of prophet for 30 years, only as means to murder our youth and rob the country's wealth. It has nothing to do with monarchy. It has to do with the pain of proud iranians seeing their country being a third world country, while I.R. yelling death to this and down with that, in support of non-iranians while murdering iranians on a daily basis for the past 30 years. It is a fact that no iranian king in the past 2500 years has killed so many innocent iranians as the I.R. Even nasty characters like Agha Mohammad Khan Ghajar look like saints compared to the likes of khomaini. Only likes of Changiz and Taymour have killed as many innocent young (as young as 13 year old girls) iranians as the Ayatollah did, not to mention rapes and tortures. And you call nationalism extremist; I have to hand it to you, you have guts, as much as any mulla in the regime. Maybe you should ask yourself what have you got against monarchy and shahs, they are all dead, none of them can hurt a fly, let alone iran and iranians? Face it, it just bothers you to have anything but islam on the table, because you are a fan for no reason. And i have news for you, iran has been destroyed (title of your article) by I.R. Nobody else can destroy a destroyed country. Finally, it is You and likes of you who have to decide, if you feel that you are more of an islamist than an iranian, then you are really not an iranian, and you don't belong to iran. All of you islamists should leave iran and iranians alone. Payandeh Iran, faghat iran va faghat true Iranis.


Kamangir do you READ?

by Daryush on

His point is not that the regime is great, the point that he/she is making is that we need to change the regime from within. If you have problem with that then there is something weird going on with you. Read carefully man, I have noticed your comments and I am sure that you don't read carefully. If someone says that we need to realize what we can accomplish realistically with planning, doesn't mean that the person is going against your ideas, it just means you need to be more democratic, understand the realities of Iran and plan accordingly. Now why are you even trying to blame Arabs? Gooz beh shaghighe che marboot. If you read an intellectual article then think a bit before you just make comments.

By the way heshtherest I really like your article and believe this should be attached to "Abarmard" recent article.


well put...but..

by no_name (not verified) on

I agree with most of your argument. Except on two points:

1, Many of the constitutional monarchists have come to realize the potential damage of an attack on Iran and the potential of an onset of a sectarian war between racial faction within the country and have since backed away.

2, Iran's regime is not monolithic and factions within that could halt or reverse positive change, so change within Iran may not happen all ignominiously and may need a external catalyst in form of a carrot. The nationalist movement can help push west to provide the carrot of change.

You also failed to make an important point to further your argument. The US post cold war is not the same US as pre cold war. The stability Shah provided is no longer needed and therefore US interest has shifted from building stable countries to other agendas. In this case, the Israeli agenda. Which will benefit from a weaker Iran. So, therefore any US policy toward Iran is not to create a stable and democratic country, but a weak fractious Iran, mirroring Iraq. Above all, Iraq should send a chilling message to all nationalist that the map they endear as their land may be broken up smaller regions. Just as the US senate passed the division of Iraq into 3 federal regions!


Your kind are destroying Iran!!

by Kamangir on

If it wasn't because of 'North Tehrooni and 'Los angelesi' Iran would be another arab country. In the last 30 years, the 'South Tehrani' and 'Bazaris' along with the descendants of  hassan and hussain have done a great job.  Look at Iran right now, look at its reputation, at its 'leaders' at the kind of crap and nonesense they say 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. We, the 'NORMAL' Iranians are paying the price of having a bunch of 'arabzadeh' like yourself as fellow citizens.

In your 'culture' nobody can say anything about Islam, its 'profet'. Our most basic rights as 'NORMAL' human beings have been abolished, because of your beloved religion. The world knows your kind, they despise you. From Taliban to Wahabbis and Shiits in Iran you are all the 'same'. What are you doing in the west anyways?

Wasn't enough that you destroyed Iran with your 'revolution'? You did that to leave it behind? Doesn't make sense to me. You the arabo- muslims, descendants of 'ali ghasab' and muhamad the child molester, haven't learnebd anything, no wonder. You deserve the jackasses and 'shepeshoos' like the ones terrorizing Iran right now, you deserve ahmadinejad.  You arabzadehs, call normal Iranians 'taghootis'. To your dissapointment  the 90% of my dear Iranian citizens are in fact intelligent (taghooties) and normal human beings that are being rulled by a bunch of 'abnormal' muslim fanatics. The American government cannot deal with a bunch terrorists in Tehran and therefore they refused the 'proposals' you are talking about (doesn't your government in Iran repeat itself saying 'marg bar amrika'?) So why on earth they wanted to negotiate with them? Your backward mafia in Iran has expired, get used to the idea, are you scared of what might happen to your kind in Iran? Tell your islamo fascist government to find another land where to practice their subculture called Islam, leave the real Iranians alone and get the hell out Iran (before the Americans bash'm up, the way they deserve)

It goes withou saying who is 'actually' destroying Iran.