
It is difficult to imagine a small perfect world, and I am sure it is impossible to create an eternal perfect universe


by Azarin Sadegh

I am a software engineer. I write programs for computers. My
software code is composed of objects and their specific functions. As a
software engineer, I have unlimited possibilities to justify the
existence of any of these objects, but each of them has been created
for one, and only one, reason. Besides using my imagination, I have to
know multiple computer languages and techniques to let my creativity
reach its ambitious goal and overcome its deep fear of failure.  In my
view, my creation is composed of a set of objects, a set of definitions
and a set of commandments. But for the users of this world, it turns
into a set of tools with a set of choices leading to a set of

A software program is like creating a small world, a world with its own particular laws and specific functionalities.

If I forget a thing, anyone using my program, anyone entering this
limited world, has to bear this mistake as its own punishment. In my
design I should think of any possibility. I should imagine the most
unpredictable paths or the most irrational combination of choices.
Sometimes it is hard to understand the logic behind disorder. Sometimes
it means that I have to come up with the complete set of rules that
would satisfy any of my users, no matter who they are. Sometimes it
means that to simplify their lives, I have to enclose this whole
labyrinth with the most difficult obstacles to surpass by any of them.

if a user succeeds to reach this limit, per consequence, he will feel
misled, even if I send him warnings or to ask his opinion about his
mistakes. Yes. I do care about my users, as long as the validity of
their license has not expired yet and my hidden time-bomb hasn’t
exploded in their face. I do my best to keep my lost user in this
absurd illusion that I would actually concretize his dreams or I would
recognize his fears.   

It is difficult to imagine a small perfect world, and I am sure it is impossible to create an eternal perfect universe.

After all, who is perfect? My software code is never immaculate. Its
flaws confuse my users. Its flaws shatter their belief in who I am. Its
flaws start a kind of suspicion in the justness of my design. They name
it their suffering and failure. I name it my “bug”, almost like a bad
infection. Anyone who is part of this small world feels the agony of my

If my users had chosen to follow only the pre-defined paths I had
imagined in my handy software manual, without going beyond my mindset,
they would have never felt desperate or lost. If they had stopped to
defy my authority without a doubt, they would have achieved their goals
and desires. They would have seen the world as a place without a
burden. So they would have believed that they could find whatever they
seek, if they try. As if everything is possible.

If my imagination was as vast as their choices, I would have never failed.

But they keep asking new questions. They keep challenging my laws. They
keep looking for imperfection. They keep blaming my limits. They push
their own boundaries by going beyond this eternity that I have defined
its borders, only for them.

If they could stop just for a second –all I am asking is just this one
second - then this moment would have become blameless. I keep reminding
them about this particular moment of peace, where my creatures should
let go of their selfish struggles or dreams and evolve into my obedient
spectators. In this one instant of void, they could transpire into
their own abstract existence, almost identical to my absence of
definition, where they remain in total awe by the complexity of my
creation. It is the moment I am awaiting for, this flawless moment of
perfection, -- where none of us actually does exist -- when I will
finally believe in my absolute authority through their giving

It is not easy to be a software engineer. I am always amused by the
parallel between my job and my surroundings. In my daily work of
designing new small worlds, using abstractions and concepts, theorems
and mathematical logics, I realize the difficulty of creating order out
of the nonsensical extent of chaos.

But at the end of each day, I just forget about work. I abandon my
creatures where they are stuck, shut down my computer and go for a
lonely walk.


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Re: Jamshid

by LostIdentity (not verified) on

Hey Jamshid,

You ask: But where is the spirit? Why should there be a spirit? What is it made of? Matter? Energy? Exotic matter?....
It's not matter, exotic matter or energy. I do not know what it is made of. God says it's beyond my understanding - just like the number Infinity that can not be defined by math which is supposed to be a preliminary concept. I call spirit " will of God" - Set of godly attributes that we were given.
I dislike to tell a story but I promise I won't make it long;
The heart of the story is: If you don't believe in something, you will not understand it.
I took the "statics/dynamics" course for my BS 3 times as a mandatory one for graduation. I just did not believe and cared for mechanical engineering. The 4th time I took during may last year and got a "D".

It's all mind game when it comes to processing and reasoning, but what can block all the activity is something that is initiated from ....whatever...you want to call it....soul....spirit.....intention....heart. One day I feel down one day I feel up, I had the same brain all the time...there's something behind all this application SW that makes everything run properly or crash.
The issue is if I believe there's nothing there, I won't find it or feel it, because it's always easy to see other sources or causes for some effects. I don't possess any "knowledge" of this spirit but I've felt it in people who has gone thru discipline.

Expecting brain doing the spirit job has been proven to be dangerous in medicinal pshychology. Just look around us and see the statistics about what portion of people around us are on what is called as psychological drugs. It's alarming number and growing at a large rate. The people of these drugs are turned into "zumbies" over time. Many of the well known medical scientist do not believe in medicinal pshychology. Why? because the root of problem is not the "brain".

All this said won't prove there's spirit of not, since the tools to feel the spirit is not in the domain of "matter" which is where the science is applied. But, as the saying goes: You got to believe it to see it! (Not as the expression goes; I believe it when I see it!).

I will respond to other subjects when I get some free time. But, one comment I need to make that I disagree whith you take that to generalize believers and dictators and Agnosts as free-will people is not true. What I have come to know, it's almost impossible to categorize people based on any trait they have - because human is a very very complex being. You can find any type of person with any type of belief. I believe we are all bound to obey rules of God (you might call it nature or destiny....). The good people, I associate them closer to God. As we distance from God, we become less good - just like darkness is the absence of light. There's no essence in darkness, since it possess nothing - it's lack of light.



Re: Azarin

by jamshid on

I agree with everything you said. As long as "my god" or "no god" or "your god" is not imposed on others, we can all live in peace. The problem is that great percentage of believers of god want to impose their belief onto others. The same cannot be said of agnostics. The very nature of agnostism prevents that. However, the very nature of believing in god encourages imposing, as in their views, the rules of god must be obeyed by all.


Re: Lost Identity

by jamshid on

Sorry for the delay.


I read your answer to my question of what is heart? I read it a few times to be sure. But it did not answer it. You used the hardware/software analogy. But there is no sipirit/heart. In my opinion, there is only one kilogram of brain cells and the neurechemical interactions between them.


To me the hardware are the cells. The software are the neurochemical actions/reactions that give rise to the "mind". There are also those cells that act wihout our "mind", the unconscious which is analogous to the firmware, eg, when you hear a big bang, it'll make you blink your eyes auotmatically.


But where is the spirit? Why should there be a spirit? What is it made of? Matter? Energy? Exotic matter?....


In my views, the "spiritual senses" that you talked about are neurochemical actions/reactions of our brain, i.e., our mind. If you want to use the word "spirit" and "heart" for special parts of our "mind", I have no objection. So spirit and heart are made of matter and manifest themselves through the mind, which in turn is tillions upon trillion of neurechemical reactions.


You then talked about "zaate parvardegaar" and that we can't understand it. My quesion is how could we know that "zaat" exists when we don't even know "what" it is?


I agree with the section in which you talk about volunteer and unvolunteer following of the rules of god (or nature I would say).


Then you talked about God not abandoning us. Please explain this:

1. God is all good.

2. God is all mighty.

3. A seven years old innocent boy gets raped by a brute.

4. God only watched and did nothing to stop it.

5. Therefore either 1 or 2 or both must be invalid assumptions and therefore the god of the semitic religions cannot exist.


Note that I don't deny the existence of god. I deny the the existence of the god of Islam and bible and Torah.


I agree with the vector analogy, but that does not require the existence of a god. It could be true without a god as well.


Now to answer your questions:

1) How could you judge what is in other peoples mind? WHat kind of image they have of God? Have you been in their minds. If that is your understanding (your own image) then you can not generalize it for all humans.


I don't judge what is in other people's mind. But we are all humans and share many mental attributes, AND I used to be a moslem and I DID believe in god, so I can at least imagine what could be going on in the mind of those who believe in god,  but I could never be exact and all knowing.


The belief in god is a product of mental acitivities and feed backs. Perhaps if technology is advanced enought, we could perform a minor surgery on a believer and make him a none-believer.


2) Do you believe in human possessing software (spirit and it's attributes) in his system?


I do believe in the software and hardware analogy. But as I explained, the software is not the spirit, it is just the neurechemical interactions of the brain cells giving rise to the mind, and it is made of matter.


Look, seeing my own and others' sufferings has taught me that there cannot be an all-good AND all-mighty god. Perhaps some other type of god may exist or maybe there is no god whatsoever. That is my belief.


Re: Azarin

by LostIdentity (not verified) on

I do agree with few points you raise:
-The hardcore beievers issue (I call them hypocrites, these are the people who really want the God to be the way they want the God to be)
-Problem of God is rather problem of believers
-If you believe in god with your heart, then you should understand and accept that there are other people who cannot believe in god in "their" heart. We all don't have identical "hearts”!

However, I think subject is NOT a philosophical matter. Philosophy is bunch of words with never ending discussions about "WHY's". I see no action in philosophy. Religion is way of life - kind of applied philosphy. whether you believe in God or not
one needs to assume Authority and Accountability in life. A philosopher knows no Accountability, but a believer does. As a Japanese proverb says: Vision without action is a dream, but action without vision is a nightmare!
So, Action guided with a vision is a complete system for living. Now the vision will determine the direction in which a person is heading.

Science is a great tool that can aide one to find the connectivity of phenomenon in physical world. The only Law that collaborates between physical science and and metaphysical domain is the law of cause and effect. I think people have different brain processing mechanisms (transfer functions). This is why we come up with different output (decision or answer to a question) from the same input from our environment. This is natural and fine.

Azarin Sadegh

to Lost and to Jamshid

by Azarin Sadegh on

Your long conversation reminds me of my own youth! Back then, no matter how hard I tried and no matter how many books I read, I had a hard time to believe in god but I liked some of his believers and my favorite believers were also great poets.


The real problem starts from the moment when my god has set a different definition for “good and bad” and my god is pushing me to force my definitions upon others, or threaten them to send them to hell. The problem of god is more the problem of his believers, not himself. Otherwise, he sounds like a pretty “good” and decent guy, but his hardcore believers are mostly very scary!


If you believe in god with your heart, then you should understand and accept that there are other people who cannot believe in god in "their" heart. We all don't have identical "hearts”!


So, I am sure, we all agree that this subject is a philosophical matter and not a scientific one. So it means that we are all right. It means also that we are all wrong at the same time.





by jamshid on

Thank you for your response. You covered a lot of areas. I will examine your post. I need to do some pondering on some of your remarks. I will respond shortly.


Re: Jamshid

by LostIdentity (not verified) on

Hi Jamshid,
Here we are again on another topic. I will try to respond to your questions as a mutual courtesy and respect, so I expect response to questions that I raise. What I say is my understanding of Islam’s view of the world and God. Disclaimer is that Islam can be something different since I have limited knowledge.

You ask:
Please explain what you mean with "heart". I am sure you are not referring to the muscle, but to a spiritual concept.
I hear this "heart" thing being said a lot by moslems, christians and others who believe in God. What is it? Is it a state of mind? then we need to reach God through the brain? What is heart?
Well, human being is a complex being composed of (analogously) hardware/software/firmware. Think of the physical senses we have : vision, taste, hearing, touching, etc. Now, there is same # of senses in spiritual world (software domain) that act exactly like eyes, ears, skin, taste buds and nose membrane, etc. These senses are our inputs in spiritual world. In order to utilize them, we need to get trained to use them just like an infant who just starts to explore hir physical senses. Once we are able to control (overcome) our physical senses, we can manipulate our spiritual senses effectively and consciously afterwards. Just think of a 6-month old baby discovering the magnificence of hir senses. It takes a while for the baby to mature her senses, once aware of the sense of taste, she will start enjoying what she eats. The same is analogous in the spiritual domain. This is a very involved discussion that we can expand upon.
You asked:
You also said: "therefore (God) can not be comprehended by our limited brain and feelings". So how can a person like me believe in a God that cannot be comprehended neither with my senses, nor my brain, nor my feelings? You will say throught the "heart" to which I say what is heart?
We need to make a distinction between essence of God (Zaate parvardegaar) and God’s attributes (esmhaaye parvardegaar). We can comprehend God’s attributes but not his essence, it’s beyond our capability. It’s just like looking at the rays of light and trusting that there’s a source for it. Need to say that the only way we can make these spiritual concepts comprehendable is to do an analogy with physical concepts.

You asked:
You say: "A person with true trust in god can only show compassion and kindness to all creation". But I think there are many atheists and agnotstics who also show compassion and kindness to all creation.
What I say does not contradict what you say. We’re all bound to obey God by obeying his rules. Some rules are involuntarily obeyed; some rules are voluntarily obeyed or disobeyed. Some rules resonate with us therefore we do it whether we believe in the creator or not. Genetics (both physical and spiritual) play a major role on why we do what we do. In a way, we (all humans) are all Moslems literally (because we submit to will of God voluntarily or involuntarily in many ways); However, some are not only Moslems but also believe in a compassionate and graceful creator.
Some being (I call it creator) designed some limitation in us – we can deny it or we can accept it; Anyway, it won’t alter the fact that we are not self-limiting. Some call it act of nature but nature itself is limited within reasonable thought. Nature may reasonably be considered as our test bed but not a creator. The ego in me tells me, I’m better than a being who should submit to nature – I can exploit and control nature within my limited power.
You Ask:
You also say: "God does not like aggression and allows self-protection" How do you know? Have you had tea with him? There is no way to know if God exists, and even if there is a god, there is no way to know what he likes or dislikes.
I did not have tea with God but I know many people who got drunk over and over! If you believe there is a creator, naturally, you believe that the creator is intelligent enough not to abandon us and somehow will communicate with us. Even a 4year old who creates a clay statue proudly shows it to parents and puts in on a respectable place and once in a while talks to it!

You asked:
Besides how can God "like" something? Is "liking" not a human atrribute? Is it not that "liking" is an attribute that God is beyond it? They say God made man in His own image. I say it is man that made god in his own image.
If we’re selfish we will naturally think that everything eminates from us such as “liking” attribute. If I think everything I have is a gift of god, naturally, I will think that the attribute of “liking” is a gift of god to us.

BTW, I do not believe human being is “image” of God. I do not know what that means! I call human being God’s Vice on earth capable of exploiting all the power God has designed into us. You can think of human being as a vector – With magnitude and direction. It is the direction that gives some meaning to our life (system of values) and the magnitude reinforces how far we project our capabilities.


Now, I have 2 questions for you;

You say: “I say it is man that made god in his own image.”
1) How could you judge what is in other peoples mind? WHat kind of image they have of God? Have you been in their minds. If that is your understanding (your own image) then you can not generalize it for all humans.

2) Do you believe in human possessing software (spirit and it's attributes) in his system?


Sweet Azarin

by Shae'r (not verified) on

May I Thank You For Your Sweet Comments ..
I Want You To Know ..
That When you See "Beauty" ..
That You See The Presence of God There ..
Whether in Nature ..
Such as a Beautiful Flower ..
In A Person ..
Or In "Words" ..
God is a "Spirit" ..
That Although "Invisible" ..
It Manifests Itself In Everything ..
A Beautiful Life Lived, Has Presence of God ..
The Glorious Smile of a Child, Has Presence of God ..
The Passion For Another Human Being, Has Presence of God ..
And Finally,
The "Sweetness" of An Inquiry, Has Presence of God ..
Attach This To Your "Bosom", and Remind Yourself ..
That If I Have a Life "Well-Lived", That I Will See God ..
Not Thru My "Intellect", But Thru My "Spirit" ..

Azarin Sadegh

Dear Shaer

by Azarin Sadegh on

I think you should get an account on Iranian.com and publish your poems under your real name. They are too good for the comments section!


I know it is so unrelated to our (old, overused, irratioanl) subject of discussion, but I think there is an underneath poem behind your poem, not only this one, but all of your poems/comments on other articles. For example:


I See Misery "All Around", "All Around", 

"Paradox" Of Life.

"Audacity" For "Wanting",  "Little" We Know ..

Do Not "Punish" Us, Contain your "Creation" ..

We Will "Stumble" Many A Times,  "We Will" .. 


Last year I took my first Creative Writing class at UCLA and my teacher (amazing and unique Philomene Long who passed away only a few months later) taught us about her word jar methodology to write poetry. She would cut the words that grabbed her attention from magazines and newspapaers and she kept them in a jar. She told us that a poem was hidden inside each word, and so all we had to do was only to see it. 


Your hidden poem inside a poem reminds me of Philomene's wonderful poetry and life (that was a poem by itself).




The Spirit Reckons

by Shae'r (not verified) on

O' Holy One ..
My Mind, In Agony ..
Trying To Reconcile ..
Are You, Or Are You Not? ..
On The One Hand, I See The Glory Of Creation ..
On The Other, I See Misery "All Around" ..
On The One Hand, I See Beauty "All Around" ..
On The Other, I See The "Paradox" Of Life ..
To Kill, To Survive ..
To Love, To Hate ..
To Make Love, and To Die ..
And Finally,
To Know, and Yet, Realize That We Don't Know ..
O' God, O' Spirit Of Creation ..
The More I Swim in Your Ocean, The More I Realize How "Deep" You Are ..
Forgive Our "Audacity" For "Wanting" To Know More About You ..
But we Realize That The Deeper We Dwelve On You, The More We Realize How "Little" We Know ..
Do Not "Punish" Us, As We Are Children Of Inquiry ..
Blessed with A Mind To Contain your "Creation" ..
However, as A Child Crawling Before Learning to Walk ..
We Will "Stumble" Many A Times Before We Can Get Up and walk ..
Walk and Walk "We Will" ..


Re: Lost Identity

by jamshid on

I read your reply to Azarin. You talked about knowing God through the heart. You said: "The God I feel in my heart is the God that is independent of my feelings and my brain".


Please explain what you mean with "heart". I am sure you are not referring to the muscle, but to a spiritual concept.


I hear this "heart" thing being said a lot by moslems, christians and others who believe in God. What is it? Is it a state of mind? then we need to reach God through the brain? What is heart?


You also said: "therefore (God) can not be comprehended by our limited brain and feelings". So how can a person like me believe in a God that cannot be comprehended neither with my senses, nor my brain, nor my feelings? You will say throught the "heart" to which I say what is heart?


You say: "A person with true trust in god can only show compassion and kindness to all creation".  But I think there are many atheists and agnotstics who also show compassion and kindness to all creation.


You also say: "God does not like aggression and allows self-protection" How do you know? Have you had tea with him? There is no way to know if God exists, and even if there is a god, there is no way to know what he likes or dislikes.


Besides how can God "like" something? Is "liking" not a human atrribute? Is it not that "liking" is an attribute that God is beyond it? They say God made man in His own image. I say it is man that made god in his own image.



Re: Azarin Sadegh

by LostIdentity (not verified) on

Hi Azarin,
I sounds like you are mad at "God". We usually like to see God does what we think is God's duty - Being God and doing good things. The system of value we have in our mind is based on self interest - And this is all natural and stems from our basic instincts. Truly this kind of God is made out of our imagination. The God I feel in my heart is the God that is independent of my feelings and my brain.His existence and attributes is self sustaining and eternal. My God is dimensionless as we understand and feel, therefore can not be comprehended by our limited brain and feelings. Once we come out of the 4 dimensions as we know (space and time), we can start to see (Chasme Del) God's attributes ONLY.


If one truly trusts God (You and I are capable but I know am not able) will only see the beauty of God's attributes. It is not that we either have it all or not at all. It's a state of being and people are in different levels depending on their discipline and spiritual training. We will only love what God has created, including all humanity. A person with true trust in god can only show compassion and kindness to all creation. In the meantime, God does not like aggression and allows self-protection. Self-protection is as holy as love for humanity. This is even allowed in a 21st century modern and civil society.

You mention that we are thrown out of God's heaven. An individual who believe and show in action attesting to God's kingdom feels he's in heaven even on earth. As prophet says: To deserve heaven, one must show it in his character in this world - being kind and helpful to people (seems to make sense to me). We all need to prove we're capable of something - Even in this modern world, there's SAT, ACT, Konkoor, driver license test, Performance review........

It's as possible to prove God's existence as it is to disprove - What does this all mean? Well, I think I can only receive something from a "source" can transmit that something. So, if one meditates and receive some energy from it, it has to come from the source of energy. I can see that spiritual energy in the face of that old country-man with white beard whose smile is deeply rooted in his heart. The genuineness of his spirit shows thru his face.

Let's hear from Rumi:
You who seek God apart, apart,
The thing you seek, thou art, thou art;
Why then search for what you have not lost?
Searching for what’s not lost, distrust, distrust!

Thou art the letters, names and the book
Prophets and angels your word undertook;
Just sit still, this futile search let go
You are the house, master and foe
Essence and form, celestial and from earth
Always eternal, in death and at birth.

If you want to see the beloved’s face
Polish the mirror, gaze into that space
In these truths, the secrets you weave
Are your punishments, yourselves deceive.

Shams-e Tabrizi, is the world Emperor
Seekers of his grace are behind which door?
This graceful King showers you with gifts
Unbeknownst to you, your souls uplifts.

Azarin Sadegh

To lost identity

by Azarin Sadegh on

Hi Lost,


If we are truly made as an image of god, then we should be really lonely and eternal. Who is lonelier than him? Who is the most misunderstood?


I think the day we accept his eternal absence -- so we accept our own loneliness -- then we should only rely on our own strength and creativity to become a true image of him.


I don't see any limit in our future creativity, but I can see so many flaws in his existing design.


If at the beginning of times, there was only a word and the word was god, then it is nothing but a concept. A concept or an image we (humans) have created to show our own loneliness and to fight against our depressing mortality.


The other point that bothers me is the high number of his messengers and the high number of innocents killed in his name.


I can understand and totally respect the ones who need his support, but I cannot understand why I have to burn in hell if I don't feel the same need? Plus, I don't understand, even if he has created life, why should we keep praising him and follow his orders blindfolded and without a contest?


We have already been thrown out of his heaven to become a true human being the day we asked the first question and the day we doubted for the first time. And I really think it is the beauty of life.




what is good and perfect?

by Anchuchak (not verified) on

1: if we agree that god created this universe,
then it follows that god must have been outside
this universe. If it was inside, it wouldn't have
existed in the first place to create this universe.
This implies that god must be in a world with at
least four spatial dimension, and therefore beyond
our imagination. After all, we are three dimentional
(time not included-just spatial dimension) creatures.

2: this discussion leads to nowhere unless every single
word, specially non-obvious but extremely important words
like 'good', 'bad', 'perfect' are defined.


We truly are image (sign) of

by LostIdentity (not verified) on

We truly are image (sign) of god on earth. So, with th elimitations we possess, we have limited creativeness in us.

In the domain of logic, it is impossible to understand essense of god - just like it's impossible to understand meaning of the number INFINITY. There are levels of understading god's signs (which is different than god's essence). The sufis have pretty good definition of these stages:
1. The brain domain
2. The heart domain

Unfortunately, most people don't even have the #1 knowledge. Some do and can reason god's signs, but they have not elevated to the domain of heart. This knowledge is easy to transfer only to people who have free mind and looking for the Truth.

The knowledge to understand god's signs by heart is hard to attain. Only some do and can feel god presence wholeheartedly. This knowledge is only transferrable if seeker is a skilled lover. In this domain hanging to your reason is only an obstacle.

Have you felt that as a software engineer, you may get bored, confused, depressed or act like a stupid in the fluid mechanics class?

So, just because one thinks god does not exist, does not make god disappear. God's existence is independent of our mind and imagination.

I am enslaved to fate, of all else say no more
With a sweet tongue speak, else I plea say no more
Speak not of troubles, of treasures tell me more
And if of this you know not, be not troubled, say no more.


Some thoughts from Rumi

I am enslaved to fate, of all else say no more
With a sweet tongue speak, else I plea say no more
Speak not of troubles, of treasures tell me more
And if of this you know not, be not troubled, say no more.

I have gone insane, Love found me, then whispered in my ear
"I am here, cry not aloud, curse yourself not, say no more"
I said "O Love it is other than Thee that I fear!"
Said "it may thus appear, yet is not so, say no more
I speak in your ear, to you brings secrets near
Speak with your head, confirm a nod, say no more!"

I asked, "what do I see? Is it an angel or a man?"
Said "no more an angel than a man, is another, say no more"
"Tell me what is, why withhold? Why the flames of my torment fan?"
Said, "just be tormented, confused, say no more!
For leaving this colorful and false abode you’ve made no plan
Rise up and just depart, leave this home, say no more!

Mevlana see only Shams, to none other your heart pour
See the light of that divine glowing face, say no more!"


I have gone insane, Love found me, then whispered in my ear
"I am here, cry not aloud, curse yourself not, say no more"
I said "O Love it is other than Thee that I fear!"
Said "it may thus appear, yet is not so, say no more
I speak in your ear, to you brings secrets near
Speak with your head, confirm a nod, say no more!"

I asked, "what do I see? Is it an angel or a man?"
Said "no more an angel than a man, is another, say no more"
"Tell me what is, why withhold? Why the flames of my torment fan?"
Said, "just be tormented, confused, say no more!
For leaving this colorful and false abode you’ve made no plan
Rise up and just depart, leave this home, say no more!

Mevlana see only Shams, to none other your heart pour
See the light of that divine glowing face, say no more!"

Azarin Sadegh

Justifying god?

by Azarin Sadegh on

I think the only thing that could justify the existence of god is its eternal absence, when we need him the most.


Voila the idea of the article for those who didn't get it well (Thanks Mehdi, I think you have already got it :)) .


 God can only become a god through the creation of the human beings and the universe. In other words god needs its own creation to turn into a true God. So we might be able to become an image of god through our own creativity and imagination.


I hope it would clarify my rumbling!




PS to Sera: BTW, I think a good software wouldn't be made only after the needs of its users (The needs of the users determine the specifications and the requirements for the period of the maintenance/building the following fixpacks or newer versions of an existing good software).


A revolutionary and successful technology (the one breaking the market) creates a non-existing need for its future users/customers.


When in doubt....

by Romantic (not verified) on


What is the point of the article? Where is the punch line?! It's more like someone mumbling to oneself!

Software engineer trauma!
This self reflections may be related to outsourcing and decline of IT salaris in US! ;-)
I seriously doubt in the go go years of Y2k one would become so philosophical!! :-)


Dear Azarin,

by Sera (not verified) on

I read your article twice and tried hard to understand it. I also tried to figure out what can drive a person to write these words. While I could think of some good and not so good motives and intentions, still I think I should give you the benefit of doubt. So I assume you are genuinely sharing your thoughts, feelings, frustrations, puzzlements,....with others, perhaps in hopes of encountering some people who may think and understand things differently.

There are two things that I would like you to clarify if you could be bothered:

1- you said: "... and I am sure it is impossible to create an eternal perfect universe....". now my question is "what is the basis and source of that certainty?" Don't you think, given your limited/partial knowledge, your domain of knowledge, capability of your brain(as a human designer), the fair statement must be something like:"I am sure it is impossible to create a perfect software/system"?

2- what I understand is that you are comparing/simulating creator of a software to the creator of the universe and therefore extending abilities and disabilities of the small creator to the big creator. if I understood you correctly, then I would say these two can not be compared and by that I don't mean in terms of the scale. the creator of a software only creates the software and is not the creator of its users. the creator of the universe(lets assume there is a creator for sake of this discussion) has created the software and the users and the ability of the users to use and understand the software. could I make my point? in another word the elements of the smaller world can not be compared to their counterparts in the bigger world on a 'one-on-one' basis. if the creator of a software was also the creator of its users, she/he would have created them in a way so that they would only expect and understand what the software is delivering and is capable of. In the same context, these two worlds not being comparable, there is another huge difference. the creator of a software gets the idea of what to create, what functions or procedures are needed, what rules or standards should be applied,..etc, based on the requirements that one way or another is defined by the end user of that system/software. and that's exactly why they can find bugs and defects in the system. because they have the original copy of the requirements to compare the system against to see if it is delivering them. But in the big world, the creator of the universe did the job without any input from the user. in fact the users where not there to have a 'say' as they themselves were going to be yet created. do I make sense to you.

Just my two cents. Nevertheless I admire you for thinking, doubting and caring to share your ideas.


Re: God

by jamshid on

You Azarin are the god of your creation, your software which will have flaws. All software have flaws. However, you can be excused for it, as you don't claim to be prefect.


It is said that God is the creator of the entire existence. It is also beleived that God is

1. all perfect,

2. all mighty and,

3. all good.


But I see things in this existence that contradict one or more of the above. So I concluded that either God does not exist, or if it exists, it is different than the God taught by the three semitic religions of Judism, Chirsitanity and Islam.


The most important question is that if God is all good, why he created evil? I will hear that it is not God who does evil, it is human beings that do evil. Then the question becomes: Why God "allows" evil to be committed? For example, what is stopping God from saving an innocent seven years old girl who is being brutally raped by a monster? For an answer, I will hear that we cannot undestand God's wisdom which is the same than saying "I don't know why and I don't care, I just want to be "comfortable" by believing in God."


I don't know if you wanted to take your article into a discussion about God, but here it is. Moslem, christians, and jews... Any answers?




Azarin Sadegh

To Mehdi

by Azarin Sadegh on

Please let me know if you need any help to delete your first comment below, before you start feeling embarrassed!





by Mehdi on

According to an American philosopher, admiration is the most valued particle in this universe. So maybe we create things so that we can obtain admiration. A work of art or a computer program gives us the admiration of others, and that's when we feel fulfilled. Seems to be correct.



Sometimes I think that even some political fighters are after the same thing. They want to save a nation so that at the end they can be admired as the savior, and not really because they are concerned about the fate of that nation.


Fine, I'll remove it :-)

by Mehdi on

I should have posted that as Mehri not Mehdi :-)