When politicians love journalists

British/American alliance has now publicly started to give a louder voice to Rafsanjanists inside Iran


When politicians love journalists
by hoder

I beg to say that the main premise on which Sadeq Saba's new analysis is built upon is just false.

In his piece about the harsh criticism against Ahmadinejad, published in a newspaper in iran called Jomhoori-e Eslami, he argues that support for Ahmadinejad is diminishing among within the senior leadership of Iran.

That's becoming an increasingly popular theme these days and the way I read it is that the U.S./UK official line against Iran is slightly shifting towards exploiting the remaining limited potentials of Rafsanjanists in breaking the political unity and common will behind the nuclear programme and particularly the decision not to give up on the enrichment.

The British/American alliance has now publicly started to give a louder voice to the Rafsanjanists inside Iran (from Shirin Ebadi to Hassan Rohani) and outside (almost all Democrat-leaning figures such as Abbas Milani and Akbar Ganji) in order to widen the potential differences of opinions among the key decision-making figures and institutions.

So it doesn't matter to Mr. Saba that painting Jomhouri-e Eslami as a newspaper that reflects Khamenei's positions is totally false. One only needs to go back and see during the previous elections and afterwards it has always been Rafsanjani who has enjoyed the full support of the newspaper, not Ahmadinejad.

In this context, it is very predictable to see such attacks from one of Rafsanjani's most faithful media allies. And it's not event the first time Jomhouri-e Eslami is diong this. (See an eariler report from January 2007 for example.)

What is happening in the past few months is that Khamenei is becoming more and more supportive of Ahmadinejad in private and public, at the same time that he keeps his distance with him. So Khamenei supports him more while he also criticised him more. (For instance, read the transcript of his speech for the government cabinet a few months ago.)

Mind you that I didn't vote for Ahmadinejad and I have my criticism of many of his actions and rhetoric. However, I can't close my eyes on such obviously inaccurate and politically-motivated journalism that has shamelessly become so common in the Euro-American media.

Apparently Washington post's Robin Wright has become their role model.


more from hoder

Re: Q

by jamshid on

"Bravely escaped the war" eh?....


I read your post Q. Was that the best your decomposed mind could muster? Fantasizing Busey playing Jamshid in a movie? And fantasizing about its marketing?


Is this the best your "intellect" can do?


Or perhap it relieves some of the "oghdeh" you have accumulated against me over times, because in the past I had repeatedly rubbed your "pooz" on dust in other threads?


So with your fallacies exposed, your ideology debunked, and your intellect belittled, you find yourself so hopeless that now you engage in this childish bullshit?


I am not surprised at all Q.


By the way, the "one hundred" you are mocking already exist in other forms and places, but they are not playing in a movie to entertain you. Instead they are rotting in IRI's prisons and being tortured so that a bastard like you can loaf off and "entertain" himself in the streets of Los Angeles on the plundered riches of Iran.


Arguing is one thing, but making jokes like these is another. Just when I thought you have hit the bottom of the intellectual barrel, you surprised me by "inventing" another even lower level of mentality and showing it off to everyone too. How pathtetic.


You remind me of a clown with a sad face.


I doubt you could even remember or understand our Iranian ways, but I offer you this anyway: The next time you want to mock me, be man enough and come here and do it in my face. I'll pay for your airplane ticket and your hotel. 


In the past, at least I was arguing against another "man" with an opposing view. But now I can't even call you that...



maybe I wasn't in Iran (RE: Jamshid)

by a1777 (not verified) on

Jamshidjan, last year this airline agent sold me a ticket that he said would land me in Iran.
During my stay in that country I hardly saw anyone who wasn't critical of something. Even those that I was with briefly in a taxi complained ... they were very clear and explicit with no fear whatsoever to complain!
From your statement above it appears that the agent sold me the wrong ticket, I must not have landed in Iran!


Bahram: Thanks for the idea! "The 100" coming to theaters...

by Q on

I love it Bahram, the only question is who will play Jamshid? Is Danny DeVito available? What about Gary Busey? Just think about it:


This Summer..... from the director of Earnest Scared Stupid and the writer of Police Academy 5, comes an international thriller to kill for!


He turned on the revolution he helped create...

He was betrayed by the BBC...

He was hunted by the Mullahs...

He bravely escaped the war and devestation others were made to endure...

He was forced to live life as an anonymous counter-revolutionary in Los Angeles... But he was only hiding for a limited time!

This summer, Time's up!

He is back, he seeks revenge, and he brought 100 of his closest friends... ARE.YOU.READY.FOR.JAMSHID. ?

Bad guys beware, he has "theories"!



THE 100: Jamshid and the Magic Library, in theaters everywhere.

Rated R.



(ps. to Jamshid: your brilliant deduction is right on the money of course, you have found me out. My real name is Alimohammad Hassan-Hosseini, I just use Qumars because it sounds more Persian.)


Re: Rosie

by jamshid on

I re-read your post. You tried to explain what the author of this article is trying to do. But I think there is something you are not understanding about me and many others like me. Let me give you an analogy.


It is 1942, WW2. Hitler is massacring the jews. A pro Nazi who knows all too well about these mssacres, writes an article about whether Goebel is this or that as compared to Hitler. He also opines about the "spinning" on this issue in the allies media.


And now somebody comes in and say let's analyze what this author had said. Someone else may protest that who gives a rat's ass about that author? That we are in a state of war, people are getting massacred. Are we going to sit down and "analyze" the supporters of these nazi criminals? What is there to analyze for cyring outloud?


And during that war, no body gave a damn about what "kharejis" (in relations to the allies) would think about the allies pounding anything Nazi.


Do you see the analogy here? The same is true as related to IRI. They are a bunch of criminal thugs mafia running the country. AND PLEASE DON'T YOU EVEN START SAYING THAT HITLER WAS WORST.

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

please read my post below, Dear Friends. Or re-read it, or whatever.


Re: Anonym777

by jamshid on

ey badbakhte khod bakhteh.... The library I was refering to is a bunch of garbage propoganda fallacy filled trash that is good only for your idiot type to be proud of.


I am glad I could make you laugh. I am sure the cries of all those in Evin also makes you laugh, as well as the sight of those getting hanged.


So keep on laughing it'll add to your longevity. Perhaps with a longer life you'll get a better to graduate from being a stooge to being a decent human being.



facts and fiction (RE: Jamshid)

by Anonym777 (not verified) on

Jamshish said: "Another tool at their disposal is a vast library of articles and documents and web links they can use in their arguments in order to give themselves the resemblence of intellectuality..."

Jamshidjan, if one does not try to manipulate the facts to match his or her belief that is the best thing to do. As you know I do that frequently and I confess to that cardinal sin.
By the way I appreciate some of your writings. Some are really funny, like the '100 men and women'. It was also very funny when you got carried away with insults once and signed as Imbecile. supposedly laughing adds seven years to ones life, specially if one does not stress self with the dead Kings...


I am instinctively pro-free

by say no to fascists (not verified) on

I am instinctively pro-free speech and against bans and censorship, but I also believe in defending human rights and the right of minority communities to be spared prejudice and intimidation.

How do we square these two competing, worthy ideals?

Moreover, why should fascists be given free speech when they would, if given half a chance, deny free speech to others? There should be an intolerance of intolerance. By granting liberty to those who would destroy liberty, surely we are accomplices to liberty’s destruction?
Many people hold the view that Hoder is either fascists or fascist sympathisers and apologists, Theo-fascists perhaps.

Even those who demur from such a description cannot dispute that they give comfort to fascists and that their ideas are used by fascists to promote an anti-human rights and anti-free speech agenda which, in some cases, results in the abuse of racial, sexual and religious minorities.

Anti-fascists say that people like hoder should be denied public platforms in order to protect vulnerable minority communities and for the sake of preserving social cohesion and solidarity. In other words, they argue that achieving a greater social good over-rides all other considerations.

Let’s go back in history. It is possible that if there had been no free speech for Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany during the early 1920s – if their meetings and marches had been stopped – they may not have grown in strength and influence. Denying them an opportunity to propagandise, gain respectability and enter the political mainstream might have thwarted their rise to power. This may have prevented the Nazis from assuming the government of Germany. Without Hitler in power, the Holocaust and World War Two may not have happened. Tens of millions of lives may have been saved if the free speech of Nazis had been suppressed early on.

This is, of course, historical speculation. We don’t know for sure. But it is plausible that “no platform” for Nazis in the 1920s could have prevented the horrors the Nazis later perpetrated. On these grounds, I would argue that it would have been justified to deny the Nazi Party freedom of speech.


Re: Bahram the Iranian

by jamshid on

Hala masalan ke chi? What is with "Bahram"? Or cyrus, or daryush, etc? Why do you IRI stooges choose such names instead of your real names such as abdulah, gholamhussein, mohamad and so on?


Two things are already established among the opposition. First, IRI elements choose "nationalist" identities, and always nationalist names such as kourosh or daryush, to make it easier to obtain the trust of the members of oppposition in order to infiltrate, spy and sabotage their efforts.


Second, in the internet, they choose ids with a nationalist sound, such as cyrus, daryush, bahram, mojgan, etc. AND then support the IRI to give the impression that even none-akhoond classes of Iranian society support the IRI. This is an effective psychological tool that is used to weaken the resolve of the silent majority.


Another tool at their disposal is a vast library of garbage fallacies filled articles, documents and web links and other lies filled propoganda they can use in their arguments in order to give themselves the resemblence of intellectuality and that even "intellectuals" support the IRI.





by Sasha on


Bahram the Iranian

new relase '"the 100"' and king Jamshid

by Bahram the Iranian on

it is going to be fun to watch in this holiday season


Christmas time is here...

by Santa Claus (not verified) on

Christmas time is here
Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share

Sleigh bells in the air
Beauty everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
And joyful memories there

Christmas time is here
We'll be drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year...

Rosie T.

Dear Friends:

by Rosie T. on

Dear Friends:  As a "khareji" I want to tell you that as I understood the author's article, he is simply trying to analyze Ahmadinejad's actual power vis a vis rifts between Khamenei and Rafsanjani, and also contends that some "spinning" on this issue is taking place in the Western press.  And these seem to me to be important issues, so  I was delighted that it was one of the most commented items on the site--to inform myself of the pros and cons of hid argument.


Yet last night this was impossible to do because I had to wade through so many off-topic incendiary postings that sound like they are written by yowling wolves.  It looks like the situation may be improved today. I'll keep my fingers crossed as I'm reading.

And repeat, as I've said before: That I am not the ONLY "khareji" viewing this site, although certainly one of the more dedicated ones. That the eyes of the world are on YOU, Iran, yes, YOU TOO, Expat-Iran.  That every Iranian topic googleable on this planet leads directly to this website, whose FRONT PAGE you are now on. This, one of the LARGEST English-language Persian websites on the now primarily English-reading planet.

And if you continue to yap like wolves,, the world is going to wash its hands of you.  Concerned people everywhere will simply say: what DIFFERENCE does it make whether they have a strongman dictatorship or disintegrate into pieces? And they will write you off as another Iraq, as HOPELESS. And leave you fate to be fought out by cheneykhameini.

 Good thoughts, good words, good deads.  Even if you don't MEAN them. At the moment, it's a PRAGMATIC necessity.



one hundred dedicated Iranins (RE: Jamshidjan)

by Anonymous777 (not verified) on

Jamshid says: "Get me in touch with one hundred dedicated Iranian men and women and I'll get half of the job done. Just one hundred."

Jamshidjan, take Roya, Roya is both man and woman and appears to have multiple personality. Altogether Roya should provide you with as many Iranian and non-Iranian men and women that you need, and takes less space.
Best of luck Jamshidjan.


To: Roya and others - very simplistic view of how to bring chang

by Arezu (not verified) on

To Roya and others on this panel who advocate everything, and anything to get rid of IRI:

1. Let's make it clear just because we are not proponents of sanctions, military intervention, foreign interference in the affairs of Iran and money being dished out to opposition groups (outside and within Iran) to bring about regime change, does not mean we are pro-IRI!!

2. However, we will never sacrifice Iran’s national integrity by supporting opposition groups, such as the MEK, or any member of the $75MM club who receives financing from any foreign country, or organization... Many of these organizations are in bed with the Zionists and the neocons, who definitely do not have the interest of Iran and the Iranians in mind.

All such parties, including the monarchists are working with the Zionist/neocon groups, the same people who are advocating a “velvet revolution” and if this does not work then military attack. Furthermore, many of these opposition groups have been the ones who have been passing false information to the U.S. regarding Iran solely because they want to bring about regime change. Where is their integrity and principles, and why should Iranians ever believe they will have any going forward?

Just take a look at some of these groups and who are behind them:

Meet the "Whack Iran" Lobby
NEWS: Exiles peddling shaky intelligence, advocacy groups pressing for regime change, neocons bent on remaking the Middle East. Sound familiar?
• “A new Iran directorate inside the Pentagon features some of the same people who brought you the Iraq intel-cherrypicking operation at the Office of Special Plans. Whether calling for outright regime change or pushing “democracy promotion” initiatives to undermine the Iranian government, an expanding cast of characters has emerged to promote confrontation between the U.S. and Iran. What follows is an abridged list of the individuals and organizations agitating to bring down the mullahs”:
 Abram Shulsky; Elizabeth Cheney; David Wurmser; Elliott Abrams; Michael Ledeen; Manucher Ghorbanifar (famous arms dealer involved in the Iran-Contra affair); Committee on the Present Danger; Iran Policy Committee (supporting the MEK or now called the National Council for Resistance in Iran); Foundation for Democracy in Iran -Co-founded in 1995 by investigative journalist and activist Kenneth Timmerman, the Foundation is among the oldest of a constellation of advocacy groups -- including the now defunct Coalition for Democracy in Iran established by Michael Ledeen, James Woolsey, and former AIPAC director Morris Amitay – that have sprung up to push a hard line on Iran.
Solidarity Iran
• By Kenneth R. Timmerman
FrontPageMagazine.com | Friday, June 15, 2007
The Iranians were begging for help, and told their friends in the administration that they needed the “blessing” of U.S. assistance to demonstrate that they were in charge. The Americans insisted that the Iranians first resolve their political differences, and then they would see.

• In addition to Ahy, who was a long-time advisor to Reza Pahlavi, and Cyrus Amouzegar, a former minister under the Shah, they include leftists who opposed the Shah and initially welcomed the revolution.

Legendary leaders from the July 1999 student uprising in Tehran are scheduled to attend, including Roozbeh Farahanipour, secretary general of Marzeporgohar (Iranians for a Secular Republic). They will sit side by side with people such as Mohsen Sazegara, a founder of the Revolutionary Guards who broke with the regime and was jailed repeatedly in the late 1990s.

• Another name and group which seems to be affiliated is Pooya Dayanim is the president of the U.S.-based Iranian Jewish Public Affairs Committee (IJPAC).

3. Just take look at these characters that are part of the Iranian opposition group. They have nothing in common, totally fragmented, un-organized, begging the U.S./Zionists and neocons to provide them with money and support.

These groups have absolutely no credibility with any intelligent patriotic group either here or in Iran.

If we have not learned our hard lesson from history that foreign intervention has never resulted in favor of Iran and the Iranian people, then I am sorry we really are in trouble.

4. YOU SPEAK ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST if you have read what the U.S. means by this it is the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Please go and read what their agenda is for changing the Middle East before you preach that Iranians want this agenda - which is nothing but U.S. hegemony for oil and power in the region, and to combat the rise of economic and military power of China, India, Russia and other Asian countries.
• The U.S. does not want democratic countries in the region. It does not intend to have countries which make their own decisions, and are not subservient to the rules of the super power and its allies. If you have noticed after the failure in Iraq the U.S. has stopped even using this terminology of "Democracy in the Middle East".

Please show me one country in the oil rich Middle East, as well as the Caucus region that the U.S. has helped brings about a democratic change for the benefit of the people of such countries?


• Didn't former President Carter and a coalition of International organizations do exactly this in Palestine? Hamas was elected into office by the will of the Palestinian people.. Did the U.S. and Israel accept Hamas as democratic government for the Palestinians?. No? Why - Because it did not serve their interest. The same will go for Iran, unless they pick a stooge which serves the interest of the U.S. and Israel is happy with?

• The same with the current Iraqi regime. Once the U.S.A. determined that the Shiite leadership in power just made Iran stronger, they switched through a policy of containment ; pitting Sunnis against Shiites. And by the way where is the democracy in Iraq after 5 years? Further who do you think is drafting the Constitution for Iraq? Who do you think the Iraqi government has to be subservient to? The Iraqi people or the USA? Who is dishing out the Iraqi oil contracts? Iraqis or the U.S.? Who has created an Embassy the size of the Vatican right in the heart of Baghdad; while the normal masses don’t even have clean water to drink, adequate sanitation, medical needs that are causing children to die every day; food, shelter, housing; and no security to leave their homes?

• Do you think foreign elements assisting the opposition force are doing it out of the kindest of their heart or do they expect MEGA GIVE IN for their own self interest? I believe the latter. What do you think is taking place in Pakistan, more arms sales to keep Parvez Musharraf in power and/or bring their own stooge Benazir Butto to power? What happened to Democracy?

6. As such any opposition force working with foreign elements to bring about a “velvet revolution” in Iran will drag the U.S. and other powers into the economic, fabric of Iran, placing us in the same position as we were pre 1979 Revolution.

7. I believe that this rhetoric by the U.S. about regime change, financing of the Iranian opposition groups, potential military attack has worked to the detriment of the progressive movement in Iran. If the U.S. left Iran alone and stopped its continuous provocation, Iranians would be working to bring about transformation at their own pace, in the best way that they deem fit and appropriate for them. The Iranian people have already made long strides toward that end and do not need to be colonized by any other country to obtain their rightful rights. The U.S. and other countries have halted this effort and are making life more difficult for the Iranian people. Or have you not noticed?

8. AND FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO ARE ADVOCATES OF BOMBING OF IRAN IF REGIME CHANGE BY ANY MEANS DOES NOT TAKE PLACE: Then it is you who are traitors to Iran. You do not understand the complexity of what you are advocating. Bombing of Iran will result in massive killings of the Iranian people, destruction of the country and further embroil a region which is already in chaos. So is this what you call freedom and democracy for the Iranian people?? Killing and destroying to give them what freedom? Does this make any logical sense? I would like to know what % of Iranians are advocates of such an insane policy??

Then you all dare call the rest of us traitors to the Iranian people. No, we see the world and the inner workings of the political system, and have read history, and how coup d’etats have worked and what has been the end result for the countries that have been invaded. The world is far more complex than how many of you believe such change can take place.



by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

have you ever had any articles erased for being anti-IRI here?


Jahanshah, don't be paranoid

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

This site is banned in Iran and is run by jahanshah javid. Who is a hooligan here? Do you really think IRI people speak English that well?

Why wouldn't they just erase ALL comments, like yours, if what you say is true?

sorry, I see no evidence and I don't know how to check your track or what it shows.

What I see is another Iranian conspiracy theory. Maybe the British are running this site!!!

Jahanshah Rashidian

R: Ananymou 8

by Jahanshah Rashidian on


Sorry, but  I do not see in your lingo a serious signof hooligan! You just want more info. So, have a look at the blog section! See a Bacheh Mullah and surf his posts. You see whom I meant.

If still you do not believe me, then have a look at my track: You  will see how many percent of my "profane" articles have been ignored while a Mozdoor like Hoder is permitted to multiply his "pro-IRI" materials.


Hey Jahanshah,

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

I only get $5 /hour as an internet hooligan. What office in Tehran should I be talking to about a raise?

Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

I understand your concerns; the IRI spends more money on its lobbyist and stooge-network abroad than on its military arms like Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon. More than $200 millions are the portion for California. It is shared among the agents, internet hooligans, Alavi and Twaheed foundations, Muslim and mosque centres… and of course the camouflaged media to defend IRI’s life in any form and trick.

There are many examples of active or sleeper cells in the media, from hardcore and redneck Hezballohi to liberal reformist Muslims and from anti-democratic Stalinists to right-wing anti Semites, from humble Muslims to business people who are devotees of any regime in Iran, are all a part of  different examples.

It is sad, these IRI’s various mouthpieces have managed to create a dominant front on this site against the majority of secular and democratic readers.

We should denounce these pro IRI people on any occasion while requiring a responsible media defending democracy, Human Rights, gender equality, Iranian identity, and struggles of people for them in Iran. 


Dragging US into another war is wrong (RE: Roya D.)

by Anonymous777 (not verified) on

Yes, Roya, I am an Iranian/American and as such my duty is to advocate against an unnecessary war between my two homelands.
As I explicitly mentioned in my previous posting I don't know what Iranians want.
It is apparent that MKO (an official US listed terrorist group) and some extreme elements in the monarchist side of Iranian opposition are trying very hard to push US/Israel into war with Iran.
Majority of Americans from right to left are disgusted by those bankrupt and corrupt Iraqi political groups that dragged them into the Iraq war.
I don't want any more US tax money (including my tax money) be spent on unnecessary wars.
Iranians inside Iran will change IRI when/if needed.
By the way why are you so extremist?


It is sad that the only

by Anonymous119 (not verified) on

It is sad that the only viable for Iranians in the West is run by a former supporter of the regime. The anti-IRI voice has no such forum to speak of...


Re: Jahanshah Rashidian

by jamshid on

Well said... There is nothing wrong with making the world more aware of the IRI's crimes which in many areas are worst than those in South Africa.


But it requires a focused effort which thanks to IRI's divisive efforts is not happening. We Iranians are like the boxer who has been knocked down several times and keeps on being pounded. We are dazed and unfocused.


Get me in touch with one hundred dedicated Iranian men and women and I'll get half of the job done. Just one hundred. The problem is that IRI could always plant its elements in the opposition's efforts and sabotage it. They are the ones with the petrodollars.


Jahanshah Rashidian

R:Farhad Kashani

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Your points can be realisable if we have a national movement to put them in /outside Iran forth.

As you mentioned, the war and "blind" economic santions are not the effective gurantee to get rid of the whole IRI and even may serve some factions of the regime.

One of the solutions, at least for Iranian communities in the West, is the international mobilisation against the Islamic apartheid, as it was once a successful one against apartheid regime.

Crimes and illegitimacy of the barbaric IRI must be internationally spoken up, condemned, and challenged. I am sure this compaign cannot be ignored by the international community or neutralised by pro IRI people or media abroad.


Islamo fascists on this site

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

Islamo fascists on this site feel a certain place of belonging in Iranian.com. Perhaps this site is funded by the IRI's fascists and their lobby network in the West.

IRI fascists are petrified because they see the writings on the wall and use Israel, AIPAC, and the neocons as an excuse. The problems with the IRI lies within not without. Regime change will happen not because of external forces. The regime is decript and decaying from its very foundations and they know that better than anyone else,hence their paranoia.

Bahram the Iranian

worthless effeorts

by Bahram the Iranian on

u ve made a lots of them all the way through the night and u still keep it on going. while i give u credit for your hard work, sorry to let u know it has been all but worthless. u havent achieved any thing tonight and made no difference. hrere how it goes, if u can see back of your ears u will see a regim change in Iran. US, Europe, Isreal or whoever under whatever names arent being able to hit Iran military if they had, they would have been done by now already 100 times as they only see their own interest not caring how many pepole would get killed.the fact they havent done it as we speak, cause they know they will pay a very hefty price,,,, and that is all

go and figure

Bahram the Iranian

worthless effeorts

by Bahram the Iranian on

u ve made a lots of them all the way through the night and u still keep it on going. while i give u credit for your hard work, sorry to let u know it has been all but worthless. u havent achieved any thing tonight and made no difference. hrere how it goes, if u can see back of your ears u will see a regim change in Iran. US, Europe, Isreal or whoever under whatever names arent being able to hit Iran military if they had, they would have been done by now already 100 times as they only see their own interest not caring how many pepole would get killed.the fact they havent done it as we speak, cause they know they will pay a very hefty price,,,, and that is all

go and figure


Yes Roya, you are the

by Q on

Yes Roya, you are the intelligent one. We understand.


The basic moral failure of warmongers

by Q on

Alan, I'm not here to insult you. Here are just facts.


Roya is a phoney and probably and antisemite. He has used "Shaloam", "Zimmerman", "observer", "Bolandy" and god knows how many more names. I bet he's also "Markov" below. (Because "Russian Jews" always identify themselves as such before posting!) He uses names because he wants to sound authentic, like when he lied about being in Iran. It's all documented below.


His message is always the same: Iran will be bombed, there's nothing you can do about it. In other words, exactly what the Bush/Cheney administration wants Iranians to do right now: shut the fuck up, and let him make Iran into Iraq. Guys like him have a very important job for the propaganda portion of the war.


In his last post he uses "Roya" but he says "a guy like me." He's too stupid even in his attempt to hide like a coward. He also admits to having written under all the other names and thinks this is a "mental game". I hope his superiors are reading because at least they will know what kind of waste of resources this guy has been at work.


Yet, remarkably, he criticizes other people for not showing their real names. And why not???? Someone who is ready to bomb your family, my family and the families of thousands of other Iranians, someone who is ready to expose them nuclear radiation, why would someone like that care about ethics, honesty or human rights?

He was caught red-handed immitating people in poor taste and even inferior skills. After reading your post, I'm forced to conclude that you too are hypocritical.


It's a basic moral blindness by pro-war fascists, that they cannot understand hypocrisy. A disturbed, dishonest, violent person like our "do rooye por roo" buddy below happens to be on the same side of political spectrum as you: It doesn't matter to you, you will defend him, anyway. But if someone who has not shown dishonesty and hypocrisy has a difference of opinion, arguing against war, that person must be a "mozdoor", IRI supporter "agent" who should be "profiled." This is what fascists do: profile and silence people.


Such is the logic of the fascist. And this is exactly why they will not succeed in what-ever they try to do and have to run around asking foreign governments for hand-outs and guns. How very patriotic of you "true Persians" !!!


How many times do the people of Iran have to reject you for you to get the message?


Roya: Do not give up

by Alan (not verified) on

If you give up, that's exactly what these thogs are looking for. These are the same "Chomagh Dar/ bike-riders/civil cloth AGENTS" in the net who are being paid to drive you and like out of the picture. When they can not professionally argue in a civilized manner, then they show their real faces by using the language/profanity they were taught by their mothers,teachers and their family members.
I agree with Arezou saying regime is not going to change with bombing, but my question is: if thousands or millions of people demonstrate agianst the regime as we saw during revolution, do you think the Basij,Sepah and their bosses including Khamene ee would have merci on people?. I guarantee you that we will see the "hooded" butchers will use their machine guns/tanks/canon against the peaceful demonstrators and will kill thousands of innocent people.
Roya; I agree with you, at the end, may be there is no solution but using bombardment, hoping to take out only some of those butchers forever, unfortunately many other may loose their life, including my own family members, but FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. THIS IS MY REQUEST TO ALL IRANIAN IN AND OUT SIDE OF IRAN: START PROFILING ALL BASIJIS, SEPAHS, AND ALL REGIME COLLABORATORS INCLUDING but not limited to HODER/DEREKHSHAN(S), REGARDLESS OF THEIR POSITION/RANK AND THEIR DOMICILES FOR TRIAL IN COURT OF JUSTICE FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND GENOCIDES.
I am confident sooner or later we shall see that justice will prevail.
P.S. To those "Mozdoors" who wants to insult me, I am ready, bring them on.