آيت الله خامنه ای در ديداری از فارس و با اشاره به تخت جمشيد سخنانی گفته اند که دليل بسياری از وقايعی را که در طول چندين سال گذشته در ارتباط با ميراث های تاريخی و فرهنگي و طبيعی ما پيش آمده کاملاً روشن می کند. با سخنان ايشان اکنون ديگر به شکلی کاملاً مستند می شود گفت که دولت و حکومتی که زير نظر و تحت کنترل ايشان است نه از روی عدم مديريت، و نه از روی اشتباه و ندانم کاری، بلکه با برنامه ای حساب شده و به طور کاملاً عمدی به نابود سازی گذشته ی فرهنگي و تاريخی ما برخاسته است، چنان که به قول آقای بهشتی، يکی از مسئولين سابق سازمان ميراث فرهنگي، «در ده سال گذشته بيش از هزار سال تخريب انجام شده است».
با استناد به سخنان آيت الله خامنه ای، اکنون می شود ثابت کرد که چرا دولتی ها با «سياسی جلوه دادن» صدای حق طلبانه ی فرهنگ دوستان، طرفداران حقوق بشر، و مدافعان محيط زيست و ميراث طبيعی در ارتباط با اين تخريب ها، سعی در خاموش کردن صدای آن ها داشته اند.
اکنون می شود ثابت کرد که چرا دولت تنگه بلاغی را به آب بسته است، چرا می خواهد پاسارگاد را ويران کند، چرا هرمز اردشير را چراگاه گاو ها کرده است، چرا معبد زرتشت و نقش رستم را با ريل های قطار به لرزه انداخته است، چرا بر نقش های معابد و آثار مذهبی رنگ می پاشد، چرا بر دو سوی آرامگاه فردوسی بزرگ دکل های برق زده است، چرا در هر کجايي که اثری از گذشته ی قبل از اسلام ايران هست، سدی، پلی، ريل قطاری، زمين فوتبالی، آپارتمانی، هتلی برپا می شود و چشم که بر هم بگذاری اثری از آن چه بوده ديگر نخواهد بود.
اکنون معلوم می شود که چرا نماينده ی ايران در دادگاه های مربوط به کتيبه های هخامنشی شيگاگو شرکت نمی کند، و چرا کتيبه های قبلاً تحويل شده به ايران ناپديد شده اند.
اکنون آشکار می شود که چرا به کشورهای عربی برای به کار بردن نام خليج فارس اعتراض که نمی کنند هيچ، رئيس دولت شان در مراسم مخصوصی که با نام «خليج عربی» بر پا شده حضور می يابد.
اکنون می فهميم که چرا دريای «کاسپين» را به حراج گذاشته اند؛ چرا آثار باستانی را يا خراب می کنند و يا به قاچاقچيان اين آثار می فروشند؛ چرا می خواهند ميراث فرهنگي و تاريخی ما را به بخش خصوصی بدهند تا آن را تبديل به محل خوشگذرانی توريست های کشورهايي بکنند که شناختی از اين آثار ندارند و يا اهميتی به آن ها نمی دهند؛ چرا نقشه های عجيب و غريبی برای محصور کردن بناهاي تاريخی بزرگی چون تخت جمشيد و پاسارگاد بوسيله ی ساختن درياچه و هتل و ريل قطار و برج و آپارتمان دارند.
اکنون روشن می شود که چرا وابستگان دولت برای تکثير فيلم های ضد ايرانی مثل «سیصد» و «اسکندر» هزينه های سرسام آوری می پردازند؛ چرا افرادی را به عنوان تاريخ شناس علم می کنند و تمام امکانات را در اختيار آن ها قرار می دهند تا فيلم های تبليغاتی عليه گذشته ی ايران بسازند و تخت جمشيد را «قلابی» قلمداد کنند و ايرانيان قبل از اسلام را «وحشی» می نامند، و تاريخ ما را انکار نموده و ساخته و پرداخته ی «صيهونيست» ها اعلام کنند.
ديگر هيچ کدام از اين چراها بی جواب نيست و اکنون به راحتی می شود گفت: اين ها نظر خليفه ی بزرگ شيعيان است.
آيت الله خامنه ای همين ديروز در فارس، در جايگاه يکی از مهمترين تمدن های بشری، و در جايگاه بزرگترين مردان تاريخ بشری، در بخشی از سخنرانی شان پيرامون تخت جمشيد گفته اند: «از يک منظر، اين آثار متعلق به جباران تاريخ ايران است و نفرت از استبداد و جباريت، اينگونه آثار را در چشم و دل انسان ها از جمله متدينين، بيجاذبه ميکند.»
ايشان، با اشاره به تخت جمشيد، ايران 2500 سال پيش را زمانه ی استبداد و جباريت می خوانند، همان سرزمينی که تاريخ های جهان، از يونانی، و روسی گرفته تا چينی و اروپايي و ... معتقدند که طی آن ايران از مهم ترين و متمدن ترين سرزمين ها بوده است؛ سرزمينی که لوحه های بی سرپرست و هر دم در معرض حراجش در زيرزمين های دانشگاه شيکاگو ثابت می کنند که نه تنها نسبت به زمانه ای که در آن بخش بزرگی از جهان در آتش توحش می سوخت از حداکثر عدل و عدالتی که امکانش در آن زمان وجود داشت برخوردار بود بلکه به نسبت امروز ايرانی که زير نظر و کنترل آيت الله خامنه ای اداره می شود نيز کمتر بوی استداد و جباريت می داد.
نه! لازم نيست زياد بگرديم؛ کافی است با نگاهی سريع آن زمان و اين زمان را با هم مقايسه کنيم ـ آن هم حتی بدون توجه به فاصله ای دوهزار و چهارصد پانصد ساله در بين دو سوی مقايسه و فقط در مورد مسايلی بسيار ابتدايي اما مهم و بشری. تا ببينيم که در آن زمان جباريت و استبداد در ايران بيشتر بود يا حالا.
آقای خامنه ای در ادامه حرف هايشان، و در نگاهی مثلاً مثبت به تخت جمشيد می گويند: «اما از جنبه مثبت، نبايد فراموش کرد که اين آثار، به هر حال محصول سرپنجه هنرمند، ذهن خلاق، روحيه بلند نظر و "ذوق و ابتکار ايراني" است و اين واقعيات، تخت جمشيد و ديگر آثار تاريخي را در سراسر کشور، مايه افتخار ملت ايران و جزو مفاخر تاريخي اين کشور قرار ميدهد».
بايد پرسيد که آيا هنرمندان سرزمينی گرفتار استبداد و جباريت می توانند به چنان خلاقيتی برسند که برای ايشان ـ در امروز، قرن بيست و يکم ـ نيز مايه ی افتخار باشد؟ توجه کنيم که اکنون، يعنی 2500 سال پس از دورانی که دست هنرمند ايرانی تخت جمشيد را ساخت و در همان سرزمين و زير نظر و کنترل آيت الله خامنه ای، نقاشان هنرمند ايرانی اگر جز تمثال مبارک ايشان و همراهان شان را بکشند نه تنها به سختی می تواند اجازه ی نمايشگاه بگيرد بلکه بايد در فقر زندگی کند و خلاقيت و هنرش بپوسد و ويران شود، و شاعر و نويسنده اش برای انتشار نوشته هاشان پشت درهای وزارت ارشاد جوانی و زندگی ببازد، و فيلمساز و مهندس و معمار و متخصص و متفکرش بايد از ارائه ی تخصص و فکر خود دائم در هراس بوده و اکثرشان به نان شب شان محتاج باشند. به راستی کدام زمان، زمانه ی استبداد و جباريت است؟
نگاهی به تخت جمشيد و نگاهی به ليستی که باستانشناسان غربی و شرقی بر اساس مستندات تاريخی استخراج کرده اند نشان می دهد که کارگر سازنده ی تخت جمشيد، در زمانه ای که برده داری و بيگاری گرفتن از بردگان برای ساختن بناها در همه جای دنيا متداول بود، دستمزدی دريافت می کرد که ،به نسبت زمان، کارگر امروز ايرانِ زير نظر و کنترل آيت الله خامنه ای در حسرتش می سوزد. جباريت کدام است؟ در آنزمان نه رنسانس در غرب اتفاق افتاده بود، نه تحولات دوران صنعتی شدن يش آمده بود، و نه حقوق بشر و حق کار و ساعت کار را تعيين کرده بودند. اما در ايران هخامنشی کارگرانی که تخت جمشيد را ـ بعنوان کاخ ملل ـ ساختند از مرخصی و حقوق برخوردار بودند. اما اکنون کارگران سرزمين تحت کنترل آقای خامنه ای، در آغاز قرن بيست و يکم، ماه تا ماه حقوق نمی گيرند، و صدايشان اگر در آيد در زندان و شکنجه به سر می برند. جباريت کدام است؟
در 2500 سال پيش که در ديگر نقاط جهان سخنی از حقوق زنان نبود، و يک هزار سال پيش از ظهور اسلام که در شبه جزيره ی عربستان، به استناد کتاب ها و رساله های مورد تاييد آقای خامنه ای، «جاهليت» اعراب و زنده به گور کردن دختران برقرار بود، در همين تخت جمشيد مورد اشاره ی ايشان زنان متخصص و کارگری بکار مشغول بودند که دوشادوش مردها کار می کردند و برخی شان به عنوان سرکارگر و سرمهندس بر کارگران مرد نظارت داشتند و دستمزد بيشتری می گرفتند و، در عين حال، حق اداره زندگی خود و بچه هايشان را داشتند و از مزايای مرخصی برای زايمان و وجود مهد کودک استفاده می کردند.
و اکنون، در زمانه ای که اکثر مردمان جهان به درک و باور مفاهيمی چون برابری حقوق رسيده اند، زير نظر و کنترل ايشان، زنان ما همچنان با سنگسار زنده به گور می شوند و هر روز بيش از روز قبل به درون خانه ها رانده شده و مدام به آن ها گفته می شود که يادتان باشد، وظيفه ی اصلی شما زاييدن است و خدمت کردن به شوهرانتان.
در ايرانِ زير نظر و کنترل آيت الله خامنه ای زن ها اجازه ی تحصيل در برخی از رشته های دانشگاهی را ندارند به بهانه «سنگين بودن برای زن ها»، اما اين همان کارهايي است که در زمانه «جباريت و استبداد» مهندسين زن شاغل در ساختن تخت جمشيد آنها را به راحتی انجام می دادند.
و بالاخره، خليفه شييعيان، با آن چه که در تخت جمشيد گفتند، ثابت کردند که نسبت به ما ايرانی ها حتی از اسکندر نيز بيگانه ترند، چرا که اگر اسکندر (احتمالاً) تخت جمشيد را به آتش کشيد اما حداقل چون پا به دشت پاسارگاد نهاد، با احترام از پلکان آرامگاه کورش بزرگ بالا رفت تا به ياد ونام مردی استثنايي احترام بگذارد که اگرچه هموطن او نبود، و اگرچه دين او را نداشت، اما کسی بود که حقوق انسان ها را بی توجه به مذهب و آئين شان به رسميت شناخت، حتی در کشورهای مغلوب، هيچ مذهبی را بر ديگری برتری نداد، و سايه ساری گشود که ملت ها، و پيروان اديان مختلف در آن با آزادی و به شادمانی می زيستند؛ و اين تازه يکی از ده ها کاری است که کسانی چون آيت الله خامنه ای هنوز توان انجام نظايرش را حتی برای مردم سرزمينی که ظاهرا همدين و هموطن او هستند نيز نمی تواند انجام دهد.
شکوه ميرزادگی
هفتم می 2008
Recently by shokooh.pasargad | Comments | Date |
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حق حذف؟ | 11 | May 05, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
"اهدم الکعبه"
Salar (not verified)Fri May 16, 2008 03:55 PM PDT
اینجاست که آن حلال مشکلات در پای چوبه دار عرب 1000 سال
پیش از دل فریاد بر آورد "انا الحق انا الحق
"اهدم الکعبه"
Khamenei is right and wrong
by Anonino091818 (not verified) on Fri May 16, 2008 02:44 PM PDTWhen he says that Iranian artistic hands have more value than the commands of the kings, he is right. Do you deny it?!
But when he wants to dishonor all of the kings to justify Islamic republic overthrow of 2500 years of kingdoms, he is wrong. He thinks that his ideals should have been also manifested in 2500 years ago maybe in an "Islamic republic of Medes or Achaemenian" :-)
let's forgive him
by Sera (not verified) on Mon May 12, 2008 10:28 PM PDTKhamenei is just ignorant that there were also good and just kings in the history. What Kourosh did was far ahead of his time and the intellectual and spiritual capacity of that time. We don't see that degree of tolerance even in our time. just a simple comparison of the modest tomb of Kourosh the great and the ones of pharaohs at that era and the shrine of Khomeini at our time, tells the story. Khamenei is simply blind and ignorant. while ignorance is pathetic it is also forgivable.
خليفه ای ايستاده، پشت به نام های بزرگ
Dr Pourandokht Rostamian (not verified)Sun May 11, 2008 01:36 AM PDT
Dear All,,
Once again history is repeating itself. This drug addict of a Mullah Khamenei and his predecessor the blood sucking monster Khomeni have shown that they want to cut off all relation with pre Islamic Iran.
The whole education system in Iran has been now so structured that from kinder garden onwards the kids are brainwashed with the garbage that comes from the Koran. Drink water kids are taught to say Ya Ali, Ya Hossein, sit down for meal or on the toilet seat the kids are taught to say Ya Ali, Ya Hossein.
And among the adults it has become a fad to go on a Haj. Most employees in the Government and private sector employment if they have gone on a Haj have a better chance of getting promoted.
In this totalarian despotic Islamic regime in power in Iran the last vestiges of pre Islamic Iran are being dealt a death blow by Khamenei and his likes. And the poor religious minorities are being ruthlessly obliterated. No wonder most if not all are living and seeking refugee status in the West.
If one visits Yazd where until a decade ago there were many minorities living now you only see old men and women as the young have left the country.
My husband Hoshang Salamati is working in Persian oil and gas company. No one knows that he is religious minority. Because if the Islamists find out he is a minority they will kick him out. For the moment everything is fine as he forwards important information to Exxon and BP in exchange for a sum.
We are happy to have left the Islamic Arabic republic of Iran. My two sons Babak and Arash are studying here in University to become doctors. So everything is going fine here in Vancouver away from the Arabic Islamic Republic of Iran and the arabic Iranians.
Dr Pourandokht Rostamian from Sharifabad, Yazd
N Van, Bc Canada
Wrong again...
by Anonymouss (not verified) on Sat May 10, 2008 08:41 PM PDTYou just don't see ANY of the facts. You only depend on your ideology and emotions and make all your conclusions based on that. Here are the facts about mosaddegh: (1) he did not survive long enough to show what he had planned for iran in the face of brits' unholy plans for iran and in the face of the weak position of iran when he was essentially begging americans for $300M loan unsuccessfully (2) he was surrounded by tudeh -- likes of nowadays mojahedin, except that as an intellectual he was far less appealing to laymen than religious khomeini was (3) he was a ghajar land owner whose forefathers had embezzled land the same way that reza shah got his land that you criticized. That is how he was able to fund his education in Switzerland which was a luxury afforded only by the very rich in his time. The only rational conclusion about mosaddegh thus is that "WE DO NOT KNOW" what would have happened had he survived. His chance of turning iran into a decent country with his hard-line positions (somewhat like khomeini) in the face of weak iran, tudeh party, and fierce western protection for their interests was very slim. It should also be mentioned that he was in violation of iranian constitution which considered shah to be the highest constitutional authority.
Shah is a known character, where his positve deeds far outweighed his negatives. This is what you have problem with but you have been totally incapable of reasoning it. Your own reference showed how generous shah was to transfer his inheritance to support iranian students. You never rationalize, and always emotionalize; that leads you to wrong conclusions. The problem is that you really do not (want to) understand numbers, otherwise shah's deeds (and misdeeds) are quite easy to quantify and judge, but you don't wanna take that route, maybe because deep down you know that in a rational world you have no valid argument.
Doesn't that interest you that now after 30 years we have no evidence of what shah "stole" despite the highest emphasis that IRI placed on proving their claims that shah stole billions of dollars. That what shah killed, directly and indirectly, "proved" by IRI agents to be smaller than khomeini's initial claim by a factor of about 1000. That almost all the projects that have materialized since the revolution were in various stages of planning in late 70s. You do not see any of that, but you see plenty of "shah was corrupt, brutal, and a thief", without ever asking what all these terms mean.
The truth is right in front of you, but you don't see that. Even an obvious fact that likes of you and your parents and 4 million other iranians could live under the shah's regime that you despise, but have been unable to live under islamic republic which was far more popular at its beginning than mosaddegh was. The next time that you look into a mirror, ask yourself: "why am I here?" Until you cannot answer that, you would not understand how good shah was and how bad IR is.
by samsam1111 on Sat May 10, 2008 08:06 PM PDT.....
by Dariush (not verified) on Sat May 10, 2008 06:48 PM PDTYou are interpreting the same "IF" I said we should not use on the dam, on Mossadegh. You say If Mosaddegh would stay in power maybe he would be like khomaini. Isn't that enough how he fought for Iran and Iranians? How is that that is not a sign of conviction to our people, but shah's coup and crimes are?
Isn't that enough when he was told, newspapers are drawing cartoons of you, Should we stop them or close the them? He said, newspapers are free to do so.
The problem with you is that shah was your God not you king. That is why he was making you Ariamehri Koran.
It is amazing what a piece of pie does to people.
Shahyad, keep screaming my friend, that's all you can do
by Q on Sat May 10, 2008 05:12 PM PDTIran is done with you and the "shah" whose "yad" you worship. It's over.
No future government of Iran that even pretends to be democratic can be anything less than completely respectful and tolerant of Islam.
That's a fact that people like you will never accept and as a result you can never play a constructive role for your country the rest of your life. Think about that sad fact next time you scream at somebody.
اينجا ايران است
samsam1111Sat May 10, 2008 03:29 PM PDT
.خانه از پايبست ويران است. حكومتش کشکی ،حكومت امام زمان است.بر مبناي قرآن است. رهبرش رهبر مستضعفين جهان است. کورشش در بند ديوان سيوان است .دولتش پر از دزدان است. رييس جمهورش علاف در ايران است. قبله اش چاه جمکران است.اصلاح طلبش حيران در بند نقش ايوان است.دشمنش زن ,امريکا و جهودان است. دوستش از باب توده ای و رندان است. صنعتش يک قراضه پيکان است دادگاهش خود از شيطان و مفسدان است...قاضی اش خود از قاتلان است. هدفش شستشويه مغزی جوانان است. جواب جوان ايستاده تيرباران است. بسيج و سپاهش از جنس طالبان است. قوت غالب مردم نان است. بهاي نان،به قيمت جان است.فرهنگش برايه عربان است. ثروتش براي فلسطينيان است. ملا در فکر لبنان است .بچه ملا خارج از ايران است. دانشگاهش ،ستاره باران است. جاي روشنفكرانش ، زندان است. هر كه فرياد بزند ،از كافران است. سكوت نشانه مسلمان است. شركت در راهپيمايي بزرگترين نشانه ايمان است.آنچه هرروز ارزان ميشود جان انسان است. ، ايراني اين را براي ايرانيان بفرست اری, اينجا ايران است
by Iranian- on Sat May 10, 2008 03:33 PM PDTYour response is so racist (towards arab people), wild, irrational, dumb and full of lies and accusations that I just leave people to read your comments and judge for themselves.
As I have said before, I am not talking in support of IRI, I only defend Islam. That is all I have been doing. Go read my previous posts.
Since you are not a Muslim then shut your trap. Iranians don't like it when stupid non-Muslims slander their religion.
Meske Shah ro khailee doosht dashti? Shah mord va raft. Mesle shomaha ablah bood. Nokar bood. Poola ro dozdid o barayeh hamishe ba khanevadash farar kard. Ey badbakhte bichare. Hala be mazhabe mardome Iran mipparee?
Same old...
by Anonymouss (not verified) on Sat May 10, 2008 01:44 PM PDTYou don't buy into the argument because you don't want to buy into it objectively. IRI has been "at least" 1000 times worse than shah, even if you close your eyes not to see it. I gave you references on so many numbers, from oppression and killings, to economic growth, and so on. If you can't do a simple math, that is your problem, not mine.
You keep blaming others again and again. That is called NOT taking responsibility for our own actions. The enemy is within: that is the islamic republic of iran. No other nation caused us as much harm. That is a fact. Yes, others used khomeini's stupidity and inhumanity to open up good market for their arms, but nobody forced either khomeini or saddam to fall at each other's throat, they volutarily did. Nobody asked khomeini to reject saddam's offer of peace two years later, khomeini did. You just don't wanna see it.
The biggest enemy of iran has been the islamic republic for 30 years now. The rest just found and used suckers in them and their supporters. You can continue to blame others for eternity, nothing changes. They are what they are, we should be wise not to be played with, such as screaming for arab interests, ignoring iranian interests. I know you would not accept this since you consider being iranian secondary to being moslim.
And if you don't scream about Mosaddegh, who else would you scream about, as he may have been as much of saint as khomeini was assumed to be prior to 1979. And we all know what kind of a beast he ended up to be: a wolf in sheep's clothe.
by Shahyad on Sat May 10, 2008 01:35 PM PDTTO IRANIAN:
by Dariush (not verified) on Sat May 10, 2008 01:11 PM PDTWhen it comes to national heritage it is our duty to safeguard that regardless of our difference in politic or religion. If IRI does not safeguard them I will add that to their ill actions, but I will not take side with enemies and doesn't buy your claim of Pahlavis being 1000 times better, if for nothing else, their coup and bringing down Mossadegh was one of the worst crimes they committed to Iran and Iranians. Blaming that on west doesn't clear shah. What people wanted was independence, freedom, better life. Majority didn't have none of them when hey rose and chose Mossadegh and again majority didn't have that when they rose again and that was the reason for revolution. Just because the outcome is not what we exactly expected considering what we have been through doesn't mean we should become a nokar again.
Just as shah was played and used in the hands of west you are all being played. Then you speak of who is being sucked?
Same arguments...
by Anonymouss (not verified) on Sat May 10, 2008 11:24 AM PDTYou use the same technique to muddy the waters before going on a fishing expedition. The significance of Iranian heritage is so high in the mind of at least some of us that it should stand on its own. You start there and take a detour as a way to evade the discussion and remove the blame from the shoulders of the criminal regime in Tehran, and yet take another detour and talk about zionism and all of that non-sense which is none of our business one way or the other.
No matter how you twist things, the biggest enemies of iran in the past 30 years have been the Islamic republic and its anti-iranian leaders. A simple calculus of numbers, killed or robbed, show that beyond any doubt. So when you refer to the enemies of iran, that is what you should be referring to, the enemies of iran from within. Others, you like it or not, look after their own interests, being west or east, arab or zionist, none are responsible for the wrong–doings of the Islamic republic. They all looked for suckers to suck, and they found two of them in that neighborhood: saddam and khomeini. Today china and India do the same thing with respect to their energy needs, and find the same suckers in Tehran; they are bribed handsomely by Tehran with sweet long-term deals, only to turn-around and use that as bargaining chips in their dealings with the west and once the deal was sealed, they voted against tehran in UN. Face the fact and stop blaming others for the misdeeds of our enemy from within. Others always suck in losers, but nonetheless wise always come out unharmed. It is our choice to be in either camp. It is like someone jumping naked in a frozen lake in the middle of winter and then blaming the cold weather for the pneumonia that he got.
I am glad that at least you seem to agree with me that the Iranian heritage should be safeguarded. Did you know that UNESCO identified close to 200 historical sites in that area. Flooding of that area by itself is the biggest criminal act of the IRI against Iranian heritage and Iranian identity, no matter what the excuses are. People in that area lived and planted for thousands of years and they can do that without the damn sivand dam. I have been to that area, it is quite fertile with more than enough rain fall, and the electricity can be generated by alternate ways as well. So there is no justification for committing such crime against Iranian 2500-year old heritage, nothing at all. Once it is lost, it is lost forever. That heritage does not belong to us, it belongs to all the future generations. And you saw in those videos that university students were also demonstrating against that, so it is not confined to mr. Noriala or mrs. Mirzadegi.
As for defending pahlavis: yes I do since they were thousands of times better than IRI in almost every aspect. On the contrary, you called the mass-murders of Iranians by IRI “some” crime. Had the pahlavi regime been replaced with anything better, we would not be here defending them. It is just a matter of comparison. As I said: you are like complaining about a pebble, 2 milli-meters in size, thrown at you while you ignore being run on by car 2 meters long. IRI was indeed at least 1000 times worse than shah’s regime – compare number of killings among other things. You just do not see that – that is not anybody’s fault but yours.
As for others’ interference, I can only express my own opinion that as bad as IRI is, it should be taken care of by Iranians – that is our right and our responsibility and none of anybody else’s business.
P.S. The last excuse from IRI about sivand dam was that (1) we spent $2B on building the dam, so it will be wasted if we don't flood the area and destroy the we-don't-care-about-pre-islamic heritage, and (2) we cannot stop the progress for the sake of preserving some holes in the ground or in the name of preserving past relics. What an irresponsible non-sense!
by Dariush (not verified) on Sat May 10, 2008 11:20 AM PDTThe more I read this article, the more I see how shokooh Mirzadeghy is twisting the issue to make a case against Iran to bomb Iran.
She takes one short sentence from Khamenei's long speech and twisted into anti Iran.
Then compared Iran then to before Islam era and puts that in Islam's account and concludes Iran then was better than Islam.
Then speaks of women and people were being treated better in Iran then than in Arabic countries and rest of the world before Islam, which is true, but after Islam I am not so sure. I am sure in most of our history we had slavery and women were often sex slaves. However Zoroastrianism changed some of that, but still we were not as perfect as she tries to portrait.
Then puts the artifact being auctioned, the fault of IRI. While it was pahlavis who moved them to Chicago without considering the consequences of trusting U.S.
And the U.S. who has no respect for anything and has and will violate any contract or agreement whenever they feel like it. Whether artifacts or human lives. it doesn't make no difference.
Then speaks of selling Caspian see. While west as usual was behind the separation of Russian states and their demand for equal share of oil and gas from Caspian see and now they are being used by west for oil and strategic purposes.
Then ironically speaks of another part of Khamenei's speech where he considers this historic site as part of our culture and being proud of. Which to me that means they must be preserved not destroyed.
Of course at the end Khamenei's action is what counts, but using that and attaching false information and twisting for political purposes of bombing is the typical British and U.S. trick.
Anonymouss / parti / unfair and the kissers
by Dariush (not verified) on Sat May 10, 2008 09:54 AM PDTIf you read the whole article you will see this is not just about the dam. The writer falsely claims today IRI is telling women should stay home and....
Yesterday in south Korea 20 of Iranian female students won first and number of prizes for their scientific achievements. There are millions of Iranian women who are in schools and working in society. Iran today will not stop any woman from progress. What they are against is explained in Darus Kavidar's attached Link to "khamenei and music in universities". Sadly there have been and are some people in government committing crimes that IRI is responsible for it, whether they had or have anything to do with it or not. However I think those who do wrong, whether in government or public do not have neither any true believe in any religion nor humanity but their self interest with no value and respect to others.
As I said building the dam is wrong near this site. We should not even use "If it is a threat" because then some will interpret "IF" and do it.
The problem I see with you people is not opposing the dam or opposing some or most of the IRI actions. It is the fact that
1. You have taken side with Iran's long time enemies.
2. You use the wrong doings of this government to legitimize previous government.
3. You advocate attacks and war on Iran which will result in millions dead and millions injured and trillions of Dollars in destruction, and as the result Iran will never recover and will starve and suffer for thousands of years to come independently, unless you become dependent and give Iran to west to be raped. which is west's plan and you are playing in to it.
This way it will be hundreds of years, but by the time Iran is back on her feet, there will be no oil or nothing left and it is even worse than the first option.
So my question was, Why is that You, parthian, and some others want Iran bombed to save Pasargad, yet you are willing to scarify millions of Iranians and you know in the process the same pasargad will be destroyed along with millions of others.
Is it not that pasargad is just another excuse for you to use? Taliban made the same arguments a few years ago by blowing up an old statue to stop the sanctions that was killing people dye to lack of medicine and we see in Iraq how their museums and national treasures were robbed due to bombing and war. Is this how you want to save pasargad?
Some are for bombing because they are not Iranian they are Zionists like Zion, mahmudg, farhad hashani, Ben, prophet Amil, Father Don and some others. They get upset if I say bomb Israel, but cheer if I say bomb Iran. So their position is clear.
Then there are the kissers who are playing in to Iran's enemies hands, for self interest, piece of pie, false promises and etc like parthian and a few others.
So which one are you. Are you for bombing or not?
by Iranian- on Sat May 10, 2008 09:27 AM PDTI usually don't respond to below-the-belt cowardly anonymous attacks against my religion. This reply is not for your sake but for the sake of some good person who might read your comment and be tricked by it.
All that nonsense you attributed to Islam, one can attribute even worse, MUCH WORSE to other religions. So if Islam is responsible for the acts that you indicated, one can hold responsible Christianity for the numerous genocides and Jews for Zionism. But of course that would be wrong because Christianity and Judaism are honorable religions, just as is Islam.
It is evil to attribute lies to God because it is what makes one a Mofsed-Al-Fel-Arz. That means someone who is promoting corruption through the land and lies about God; Someone who is lousy and enjoys attacking and hurting innocent people.
All the people who truly know about Islam are already enlightened and do not need to be enlightened as you need to be.
Go get your enlightment elsewhere.
Mullas and Iranian Heritage.
by Anonymouss (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 08:19 PM PDTMulla rule is based on highway robbery. I witnessed the same kind of neglect for all historical structures. Even historical mosques are broken down with abused and broken ceramics covered with a thick layer of dirt and rain-fall trails. There are still abandoned repair frames, some from shah's period, surrounding the structure and some crashing into the structure with nobody actively using them. I witnessed so many places like that, and I urge you to go visit them if you travel to iran to better understand the nature of IRI.
All that mullas care about is the 500 tomans that is often charged in front of such structures and nothing more.
Not again...
by Anonymouss (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 08:03 PM PDTDairush: you use the same old technique - change the subject and condemn. The subject here is iranian historical identity, period.
As for valuing iranian historical artifacts versus iranians. This is not a matter of either-or. Both are important and unrelated. But let me refresh your memory: it was YOU who said that IRI committed "some" crimes against iranians. So are you talking to yourself here or some else?
You called mass slaughter of tens of thousands of iranians in IRI prisons "some" crime by IRI while I called it part of the biggest crime against iranians by any regime in iran. So maybe you are condemning yourself without knowing it (again).
Don't change the subject again, that is the same distraction technique that IRI is using to rule iran and rob iranians. We are narrowing down the discussion here to sivand dam (and related historical artifacts) here and once again you "goriz ra beh karbala mizani" to cover up.
oh "Iranian-" you have done it now!
by Q on Fri May 09, 2008 07:28 PM PDTYou said something positive about Islam the religion of 95% of Iranians. Now you will be declared "enemy of Iran" by Parthian. He just issued a fatwa in his last comment below. Join the club!
Now that you have been identified, things will happen. Tomorrow morning there may be a fat Monarchist with a skinny tie sitting outside your driveway in a mid-90's Mecedes waiting for you to exit your house so he can "prove" you are a hezbollahi on IRI payroll.
But all you have to do is look his way and he is liable to piss his pants and speed away, probably straight to the nearest car wash.
To Iranian-
by Anonymously (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 07:04 PM PDTcould you please enlighten us and tell us something about he GREATNESS of Islam. Stoning, hanging, cutting people's limbs and many other crimes are the major part of Islam's greatness. Open your eyes and see what Islam did and still does to your country and its people.
Islam is an Iranian religion
by Iranian- on Fri May 09, 2008 06:39 PM PDTI am not supporting Ayatollah Khameni or IRI but we should keep politics and religion separate from each other. I see enemies of the people of Iran like mahmoudg again and again attacking the great religion of Islam.
This is funny. Because I can not see how they intend to force convert over 60 million Iranians to become Mofseds like themselves?
I think that they assume that they can sweet talk Iranian people into making them a great Persian King like that idiot Shah thought.
Amanzing! After a dry work day one could really use a laugh from these idiots.
i will also add to the chorus
by Parthian on Fri May 09, 2008 05:19 PM PDTby saying, I strongly condemn those who think they are "Persians", and somehow have the right to insult other Iranians. There are no pure anything in Iran. Stereotyping is completely absurd. Khameinei, Q, Dariush are the real enemies of Iran, and their ethnicity has nothing to do with their idiocy. There are wonderful Azaris or if you want to label them as turks, as there are baluch, Persian and kurds. There are also terrorists amongst all these group. Terrorist who terrorize, or support the people who are terrorizing the Iranian population and all its components of its culture.
Anonymouss / parti / unfair and the kissers
by Dariush (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 05:01 PM PDTThanks for the links anonymouss. I think all Iranians should protect our national heritage. This is a very sensitive issue. We need more demonstration to stop building this dam. As you said why risk it. This dam can be built some where else to avoid any risk. If in fact people in government have made such foolish comments toward the historic findings as nooriala said in the link, they should be fired from their positions.
However I have read some writing by nooriala and have found him anti Islam. Therefore is hard to believe everything he says to be completely true.
What puzzles me is that you and parti and some others care or pretend to care more about historic objects than Iranians life. You want to save objects, but bomb Iranians. Even though in bombing the same historic and none historic objects and monuments will be destroyed as well as people.
So the question is, whether your claims are out of love for Iran or hate. I tend to believe is out of revenge and hate unless you are against military actions and bombings.
The kissers positions who are for bombing are clearly out of hate.
Don't you think this is a fair judgment unfair?
by Amin287 on Fri May 09, 2008 04:55 PM PDTDear Mirzadegi,
There are some truth in your article, but you actually think black and white, for example when you say women cannot study in some fields.
Now, girl students in Iranian universities outnumber the boys.
Ali1234 is right:
>The statements made by Khamenei might be outrageous
>and false, but they are is no way a "proof" that
>the I.R is deliberately destroying the ancient
>pre-Islamic movements.
Some others say:
>Mullas do not have any affection for iranian culture and no respect for iran.
Mullas have don't atrocities, but what you say is not completely correct.
>yes islamic regime is fully anti-culture, and brutal ....
>but that does not legitimize Iran's past DARK history....
We should compare dark histories of nations at their own time, and when you do this you will find that Iran history is one of the cleanest.
>No wonder that Ali Kamanei is against Persian culture
>and history. Simply because he is not an Iranian, he is a Turk
Some people in the other parts of Iranian.com claim that he is a Turk who has forgotten his heritage and became a Fars! Actually he is a Turk who is not against Iranian culture.
>Sadegh Khalkahli was from the same region and he was about bulldozing the Pasargard
Please stop generalizing! Khalkhali (the butcher) being a Turk doesn't have anything to do with this. Your Persian speaker Hizbollahis were on the same track.
>just look at the way he spells the name of our Perisan
>language on his own website: //www.khamenei.ir/
"Farsi" is the name of our language as "Parsi" is. For a long time on the same site, "Parsi" word was shining. Khamenei is not against using "Parsi".
I wanted to comment more but I see that some people here are living on Mars, look:
>His speeches are all in Arabic, because he hates Persia.
>I hear he has also ordered Perspolis destroyed.
>When Iraqi Arabs attacked our country, he did nothing
>but welcome them as muslim brothers.
>Under his rule, he has always made sure Iran's great
>minorities will never achieve anything, especially Azaris.
>The truth is black and white
They live on Mars or in their fancy world, or they are anti-Iranians who want to stir up. Dear sane countrymen, watch these people, they are not here to help Iran. They are either deficiency minded or pawky people who are actually mocking us.
Re: prove it
by Anonymouss (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 01:43 PM PDTIt is already proved. UNESCO asked iran to abort the project, and when they refused asked them to allow excavations before flooding. That whole area is along the ancient royal road with many villages and arms factories along the sides. It is impossible to know what is lost forever. Even IRI has acknowledged that arms factory ovens (shown on Youtube) will be flooded, but IRI called them "some holes in the ground" that will go under water.
This is not a religious or political issue, but a cultural issue. The question is: why risk flooding the most important area in iranian geography and be cursed by future generations.
Do you really think IRI would allow any "neutral" entity to investigate and quantify what is being lost?
They is no more culturally sacred structure in entire iran than cyrus' tomb. If one cares about iran at all, he/she will not be willing to risk the slightest damage to the structure no matter how slim the risk.
Why risk losing what was passed on to us 2500 years ago, even in the name of progress; why?
prove it
by Anonymous200000 (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 12:58 PM PDTI think many experts have already said the Sivand dam is not going to cause a problem. Actually the dam was proposed during the Shah's time. For God's sake, lets get a group of non-neutral experts once and for all to visit the place and give their verdict. I do not think Khaemeni has any credibility but it is the same with some Iranians in the west. I think Mr. Mirzadehgi just wanted to take a swipe at Islam!
Wake up...
by Anonymouss (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 12:21 PM PDTThe mullahs may be guilty to some extent for trying to put Islamic values above Iranians history and culture.
"may be ... to some extent"? LOL!
The law of the land is the shariah law; that is the islamic law from 1400 years ago. From all mofsedo-fel-arz murders that mullas committed, to rape of virgins in prisons and oppression of women, from endangering iran to free Qods, to stealing from iranian children to pay $12,000 for every house destroyed in lebonan, from khalkhali's attempt to destroy pasargad, to flooding tangeh-bolaghi, from suppression of noruz to demonizing chahar-shanbeh-souri, all were based on islamic law and for islam and arabs. Mullas do not have any affection for iranian culture and no respect for iran. Even their ugly flag has nothing but arabic words on it.
God, islamists are so dumb to think that people don't get it. LOL!
Same Old Thieves
by Dariush (not verified) on Fri May 09, 2008 10:54 AM PDTI met this Iranian who was a bodyguard to one of the generals in Pahlavi regime. He with the help of his brother were stealing artifacts from Iran and smuggling them to France. They were caught about five years ago. The brother went to jail in Iran. He escaped to U.S. but after a few months was arrested and expedited to France and went to jail.
The mullahs may be guilty to some extent for trying to put Islamic values above Iranians history and culture, but the thieves are still the same old thieves who speak of being true Iranians and when it comes to money and self interest they forget everything. He also was a Pahlavi lover.