Our National Interest

The Case for an Iranian Nuclear Weapon


Our National Interest
by vatan_doost

Threats of preemptive attack on Iran with conventional and nuclear weapons are made with greater frequency by officials at the highest levels of government in Israel and the United States. American and Israeli media are filled with growing evidence of racism toward the Persian race by reinforcing a picture of Iranians as sub-humans. One can not avoid the ugly telltale signs of the coming war when doing a simple web-search of news these days. It is obvious the Western public opinion is being prepared to do harm to Iranian people.

Whether the impending genocide of Iranians is justified in the name of protecting Israeli and American national interests is no longer relevant. The recent US national intelligence declaration made it clear that Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon. But the facts do not make any difference to the powerful Israeli lobby who calls the shots for the United States. This is the same Israeli interest lobby that helped shape the war with Iraq on false pretenses and now works to check the strategic power of Iran in the Middle East by coaxing the US to once again do its dirty business.

Why the US presidents or presidential contenders have to declare their unchecked allegiance to the protection of Israel before each election and throughout their tenure is no mystery to the author. For skeptics, a web search of “American Israeli Public Affairs Committee” proceedings should open some eyes. At the same time, no one in their right mind can have a public discourse on the topic of US policy toward Israel. As taboo subjects go, this is the proverbial apple which will banish anyone who dares speak from heaven of American political elites. Israel does and says what it wants and US politicians will find a way to deliver in their own time and with very few questions asked.

The famous conservative thinker, Jeffrey Goldberg's recently published "Time to murder the filthy Persians" stating his mistaken ideas about Iranian motivations and the imperative for attaching Iran. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mike Mullen alluded to the Iran attack plans being made ready by the US. Israeli media are filled with predictions and declarations of imminent war. Israel is conducting civil defense exercises to prepare for conflict. Turkey, and Brazil have stepped up their desperate efforts to prevent a disastrous war. Even Fidel Castro has risen from his death bed to warn Iranians of the Armageddon about to come. There are too many signs for any sane person to ignore.

Drawing parallels with the experience of Pakistan, India and Israel itself, Iran has no other choice but to pursue the ultimate weapon. Judging by the results, going nuclear in each case provides the ultimate safety net against existential threats now being made by the usual suspects. Bullies and hegemons including Israel and the G5 understand the implications of a nuclear counter strike and normally stop their threats and murderous plots by finally “taking some options off the table”. US is actually giving Pakistan financial and military support as it plots against the US interests in the region. India is the recipient of the most advanced Plutonium reactor technology used for accelerated weapons production.. And no one has to explain what Israel enjoys in status and support among the hypocrites. Meanwhile the Russian “prostitutes” are busy peddling the goods to the highest bidder never sure to actually deliver what they appear to be selling.

For Iranians of every color and creed, this is no longer a case of Mullah against the people. Whether you are for or against the Arab Regime, its Bedouin religion or its barbaric ways, it is irrelevant. There is an Iran separate and distinct from the Mullah-Arab Regime same as there is an Iranian identity completely separate and distinct from the Islamic identity. Putting aside differences, all should prepare to fight for Iran and its unique Iranian culture. Those who love Iran and its people should unite around the Regime and prepare for the imminent outbreak of hostilities against the people. Skilled and capable expats should do whatever they can to help Iran build and deploy its nuclear weapon in the shortest time possible.

This is where Mullahs may make a lethal error by actually doing what they publicly claim; that is keeping the objectives of their nuclear program solely for peaceful purposes. This would be an error of existential proportions that can not be remedied in a short few months to come. Only if the world could realize that the ouster of the cancer that grows in Iran is the sole responsibility of Iranians.

The Green movement and the brave sacrifices of so many Iranians came about immediately after the threat of foreign hostility was eased for a brief period. Just as immediately, the heroes will rise again to set Iran straight once the threat of vampires, hyenas and racist colonialists is completely removed. This is the history of Iranian people who have fought bravely to preserve the ancient nation and its unique culture against so many conquerors and marauders.

Let us all be vigilant and unified in the support of Iran and its current Regime until the threats are nullified. Let us prepare to defend and revenge Iran against its mortal enemies. And let us remind those who do harm to Iran of our intentions just as “Caesar's spirit, raging for revenge, with Ate by his side come hot from hell, shall in these confines with a monarch's voice cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war, that this foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion men, groaning for burial.’



Emam Khomeini blesses you all

by AMIR1973 on

I am so encouraged to read comments from Niloufar, Abarmard, IRI, Q, Sargord, Parsagarda, Brian, Immortal and Dariush.

Hezb faqat Hezbollah, rahbar faqat Ruhollah  :-)

Cheers  .-)


Strength to Carry On

by vatan_doost on

Thank you all for taking the time to read my brief article. I especially enjoyed reading the comments from all sides.

The piece I wrote came from the heart and I hope it reached equally loving hearts. I am so encouraged to read comments from Niloufar, Abarmard, IRI, Q, Sargord, Parsagarda, Brian, Immortal and Dariush. You certainly get the point. I can trust you are friends of Iran and god bless each and every one of you. Hope you remain safe and strong and find a way to help the motherland. She needs you. She needs all of us especially now.

Even Ahmadi Nejad loves Iran in his own way. I heard him speak to a recent gathering of Iranian Expats. He started by saying “you can be far away from Iran but you can never remove the love you have for Iran [from your hearts]…”.

I also read the cynics and enemies who like to write on these pages. Its their right to be here. But I do not give them any right to pretend to speak for true defenders of Iran. There will always be enemies and Vatan_Foroosh among us. I say, do not let them demoralize the rest of us. The worst thing would be to walk away thinking Iranians don’t love their homeland or that they do not care for her unless it fits their own perfect fantasy.

I see war petitions circulating, hear battle drums beating these days and fear conflict is near. But I am heartened that some very special Iranians will carry on to continue with our good traditions.

I am proud of all of you and millions of others like you who live everyday with love, tolerance and pride for each other, our national identity, and for our homeland.

God Bless!


The irony in usernames

by Cost-of-Progress on

why are all the Islamist using these Persian usernames?

Your name is probably gholamreza or some arab-praising name like that.

OK, you can all me "racist" now.





It is always somebody else's fault

by Cost-of-Progress on

This unfortunate mentality that we Iranians have developed has done a great amount of damage to us.

You see seemingly "intellectual" posters here that blame everything on the west, the jews, the zionists, the pope, the sunday morning evengelical shows, ........except themselves. We are victims all the times, but never take repsonsibility for our own actions.





Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dariush 2

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I was not born in 1952

If Iran did have a decent and sane not even democratic yes. The West would not have an excuse to attack it.

I agree it is easy to fix the situation in Iran. The VF should be abolished; same with Sharia. Then replace it with a bill of rights and an elected government. No pre selection of candidates. See David ET's constitution for an example. It is all up to IRI. But you know they will not give up their choke hold on Iran.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am sure you support Vatan  Doost 100%. He is sitting accross from you in the "interest section of IRI" in DC :-)

Right down the hall from Dariush.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

My book is an expression indicating "my point of view".

It makes a world of difference what government Iran has. For one a better one would not rape and murder. Would not pick a  fight with the West. Listen: the West is not out to get Iran; it is out to get IRI. Without IRI we and Iran in general would do vastly better. If it makes no difference then tell your bosses in Iran to step down. Let someone with different ideas run the nation. See what they say.

During the war with Iraq there were plenty of objections and demonstrations. I personally did what I could to condemn it. The West was rightfully blamed for its part. It is not my fault you did not see them.

Do me a favor: stop posting uninformed BS.

Immortal Guard


by Immortal Guard on

I support you 100%.

Dariush A


by Dariush A on

You keep referring to your book.  Which book  is that? The Book of BS?

Sargord is right. What different does it make who governs Iran. Those who run will always run.

Are you telling me if Iran had a democratic government who would treat people right and respect human rights and still was attacked, you would defend Iran? There is no freaking way I buy that and I tell you why. 

1- We had such a government in 1952 and some of you overthrew it and even after the Americans confession, you still don't want to accept the truth.

2- During 8 years of war that hundreds of thousands of Iranians were killed by west, you run and I don't recall even one demonstration by any group to condemn the western actions.  If anything, you approved, promoted and helped to kill more Iranians. Now you speak of IRI killing Iranians. Well, it is in the blood, unfortunately. 

So now, you continue the same actions with a human rights label.

Fixing the human right issues in Iran is very easy. There is no need to civil war or another revolution, there is no need to involve foreigners, there is no need to MEK or Apache style wars.  


" Khamnei wants this war just as bad as the Great Satan? "

by yousef on

No he doesn't, heck he doesn't....

The old Khalifa Rat knows well that he will end up  having his ass against a wall in front of a firing squad made of the mothers of the murdered Evin prisoners if he starts a war with US or Israel.

Creating a common enemy to unite the masses behind you is the oldest trick in the books of tin pot dictators from saddam to Khomeini and khamenei.

Behind the scenes he'll give US and Israel whatever they want not to attack Iran and ruin his dream of the "islamic Japan" and few more years of his own miserable opium induced life.


United, We Don't Stand!


The IRI's intractable behavior has brought this conflagration upon Iranian people.  It is not too late, since you are their agent, Why don't you tell them respond positively to President Obama's sincere invitation to talk and resolve the nuclear issue.  Will they listen?...of course not.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Vildemose Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


And Shifteh Jan. I am as worried about this train wreck as you are. A few things:

  • The marriage is made in hell not haven.
  • There will not be a nuclear option. West does not need it.
  • The 3 step plan is: drop the guns; turn; run. That is what will happen.

Khamenei and AN as miscalculating. They will not survive a war. They if lucky will end up in The Hauge.

The IRI will not have a prayer of the three things. Their main option is to close Hormozd Straights. But it won't be possible. Because USA would have taken preemptive action. Only a fool would think otherwise. I really hope it does not come to that. 



Shifteh & Vildemose - I agree with both of you

by Onlyiran on

and wrote a blog about it some time ago:



Shifteh Jon: Missed you

by vildemose on

Shifteh Jon: Missed you too.

Excatly, bebakhshid, in Sepah 'Gavon', don't understand that by doing any of those 3 things, they will give the excuse to the West to even use nuclear weapons on Iran. That is the ultimate action item plan on the agenda for the neocons and war profiteers.

The US retaliatory action against the IRI in the event of those 3 scenarios mentioned by the sepah gavdaran will give them the perfect excuse for activating the nuclear option with the approval of most of the West.


Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

Missed you!

Yes, the current military rulers of Iran have seen having a war the only way for their survival with a nation who does not fear and obey them anymore.  I believe Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "mission" from the get-go has been to start a war.  They have in fact started and participated in small battles at their neighbors' expense for several years with funding and arming and interfering in the regional countries' factional wars.  Ahmadinejad's literature and policies have all been begging that war, in my opinion.  

Nothing has been more helpful to Israel over the past several years than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's idiotic talk and policies which have been used to plant seeds of doubt and hate against Iran and other countries of the Middle East.  The Palestenians have suffered because of these policies, Muslims have been terrorized and isolated, and here we have a marriage made in heaven--the marriage of the most extremist governments of Israel and Iran, potentially pushing the world into another war and aiming to potoentially kill millions again.

As for whether Iran has a prayer in case of any attacks, the answer is no.  Yesterday a Sepaah commander said that they have a "three-step plan" for retaliating any US attack:  1.  They will close down the Hormuz Strait, 2.  They will take American military officers in Iraq and Afghanistan as hostages, and 3.  They will take retaliatory action on Israel.  If those imbeciles could do any and all of the above, they wouldn't have had to say a word about it, they would only do them if and when necessary.  The only reason they would talk about it is to help Israel create more fear in the media.  Hence my theory about the marriage made in heaven.

Iran is in the hands of deranged and incompetent goons who continue to jeopardize the lives of innocent people.  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the IRGC coup are the best things that ever happened to Israel.  Beechareh mellat-e Iran.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Interesting points.
  • Yes Khamenei wants this war. He thinks it will allow him to blame all of his problems on Israel and USA. His foot soldiers are at work here.
  • However he may be miscalculating. He may end up handing off a crane in Azadi Square. Right next to AN. 

Saddam made the same calculation. It cost him his life and Iraq a ton of people.


If supporting the IRI would

by vildemose on

If supporting the IRI would have had any possibility of  averting  a devestating war against Iran, I would be the first one  to kiss Khamani's hands but does anyone think Khamenie is going to win a war against the US or Israel?? Am I missing something?

Why is it that noone addresses the issue that Khamnei wants this war just as bad as the Great Satan?



by LoverOfLiberty on

In my opinion, I think you posted a very good question, that being...

"It seems Iran can stop this madness any time it wants, so who is in control of the attack, really?"

If you ask me, I believe it is the people of Iran who-rightfully so-ultimately have control over whether or not there is a future war between the West-particularly the US-and Iran...if they can only find the courage within themselves to force change in their government and, along with that, her actions.

Yes, war is an ugly thing.  And most people I think would prefer that there would never be any wars, particularly if such wars effect them personally.

However, this being said, war certainly isn't the ugliest of things.  And, I would argue that living years under a repressive regime could be, and often is, even uglier than war.  And, I would add that anyone who advocates defending such a regime, through a supposedly noble claim of acting patriotic in defense of Iran, must be willing to accept, at the same time, the solidifying of power of that same regime in the process.

So, if you ask me, the future of Iran, with regards to any potential future war with the West, is in the hands of the Iranian people. 

Now, if the Iranian people would only realize how much "power" they actually hold....


Couldn't handle the truth

by IRI on

Then deleted my posts. That's fine.
If I were these folks VPK, Vildm, Ayat. Fred, Mahmoudg, masoudh (Masalan),
I would change my user name because I doubt anyone cares for what you guys say and know that more than most people don't care for you at all.


Support the IRI? Are you Joking!

by eroonman on

Persian isn't a race. Persian is at best a small minority ethnicity in certain parts of Iran, as well as an even smaller pocket of Indian Persians in India.

But the Israeli /US racist treatment of this version of Iran presented by the government you want us to rally behind, is a valid point.

That however is entirely the Iranian government's fault.

One that you suggest we should support now that it has poked an already pissed off Giant and its willing minions, in the eye with a sharp Mecca-pointed-Qom-poison-tipped-stick.

Veiling themselves (and those of us who dare not speak out) as this "New Eslamic Iran" at a time when the world barely separates eslam from extremism is not a good idea. It's reckless and dangerous.

I'm getting rather sick of the continued lie and suggestion that an Israeli or American surgical attack on Iran's nuclear facilities (The ONLY bone of real contention here) necessarily means automatic "genocide" for the Iranian people.

Nothing could be farther from the truth as was evidenced when Israel successfully took out Iraq's nuclear facilities in the 80's. I say success not because I like Israel but because I (still) hate Saddam.

Yes, some Iranians (mostly those capitulating) will no doubt die if the Israelis or Americans attack the remote nuclear facilities in question. But let us be absolutely clear that this, all of this, is the intended poke in the eye of the giant, by Iran's own hands.

It seems Iran can stop this madness any time it wants, so who is in control of the attack, really?

Crying foul when the obvious and inevitable eventually happens, that you know was instigated by YOUR OWN ACTIONS is about to happen, is pure reckless, irresponsible delusion.

Certainly not what a good, kind and responsible to it's people (instead of the deviant interests of a few madmen behind all of this) government would do.

So I'm sorry to disappoint your insulting rally cry, but I simply can't "get behind" a government that knowingly does that.

Right is Right, And Wrong is Wrong, and the Iranian Government is dead wrong on this one. Hopefully it will realize this and back down from it's dangerous bluff.


Another blog about war...

by Cost-of-Progress on

Most folks including myself do not want to see a military campaign against Iran. I believe it would be counter to the ultimate goal which is freedom for Iran and her people; the uprooting of the Islamic anti nationalist regime of the unelected clergy in iran. Besdies, a conflict as such would kill an untold number of innocent civilians whose only crime is being Iranian....

Generally speaking, it is the regime that is itching for a conflict as they know that will seal the theocratic regime's fate for another...say at least 20 years. That's what the regime wants, but it is very unlikely for anyone to attack Iran these days. It just makes no sense. Mind you that the talk about a strike/attack has been buzzing for at least 6-8 years now.

So....no matter how you sound like you don't want a conflict, you're just dying for one...ain't ya?





Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Hey Midwesty

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I second your comment!

Did you think first before you seconded that. Heh heh heh 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Well Midwesty

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

You got that one right. Yes; I am not Israeli and make no apologies for my relation to Iran. However I do not make any money of my relation with Iran. Mostly just visit people and sometimes buy things which helps Iranians. You should try going there. Will teach you a few things. Plus it reminds you who you are or are supposed to be. Get out of Midwest.



by Midwesty on

I second your comment!



I Am Amazed!!!

by Parsagarda on

It amazes me to read all the comments which at times seem unrelated to the topic. Sometimes it seems we write first and think later! This is truly an Iranian characteristic especially among our younger generation. But it is obvious to me that Iranians and other enlightened people who frequent these pages are passionate about Iran and all it has to offer.


I love the logic of Abarmard who posed a simple question which I paraphrase “Is any attack on Iran by Israel and United States acceptable?” IRI gave a great answer that "Iranians will rise and defend their land."


If you read what Vatan_Doost wrote in the first place, you see that his proposition is to go beyond our individual political allegiances and close ranks to support Iran each in our own way. There will be an attack on Iran after all and our family, culture and motherland will be harmed by the enemy. We can always do what we always do afterward. After the war is over and we have defended our homeland with pride we can find each other again and argue for another thousand years.

Look at my earlier post in this thread to see what Iran means to me. I am sure it has a similar meaning to you all and is well worth protecting…long live Vatan_Doost and all her friends and supporters.


How does supporting the

by vildemose on

How does supporting the Islamic Republic and endorsment of its  foreign policies will avert a war against Iranian?

How does supporting and promoting IRI will stop the neocons and the zionists plan to take over the middle east?

Are we to believe that the IRI can withstand an attack against Iran by the US or the Israelis? Are we to believe that the most incompetent leaders of IRI have a real strategy to either prevent war or win a war with the US or Israeli?

Both IRI and the US country are heading down the dark path toward a dystopian statehood, as they cannot see the trap that they’ve caught themselves in. This uptopian and now defunct  ideal of Islam nab mohamdi under auspices of Imam Mahdi (thanks to corrupt leadership o-e-f Khamenie)  just does not coincide with the reality, which is why the IRI has  no  strong alliances in the region.

Here are what we are up against:

"They have perhaps half of America’s 400 billionaires on their side. They have the enormous military-industrial complex on their side. They have the Yahoo complex of besieged lower middle class White America on their side. They have the Israel lobbies on their side. They have important segments of the Oil and Gas lobbies on their side. They have the whole American tradition of permanent war on their side. They should not be underestimated.”

what do we have? Promoting and supportig IRI unconditionally without question?? How is that going to save Iran?


Detective Midwesty

by Doctor X on

Relax babam jan. Salavat berrfest:))



by Midwesty on

I highly doubt these are Israelis. From covering their faces I suspect they are the ones who travel frequently to Iran.

Ham az akhoor mikhoran ham az toobareh...



by AMIR1973 on

I misunderstood you. I thought you were being sarcastic. I made a mistake and for that I apologize (though I still have my disagreements with your views).

Otherwise, declare your position clearly and there should be no arguments.

I oppose an attack on Iran. The best opposition to such an attack is regime change, for it is the IRI's behavior which is setting the stage for any potential future attack (which may or may not come--let's hope it does NOT).


but protecting Iran in case

by AMIR1973 on

but protecting Iran in case of an attack would come to my mind.

Just more empty barking? How are you going to "protect" anything or anyone while living in the West (plus or minus welfare checks?) The usual tactic of blowing up embassies and taking people hostage?

Now, if you want to "protect" Our Sacred Motherland, may I suggest taking the route of a real man, going back to Iran, and making the ultimate sacrifice. I would support your decision fully and would eat halva 40 days after your holy martyrdom.