Our National Interest

The Case for an Iranian Nuclear Weapon


Our National Interest
by vatan_doost

Threats of preemptive attack on Iran with conventional and nuclear weapons are made with greater frequency by officials at the highest levels of government in Israel and the United States. American and Israeli media are filled with growing evidence of racism toward the Persian race by reinforcing a picture of Iranians as sub-humans. One can not avoid the ugly telltale signs of the coming war when doing a simple web-search of news these days. It is obvious the Western public opinion is being prepared to do harm to Iranian people.

Whether the impending genocide of Iranians is justified in the name of protecting Israeli and American national interests is no longer relevant. The recent US national intelligence declaration made it clear that Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon. But the facts do not make any difference to the powerful Israeli lobby who calls the shots for the United States. This is the same Israeli interest lobby that helped shape the war with Iraq on false pretenses and now works to check the strategic power of Iran in the Middle East by coaxing the US to once again do its dirty business.

Why the US presidents or presidential contenders have to declare their unchecked allegiance to the protection of Israel before each election and throughout their tenure is no mystery to the author. For skeptics, a web search of “American Israeli Public Affairs Committee” proceedings should open some eyes. At the same time, no one in their right mind can have a public discourse on the topic of US policy toward Israel. As taboo subjects go, this is the proverbial apple which will banish anyone who dares speak from heaven of American political elites. Israel does and says what it wants and US politicians will find a way to deliver in their own time and with very few questions asked.

The famous conservative thinker, Jeffrey Goldberg's recently published "Time to murder the filthy Persians" stating his mistaken ideas about Iranian motivations and the imperative for attaching Iran. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mike Mullen alluded to the Iran attack plans being made ready by the US. Israeli media are filled with predictions and declarations of imminent war. Israel is conducting civil defense exercises to prepare for conflict. Turkey, and Brazil have stepped up their desperate efforts to prevent a disastrous war. Even Fidel Castro has risen from his death bed to warn Iranians of the Armageddon about to come. There are too many signs for any sane person to ignore.

Drawing parallels with the experience of Pakistan, India and Israel itself, Iran has no other choice but to pursue the ultimate weapon. Judging by the results, going nuclear in each case provides the ultimate safety net against existential threats now being made by the usual suspects. Bullies and hegemons including Israel and the G5 understand the implications of a nuclear counter strike and normally stop their threats and murderous plots by finally “taking some options off the table”. US is actually giving Pakistan financial and military support as it plots against the US interests in the region. India is the recipient of the most advanced Plutonium reactor technology used for accelerated weapons production.. And no one has to explain what Israel enjoys in status and support among the hypocrites. Meanwhile the Russian “prostitutes” are busy peddling the goods to the highest bidder never sure to actually deliver what they appear to be selling.

For Iranians of every color and creed, this is no longer a case of Mullah against the people. Whether you are for or against the Arab Regime, its Bedouin religion or its barbaric ways, it is irrelevant. There is an Iran separate and distinct from the Mullah-Arab Regime same as there is an Iranian identity completely separate and distinct from the Islamic identity. Putting aside differences, all should prepare to fight for Iran and its unique Iranian culture. Those who love Iran and its people should unite around the Regime and prepare for the imminent outbreak of hostilities against the people. Skilled and capable expats should do whatever they can to help Iran build and deploy its nuclear weapon in the shortest time possible.

This is where Mullahs may make a lethal error by actually doing what they publicly claim; that is keeping the objectives of their nuclear program solely for peaceful purposes. This would be an error of existential proportions that can not be remedied in a short few months to come. Only if the world could realize that the ouster of the cancer that grows in Iran is the sole responsibility of Iranians.

The Green movement and the brave sacrifices of so many Iranians came about immediately after the threat of foreign hostility was eased for a brief period. Just as immediately, the heroes will rise again to set Iran straight once the threat of vampires, hyenas and racist colonialists is completely removed. This is the history of Iranian people who have fought bravely to preserve the ancient nation and its unique culture against so many conquerors and marauders.

Let us all be vigilant and unified in the support of Iran and its current Regime until the threats are nullified. Let us prepare to defend and revenge Iran against its mortal enemies. And let us remind those who do harm to Iran of our intentions just as “Caesar's spirit, raging for revenge, with Ate by his side come hot from hell, shall in these confines with a monarch's voice cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war, that this foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion men, groaning for burial.’




by IranMilitaryForum.net on

Re: IMF. This person thinks by calling me a "she" that would be an
insult. I have news for him/her: my mother is a "she". I have no problem
with women. I Just happen to be a dude.

PS: I am not a Christian. For goodness sake I am a frigging PROPHET!


Then it is you who keep lying on IC! You keep changing your stories!



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Re: IMF. This person thinks by calling me a "she" that would be an insult. I have news for him/her: my mother is a "she". I have no problem with women. I Just happen to be a dude.

PS: I am not a Christian. For goodness sake I am a frigging PROPHET!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on




I am not sure what your point is. Mine is very simple: there is a difference between a nation and a government. Iran has been around for thousands of years and I hope will be for many thousands more. In this time it has had many governments. They come and they go but the nation remains. This is not an ideological statement.

Regarding "unity". How about this suggestion: IRI stops executions and the diaspora go into hyper gear to stop any attacks. We are already doing what is possible. However a moritoruim on executions will sure make it a lot simpler. It is a better approach than people having dinner at CASMII with AN. Plus it might save a few lives right now.

Re: peace; yes I am all for it. Start with banning the death penatly.

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

actually it is there in the name so why complicate matters? the islamic republic of iran has a government. that would be the government of the islamic republic of iran.

you cannot say i will vote against the islamic republic of iran.

but you can i will vote against the government of islamic repulic of iran. 

the rest of the argument is just claims versus counterclaims. i don't have the time.




by IranMilitaryForum.net on

sometimes you sound like a religious convert... are you one?

You bet VPK is a convert! Although she is disgrace to Christianity as much she was to Islam as a bigotted fascist!



Dariush A


by Dariush A on

You keep repeating the same crap over and over.  You can't prove a point by lying and making up historical facts. write the references to your claims! 

Let me guess! You don't have any.

maziar 58

shazde thanks

by maziar 58 on

merci SAM khan I never knew the whole ghasideh

And i'm going to save it and send it around.   

it is true "khar ro did kado ra nadid".       Maziar

Shazde Asdola Mirza

PS: the whole story is much longer, and even more educational

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Shazde Asdola Mirza

نیلی موشه: شما ذکر هسته ای رو دیدید ولی‌ از کدو غافلید (مولوی)

Shazde Asdola Mirza

یک کنیزک یک خری بر خود فکند

از وفور شهوت و فرط گزند

آن خر نر را بگان خو کرده بود

خر جماع آدمی پی برده بود

یک کدویی بود حیلت‌سازه را

در نرش کردی پی اندازه را

در ذکر کردی کدو را آن عجوز

تا رود نیم ذکر وقت سپوز

گر همه کیر خر اندر وی رود

آن رحم و آن روده‌ها ویران شود

خر همی شد لاغر و خاتون او

مانده عاجز کز چه شد این خر چو مو

نعل‌بندان را نمود آن خر که چیست

علت او که نتیجه‌ش لاغریست

هیچ علت اندرو ظاهر نشد

هیچ کس از سر او مخبر نشد

در تفحص اندر افتاد او به جد

شد تفحص را دمادم مستعد

جد را باید که جان بنده بود

زانک جد جوینده یابنده بود

چون تفحص کرد از حال اشک

دید خفته زیر خر آن نرگسک

از شکاف در بدید آن حال را

بس عجب آمد از آن آن زال را

خر همی‌گاید کنیزک را چنان

که به عقل و رسم مردان با زنان

در حسد شد گفت چون این ممکنست

پس من اولیتر که خر ملک منست

خر مهذب گشته و آموخته

خوان نهادست و چراغ افروخته

 ... در فرو بست آن زن و خر را کشید

شادمانه لاجرم کیفر چشید

در میان خانه آوردش کشان

خفت اندر زیر آن نر خر ستان

هم بر آن کرسی که دید او از کنیز

تا رسد در کام خود آن قحبه نیز

پا بر آورد و خر اندر ویی سپوخت

آتشی از کیر خر در وی فروخت

خر مؤدب گشته در خاتون فشرد

تا بخایه در زمان خاتون بمرد

بر درید از زخم کیر خر جگر

روده‌ها بسکسته شد از همدگر

دم نزد در حال آن زن جان بداد

کرسی از یک‌سو زن از یک‌سو فتاد

صحن خانه پر ز خون شد زن نگون

مرد او و برد جان ریب المنون

مرگ بد با صد فضیحت ای پدر

تو شهیدی دیده‌ای از کیر خر

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I will just address a few. 

  • IRI is not Iran. That's right. IRI is the "government of Iran". I explained this enough for anyone who paid attention to understand. What part of this is not clear?
  • CASMII is a waste of time. What do they acheive while IRI is executing 3 at a time. What do you think the "enemy" is going to say? Oh, IRI is real cuddly. Just 3 at a time!
  • A fifth column is a group living in a nation and working against it. That pretty much defines the West residing; West hating types who oppose everything it stands for yet live there. You people put other Iranians in a very bad situation.
  • Some of us have done a lot more for Iran than you know. We bring trade and reconcilliation. Not all of us; yest there are those who call for war. I don't. But your side sure makes my job more difficult. 


Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

your statements:

'IRI is NOT Iran.' 

ok, which country is the islamic republic of iran then? pls enlighten us.

'Having a CASMII gathering is a waste of time and money.'

who is going to organize against sanctions and war instead? who has proven to be committed to it? why belittle and undermine such a positive movement?

'IRI is not Iran. No more than Pahlavi or Ghajar or any other government.'

actually iri is not a government, the same way that the usa is not a government, or the islamic republic of pakistan is not either. the government of iran is the government of iri. the constitution of iran, the one that iranians voted for, determines the name of the country. you want to change it, you have my full support. but until it is changed, the constitution is what it is. playing with words in a deceptive manner like you do is not the basis of a freedom movement. it is simple misnformation. 

'They are here as a "fifth column". So that when Imam Madi shows up they
can make him feel at home. Or to cause dissent and trouble; give the
rest of us a bad name; and generally be a nuisance. Manipulate the
diaspora and their patrotism to help sustain the IRI and its criminals

this is just utter garbage! the diaspora - or that section of it that is like you - better get off its spoilt fat arse and do something useful for iran for once instead of prostituting itself and holding iran back. show some gratitude to the land of your ancestors, their culture, and all the POSITIVE things that they strive for.

'Islam is not for Iran or for any sane people.'  yours is an absolutist, extremist, dictatorial language. you are in effect calling most iranians insane. whatever you imagine your intentions to be - i would guess you need emotional readjustment - this kind of tripe just makes you look silly.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You brought up a bunch of issues and should be open to reading the response. I responded to your points. 

Regarding "unity": how is that achieved when IRI is hanging 3 Iranians at a time. They are not even smart enough to hold off on their terror for a few months to fool us. Murder and executions have become an addiction for the ruling Mullahs. 

If they want unity they can start with:

  • Moratorium on executions.
  • Permanent band on stoning.

Lets see your side take a step to promote "peace". 

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

am afraid you dominate the propaganda discourse here. there is nothing on this earth that a muslim could possibly do right for you.

regardless, this is a debate about iran. no need to bring old arguments into an invitation to unity against foreign threats. this has been a consistent argument of mine.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If you think Islam was accepted by Iran "with open" arms then you either

  • Have no knowledge of history. Just the IRI revision
  • Are making up things for an agenda.
  • Have lost your mind.
  • Live in an alternate universe.

I need not go into the obvious and well documented data in detal. In one incident the Arab and Muslims whiped out the whole city of Estakhr. Reason: it resisted them. 

Regarding the USA. In its worst day USA is vastly less destructive than your dear Islamists. Yes 12 people are a lot but not a genocide or even a massacre. In fact most killings in Afghanistan are by Taliban.

No matter: none of this excuses the actions of Arabs who unquestionably tried to destroy Iran. By the sounds of it they particall succeeded. Just read your own postings and those of other IRI supporters on IC.


niloofar farsi, are you out of your mind?

by yousef on

Stop this terroristic and anti american rant. Consider yourself as lucky to have escaped Iran to USA, before the Islamist regime is overthrown. Do you know what people will do to your like after the regime is overthrown??? Do you want to get deported back to Iran, if Iranian or Gaza if arab in an orange jump suit?

BTW, who taught you to write in farsi, naghola :)


Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

sometimes you sound like a religious convert... are you one?

whether or not Islam was forced on iran is perhaps debatable (though i don't think it is. i think islam was accepted with open arms and for good reason), but it is the religion of the great majority, and we have to respect that or else we are the intolerant ones.   the move of zoroastrians to india was also followed by iranian muslims spreading islam. it is a little appreciated fact that iran was the main source for spreading islam into south asia, not the arabs. in india, the tax on non-muslims was lifted by the first moghul emperor jalale-din akbar (of afghan/persian origin) who united the country.   point is: islam does not have such a bloody history as you claim. in fact, its history is far more peaceful than that of judaism, christianisty and modern day 'democracies' or the 'enlightened west'. just look at the math: try numbers of people murdered unnecessarily every year, in almost any year.

this is not limited to history. on any given day this week: how many people were killed by 'christian' bombs and how many by 'muslim' ones?

last weekend, in the middle of the worst flooding to hit any country in decades, in the middle of the terror of a third of a country's land area going under water, 20 million people affected, american drones killed 12 people in pakistan.

muslims wouldn't do that. only western savages can commit such crimes in broad daylight and get away with it.


shazdeh jan

by Doctor X on

Shabe jomas mellat have had a little too much Najessi. Pay no attention.

They won't pass at any opportunity to take you on Boyy! What is cracking there  Playaa?:))

Do tell them Who is daa maan.:)


Niloufar Parsi

دالی موشه!

Niloufar Parsi

شازده تو که با نمک بودی مثلأ! 

بنده عرض میکنم، "به جای این روضه‌های صد تا یه غاز، برید به اون ارباب‌های کاخ سفیدتون بگین که دست از صدام حسین بازی‌، تروریست پروری‌، آدمکشی و تجاوز
ور دارند، تا لازم نباشه از ترس و لرز هر شب تو بغل موشک سی‌ متری و زیر
بمب صد کیلو تنی  اتمی بخوابند." 

دیدی چقدر راحت بود؟ حالا برو یه چایی دم کن تا دور بعدی. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

ملت ایران یه بار برا هشت سال گول شما رو خورد ولی‌ دیگه نمیخوره

Shazde Asdola Mirza

یه مشتی "عالمان" علم سیاست و "خبرگان" امور جهانی‌، هر شب در این سایت جمع میشوند و به بحث و مناظره مینشینند که، "آیا امشب اسرأئیل آخوند‌‌ها رو سرویس میکنه، یا فردا؟"

هدف واقعی‌ این گروه هم خیلی‌ ساده است: "توجیه وجود نکبت اسلامی نما در ایران، و تروریست‌های وابسته به اون‌ در سر تا سر دنیا"!

این جماعت حتی ذره‌ای دلشون به حال مردم ایران نسوخته و نمی‌‌سوزه. فقط مشغول خدمت به ارباب هستند و زمینه سازی برای‌ ظهور حضرت قایم!

البته حضرت "قایم موشک" هم که دیگه تو این دوره و زمونه نمیتونه با لوله هنگ به جنگ کفار بره. لاجرم، این "ابرمردان و شیر دختران" حالا کاملا نقاب از چهره بر داشته اند و غوغای "ایران باید به سلاح هسته‌ای مجهز شود" سر می‌‌دهند.

اما از سر موذی گری، راست و حسینی‌ نمیگند که هدف واقعی‌، تجهیز ملا به بمب اتمه. مزورانه مردم رو میخوان خر کنند که، "ما دلمون به حال ملت ایران می‌‌سوزه، مبادا یهو زیر پای آمریکای جهان خوار لهٔ بشه! کشور ما هم چند تا بمب اتم لازم داره که به حال صدام حسین نیفته."

بنده عرض میکنم، "به جای این روضه‌های صد تا یه غاز، برید به اون ارباب‌های آخوندتون بگین که دست از صدام حسین بازی‌، تروریست پروری‌، آدمکشی و تجاوز ور دارند، تا لازم نباشه از ترس و لرز هر شب تو بغل موشک سی‌ متری و زیر بمب صد کیلو تنی بخوابند."

ملت ایران، از فارس، ترک، کرد، لر، عرب، بلوچ، گیلک ... یه بار برای هشت سال گول شما جنگ طلب‌های دیونه رو خورد ... ولی‌ دیگه نمیخوره!

Dariush A


by Dariush A on

I am against any religion or ideology being forced,  want it to be by Islam, Reza Shah or Marx.  I have the rights to argue the nonsense and ask for logical answers.  

Can I send a salavat instead of Vodka for cheers?  or I would be violating the western code of conduct.

Niloufar Parsi

parsagarda aziz

by Niloufar Parsi on

yes i agree with your sentiments in your comment to vpk and me - and also elsewhere. i may not totally go along with what you describe as 'iranian' or 'not iranian', but that is a separate issue.

beh salamati! :)



by Parsagarda on

Dear VPK and Dariush,

Religion is a very private thing. Belief in almighty and its miracles is something everyone should feel in their own heart. To force one or another view under the threat of death is just bull. 

As social animals, we need public laws to govern our conduct in society but Islam does not stop at the doors of the mosque. It pushes its way on every thing you do, say and think, often with sever punishment if you cross the line. I may have lived with that type of strict codebook for life if Einstein or Gandhi or Marx were the writers, but in this case a bunch of stupid, Arab wantabe mullahs who can barely tend to their own hygiene sit on the manbar and send people to death because they crossed some stupid Islamic law god knows which sick idiot concocted.

I say keep religion in your own house and keep your hands off others who live within the law. Let God that lives in your heart guide your actions but not the one described by the mullah, priest or rabbi.


Dariush A


by Dariush A on

If force was the only factor, Why is it not working today? IRI is forcing people to Islam and it is actually having the opposite affects and people are leaving it.  Your beloved Reza Shah used force to get rid of it, but he couldn't.  Wouldn't it be a good opportunity for people to convert back to Zoroastrianism or some other religions? but instead they resisted Reza Shah's force.  This shows that majority preferred Islam.   Maybe the Islam practiced then was different than what is practiced now and therefore welcomed.





Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Islam is not for Iran or for any sane people. The reason the Iranians became Muslim was force. Mostly death; your favorite punishment. Here:
  • Iranians often faced a choice: death or Islam. Many picked death but guess what: they are not around. Many moved to India: they are the Parsi. Many became Muslims. Not by choice but by force.
  • In more benevolent times they faced "jazeeheh" or Islam. You know the huge tax imposed on non Muslims. Again some chose not to pay the tax and became Muslims. 
  • Later under Safavi even being a Muslim was not enough. The choice was death or Shia. Result was lots of dead people and lots of Shia Muslims. 

I know you won't get it. But I am not going to let your lies go without a response.

Dariush A


by Dariush A on

You wrote, Iran and Islam aren't meant for each other.

If they weren't, people wouldn't have converted to Islam from Zoroastrianism. So people must have found something wrong or right with one or another.

I agree that Ahmadinejad should leave the religion to clerics and do a presidents job and take charge and fix the justice system before anything else.  However, that takes a lot of work and convincing on his part with others. 

You wrote, he is power hungry. I disagree.

I don't see him having much power or profiting from it.  



Dariush on Ahmadinejad

by Parsagarda on

Dariush A. What do you think of Ahmadinejad? He sounds to me like a nationalist. Doesn't really want to follow the Mullahs. At time he feels uncomfortable with the push/pull he gets from the akhoonds. But he has no choice but to mind them since they are his most important power block. Similar to Natanyahou and the orthodox wall huggers in Israel.

I see Ahmadinejad as power hungry and Islamic leaning but I also see his nationalistic side. He cares for Iran but he is too lost in Islamist bull to ever be good for Iran. I say this since I feel Iran and Islam are not meant to be together. Any foriegn idea forced on a people under threat of sword is bull. Religion belongs at home not in the public and certainly not as a weapon to legitimize centuries long rape, pillage and murder.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You correctly point out the West ain't about to collapse. Now regarding the question:

With all the IRI's "improvements and advances" that Abjee Nilou has highlighted, what's stopping such folks from leaving the collapsing western countries for the scientific and technological powerhouse known as the IRI? Cheers  :-)

There could be two reasons:

  • They are here as a "fifth column". So that when Imam Madi shows up they can make him feel at home. Or to cause dissent and trouble; give the rest of us a bad name; and generally be a nuisance. Manipulate the diaspora and their patrotism to help sustain the IRI and its criminals. Go to CASMII dinners. And get a big fat check from IRI for being their voice.  
  • Because it is more comfortable and free in the West. They get to say what they want and not hang off a crane. Meanwhile watch their fellow Iranians hang to death and support the murderers who do it with no personal risk. The money is good and risk is minimal. Plus they will get to pretend to be journalists and honest people.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree with the point regarding a free government. This time I agree with most of your post.

I have one additional item. A government even the most democratic is not a nation. If a nation's government collapses the nation may and often does survive. A nation speciall an ancient one goes beyond a government. Iran was; is and will be around regardless of IRI or Islam. These are not the same things. That is my point.


As it is, without any

by AMIR1973 on

As it is, without any sanctions and despite the looting of other countries resources they are about to collapse. I must add that Shah in such conditions wouldn't have lasted more than a day or two and would have left the country.  I know some in IRI has done terrible things, but It also was IRI that has done many improvements and advances as Niloufar mentioned.

Oh yeah, the "western countries" are about to collapse. Sure they are. But what happens to the IRI Groupies residing in those "western countries" when that collapse occurs? With all the IRI's "improvements and advances" that Abjee Nilou has highlighted, what's stopping such folks from leaving the collapsing western countries for the scientific and technological powerhouse known as the IRI? Cheers  :-)

Dariush A


by Dariush A on

You have a sound judgment. I agree with just about everything you wrote. However, you also wrote, "but then wipe Iran clean of IRI".

I am more in favor of getting rid of all the criminals in government. IRI or else.  I think there are good and bad in IRI just as there are in the oppositions.  Ahmadinejad is a good example.  

About these statistics, I must say that if any of these western countries were sanctioned, threatened and pressured as Iran has been for the past 31 years, none of them would have lasted more than a few months. As it is, without any sanctions and despite the looting of other countries resources they are about to collapse. I must add that Shah in such conditions wouldn't have lasted more than a day or two and would have left the country.  I know some in IRI has done terrible things, but It also was IRI that has done many improvements and advances as Niloufar mentioned.  So I think the problems are the criminals in either camps.