
Music video by Mostafa Heravi

by Kamran

A video by Mostafa Heravi. Produced by Marjaneh Moghimi/Butimar Productions. Generously sponsored by Dr. Amir Ali Farman-Farma, Flora Family Foundation and Salmeh Moghimi. Special thanks to Ali Bazyar, Ucef Hanjani, Danial Keshani and Nynke VD Wal.



حالا مثبت و منفی‌ به کنار...


I had never heard of this man or his music till today.I found this piece of music very intriguing. I noted elemnets of traditional iranian music, Jazz, even Rock. Quite original, at least to my ears.

And thanks to this forum even I can write as if I am a music critique! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


ما که خیلی‌ مثبت بودیم؟!!!


ما که خیلی‌ مثبت بودیم؟!!!

خوب گفتیم خیلی‌ رو قیمتش اومده دیگه، بد گفتیم؟

از وقتی‌ اومد آمریکا تازه قیافه آدم حسابی‌‌ها رو پیدا کرده.

اصلا شما راست میگید. نامجو فقط به درد بچه مثبت هایی مثل شخص شخیص خود شما میخوره.

ما که از اول هیچوقت بچه مثبت نبودیم و هیچوقت هم ادعای مثبت بودن نکردیم.

ولی‌ خوب نامجو هم به خاطر شما‌ها اومده اینجا دیگه.

هواداراش، شما بچه مثبت‌های خارج از کشور بودین که الحمدلله اومد اینجا واسه شما بخونه.

وگرنه با اون سبک و اون ریخت و قیافه که تو ایران، کَسی‌ واسش تره هم خورد نمیکرد



hands down best Namjoo song

by aynak on


Hopefully Namjoo will produce more of the fusion like this and less traditional Persian (which he has not done recently) or plain copy of Western music (some which is in his album and not all the great to listen to).   The beauty of this is the perfect marriage of East and West.   His voice at his best with this great range.   Who can listen and not love the Toranj?


گفتا تو از کجایی آشفته می نمایی
گفتا منم غریبی از شهر آشنایی

--It!! Asked where are you from?  You seem unsettled?

--I said I am an unknown from the city that you well know!   


Thanks Mohsen for credits.   I always wondered who made that poem.





by yolanda on

His singing style reminds me of eruption of a volcano! I believe there is a reason for his rage!

13th Legion


by 13th Legion on

Kaskhi ounhaye ke vaghan ba kareh Namjoo haal nemikonan, alaki va az roo bi kari barash commenthaye "tokhmi" khaleh zanaki va manfi nemizashtan.

ba ba har artisti hagh dareh har joor mikhad khodesho bayan koneh...chera to sare mardom mizanin? akheh in che karieh?

khobeh adam ba mardoom joori barhod koneh he doost dareh mardoom ba khodesh barhord konan.

masalan yeki biyad be adam begheh modele moohat khayli dahatieh va dar zemn 20 kelo vazn ham kam koni bad nist, khoshekeltar mishi...aya in ehsaseh khobieh dareh adam injoor commentha ra val sobh biyad to internet jaar bezaneh.

khoda einshalah yeki ra befresteh ye kami mosbat garayi va tahamool be ma melat yad bedeh....amin ;)))


Great music

by Rea on

And if I'm allowed to say, he's sexy too. Ufff ;o)

PS. funny, "toranj" in my language means a tower.


Khob alhamdolleh!

by Souri on

In Namjoo ham az aab o gel dar oumad!

Bad az in hameh modat to amerika, fahmid ke bayad hadd-aghal zaheresh ro dorost koneh!! har chand ke ahang hash hanouzam changi be del nemizaneh!

I congrats him  for his new hair cut!!!

Khoda perdar ounke behesh in chiza ro yad dadeh biamorzeh.

13th Legion

Love this man...Soozeh Del...

by 13th Legion on

in ahang Toranj hamisheh soozeh deleh maro dar miyareh.

nice video, very natural, it compliments Namjoo's personality and vibe.



by Nahzi on



                      Sedaay-e man....