در سالهای پیش، قبل از اختراع اینترنت، شبکههای ماهواره ای و امکانات ارسال اطلاعات و خبر بطور آنی و لحظهای، دنیایی دیگر در مقابل چشمهای ما بود.
در آن روزگاران پس از انقلاب ۱۳۵۷ که میلیونها ایرانی به خیابانها آمدند و هم اقشار مدرن تحصیل کرده /به خارج سفر کرده ی شهری که دختران و پسران « آزاد» داشتند(حدود ۱۰ تا ۱۵ میلیون نفر) و اقشار روستایی/مذهبی که نه به خارج سفر کرده بودند، نه دختران و پسرانشان با هم رابطه پیش از ازدواج داشتند و در جوامع کوچک، سنتی روستایی زندگی میکردند، به خیابانها آمدند و با قدرت و جدیدت خواهان برکناری شاه، ایجاد جمهوری شدند که در این میان آیت اله خمینی با داشتن اکثریت، جمهوری را اسلامی کرد و رهبری روحانیت را بر کل جامعه تثبیت کرد.
در همان سالها در نزاع بین عناصر آمریکایی و انگلیسی، با رفتن شاه قدرت از دست آمریکایییان خارج شد و وجود این انقلاب پرشور و مردمی میتوانست باعث تأثیر گذاری زیادی بر دیگر مردم و کشورهای جهان سوم شود. بنابراین نیاز بود به هر شکل ممکن (By Any Means Necessary) این انقلاب سرکوب شود. بنابراین صدام حسین، دیکتاتور عراقی تشویق میشود تا از آب گل آلود ضعف و هرج و مرج در ایران استفاده کرده و به آن حمله کند.
کشور ایران مورد تهاجم یک نیروی بیگانه قرار می گیرد. عراق به ایران حمله می کند.
در آن دوران ایرانیان خارج از ایران که اکثراً دانشجو بوده و یا تعداد اندکی شروع به مهاجرت کرده بودیم و هنوز از میلیونها ایرانی خبری نبود، فقط اخبار کمی از شبکههای اصلی تلویزیونی آمریکایی به گوشمان می رسید و شاید تا همین زمان هنوز عمق فاجعه جنگ و حمله شدن به کشور عزیزمان ایران را درک نکرده ایم. نه اینکه نمیخواهیم درک کنیم، بلکه بدلیل نبود وسایل ارتباط جمعی در آن زمان، تصاویر آن جنک و بخصوص اتفاقات و ترسها، واهمه های حمله های هوایی عراق را که مردم با شنیدن صدای آژیر در سطح شهر هیچوقت فراموش نمیکنند تجربه نکردیم و در نتیجه هیچ حس خاصی نسبت به این پدیده ی عظیم که بر روان تک تک شهروندان ایران در داخل ایران، یعتی ۷۸ میلیون نفر بطور مستقیم و غیر مستقیم تأثیر شگرف گذاشته است نداریم.
ما هیچ حسی از آنچه بر این مردم گذشته، نه فقط مرگ هزارها نفر از برادران و خواهران ایرانی مان که مثل ما دوست داشتند در بهترین دانشگاههای آمریکا به تحصیل مشغول باشند، اما به خاطر وضعیت اقتصادی شان در ایران بودند و حالا می بایست از وطنشان، از وطنمان دفاع میکردند را نداریم. آنان تیر میخوردند و پایشان قطع میشد و به اسارت گرفته شدند و تحت شدیدترین شکنجه های ارتش صدام قرار گرفتند و مادران و پدرانشان گریه کردند و شهرها در زیر هواپیماهای عراقی لرزید و کودکان از این همه صدا ترسیدند و لرزیدند و مقاوت کردند و با نفت بشکه ای ۸ دلار و حمله به نفتکش های ایرانی و نبود مواد شوینده و خوراکی و غیره ساختند و هیچ نگفتند ---- چون چارهای جز دفاع از میهن خود نداشتند. آنها مقاومت کردند تا همه زمینهای ایران پس گرفته شود. و گرفته شد.
و ایران کامل، کامل ماند.
و ما در این میان در راحت ترین و زیباترین کشورهای دنیا از هیچ کدام از وقایع بالا بغیراز خبرهای کوتاه، با خبر نبودیم و حسی نسبت به آن نداشتیم. و یکی از جداییهای ما با مردم داخل ایران همین نکته است. که مردم ایران با ما که در خارج از ایران زندگی کردهاند بسیار متفاوت اند، چرا که این سختیها را تحمل کردهاند و مرگ فرزندان و دیگر اعضای خانوادشان را تجربه کرده اند.
این اکثریت روستایی که در دوران انقلاب ۱۳۵۷ باعث اکثریت یافتن آیت اله خمینی شدند و نظام را تحت رهبری روحانیت قرار دادند، با اینکه افراد مدرن با آنان همسو نبوده و اختلاف نظر راجع به همه چیز دارند، هر دو مردمان این سرزمین زیبا که ما آنرا ایران مینامیم هستند. آنها روستایی هستند، کارها را خوب بلد نیستند انجام دهند، زیرا که نه به سفرهای خارجی رفتهاند و نه گستردگی تجربه مدرنها را دارند. بسته بودن ذهن دینی شان و اعتقاداتشان هم باعث جلوگیری از یاددگیری برخی جوانب زندگی می شود، اما..... آنان برادران و خواهران ما هستند که اکثراًدر کنار برخی اعضای خانوادههای مدرن از جنگ فرار نکردند و از میهن دفاع کردند.
ضدیت افرادی با حکومت تحت رهبری روحانیت و یا سوء مدیریت آنان و حتی اگر این حکومت کاملاً عوض شود، نمیتواند منکر دفاع و رشادت های اکثریت مردم ایران در مقابل دشمن خارجی باشد.
لازم است با این دفاع – این دفاع مقدس از میهنمان بیشتر آشنا شویم و با سختیها و رنجهایی که مردم ما کشیدهاند بیشتر آشنا شویم تا قدر بشناسیم تجربه سخت آنان را و بها دهیم به دفاع عظیم این مردم از خاک میهنمان از دست اندازی و تخریب عوامل خارجی. و بعد خود را یک ایرانی بدانیم و سهم خود را ادا کنیم.
Recently by AliAlavi | Comments | Date |
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Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
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Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Mr. Alialavi
by mahmoudghaffari on Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:25 PM PDTMakes the same generalizations he accuses the rest of us. "The Majority" he brandishes on us is without any base and support. I will accept "The Majotiry" when I see it supported by numbers. Those numbers have to come from polls. conducted by reputable agencies such as Gallop. The Iranian rapist regime jailed people who conducted similar research a few years ago, which goes direclty to show how this regime is deathlyy afraid of truth. So, I and any educated and free thinking person would immediatley refuse to accept Mr. AliAlavi's diatribes as remotely close to facts. I agree that he is probably a supporter or an agent of the regime of death and rape. But again unless he comes up with ironclad numbers, his arguments are a waste of time.
شعار نده
مآمورThu Aug 30, 2012 08:04 AM PDT
تو و تمام آن گروه مزدور و مواجببگیر اسرائیل کوچکتر و ذلیلتر آن هستید که بتوانید کوچکترین مشکلی برای من ایجاد کنید . شتر( آن هم از نوع حیفای) در خواب بیند پنبه دانه!!
I wear an Omega watch
such a rubbish and lies
by rain bow movment on Thu Aug 30, 2012 05:59 AM PDTAli alavi,do you think you writing for Keyhan news paper and people even if they know you are basiji ,are not agree with you being silent.
come on man grew up,open your eyes face the reality ,the barbaric islamic regime is finisfed,one of these days you will be arrested and trialed,with your mozdoor group like Abarnamard,maamor,sargord and so on.
people like you and all the mollas are far more enemy of Iranian than a known foreign countries
There is no limit to stupidity & ignorance of IR supporter
Interesting how
by MRX on Wed Aug 29, 2012 08:59 AM PDTThe truth always comes out. so at the end of the day Mr. Alavi you are nothing but a supporter of Islamic rapist regime (you admited it) , which is why you don't care one bit what so ever about suffering of Iranian people under this regime.
Do you live in Iran ? I doubt it. it's more comfy and pleasent to live in land of great satan than islamic paradise for sure!
Do you have to cover yourself up in 100 degress heat? ( if you don't, you get arrested, beaten up and humilated)
Do you go to Evin? did you have your frineds or family members executed for simple crime of expressing their opponion or simply being at wrong place and at the wrong time? I seripusly doubt it.
So where were you when the war started? did you serve? I doubt it!!!! my guess is you were drinking and hanging out in disco's and whore chasing like most islamists do and they have done.
Finaly if manjealb of 1979 was will of majority, then what do you need to bang the drum for it all day? I mean a good product sells itself, why do we need marketing man then!!!
Just look for IR propaganda keywords in the article &you'll see
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Aug 29, 2012 08:55 AM PDTاقشار
نزاع بین عناصر آمریکایی و انگلیسی
با رفتن شاه قدرت از دست آمریکایییا
این انقلاب پرشور و مردمی
ضدیت افرادی با حکومت تحت رهبری روحانیت و یا سوء مدیریت آنان و حتی اگر این حکومت کاملاً عوض شود، نمیتواند منکر دفاع و رشادت های اکثریت مردم ایران در مقابل دشمن خارجی باشد.
Good points, to add a few more
by Abarmard on Wed Aug 29, 2012 08:37 AM PDTIranian people fought to save their land. The people who fought were mostly influenced by religious slogans but not that alone. For example all sides and every family from different backgrounds had given their blood to save Iran, whether they were Shias, Sunnis, Bahais, or what not.
However the issue of government and system vs. war is exclusive. Although at the beginning they were intertwined, as time passed things changed. Many Iranians today do not agree with the system. Perhaps one can say that they would easily accept this form of governing if the fruit of their struggles were in sight. Unfortunately most people do not associate with the system because they do not see the overall benefit in their support. West also works hard to make sure it won’t bear fruit.
I also agree that most of the Iranians do not care as much about the issue of hejab as Iranians out of Iran do. However it is a mistake to bring the issue of Hejab as support or refusal of the system. Hejab is an issue designed by certain groups to distract general public from what truly matters.
A simple notice of words used to describe the system from most of the population could give a pretty good insight. People refer to the system as “they” and refer to people as “us”. This indicates the gradual distance that is forming.
I believe that most Iranians would agree with Islamic Republic if economy picks up. In other words, their differences are not enough to make people rise for a change. In addition, a better economy would yield better social environment. Lack of threats would allow the system to chill.
Finally the war that was imposed by the West has reformed the revolution to the current beast. This is similar to an infant that under harsh circumstances has become deformed. Now that infant is a 33 years old with many disabilities. The question here is whether this deformity resides in the system alone or is a part of our culture, which the system follows.
Thanks for the article.
the Right Answer needs the right questions.
by AliAlavi on Wed Aug 29, 2012 07:34 AM PDTUnfortunately, the people living outside Iran have
become so distant from the daily experiences of Iranians in Iran, they do not have any relation, sympathy or any affection for them. Consequently their analysis is based on their own without any relation to the hopes and aspirations of Iranians inside Iran. This is one of the main reasons that the Iranians outside Iran have not been able to make any CHANGE in Iran… Because their view of the realities of the Iranian Psyche is not the based on the Majority of people inside, instead it is based on their
own projections or from a small sample from affluent parts of Iran.
Case in point is the issue of Hijab. People living
outside Iran think that the issue with the majority of Iranians is Womens hijab, including the Urban Iranians. But that is not the case... this issue is only the concern of a small minority that do not want to recognize that the majority of Iranians living inside Iran are traditional/islamist and do not like the Western Model of freedom, which leads to the destruction of family values as it is predominant in the west.
The same goes for the former Pahlavi followers. They
do not want to acknowledge the fact that the MAJORITY of Iranian people did not like the Shah and his policies and they kicked him out... pure and simple... People wanted CHANGE ... so the rural people are not treated like dog shit, as it was the case in the Shah's time...
Regardless of the reasons behind the Iranian
revolution in 1979, the Majority of people of Iran are living and are engaged in Iran... and they show this in all the major events... they showed in the Iraq's war against Iran... they proudly defended our homeland and every year they show it in various demonstrations... they defend their way of life... the Islamic Revolution is what they want... I might disagree with them, with their religion and their rulers.... but ... that doesn't change anything... I have to accept the will of the people and stop being in denial. Only if I understand them well, I could come up with solutions that make the change... Neither the American/ Israeli bombs nor/ any minority protests (Like the green movement) can overturn things... only when the majority has come up to the point to change things ... then they change.
In order for me to make Change in Iran, I need to see the realities and try to base my strategy based on that… If I don’t do that, I will never make any changes…
Mr. AliAlavi
by mahmoudghaffari on Wed Aug 29, 2012 06:12 AM PDTyou make this sound like another propoganda for the Islamic Rapist regime. This war would not hve started if the strength of the Shah's army was in place. Saddam would not have attacked had he not felt the weakness in his enemy. So please do not make this a sacred thing, as it was not. It was a devestating, unnecessary war levied on us, because of the ineptitude and weakness of the mullatocracy. The Iranians paid for it, sure. But at the cost of even a more devasting genocide and holocaust levied on us in the name of the Islamic Republic.
However in the next war, masterminded and executed by the US and Israel, Iran will be freed. this one will not be a war of aggression or Imperialism but rather one of ensuring that one of the most notoriously brutal regimes in the history of mankind is annahilated. This war, unlike that of Saddam will not be to conquer territory, but rather to free a people. Surgical attaks will be the least deadly form of removing this regime from existance.
Germans had Hitler to Blame for their misfortune not the Allies.
by Liberated on Tue Aug 28, 2012 09:45 PM PDTThe Islamist have done everything to alienate Iran. Have brought eight year war and are thirsty for another conflict.
They are a mental and physical disease, they will bring full distrucitons of Iran, just like Saddam did for his country.
God helps, there wont be another war
by مآمور on Tue Aug 28, 2012 09:25 PM PDTNot just because war will bring misery and destruction to the land and its people, but there will be another generation who will fight that war and unless Iran gets completely annihilated that generation will come out victorious, as far as their own interests are concerned, and will claim all the credits have the reign for another 30 years!!
I wear an Omega watch
Sound like IRI's Propaganda
by Manam_Babak on Tue Aug 28, 2012 07:00 PM PDTAs to Khomaini he used people at the time they were so vonorable , he took advantage of the hot situation, and created a rejime that would hold people hostage for generations to come. Iranians fought for freedom, not for this rejime, they are still fighting, and one they, hopefully sooner than later will achive what they started 34 years ago. No Mr Alavi , it has not, and is is not forigne enemy we are fighting, it is internal rejime, then and now. As to Sadam, he would not have attack Iran, if Khomainy would not have tried to export the Isamist Rapist Rejime into Iraq as well. So you atre wrong in all counts, go back to your masters in the Bloody TRejime, and regroup, and come up with new lies. These garbage that you have posted in here is out dated. Traters like you have no place in public any more, get lost!
جناب آقای ونکی گل گفتید. احسنت.
ZendanianTue Aug 28, 2012 04:01 PM PDT
"مردم حساب مشترکی با این حکومت ندارن هرچی هم از رشادت و فداکاری مایه گذاشتن از خودشون بود،..." سوای اینکه این واژگان "دفاع مقدس" بخشی از گفتمان حزب الله است.
در حرف و تبلیغات به اصطلاح "دفاع مقدس"،
در عمل و واقیعت روزمره پس از بیش از سی سال هنوز خوزستان داغون هست و دریغ از یک ذره بازسازی منطقه، چون اکثر ساکنین استان فارس و شیعه نیستند،
هزارها مصدومین سلاح های شیمیایی بدون حداقلی از تامین اجتماعی،
و سرداران کهنه کار سپاه از دوران جنگ، یکی پس از دیگری به "بازنشتگی ابدی" میروند.
آقای علوی حساب ها را از هم تفکیک کن
Nader VanakiTue Aug 28, 2012 03:39 PM PDT
مردم حساب مشترکی با این حکومت ندارن هرچی هم از رشادت و فداکاری مایه گذاشتن از خودشون بود، دولت و حکومت فقط طبل و دُهُل میزدن و اگر هم زمان جنگ کاری کردن، وظیفه شون بوده و نوکر مردم هستن. کِسی هم از یکی دیگه ایرانی تر نیست. خارج نشین هم اگر پاشد بره اونجا زندگی کنه، آستین هاش را بالا بزنه و دو زار ده شاهی برای مملکتش کارکنه. اونی هم که اونجا زندگی میکنه، بازهم خوشا به حالش با همه بدبختی بازهم توی مملکت خودشه. حالا بفرما سهم ما چقدره؟
و بعد خود را یک ایرانی بدانیم و سهم خود را ادا کنیم.
Mr Alavi,
by iraj khan on Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:48 AM PDTI agree with you,
no True Iranian wants to see Iran turn into Syria,
Iraq or Afghnistan.
Are you for real?!!
by caspiantiger on Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:04 AM PDTThere used to be a time when your propoganda might have gotten you a few 15-year-old teenagers who would put their lives on the line for the "revolution". Some of them were my own classmates who got brainwashed by assholes like you, Mr. Alavi. They strapped explosives on themselves and threw themselves under Iraqi tanks! Do you know why? Because they thought they were going to go to heaven and fuck 72 virgins every night. Not because they cared about psychopaths such as yourself who brainwashed these naive boys into believing your version of Islam!
Ah please
by MRX on Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:18 AM PDTsend this to Keyhan shariatmadari and may be they will give you some moeny for it.
First of all majority of Iranian people did not participate in manjelab of 1979. Majority was silent and useless as they still are!!
second, the only reason war with Iraq started was because psychopath khomeini and his murdering comorads of islamo + communists started executing army officers which they called purges! that gave an execuse for saddam to attack Iran.
Third, The only reason Iraq was not able to win is because saddam started the war early. had he waited for khomeini and his gangs to finish off executing every member of arms forces out there, he would have won it hands down!
Fourth, It was only and only through bravery of what was left of the Iranian arms forces that Iraq was not able to win. It was imperial Iranian airfroce which caused massive damages to saddam's war machine. It was the army commando's who liberated khoramshahr and the list goes on an on, not a filthy washed out hezbolahi who does not know his right hand from his left hand much less devising a strategy for war.
my suggestion Mr.Alavi just do the honorable thing, continue beating the shit of teenagers students and women, rape them and kill them, that is about extend of honor your ilk is entilted to and nothing more!