
Golshifteh Farahani: Poses Nude

Madame magazine in France

Madame: "Espoirs 2012 Génération spontanée - Diaporama photo: Golshifteh Farahani 29 ans, nominée pour Si tu meurs, je te tue, de Hiner Saleem. L’actrice iranienne, mise à l’index dans son pays pour n’avoir pas porté le voile sur les tapis rouges hollywoodiens, vit désormais en exil à Paris. On la retrouvera cette année dans Just Like a Woman, de Rachid Bouchareb, aux côtés de Sienna Miller, et dans Syngué sabour, de l’Afghan Atiq Rahimi, qui adapte son roman couronné par le prix Goncourt en 2008" >>>


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by expat on

Thanks for that.

I will no longer look at Ms Farahani's boob as a cheap way of getting more work in France/Europe.  You are absolutely right-it is NOT a publicity stunt. Ms Farahani is sacrificing her modesty (and her bra) to make a stand against the degredation of Muslim women who are forced to wear black in hot countries. That will DEFINITELY help them.  

I shall also inform my fellow students-maybe we'll all take our pants off as another form of protest.  That'll make Ahmadinejad listen. Even if he doesn't, we might make the newspapers and get a decent bob.



For "Expat" information

by Siavash300 on

Dear Expat,

This is a good opportunity for me to relate to those people whom you are in contact in European universities.

Foreceful Hejab is discriminatory against women. It is very premitive and degrading women in our society. It makes women 2nd class citizen, especially in the summer time and hot weather. Women had to suffer and cover themselves in black shroud in order to please a bunch of the stinky rag heads by the name of Mullahs. This law is extracted from the retarded mind of bare feet arab desert 1400 years ago in Arabian Peninsula. It is NOT Persian.

    You may inform those colleges students that any resistance of our brave Persian woman against barbaric laws of lizard eater Arabs are highly appreciated by Iranian women in Iran. 

The resistance could be in from of loosing hair under scarf or showing their hair every now and then in public, using lipstik and public disrespect to the idea of premitive arab tribes. Goshifteh photo shot is a rebilion, dramatic act against all those restrictions that lizard eater arabs imposed to our nation.

Goshifteh brave act of naked photo shot promotes women's liberation in Iran.




LOL Dr Mohandes

by expat on

Sorry, typo! Was typing faster than I could think!

I've made fun of my parent's accents for so long, it's come back and bit me on the bum.

'eye am an iraaanian voomen'... 

Dr. Mohandes

Dearest Expat Joon

by Dr. Mohandes on

Now i believe it when you say you respresent a huge community of Universities , 11 of them! in a major european city, because u are an Iranian WOMEN:))

Kudos and more power and more everything to you. Just don't eat all the food:))

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Expat and Mr Amirkabir

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I never said you don't have a right to speech. We are having a debate here. When I say it is not your business it does not mean you are "banned" from speech. In Iran disagreement often results in "banning".

Well that is not what I mean. You may say anything you wish. I may respond as I want. Restrictions are only on threats of violence. None of us made threats so it is all fine. I really Iraninans to get: disagreement does not mean ban.

You may say what I must have for dinner. It is your right. I will respond: none of your business! Because it is my home; my dinner you have no power to make me change. The same goes for this woman. Be disappointed that is your right.


Dearest VKP

by expat on

Firstly, I'm a woman.  An Iranian women.  Secondly, you STILL don't get the point I'm trying to make!

Me making a comment about my disappointment that GF has gone down the path that most actresses who want to raise their profile tread is nothing to do with Islam, slavery, the US constitution, Arabs, Basiji, the Islamic Revolution, Ahmadinejad, being a role model etc etc.  I am merely disappointed that she did it!

There is no 'hidden' meaning in my post, no greater cause, no link to any particular organisation.  And I'm not stupid, I realise she doesn't care what I think.

 Still disappointed though. 


VPK expat is right

by amirkabear4u on

expat's comment;

And if Ms Farahani does not wish for me (or you, or anyone else) to make comment on her, she should not go topless in a PUBLIC French magazine!!

is right for the following reason.

In the free world where you and me live, democracy is explained as being allowed to do what one wants to do as long as that action is not outsid the law.

She did what she wanted which is legal and expat can express himself if he wants to. Then you respond by commenting;

Wrong! It is none of your business

His comments is fair. But you argue on that basis because you still need to understand the concept of free speach. When are you Iranian who live in US going to learn the meaning of democracy?? Don't they teach you anything there??



"Cultural revolution" leading by Golshifteh Farahani

by Siavash300 on

Dramatic, bravely act of Golshifteh really shakes the pillar of Islamic countries and at the same time, it promotes women's liberation in Iran. We are entering into the new era of Iran's history. Thousand thanks to Golshifeh. Her photo shot is seal of pride for our brave Persian women who resist the idea of lizard eater arabs from 1400 years ago.  My Blog:

Golshifeh Frahani, the leader of Paradigm Shift updated

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Jenabe ex-pat

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Once you're in the public eye, like it or not, you become public property.

A person being property is slavery. You should be reading the 13th amendment to US constitution. It bans slavery and "owning" people. I know in Islam slavery is a normal practice. But in civilized world nobody is the property of anyone.

She can't expect people i.e. members of the public to go watch her films 

I am not her so she may speak for herself. But you say whatever you want. I respond that I think you people are full of yourselves. The "morality police" is dictatorial and belongs to the age of slavery. It treats women like objects not as people.

Many things are cultural including honor killing and wife beating. Should we keep them or reject them because we know better. I reject them you do what you want. Again if you don't like her; don't go to her movies.




by expat on

It was a full breast I'll have you know.

 Once you're in the public eye, like it or not, you become public property.  EVERYONE will opine on what they think is right or wrong.  She can't expect people i.e. members of the public to go watch her films (and essentially pay her wages), and not comment when she goes topless (still a big thing CULTURALLY for Iranian women-regardless of whether she is muslim or not).  We're not baa-baas.  And I didn't say I OWNED her-of course she can do what she likes, just that I personally respect her less for it(I doubt she'll be losing any sleep over this though)..


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


if Ms Farahani does not wish for me (or you, or anyone else) to make comment on her, she should not go topless in a PUBLIC French magazine!!

Wrong! It is none of your business; and if you don't agree fine. Go stomp your feet; yell and do what you want. It makes no different to her or me. However if you do anything violent the country you are in will deal with it. In USA we got Guantanamo.

is that she has been somewhat of a rising star in the West-Iranians have loved watching her succeed.

Do you remember the pre-revolution Iran? Nothing she did is all that different from things I remember. Heck I saw women with their naked breast on beaches of Caspian. If these West residing people think; they might remember the same.

I am the representative of the Iranian Society for 11 universities in a major Eurpean city and we did a straw poll yesterday. 

Again I just have your word why don't you show your credentials. Now say you are so what? You still do not speak for Iranian people as you said. Nor does it matter because she is not your property. Get it in your head: women are not property; they are people. Regarding "chilling out": I am not the one blowing my cap for half a breast. It is you and the other people here who are all up in arms about it. I am sitting here drinking my tea and could care less if she goes topless.



by expat on

Personal attacks on you? No my dear-not worth my time or effort!

And if Ms Farahani does not wish for me (or you, or anyone else) to make comment on her, she should not go topless in a PUBLIC French magazine!! It's not like she was sunbathing nude in her backyard! She's gone PUBLIC! And I have as much right as anyone else to make a PUBLIC comment!

The point I was trying to make (which YOU patently ignored) is that she has been somewhat of a rising star in the West-Iranians have loved watching her succeed.  Part of her allure is that she's been very modest.  But by doing the advert, she's blended in with every other jobbing actress and that's why I'm disappointed. Simple as.

 Oh, and whilst I am not a spokesman for the Iranian people, I am the representative of the Iranian Society for 11 universities in a major Eurpean city and we did a straw poll yesterday.  The result: DISAPPOINTMENT.  We have no political or religious affiliation-I was just mentioning what the thought of the students were.  My bad for saying 'the majority'. I really think you should loosen up a bit though VPK.  If anyone's attacking others, it's you.

If you'll excuse me,  I'm off to bare my breasts for 'Kayhan'.  That might make you take me more seriously.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Hey Expat

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


First of all you did not respond to any of my points. Went right to personal attacks. So I will tell you about Islam. I don't need you telling me what it is. I have the misfortune of having first hand experience.

Islam is exactly what IRI; Taliban and Saudi practice. Other than IRI is doing it a bit less harsh than it was meant. If you think I dislike Islam wait til you see how many others feel. Other people I personally know.

And criticiising Ms Farahani for going topless is to the majority of secular Iranians simply an issue of disappointment.  

Who made you spokesperson for Iranian people? Also did anybody ask for you approval? Did you think maybe she is not out to get your approval. Maybe it is none of your business. Maybe people should mind their own matters.


Yek tan Hezar maalek ????!!!!!!

by Shemirani on

It's not about right or wrong ... it's not about decency or indecency ... it's not about women or men ... it's not for or against ... it's simply about FREE WILL !!



by expat on

Jeez, you really need to take a chill pill my dear.  You have so much hatred oozing through your every pore re Muslims and Islam, it's making my milk turn..

I think you need to realise Islam does NOT = IRI.  They think it does.  It doesn't.  They have a whooooole different religion in Iran which basically they have made up themselves.

And criticiising Ms Farahani for going topless is to the majority of secular Iranians simply an issue of disappointment.  


Iraj Khan said...

by cheshmetroshan on

"She looks as [if] she's being violated physically, emotionally and psyhologically."

 Looking forward to the day when said description ends up on Jeopardy so that I can win the DAILY DOUBLE by answering

 "What do the girls of the I.R.I. have to look forward to as they age?"

Tiger Lily

VPK, if anything

by Tiger Lily on

I thought nipple-gate is a great role model for wannabe actresses and others, not to go into lifethreatening silicon surgery


  My previous comment was

by varjavand on


My previous comment was not as much aimed at her as was about was on the issue I tried to raise:  whether nudity is a proper approach to promote a cause? I personally believe it is neither suitable nor politically correct. One can definitely find better ways to express himself/herself than resorting to nudity, body piercing, tattooing, etc. As you indicated in your comment accurately, she is not responsible to me or to anyone else in this venue and it is certainly her right to do whatever she wants with her body.  I am sure she is now overwhelmed by the online kibitzers and frustrated with those who have possibly dragged her into this inconvenient situation. Needless to say that critical decisions like this are not made spontaneously. They are made deliberately after weighing the expected costs and the benefits both of which in this case are heavy especially the costs. As they say risk taking is like a double edged sword, it cuts both ways      


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

If you are worried about children

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Go worry about the basiji who beat ant rape them. Go worry about mullahs who fill their head with Islamic garbage. Folks some actress showing one breast in France is going to ruin children in Iran. What a pile!

Real damage is all the hate that Islamic Republic shoves in you minds. That war your Imam prolonged that killed so many children. Now you are worried about one breast. How about your Imam and all the children he sent to war.

But of course that was for Islam and perfectly good. The children died with plastic keys and are in heaven with seventy virgins. That makes it all good and fine. Shame on you people who jump on this but give a pass to that.



by EastMeetsWest on

Ca suffit j'ai deja donne mon avis! :))

Tiger Lily


by Tiger Lily on

The photos are published in France and isn't Farahani resident in France?

And I ask you again:

how on earth does seeing a nipple, which is nothing unusual in France, turn youngsters into prostitutes? 


Tiger Lily

by EastMeetsWest on

Excuse me, I didn't realise, We are now French are we?

Tiger Lily


by Tiger Lily on

how on earth does seeing a nipple, which is nothing unusual in France, turn youngsters into prostitutes?


VPK, hopefully my last comment on this topic!

by EastMeetsWest on

I don't think I made myself clear here.  This is not about me, you or our kids. It's about the millions of children living in our homeland and the detrimental effect this sort of thing is going to have on them and their lives.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear E M W

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes we have to agree to disagree but I want to go over points.

  • Nobody I know has her as a role model for hero. If they do then it is most likely a feminist adult woman. They are strong enough to handle it.
  • Who is showing this to children? This is not a disney movie. In America they have a rating system and this will be "R". Meaning no kids. Please do not mix things up. This is an adult actress making moving for grown ups.
  • If you are worried there are far more explicit stuff on the internet. Why are you harping on this?

The way to deal with this is to discuss it openly with your kids. That way they may ask you how you feel and why. Face it your kids will be seeing far more.

It is best to have an honest discussion with them. If they respect you they will pay attention. If they do not you got bigger problems than a nude actress.



by EastMeetsWest on

Well I guess we are all different! Your world may revolve around Facebook, iphone and your laptop. I hope you enjoy your prunes in the process and if you decide to pop along to an Iranian shop, make sure you buy some lavashak aloo as well! Don't worry about the rest of the world! Nice!


Yep E meet W!

by Faramarz on

Back in the ice age, we used to live in a cave and say hi to our parents, sit at the dinner table and eat the catch of the day and do homework on stone tablets.

As I understand, nowadays things are different, people do this thing called texting, they make friends on this other thing called Facebook and use this tool that I have never seen called iPhone.

Let me pull up my pants to my chest and get some prunes before I forget what I was going to say!



by EastMeetsWest on

That must have been some time ago my friend!  For your information, the meaning of idols and role models is almost the same!


As for Veiled prophet of Khorasan

by EastMeetsWest on

Let's just agree to disagree my friend!  You will never underestand my viewpoint and I will certainly never understand yours. Suffice it to say that we don't live in the jungle and there is a difference between us humans and the animals that don't need to cover themselves up!  This is exactly my point about a dysfunctional society, we simply don't know who we are and what are our principles and values.  Even in the West where I grew up, the majority of families don't allow their children to watch trash such as this.  Who are we to say that trash is ok?


E meets W

by Faramarz on

When I was young, my idols were athletes and my father and my uncles. Movie stars and singers and dancers were entertainers, not role models.