Meeting Farah

Photo essay: Pleasure of meeting Her Majesty in person for the very First Time

by Darius Kadivar

Earlier this month I got an email from Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi's webmaster & secretary inviting me to assist to an annual Paris ceremony in remembrance of her late daughter Princess Leila (March 27, 1970 - June 10, 2001) which was followed by a more relaxed reunion in a Hotel lounge and drawing room for all who were kind enough to attend the gathering at the Passy Cemetery nearby the Trocadero. The invitation was really an unexpected one for me even if I knew that she did read them since I saw some of them (in relation to our Royal History) linked to her official website. >>> FULL TEXT

Photo’s by Masoud Soleyman Zadeh


more from Darius Kadivar

I've just changed my "avatar" just to ...

by ThePope on

Salute good old Persia and all true Persians (not ugly vatan foroush-e taazizadeh)...

Sanazi, very nice comments. We all support Her Highness even though there's not much we can do except just sending Her a small phrase of encouragement and taking a small stand against those jealous vatan foroush who are still full of hatred towards Persia and its Monarchs.

And you bet we're all proud of Her Majesty. I was only 3 when they left Persia, but I'm very proud of our Royal Familly and I Praise the Lord for having such Persian Monarchs who are a big part of our Persian dignity. May Izad-e danaa va eyktaa keep on giving Her courage and strenght. May The Lord God Almighty save The Queen.

Zendeh baad Alaa Hazrataa, Shahbanou, Farah Pahlavi. 

ps: Yes! Monarchy was indeed born in Persia and its first ruler was a woman (Queen) named Iraanbaan...and the ruling of women kept on going for 3000 years 'till it was voluntarily handed to men (king) because of strategy for war...(cuz the men were the ones in combat, so they had much better knowledge & skills for war strategy)     

ref: see book of sarzamin-e jaavid, taarikh-e 10 000 saale Iran                                                             


Our late Princess...

by sanazi on

First of all, thank you Mr. D.K. for posting these beautifull pics of our Monarchs who still represent the splendid and true Persian past history and culture.

It is an honour for ANY country, society or people to have Monarchs to represent their history and culture. And since monarchy WAS born in Persia, it's a greater deal and proudness for us Persians to have such beautifull and humble Royal Familly, even though they have been in exile for 30 years, unfortunately. And definitely our lost.

Second, we must take off our political "glasses" just out of respect to Her Highness and just send Her our support with the deepest and sincerest regards for our beloved late Princess.

God bless Her soul.

And long live Shahbanou and the rest of our Monarchs, and of course, Shahzadeh Reza.


Sorry Anonymous!

by Anonymous4now on

I misunderstood your comment.


I didn't insult anyone's father

by Anonymouse on

I said I am glad that your father was an Engineer and educated. So it is easier to understand Mullahs were never going to amount to anything.  More power to Soopoor's dad and herself.


Re: soppoor

by jamshid on

Dear soppor, harfeh dele mardom ro zadi. bishtar benevis.

Anonymouse: Don't drag family members into this. There were those with several Phds and hands-on political experience too, that still failed to see the real khomeini. How old were you in those days? You must have been too young to remember.


Anonymous e aziz

by Anonymous4now on

It is extremely unfair to make the charge that Soopoor’s dad should have been aware of the nature of the Mullah’s.  Every literature loving Iranian knows the allegory of moush o gobeh by obeid e zaakaani and the characterization of the mullah as a greedy, cunning, deceitful and self serving creature.  But there was something in the air, in 1979, that even my father, a doctor and a high ranking officer in the Air Force, who had brought me up to be wiser to the ways and means of the mullah, spent the night before Khomeni’s return, up in celebration.  That was the fever and the fervor of the revolution that made people believers of Khomeini’s promises; everyone selfishly desiring to fulfill their own aspirations and putting Khomeini’s promises into their own individual contexts.  You can call it national naïveté or political immaturity at the national level, and everyone was afflicted by it, but to blame one person or a sector or a class is unfair.  Certainly the so called intellectuals (active in politics) had a share in misguiding people, but ordinary people were plainly uninformed, believing, entirely what was spoon fed to them by the so called intellectuals.  To this day, there are people who still believe the propaganda fed to them 30 years ago.    


چرا منكر مى شيم


چرا منكر مى شيم كه آنچه به ما وعده دادن به آن عمل نشد و واقعا بد از بد تر شد؟

بر منکرش لعنت. شما که ماشالله پدرتان مهندس کشاورزی بود شک داشتید که اخوند جماعت کارش دری وریه؟ ۳۰ سال بعد از انقلاب احمدی حواله جیزهای مجانی میده. زمان انتخابات رئیس جمهوری کاندیداها هنوز وئده چیزهای مجانی را میدادند و میدهند. من هم نه حوصله جر و بحث دارم نه حال این فارسی نوشتن با کامپیوتر. ولی وقتی شما هم همون وعده وعید ها رو میدی و ناراحت موز مجانی و تایم شعره مجانی هستی خوب منهم میگم بجور که باردی.



by soopoor (not verified) on

آنچه شما گفتيد واقعا جواب ِ بعضى ها بود كه از بحث خسته نمى شن.انشالله با متن ِ كامل شما آن هم به انگليسى يه عالى ديگه قانع شده باشن.البته من هم زياد خوش بين نيستم.هه هه
خلاصه شاه هرچه بود بچه هاى خود رو نه كشت اما اين انقلاب نه تنها بچه هاى خود كه نو ه هاى خود رو هم داره ميخوره.


شير ِ مجانى نه،حق شناسى بله

soopoor (not verified)

من هم افتخار ميكنم به هموطن هاى حق شناس و با وجدان ِ خودم.خيلى ممنون.
اما حرف ِ من فقط شير ِ مجانى نبود.حرف ِ من پس گرفتن ِ شير ِ مجانى از دهن ِ بچه هاى ترور و دادن ِ آن به بچه هاى زير ِ خط فقر ِ خود مان بود.حرف ِ اصلى يه من جواب ِ نمك نه شناس اى بود.چرا بحث رو كج و كوله ميكنيد؟چرا منكر مى شيم كه آنچه به ما وعده دادن به آن عمل نشد و واقعا بد از بد تر شد؟من هم ۲۵ سال تو ايران بودم و الان هم دائم در رفت و آمد هستم و مى بينم و مى شنوم...الكى از بيرون ِ ده،آواز ِ چو پا ن نميخوانم.من ۱۴ ساله بودم كه فهميدم درست همان نسلى كه شير و موز ِ مجانى رو زيرِ ِ ماشين له ميكرد داره تو صف واسه از اون بد تر ساعت ها منتظر ميشه،زرنگى ميكنه و حتى واسه اش دعوا ميكنه..اين ديگه واضح بود كه چوب از كجا داره خورده ميشه چطور هنوز بعضى ها اين را نمى فهمند.؟من ۱۰ سال ِ بودم كه به شمال رفتم و هنوز يادم مياد كه شمالى ها چقدر شب ها با پدر ِ من كه مهندس ِ كشاورزى بود از خرج هاى پولدار ها تو شمال به عذاب بودن و از اينكه آقاى خمينى قرار است برابرى رو براى آنها بياره و به همه خونه بده و گاو و...ديگه نه بينند ول گردى ِ پولدار ها رو انشالله ...خوش حال بودن و حالا باز هم ميتونم ببينم كه هيچ نه گرفتند كه هيچ،تازه شهيد هم دادن..حالا ديگه يك خونه يه كنار ِ دريا كه چه عرض كنم،قصر هاى كنار ِ دريا رو دارن رو به رو يه خود تحمل ميكنن و هنوز هم نوكر ِ خوش گذران هاى پولدار تر از نو ِ بد تر هستن.دريا رو هم به همون 'نه شرقى 'دادن . هنوز هم دختر و پسر هاى اين بار حاج آقا ها دارن كيف و حال ميكنن،فساد هم كه تا خود ِ قم كشيده شده.ديگه اصلا لازم نيست چشم باز كنى والله.كاخ و لباس هاى فرح رو يادم مياد كه با چه هيجان اى ميگفتند ببينيد چقدر حيف و ميل كردند و حالا خونه هاى خودشون جورى شده كه والله خود هم خجالت ميكشن قصر ِ شاه رو به عنوان ِ مو ز ه به مردم نشون بِدن،..به كسى هم پول ِ مفت داده نميشه حتى اگه شهيد داده باشى...خوب يعنى ديگران نمى توانند اين رو ببينند؟اصلا اين چه بحثى است كه ما ميكنيم؟خود ِ آنها كه بچه هاى انقلاب بودند دارن به صدا در ميان.حالا ما اينجا چى ميگيم؟اصلا مگه براى همين شير و نون ِ مجانى مردم انقلاب نكردند؟شما مگه يادت رفته سخنان ِ امام رو در بهشت زهرا؟اما اين بار خيلى ها مثل من حرف شان نون ِ مجانى نيست،چون ديديم چه مار اى تو اين سوراخ بود و دو بار هم دست ِ خود رو توش كرديم،اين بار مسأله پيدا كردن ِ سوراخ ِ درست ِ كه توش مار نباشه حد اقل.اين بار بايد نمك شناس باشيم،.همين بحث هاى الكى است كه مردم ِ داخل ِ ايران رو از ما كه خارج هستيم جدا كرده...بعله آنها امكانات مى خوان،اونا آينده هم مى خوان،اعتبار و ارزش مى خوان پاسپورت ِ معتبر , و ما زن ها كه ديگه خيلى چيز هاى ديگه ميخواهيم كه زن هاى جا هاى ديگه اصلا باور نميكنند كه ما اين حقوق رو نداريم.خود ِ ما همه چيز داريم اما ميگيم مسأله يه مردم ِ داخل ِ ايران با اين چيز ها حل نميشه،چطور مال ِ ما تو خارج حل شده پس؟؟؟مردم اگه نون ِ مجانى نه مى خواستند كه به احمدى نژاد راى نميدادن.بله مسأله حل است اگه اين نون و شير بين ِ همه تقسيم بشه.


Soopoor jaan

by Anonymous4now on

Your account was very moving and touched me.  Although my own experience is dissimilar to yours, I have heard a lot of similar stories from good hamvatans like you.  Your humility and wisdom makes me proud of a hamvatan like you.   

Anonymous Irani: You are right, she is wise.

Anonymous Namak Shenas: excellent analysis, you reflected my exact thoughts and feelings.  




by Anonymous Namak Shenas (not verified) on

From a humble background, shah's regime provided with anything that was needed to become a well-educated successful iranian. From the first day that one would pay equivalent of a quarter of a dollar as postage fee to register in the first grade through when attended the best-equipped universities, they were all paid by the shah’s regime, only to be disrupted by mullas that felt the iranian wealth was only theirs to spare not youth to spend on education. For that only I am so grateful to the shah’s regime that has been thrown out and then bashed for 30 years. Unlike certain “namak-nashnas” people who are ready to bite the hand the fed them, I say, thank you Pahlavis for giving me the opportunity to prosper. I know it was “our own” money, but a thief always steals someone else’s money, and if we were paid with our money, then obviously shah cared and could not be a thief in a macroscopic sense, as we saw pahlavis spent money where it was to pay back into the society later, the education and base industries. It is “our own” money today in IRI as well, but we have no idea where it goes; maybe to Lebanon or iraq, maybe to personal bank accounts in persian gulf state or the far east, but certainly is not spent on anything useful in iran.

Shah was not perfect and neither were any of those who claimed they had all the answers and a better prescription only if they could remove the shah and replace the monarchy. Well, they were all wrong. Which one of those groups was any better than the shah? Islamists (khomeini and his gang)? Leftists (rajavi and his gang)? Intellectuals (doctor yazdi and his type)? Despite his imperfections, shah was far more perfect than “any” of those wolves in the sheep’s clothing who staged the black revolution and throw him out with lies and deceit.

Those who criticized shah and brought us here should take a lengthy deep look into a mirror and for once be fair and honest with themselves. They may find their allegiance, not to iran, but to islam, to marx, to wealth, to power, to lack of pragmatism, to not knowing the commoners of iran, to not knowing where iran came from just a hundred years earlier, or to naive arrogance?

Shah’s regime neither stopped anyone from prospering nor from helping others in the far corners of the country. On the contrary, the regime provided tools for one to proper as well as help those less fortunate to prosper as well.

In shah's regime, one could be the best that he could be. If one failed, that was his own problem, not the regime’s. So those who opposed him, they, by a vast majority, had some personal unholy agenda. It was not uncommon to see students from the farthest corners of iran with thick villagers’ accent enter the university and barely a few months later turn into expert opponents of the shah and wanted to remove him. This was nothing but arrogance and naivety as well as ungratefulness.

Shah never stopped anyone from serving people either. Which one of those opponents of the shah chose to go to distant villages to help people? In fact, shah's programs for advancement of villages faced opposition and had difficulties finding people to go there and help with sepah-danesh, sepah-behdasht, sepah-tarvij-va-abadani, etc. People played all sorts of tricks to avoid serving in distant villages, yet they were ready to claim that they were better than the shah and had all the answers on the tip of their tongs, only if they could get rid of the shah.

Thank you Pahlavis for providing the best days of our country in the past 200 years in my generation! That may not repeat in a long long time. Obviously we did not deserve your regime or anything better than that when 98% of us voted to replace your regime with what brought us nothing but misery for the past 30 years.


پس تغذیه


پس تغذیه رایگان چی شد!؟ داستان شما از اونجا شروع شد. شیر و موز خوب از اون درشتاش باشه و شیر هم تازه تازه از ده بیارن مسئله حله!؟

So bottom line, we have 4 groups of bad Iranian people (monarchists included) and then 1 group of good Iranians or more than 1 group of good Iranians?  I am kinda tired and need one group of good ones to register and be done with this!  So does that mean that anyone who wants to open his/her eyes (i.e. not legally blind :-) is good?!

I've been to Iran and lived the past 30 years too, you know.  Do you think those who didn't get a chance to leave Iran and travel to Europe and America, have the same feelings as you and me? 30 years has passed.  This Govt will not stand for ever.  The next Govt may be worse (Iraq style regime change) or it can be better.  Either way the next Govt will make sure plenty of good and free bananas and milk is readily available, so as it is not accused of looting!



by soopoor (not verified) on

monarchists can also fall into all those 4 (put shah allahi ha instead of rajavi parastaan or aasheghaan e velayat e faghih) OR the 1 too...what's the difference?we are all human beings .we all can lie OR can be honest,so your ideology doesn't put you in a group,it's your nature that does it for you(in my opinion)...if you find a monarchist that aaalllwwwaays talks about the good points and close his/her eyes on weak ones, you can guss his group type.but I can see Reza Pahlavi who is talking about bad parts of his own father's regime and never talks about KINGDOM in iran I still can't find a place for him in those 4...but I should listen and see more.don't get me wrong ,I'm not monarchist ,I wrote what I saw or heard during 30 years of my life in home,at school,in a taxi,by many kinds of ppl not one or two...and compared what iran used to be with now...


Thank you!arash,irani,the pope...

by soopoor (not verified) on

But I'm sure that my little text with many mistakes in it,wasn't that powerful enough to explain what we have really been through during 30 years.I believe that what you have got by reading it,was actually your own powerful minds and thoughts about iran ,written between the lines by your hearts aall those kind and nice credits you gave to my text ,belongs to YOU...but Thank you all for your kindness and support.
Dear Irani:I should ask you for an apology for the dull information that I gave to Natalia about the name of soopoor..I just wrote garbage man,so of course,nobody can get that I'm actually a woman....anyway sorry,my bad.
Dear Muse:
the japanese say:if you tell a lie you have to tell 100 to cover the you can find many( maybe 100) groups who don't want to OPEN their hurts them.they have to keep them closed to cover their mistakes and lies..cuz there's always a connection between your eyes and conscience(I believe).
those ppl who DARE TO OPEN THEIR EYES have just ONE group.....ppl who at least don't lie to they have An Awakened Conscience that never lets them close their eyes,and always force them to put themselves in some one else's shows first ,then being judgmental...
you don't have to be an angel to save the world or clean up the mess that those 4 (or 100)groups have done to it,you only can stop lieing to yourself and OPEN your eyes to make a better judgment and a big change...sorry my english is not fluent,but I tried to do my best.


Soopoor soopoor hargez nayasood!

by Anonymouse on

Those who don't want to open their eyes and see the truth are divided in to 4 groups.

Those who DO want to open their eyes and see the truth are divided into how many group(s)?! Oh and one more question, how many group(s) do the Monarchists fall into?

So far we can line up the 4 groups of Iranians that you mentioned and let future super angels have their ways with them, as they see fit.


Soopoor, Dorood va Salam-e mojadad bar to

by ThePope on



I personally approve your comments and enjoy your honesty... Damn to those "Iranians" (vatan foroush) who screwed our land and culture out of jealousy, hatred, stupidity and "taazizadegi".

They were and still are bunch of:

money hungry, power thirsty, penny pinching, fear inflicting, double-crossing, stabbing people in the back and promising peace with blood!! Sucking, brainwashing, mind raping, soul stealing, constant preaching and of course salvation's reaching!!!


Persia will rise&shine again, in the name of izad-e daanaa va yektaa


No one can predict the future

by ali reza (not verified) on

The late Shah thought that after his passing the throne would be occupied by by his son Reza Pahlavi,that is why he married three time in hope of having a son as his first kid ,but he did not know the pages of history turns,sometimes in your favor sometimes against you favor!



by Anonymous irani (not verified) on

My apologies for referring to you as a man, although you are a woman wiser than many many men, and down to earth too.

You know I got into the same cab a few times in iran, so the driver started telling me of his life. He told me that he had an art workshop which was making those beautiful handicrafts and artwork before the revolution. He exported to Europe mostly then and made a good living, even had his work displayed in some galleries in europe and stood for prizes. But after the revolution, with isolation of iran, the european market for iranian art busted and he could not make a living anymore. He then closed the art shop and is now working as a taxi driver. That was so sad to see that even the persian art does not survive the slaughter of anything iranian by IRI.

I also visited a historical mosque from safavid era. It is now being used as a seminary school with resident mullas living there in such primitive conditions in small mosque rooms with broken windows covered by cardboards, and slippers parked outside each room. Those beautiful blue ceramics were run by rain stains and covered by dried mud and dust; some were broken and left un-repaired. The pool in the middle was green with algae, and walls covered by seminary advertisements. The only sign of life there was the bearded guard at the front door to get 500 tomans entrance fee from the visitors. Even the mosques were not immune to neglect by the IRI.

And let's not talk about sivand dam that is destroying what survived the attacks of Arabs, Mongols, and Tatars, but is not surviving the islamic republic's attack on anything iranian.

As we say, "Ye jo aghl behtar az sad kharvar gandome." I wish we were wiser not to lose what we already had in hand!



Soopoor the garbage woman;)

by soopoor (not verified) on

Thank you so much dear Natalia and thank you Dear Hamvatans who supported my little comment by your kind replies and complements.wish I could write it in Farsi but I do my best in English he he... To Dear irani: those who don't want to open their eyes and see the truth are divided in to 4 groups . 1 the islamists that their NEW life style and the way they enjoy their lives ,Really make them believe that everything's getting better.they're actually right..just compare their lives before and after revolution...
2.the islamists like Abbas Palizdar Or Hassan Abbasi,who have sacrificed their youth and sometimes a part of their body for the revolution and the war and they still have some honesty down there in their hearts,but accepting the whole story makes them more upset...they still pretend that they love KHOMEINI's way.(or maybe they're still naive like a teen before revolution)
3.MOJAHEDIN,TOODEH YI :who have lost both time and respect among the people and are responsible to those mothers who sacrificed their children for Rajavi,Kianoori's Ideology and selfishness... it simply can cause many issuse like,hating the ppl for forgetting them and all they say is just Haterd and nothing more or new(I have 2 aunties working for them)they are not even welcome to their mother's heart any more,let alone to the ppl of Iran. ....they want to FORCE you to believe that what they've done was for Iran and of course hide their past and maybe they can sleep 1 or 2 hours at night.they are the biggest losers.they fought for POWER but never get it and have no hope for let them empty themselves by INSULTING someone..(shah for example)more they say,more ppl wish Rest in peace for shah..(another mistake they make)
4.those who are not islamists or Mojahed and never actually fight or have no Ideology and are just little business minds who got billioners by catching the waves and using the time(you can recently see them in DUBAI ,orgenizing concerts or selling flats,they used to be in Canada and LA...)if shah was still the king,could they make a better place outside of Iran in a country which is against iran's benefits and power????or could they have any chance to work as human smugglers or......they need to say something against shah or even khomeini to calm down their conscience for those poor children or iranian girls who have to sell their body...and put all responsibility on some one else's shoulder.then they can spend all the money for their daughter's nose job.
it'S aaallll my thoughts .an iranian woman who is waiting for a day to clean up all these garbages away...


Soopoor soopoor soopoor

by Anonymous irani (not verified) on

You are a man of honor, a man of integrity, a man of gratitude, and a man of pragmatism, free from prisons of ideology and fanaticism.

I understand you as I am in the same boat. But I do not understand these islamists and leftists that have not learned an iota from the experiences of the last 30 years, and still hide behind the mask of religion or the left to scream that shah was a dictator and corrupt and fascist and thus the revolution was justified and legitimate. They have no empathy with the people in iran while sitting in the warm cozy western house of their worrying that their pride would be damaged if they accept error. Yet they are never direct to tell us "what did the shah exactly do to you and for what reason" that he deserved overthrown by exaggerated lies and deceits. What should have shah done with likes of khomeini, khamenei, rafsanjani, rajavi, etc. who wanted to get rid of him by force so they can be in charge looting the country.

I know how shah was, his good and his bad; but I ask god to forgive his soul for his wrong-doings as he did so many things right and brought a country and a life for most if not all iranians, the same iranians who have either run away, or have been executed or imprisoned or killed in war, or are suffering in a place which is a country no more and provides them with what is a useful life no more.

We had a life there in shah's regime, the best in more than many centuries, that may not recur in a long long time. The irannian empty arrogance, hyper greed, blind religiosity, dishonesty, and i-know-it-all brought us here.

Some people, specially in the west, are as if they belong to the Kahaf tribe who just woke up from a 30 year old sleep within a cave, still thinking that it is 1978, and that the leaders of the revolution, an endless nasty character likes of khomeini, Rajavi, yazdi, ... were just some intellectual nationalist man-of-a-gentle-god saints. Sigh!

Soopoor, I salute you for your honesty and humanity!

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez father came to this country

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

My father came to the U.S. with very little money in his pockets and no knowledge of English or the culture. He had no schooling.

How he managed to learn to  read and write in Spanish is beyond me but he has a strong will.

He was determined that his children would have a better life than he did. I was only three years old when my family moved to the U.S. My father struggled for three years in the U.S. to get things ready for us to move.

Solh va Doosti


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I understand that I will never feel, what you actually feel. It is impossible, unless I endured it.

I have endured my own share of sorrows but they are different from yours.

I am on this web site to gain a better understanding of what happened and how it has affected Iranians. I realized that there was only so much that I could learn through books.

I have learned much from those on the web site that have been kind enough to take the time to explain things to me. The time to share with me their experiences.

I do want to learn Farsi but the only place that I can learn it locally is at the Masjed.

My apologies, it was not my intention to judge you or anyone.  I did not mean to make light of your pain and sorrow.

Solh va Doosti



my dad is 64 too!

by soopoor (not verified) on

very nice... my dad was an Agricultural engineer and now is working in a little firm..he was educated but couldn't pay for me to go to the university he was told by Mr.khomeini that he shouldn't be worried about his childrns future then he supported him.its one of OUR issuse(he is lucky cuz I didn't die during the war or in prison,or didn't commit a suicide)...and I couldn'T pass the islamic tests for university(another issue)regardless the war,lack of freedom at school,at home or in al little party...then I prefered to go to another country and like many many other iranians ,I had to work and study out of my country(big issue cuz you miss everything and you have to fight with every little thing and culture gap.)..I am lucky though, cus many of us and far better than me, can't even obtain a visa to the place they want to go...but in THOSE days(befor revolution we got visa for almost every places we wished to go with alot of respcets for our nationality)another big issue ..what I said in my little text was kinda examples..and I asked Mr.Kadivar to say hi for (for example)my father's generation to the one who I have good memories of her and think what she's done is nothing compare to what I can see...that's may story...Yes this kind of stories make you touchy,touchy..

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

So, then Soopoor misses the days of the Shah.

He simply wanted to have Mr. Kadivar tell her that many miss the days of Shah and that their hearts are with her at this difficult moment in her life.

Solh va Doosti



sorry but it's impossible

by soopoor (not verified) on

it's not that easy, for me it took 30 years should feel should feel what I feel or it'S better to say ,what WE feel, and it's not possible for me with my dull & poor english to explain it,...actually my text was very short and full of mistakes but the ppl who really experienced the revolution,it was a meaningful one.they read between the lines not my little text itself...I was a lucky one with little issuse(you should see other boys and girls actually fighting with such issuse in Evin or even while they're walking on the streets)... asking is the simplest way to get in to ppl's mind...if you really want it you should learn should experience it then judg it...



by Anonymouse on

Between your words and Arash Kamangir's reference to Satan Khomeini I got the impression that satanic people are ruling Iran and angels before them and super angels in the future.  Sorry my bad.  Touchy! touchy!

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez about........?

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

How about you translate your own words for me then. Nothing better than to hear the true meaning by the original poster.

So Soopoor means garbage man? How interesting. Natalia was given to me in honor of both my grandmothers. It means Christmas Child.

Soopoor, you would be surprised how much, I can understand. I come from very humble beginnings. My father too is a very hard working man. He still works in the construction business at the age of 64.

Yes, I have a university education.  ( I am the first to obtain one in my family for generations. I will not be the last.) I worked very hard to obtain it. :o)

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to anonymuse

by soopoor (not verified) on

you see?you made it too simple then let an internet angel analyze me(just by reading two sentences)she couldn't understand my long text in farsi but could analyze my issues eaily by reading 2 little lines...genius Dear Natalie??.this time I would say,if you want to know what I say,you should learn farsi,so nobody can mislead you...then continue going to your psychology classes.


Not really.  Just his/her

by Anonymouse on

Not really.  Just his/her thoughts.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Thanks Anonymouse

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Sounds like Soopoor has some  issues dealing with what happened long ago with the Shah and 1979. 

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