Meeting Farah

Photo essay: Pleasure of meeting Her Majesty in person for the very First Time

by Darius Kadivar

Earlier this month I got an email from Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi's webmaster & secretary inviting me to assist to an annual Paris ceremony in remembrance of her late daughter Princess Leila (March 27, 1970 - June 10, 2001) which was followed by a more relaxed reunion in a Hotel lounge and drawing room for all who were kind enough to attend the gathering at the Passy Cemetery nearby the Trocadero. The invitation was really an unexpected one for me even if I knew that she did read them since I saw some of them (in relation to our Royal History) linked to her official website. >>> FULL TEXT

Photo’s by Masoud Soleyman Zadeh


more from Darius Kadivar

sorry for my poor English...

by soopoor (not verified) on

well simply becasue I'm a soopoor ;)(garbage man)Dear Natalia,about what I's not that simple...only ppl who felt the difference between THOSE days and now,can understand what I say,as they feel it with their heart and under their can not say it in a one or 2 short sentences(like what Anonymouse translated it for you,hope it was not purposely to make it less importnat)becaus it took many ppl's lives to understand what happend to them(what they expected from their revolution and what really they got, was too way far from each other that you can't even imagine)...but you know,some ppl don't want to accept it or maybe it's not good for them to accept it OR simply they feel ashamed of what they've done to the next generation....if you want to understand what I said,you need to born in Iran,see what I saw and experience what I experienced and live the way I do now...once again sorry for my poor father couldn't afford to send me to a good language school..(he was/is a hard working man though.)


Soopoor is saying

by Anonymouse on

We got rid of Shah and got something worse.  Add a few satanic versus stuff saying hope you had told her; people said hi.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Dear Mouse.......I found Soopoor for you

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

The following is the person's posted comment. I have no idea what it means  ************************


salam e mardom e iran.

by soopoor (not verified) on

خوش به حال شما.كاش سلام ِ بچه هايى كه موز و شير ِ مجانى رو زيرِ ماشين انداختند و بعد براى آبى به نام شير ساعت ها تو صف ايستادند ،كسانى كه بالا يه پشت ِ بام ها مرگ بر شوهر اش گفتند و بعد در زير زمين ها از ترس ِ موشك به خود .... ،آنهايى كه آينده يى خوش را براى فرزند ِ خود پيشبينى كردند اما حالا سر خاك انان تا اَبَد قلبى در آتش و چشمى گريان دارند، كه به ليلا يه او نسبت ها دادند و هم اكنون كمتر جوانى سالم و پاك در كنار ِ خود دارند، كسانى كه به ملكه بودن ِ او حسادت كردند و اين بار شاهد زندگيه ملكه وار ِ بى سواد هايى به نام زن حاجى ها بودند.كسانى كه او را خائن گفتند و خود به نام خائن در زندان ها و يا اردو گاه ِ اشرف افتادند.كسانى كه از سرگردانى يه او و شوهرش به رقص افتادند و اين بار خود در پشت ِ مرز هاى ايران تا اَبَد سرگردان هستند،و البته هنوز هم نمى فهمند كه از كجا ميخورند،سلام آن روستا يى يه شمالى كه فكر ميكرد اگر انقلاب شود ديگر شاهد ِ خوش گذران اى يه پولدار ها نخواهند بود و امروز جنگل هاى خود را به باد رفته و در زيرِ ساختمان هايى كه قصر هم پيش ِ آنها لو نگ مى اندازد و ميلياردر هاى تازه به دوران رسيده تر و بى سواد تر و غارت گر تر را در همسايه گي يه خود دارند و جوان خود را در حسرت ماشين هاى شيك و گران قيمت ِ بچه حاجى ها آه كشان مى بينند و گوش آنها هر شب ِ جمعه از فرياد ِ خوشى هاى بى انتها يه انان كر ميشود،كسانى كه با او دزد گفتند و هم اكنون آواز يه دزدى ها شون گوش ِ خود رو هم كار كرده و مردمى هم كه از اين رسوا يى بيش از پيش در درياى غم و اندوه بسر ميرند رو به ايشان مى رساند اى.


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Dear Anonymouse excellent choices

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I vote for the #9.  I am not sure what the calligraphy in the background means. Maybe he can leave it. The focus would be on him anyway.

Solh va Doosti



Who is Soopoor?

by Anonymouse on

Is he another shoe or fashion designer?!


Dorood bar Shoma

by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on

Dear Soopoor,

I want to add afew words to your meaningful text. I am lucky enough to have lived my youth under Shah and iranian were a very happy and content people who enjoyed the life before revolution. The angel of death and satan himself Khomeini succeeded in destroying our past and our heritage as well as our furure. Iranian survived Moghuls and Arabs but I am not sure if they survive the satanic regime of Mullahs.

Javid Shah and payandeh Iran


I will vote for

by Anonymouse on

This one (#9). But it may be better if he blues the farsi writings from the blue background when he crops his own headshot.

Second choice (#27) if he wants to go with nostalgia :-) He can either crop his head shot or just crop the head shot for both of them together.


Javidan Shah, we miss you

by Anonymous2567 (not verified) on

Javidan Shah, we miss you very much :(

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

So Dear B-naam and Dear mouse

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Which photos do you suggest for our most debonair Dear Kadivar to replace his avatar with? Give us the numbers. Hey! Mouse, you can do a voting on it. I know how you like to do informal polls. :o)

Solh va Doosti



DK jan

by Anonymouse on

I agree with B-naam on this one. Your photos in this album are better for the avatar.  But of course it is your choice and we'll like you no matter what ;-)

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

Thanks I will consider it. Maybe with a new tie then ;0)




With all seriousness...

by B-Naam on

...your avatar's headshot doesn't do you justice.  Listen to us and change it.  You're handsome, as clearly illustrated in these pics.

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

Don't Know yet. It will depend on her availability but also my own availability since I do not live in the US and that she spends most of the year with her family in Washington. That may require a trip to the US in such a case, unless she comes again to Paris but I don't think that will be the case in a near future.

In anycase I welcome suggestions and Questions.

Needless to say I will not ask her embarrasing or impolite questions as submitted or suggested by some readers below ( which is not your case).

I am not Her Majesty's "Buddy" or relative After all, but simply someone interested in her Public Persona and the important role she has played and continues to play in our collective social and historical memory...

Warm Regards,





DK jan

by Anonymouse on

So when are you going to interview her?  Do you already have some questions in mind to ask her? I want to ask her when was the first time she saw pictures of palaces that tourists post on this website or other website.  Silly question maybe but there can be followups and also perhaps she can say more about the places in those photos.

Darius Kadivar

And For Saman The RatCatta ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I like you too Saman Jan but I am the Black Fox Not YOU despite your disguise ;0)

For I can Snap You out of the Picture Like THIS:

The Greatest with a Blade

Love your Cartoons Keep them Up ;0)

Darius Kadivar

And For Saman The RatCatta ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I like you too Saman Jan but I am the Black Fox Not YOU despite your disguise ;0)

For I can Snap You out of the Picture Like THIS:

The Greatest with a Blade

Love your Cartoons Keep them Up ;0)

Darius Kadivar

Welcome to the Round Table ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Welcome to the Round Table,Ladies and Gentlemen.

Thank you all for your interesting and insightful comments.  Keep them Coming. LOL

Veni, vidi, vici

Knights of the Round Table


As for your questions Regarding my use of the term "Your Majesty" My Good Ol' Pal Errol Flynn will give you the Answer you are entitled to:

En Garde Gentlemen !

Answer One

Answer Two



Mais, mets-en, Vive La Reine.

by ThePope on

Que Le Dieu Tout Puissant protege son ame et son entourage pour "le retour" a un futur en abondance de joie et de prosperite pour Les Perses et l'Iran.

Vive La Shahbanou.

zendeh baad Malakeh Farah.


Vive La Shahbanou !!

by Amir Khosrow Sheibany (not verified) on

Keep up the good work Dariush.

Javid Shah ! Shahanshah !!!


Re: Anonymous Reminder Would

by thaxa (not verified) on

Re: Anonymous Reminder

Would you say the same thing about the lump sum $200M that Karrubi announced was paid to Lebanese for re-building their damaged houses two years ago in only one occasion. That is estimated to be around 10 times larger than what 2500 year celebration cost.

Would you say the same thing about $3M per day (yes per day) that IRI is spending in iraq to buy influence when oil revenue has sky rocketed, but per capita GDP has deiminshed from $7200 in 1978 (in 2008 dollar) to $1800 in 2008 (estimated).

Most excellent reminder. Talk about hypocrisy. They keep repeating the mindless 3-decade old propaganda that they bought hook line and sinker as if they have lived in a time bubble. Almost None of the usual propagnada against the Shah is grounded in factual data.


Re: Mr Kadivar

by Anonymous Reminder (not verified) on

I do not know if Mr. DK is a monarchist or not, and if he is then why he is.

But I can tell you why some others are monarchists, even 30 years after the fall of the monarchy, whatever it means.

(1) Without the historical monarchy, there would have been NO iran to begin with, and therefore there would have been none of us to ask or answer such question. Maybe that is some would wish for, but that discussion is for another time and place.

(2) Without pahlavi's monarchy, there would also been none of us educated and relaxing fat cats in the west to ask or answer such questions. We would have been stuck in a continuation of ghajar era, sitting behind the opium charcoal and pipe with a harem of young and old wives and concubines. Like it or not, we are the fruits of the pahlavi era and fat boys and girls of their policies. Today's young in iran would dream of being like us, educated and well-travelled, with little effort to get visa from almost any country and to find a sucker like pahlavi foundation to pay for our education in the best western universities while opposing the shah and his priorities and admiring khomeini and marx and lenin. I have seen how young in iran consider even getting to go to dubai, the backward arab sheikdom of 1979, as a dream. The same goes with almost any civil establishment that you see in iran, that despite 30 years of neglect, are still standing on their feet serving people; the list is long, but few examples are: banking system, universities, identification cards, rail-road system, airliners, hospital and clinics, literacy, improved status of women, and on and on.

(3) Considering the experience of the last 30 years, maybe some prefer the democratic theocracy that came to improve upon monarchy (aka IRI's khomeini and Khamenei) or the likes of democratically elected buch, blair, or sargozi; but that is also for another time and place.


Re: The Majesties!

by Anonymous Reminder (not verified) on


While ordinary Iranians watched in bewilderment at the gross, costly and stupid celebration (the men on horses with their fake beards) run by his and her Majesty?!!

Would you say the same thing about an endless series of IRI mourning celebrations each year, or is your criticism is only limited to anything with iranian roots.

Would you say the same thing about the lump sum $200M that Karrubi announced was paid to Lebanese for re-building their damaged houses two years ago in only one occasion. That is estimated to be around 10 times larger than what 2500 year celebration cost.

Would you say the same thing about $3M per day (yes per day) that IRI is spending in iraq to buy influence when oil revenue has sky rocketed, but per capita GDP has deiminshed from $7200 in 1978 (in 2008 dollar) to $1800 in 2008 (estimated).

Just wondering if "the same" criteria is used to evaluate IRI too?



by Anonymouse on

Isn't kissing a woman's hand a French tradition?  Frenchmen usually do this even outside France, they show it on TV and movies all the time. Which protocal are you refering to that a woman extends a hand to be kissed?! Is it the same protocol that the woman extends a hand to be shaken?! Which protocol does Ahmadi follows when he refuses to shake women's hand that was extended?

Your argument is that Farah did NOT extend her hand?! how do you know that? How do you know that she did not try to pull her hand back?  Judging from the photo, I see it that way. We can be both wrong, so what?  We have to be concerned about why or why not someone kisses someone else's hand?

DK posted and shared the pictures of his meeting with Farah, for free.  It is as if you go to a free concert and then complain that it did not meet your approval! DK has a lot of readers because he is not new here. 

You, me and many others can have our opinions and like him or not, but he is popular, one way or another.  My suggestion is to let him be and let's be more inclusive than ex-clusive. What are you going to gain if DK stops posting and sharing his ideas on  Don't be stingy. You are barking on the wrong tree.  There are plenty of fossilized trees on this website and DK is NOT one of them!


To all of you that commented about what I wrote

by B-Naam on

First of all, I try not to resort to personal attacks on my posts here and while my comments below about Mr. DK may be construed as too harsh, I don't believe they can be categorized as personal attacks.  If he is free to express himself, so am I.

Regarding your comments criticizing me for not recognizing hand-kissing as a sign of respect, I'd have to say a few words about etiquette.  The rules of etiquette that I am familiar with dictates for the woman to extend her hands first, at which point the man slightly bends over to very softly kiss the knuckles of the woman or his own thumb, while only embracing the woman's finger.  The point is that the invitation comes from the woman and not the man!

Judging from the picture that I saw, Farah does not appear to have extended her hand for hand-kissing, as her hand would be raised higher and Mr. DK's back would not be bent as much.  He just looks too eager to kiss her hand and even the member of Farah's entourage standing behind him appears to be tapping him on the back looking a bit nervous.

I only wrote what I personally observed from the picture. Hand-kissing of a woman as a sign of respect does not look like this picture based on rules of etiquette.  That's all.  Of course, I could be wrong.  

In closing, do you all realize that we're giving Mr. DK exactly what he wants, more readers?!



have respect...

by ALI32 (not verified) on

It's a shame that there are people here that just want to insult farah and mr kadivar. these individuals symbolize what is exactly wrong with our society- classic "ogh-de-ee"
I am no fan of the shah, but farah has always been a true lady- she has gone through so much that half of her "critics" could not even imagine what it would be like-but she has managed herself with class and dignity.
idiots that just spew hatred without merit are exactly the reason why iran is so screwed up in the first place- they are the ones that blindly followed an illiterate mullah that couldn't even speak correct farsi!
get a life and keep your poison to yourselves

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Jimmy Choo are designer shoes. Let me educate you. :o)

They are pricey, might want to keep the misses away from it. hahhaha  For the safety of your wallet. The shoes are worth several hundreds of dollars. Ouch!!!

Solh va Doosti




by Anonymouse on

Who is jimmy choo stilletos?


Did someone say jimmy choo

by ncnotloggingin (not verified) on

Did someone say jimmy choo stilletos??? Who? Are you talking to me?? huh??? Are they for me?


celeb style

by Anonymouse on

U tawking to me? who? you? me?!


RE: Anony GROW UP!

by celeb style (not verified) on

Wow , like uh.. really mature dude! Your answer is the equivalent of stick & stones or sticking out your tongue and wiggling your fingers... should I reply with :" I know you are but what am I?" You had nothing more intelligent to say than that? Are you representative of the debate going on here? Then I rest my case and hang up my jimmy choo stilletos!! Be man che is this: I clicked on to these pics for precisely the reason I stated, entertainment value... instead I have read about the old and tired fights about why the Pahlavis suck... WHo the "!!!#@@!!" cares?