

Paint on poost

Paint on poost

Body art

by martinarmand
13-Nov-2007 (4 comments)


SCE Campaign
13-Nov-2007 (one comment)
If the arbitration fails and Mazdak's father does not settle , Ali's execution will be carried out. Please take action! >>>
13-Nov-2007 (10 comments)
Prognostications on the next presidential election.>>>


Yankees for peace

Yankees for peace

American city votes against war with Iran

by Omid Memarian
13-Nov-2007 (7 comments)


Babak Khiavchi
13-Nov-2007 (one comment)
"BEST INDIE BANDS OF 2007" SOUL NIDUS Live @ The Opera House November 30, 2007 >>>
Orang Gholikhani
13-Nov-2007 (one comment)
فراموش کردم>>>


Be reasonable

An Iranian Baha'i's letter to President Ahmadinejad

13-Nov-2007 (148 comments)
Mr. President, as you well know, there are over 6.5 million Baha'i's in the world; more than Jews and Zorasterians combined. There is no one country that has a great majority of its population consisting of Baha'is. We reside in every country in every continent of this globe. In over 90% of non Islamic countries, the Bahai faith is recognized as a religion and the Baha'is of said countries enjoy the freedoms offered to all its citizen equally. Additionally, the United Nations recognizes the Baha'i' faith as a major religion>>>


 راه عدالت

دفاع شیرین خانم عبادی از پرونده قتل زهراها

13-Nov-2007 (25 comments)
به هر حال دادگاه قتل زهرا کاظمی برگزار شد و با خواندن گزارش این دادگاه می بینیم که بیشتر این وکیل متهم است که داد سخن می دهد و او همچون جمهوری قتل و سرکوب، حربه اش تفرقه و تجزیه و معنازدایی از کلمات و بی معنا کردن کردن کلمات و سفسطه و مغلطه است. مدافعان قاتلان کلمات "قتل" را به "شبه قتل" و سپس به"ضربه مغزی" و سرانجام به "فوت عادی" سوق می دهند. از "شکنجه" حرفی به میان نمی آید و نباید بیاید چون شکنجه هیچ ربطی به فوت عادی ندارد>>>


When God & Darwin see eye to eye!

If indeed a gene was responsible for the behaviour it would have been eliminated by natural selection?

13-Nov-2007 (15 comments)
As the battle between proponents of intelligent design and evolution rages particularly in US there is something rather odd to make a note of. Considering homosexuality to be a deviation from what is normal and natural has made strange bedfellows form religious right and evolutionary scientists. The opposition to homosexuality in Koran for example could hardly be stronger considering the story of "Loot" society being destroyed by God because of their homosexual acts. >>>


Break the vicious cycle

Part 3 of "Where do we go from here"

13-Nov-2007 (14 comments)
The reason that I do not advocate a war against Islam is not because of my blind faith, but because I believe it to be the wrong war and irrelevant to our goals. To me personally, Islam is a tool. No more no less. A tool cannot be praised or blamed for the way it is used. Now, let me elaborate. Imagine a carving knife. A knife on its own cannot be good or bad. In the hand of a great artist like Leonardo Davinchi a knife can be used to create the greatest sculpture masterpieces and the same knife in the hands on a murderer can be used to kill innocent people.>>>

ـــ نِنه چی بُوی خوبی میه ! بُوی چیه ننه ؟ >>>


Rising to the occasion

Rising to the occasion

Niloufar Talebi preparing for San Francisco event

by Shorts


Jahanshah Javid
13-Nov-2007 (14 comments)
it's a beautiful day
take a walk with me