Iran and Turkey: Rising Powers...


Nudging Turkey toward peace at home

The Guardian - London / Stephen Kinzer
recommended by Iconoclast

while everyone worries about the economy...

News Goffer

New Beltway Debate: What to Do About Iran

The New York Times / CAROL GIACOMO
recommended by News Goffer
02-Nov-2008 (one comment)
A rare behind the scene footage of Treasury Department workers working on the Bailout Plan.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
02-Nov-2008 (16 comments)
02-Nov-2008 (16 comments)

زن گرفتم شدم اي دوست به دام زن اسير
من گرفتم تو نگير
SCE Campaign
02-Nov-2008 (4 comments)
صبح هشتم آبانماه جوان 19 ساله اي كه در سال 85 فردي را با ضربات چاقو به قتل رسانده بود به دار مجازات آويخته شد >>>
02-Nov-2008 (one comment)
Promoting Films made by Iranians >>>


Art on the move

Art on the move

Photo essay: Tent & Textiles of Central Asia and Iran

by Aria Fani
02-Nov-2008 (one comment)



Eye on autumn

Eye on autumn

Phto essay

by Shiva Tadayoni
02-Nov-2008 (2 comments)


bajenaghe naghi
02-Nov-2008 (39 comments)
i hate gossip but this one i need to share.>>>


Greater Middle East Initiative

From "Reading In Iran Foreign Policy After September 11"

The “Greater Middle East Initiative,” originating in the United States and subsequently embraced, and renamed as “Partnership for Progress,” by the G8 nations in June 2004 in Sea Island, Georgia, aims to address the sources of socio-political and economic backwardness in the region, loosely identified as encompassing the Arab world, Iran, Turkey, Israel, and possible Afghanistan and Pakistan. Focusing on economic reform, good governance, women and minority rights, civil society institutions, and democracy, the project contains all the essential elements of the so- called Modernization paradigm, whereby the political and economic facets of modernization processes are linked together in a comprehensive approach that is thoroughly faithful in the paradigm’s quest for globalizing its main ethos of universal democracy, rile of civility, and economic liberalization>>>


Testing democracy

Let's see whether Americans will be able to vote a black man to the highest office

02-Nov-2008 (15 comments)
The Economist has created a very interesting section where, as I understood, subscribers have so far voted for either of the US presidential candidates. In Iran's case it is obvious that native Iranians (as there are very few foreigners in Iran) have largely voted for Obama and this is quite a clear sign that educated and liberal Iranians are Obama supporters, just like the Americans, and they are definitely not concerned about a possible protection of the Iranian population by the Americans, which may be the case for small countries like Georgia. It is also quite interesting that Israelis have largely voted for Obama rather than McCain, though national security is the greatest concern of the Israeli public. This may be a sign that no matter how much the Republicans try to show their tolerant and pluralistic face, they are still viewed as the white Christian party>>>
02-Nov-2008 (19 comments)
What makes this election an historical event in the United States is not only the contrast in color, but also in tone and climate that Obama would cast with those of his predecessors>>>