More on his detention, turture and New Jersey!
"Hitchcock Films scenes of murder as if they were scenes of love and scenes of love as if they were scenes of murder ..." - François Truffaut.
Dial M for Murder (1954) starring Ray Milland , Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings. Enjoy ;0)
11 بار اعدام و قصاص در ملاءعام، سه سال حبس و 74 ضربه شلاق مجازاتي است كه هيات قضات بعد از چهار ساعت محاكمه براي اميد برك قاتل سريالي زنان در كرج در نظر گرفت
I have got into the habbit of getting to a place as if only to rush out of it. I cannot help thinking, as Suhrab put it, "Kojaast jaa-yi Residan?"
David Starkey's documentary series on the British monarchy. This one Focuses on Oliver Cromwell and the English civil war. Cromwell became Known as "
The King Killer" establishing History's First Theocratic Republic.
Uncertainty, And Experience The Very
Magic Of Life