آنچه در اينجا بنظر خواننده می رسد بدنبال رسوا شدند بنياد علوی پيش می آيد و ميرود که بسياری ديگر را گريبان بگيرد. منتظر خبر های بعدی باشيد
Paintings: Kourosh Salehi's art going on display in London
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London exhibition of Kourosh Salehi's paintings and films
Salehi is part of a group of post-revolution Iranian Artists who have merged East-Western traditions and have invented a new language of exile, and in this regard is considered as one of the significant painters of his generation. This exhibition, a collection of paintings and video art films, traces his most recent works. His films, which are mostly shot in Iran, and in the past have led to his arrest by the authorities, are both intense and dreamlike. They each have a story to tell and in this sense are closer to narrative based films than conventional video art. Longing and reconciliation are a common theme in his films
Short story / Part II / Edited