ebi amirhosseini
15-Feb-2009 (8 comments)



It becomes clear which fringe does not


Treated like a Persian king

Treated like a Persian king

Photo essay: Heavenly foods during trip back to Iran

by Alahazrat Hajagha
15-Feb-2009 (35 comments)


15-Feb-2009 (31 comments)
The distribution of a list containing the names of the Baha'is in Shiraz, their professions, and the consequences of being in contact or associating with them>>>
SCE Campaign
15-Feb-2009 (one comment)
SCE President, Nazanin Afshin-Jam received news from former child-prisoner Reza Alinejad of the imminent execution of Rahim Ahmadi believed to be carried out this Wednesday, February 18th 2009.>>>


What is there to celebrate?

Reminding myself about the reality of the past 30 years

15-Feb-2009 (30 comments)
Allow me to go back to the beginning of the revolution, or maybe a little bit before. It was 1978. The Iranian revolution was in full swing. I was a teenager full of life and passionate about a big change, like so many young people during that period. We were all ready to get rid of the monarchy and bring justice and equality to our country. The future was so bright and it was right in front of us; we could be free from the hands of a dictator! Finally the time had come: 1979 was glorious. The Shah left the country! However, the glory of the 1979 revolution did not last long for many Iranians. Women were the first to be targeted by the new regime.>>>


Time to wake up

Undemocratic anti-Americans

15-Feb-2009 (125 comments)
Irrational anti Americanism is not only unique to Iran. Other undemocratic governments have done that too. Some examples are China, Russia, Venezuela, N Korea, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Syria, Sudan and Cuba. These countries have portrayed themselves as “anti Imperialist”, and “freedom fighters”, and “justice promoters”, and “hope for human beings!!”! That brings up an important question: what is these so called “Anti American” regimes are talking about and what have they done for their own country? Well, numbers don’t lie! Below, I have gathered data that shows the above mentioned governments’ ranking in critical issues such as human rights and economic prosperity>>>


عطر خوش بختی

مهمانی بزرگ آقای خدا

15-Feb-2009 (one comment)
به فروشگاه عطرهای چینی سر زدم تا شاید عطر خوش بختی را پیدا کنم .جیمز فروشنده جوان فروشگاه هر چه گشت عطری را که با نام صدایش کرده بودم پیدا نکرد .دیگر خسته از جستجوی چند ماهه شده بودم. ساعت کهنه ی دیواری پنج بار نواخت و جیمز خودش را برای بستن مغازه آماده کرد. وقتی عقربه ی ساعت شصت ثانیه را گذراند در تارو پود کنار پنچره عطر را پیدا کردم. خودش بود. با همان نام و با همان مشخصات! دو بسته ی گلبرگ گل سرخ هم خریدم تا وقتی بیایی روی سرت از بالای تخت بریزم. خودت بهتر از هر کسی می دانی چقدر گل سرخ دوست دارم. بویش همیشه مستم می کند. مادر قبل از اینکه به خانه ی آقای خدا برود گل های تازه در باغچه ی خانه کاشته بود! >>>


Who is “Religulous"?

On the occasion of the release of Bill Maher’s movie, “Religulous”, on DVD

15-Feb-2009 (12 comments)
Bill Maher is clearly uninterested in engaging authorities on religion. No cameos of Houston Smith or Karen Armstrong here. Instead, he targets the humble and the unsuspecting: a lay pastor of a store-front church with folding chairs, an Imam in a mosque under construction in Amsterdam, and a peacenik Rabbi in a cramped Brooklyn synagogue. He then goes on to badger them with irreverent questions and clever asides. You can’t help but feel for these folks who have been framed—in both senses of the term—as ignorant fanatics. One must have a twinge of sympathy even for the Christian fundamentalist senator whose verbal gaffes Mahr flashes across the screen lest the viewers miss the extent of his ignorance>>>


Cinema Paradiso
15-Feb-2009 (8 comments)
Somewhere in the night
The moon in the gutter
The magic flute
Wings of desire
Heart like a wheel
A man and a woman
Made for each other
Falling in love. >>>
15-Feb-2009 (6 comments)

down the memory lane

Orang Gholikhani
15-Feb-2009 (31 comments)
زن قرمزپوش >>>
15-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

This song is dedicated to the concert musicians and roadies who visit this site. 


Multiple Personality Disorder
15-Feb-2009 (14 comments)
More hoildays plaese. >>>