And rightfully so....


Iran's Fist Is Clenched for a Reason / Muhammad Sahimi
recommended by smhb
09-Feb-2009 (3 comments)

OBAMA's recovery plan

sam jade

Obama's message for all of us who voted for him
recommended by sam jade
09-Feb-2009 (246 comments)
Just forget about them, and work on improving yourself.  I’ll briefly tell you what I did, and suggest you do the same.  >>>

The Birth of a Revolution

Shirin Vazin

Robert Fisk: I saw a mesmeric Islamic uprising turn to savagery

The INDEPENDENT / Robert Fisk
recommended by Shirin Vazin

‫اقتصاد نزد خران است و بس

09-Feb-2009 (5 comments)
Do you love chelokabab?  Share your list of favorites please. >>>
09-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

فوتبال ایران کره- چهارشنبه

rosie is roxy is roshan
09-Feb-2009 (4 comments)
song >>>

Ebadi: Talks with Iran must include human rights

Ebadi: US talks with Iran must include human rights /
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09-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

Ebadi: Discriminatory laws against women

Ebadi: Discriminatory laws against women are inconsistant with Iran’s culture /
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Him again?

Khatami is still a long way from becoming Iran's comeback kid

09-Feb-2009 (77 comments)
With Khatami officially in the race, the Iranian presidential campaigns will begin in earnest. Never before has an incumbent Iranian president faced such a serious challenge. But in spite of Ahmadinejad's abysmal handling of the economy, he is far from defeated. The Iranian presidential elections will not be democratic by Western standards, but they won't lack excitement or fierce competitiveness. Khatami had earlier declared that he would only run if he was given guarantees by Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, that his candidacy wouldn't be rejected by the Guardian Council, the body that vets candidates, and that he would be able to govern if elected>>>

Its called arrogance


Kyrgyzstan's Revenge: Why the Kyrgyz are kicking us out of their country / Justin Raimondo
recommended by smhb
09-Feb-2009 (2 comments)


No Holds Barred

A predetermined event over which the two have no control

09-Feb-2009 (9 comments)
It was decided. She felt no need to consult or ask permission from any other but her own conscience. Come to think of it she was not even nervous about making such a bold gesture to someone she barely knew yet felt she’d known all her life. What could be kinder than to invite him over to her home? Totally oblivious at the time to the connotations of that offer, she set out to make a romantic meal. She laid the table with great care, the first for two she had set in a decade. She concocted some sumptuous recipe from her old files; cooking lovingly and with abandon>>>