The Real Situation in Iran

A general, nationwide strike is the most appropriate tactic now

25-Jun-2009 (12 comments)
The situation on the streets of Iran, to get back to reality, has moved far beyond bean counting, and increasingly more radical slogans are raised on the streets. This has got the system seriously worried; hence their extreme crackdown. The larger political questions are enormous. Most essentially, how clear is the strategic vision here, and how foresightful can this spontaneously erupted movement be? Let us not lose sight of the fact that the people took to the streets as a result of an unexpected insult of an 'outcome' of a sham election they willingly participated in. That makes for a highly contradictory movement>>>

حد کنترل دولت بر اینترنت

Multiple Personality Disorder
25-Jun-2009 (6 comments)
A poem to the new age Zahak. >>>
25-Jun-2009 (3 comments)
I've developed tazarohat because I feel that many of you may find it useful>>>

"A Deal to Save Iran?"

Anonymous Observer

Could There be a Possible Compromise in the Works?

The Daily Beast / Reza Aslan
recommended by Anonymous Observer
25-Jun-2009 (one comment)


Shattered forever

People rose for one and one thing only: FREEDOM

25-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
The people’s uprising in our country not only resulted in the beginning of the end of the IRI regime, but it extensively changed the beliefs of not only some of us Iranians but also most people around the world towards the IRI regime. This is not saying that this uprising will succeed in overthrowing the regime, since the two crucial elements of any revolution has yet to see the light: strike and military rebellion. But what has happened is that by rejecting and exposing the previously thought miscalculations and misanalysis about this regime, its moral authority and its legitimacy and reason for staying is power has vanished. Many old beliefs of conspiracy theorism and many outdated and cold war era type analogies and analyses were thrown out the window>>>

"ماشین سیاه ها"

goftani ha / Amir Farshad Ebrahimi
recommended by IRANdokht
25-Jun-2009 (5 comments)

Video of Baharestan Demonstrations

Anonymous Observer

Latest Video from Demonstrations at Baharestan Square on June 24, 2009

recommended by Anonymous Observer
25-Jun-2009 (one comment)
سوگند خورده ای این خاک پاک را پاس بداری. با خون هم میهنان غیورت گلگونش مگردان>>>


I, for one

Will do what little I can to bring on the Islamic Republic's demise

25-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
For over 30 years the Islamic Republic of Iran has managed to hold on to and consolidate its power through a combination of repression, brutality, spreading of fear and remaining united in the face of their enemies. All of that changed on Friday 19 June when their supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, reduced himself to the ranks of a factional politician and took sides in Iran’s disputed elections. Khamenei’s words in support of a falsified election signalled the end of the Islamic Republic’s hard-earned legitimacy and moved the country and its people into uncharted waters. Iranians inside and outside the country, long accustomed to having their hopes for an end to tyranny dashed, have smelt blood and a movement has commenced which can have no other outcome than an end to the Islamic Republic of Iran and all that it stands for>>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
دبیر کل محترم سازمان ملل متحد در سالهای گذشته در ایران خشونت هایی صورت گرفته است که کم و بیش دست قدرت های استعماری در آن دخالت مستقیم و یا لااقل غیر مستقیم داشته است. >>>
architecture and poetry
You are our voice>>>

The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

Mehdi Mazloom

Another source on the happening in Iran in Farsi language

Intelligence & Terrorism Information Center (ITIC)
recommended by Mehdi Mazloom


Darius Kadivar

Charlie's Angels star Farrah Fawcett dies aged 62

recommended by Darius Kadivar
25-Jun-2009 (one comment)


پرچم مقدم است یا ایران؟

پرچم رسمی ایران چه ما دوست داشته باشیم چه دست نداشته باشیم همان پرچم جمهوری اسلامی است

25-Jun-2009 (8 comments)
ایران روزهای پر فشار و سختی را می گذراند. التهاب فعلی در ایران نتیجهء کودتای انتخاباتی بر ضد رای مردم است. حق آنها است که از رای خود پاسداری کنند. آنها موسوی را به عنوان رئیس جمهور خود انتخاب کرده اند و حال نیز به دنبال مطالبهء رای خود هستند. در داخل ایران این حرکت خودجوش با چالشی به نام لباس شخصی ها و شبه نظامیان و سرانجام ولی فقیه روبرو است که سعی در لوث کردن این جنبش مدنی دارند و در خارج از کشور نیز با کمال تعجب و در عین ناباوری (حداقل برای من) اپوربسیون این وظیفه را ناخواسته (امیدوارم!) بعهده گرفته است. پرچم ایران تبدیل به هیزمی جهت شعله ور کردن آتش اختلاف گروه های مختلف ایرانی در خارج از کشور شده است در حالیکه درد اصلی جوانان ما اصلا این نیست. در حال حاضر نسل جدید ایران با یک کودتای واقعی روبرو هستند و می بینند که جلوی چشم آنان آراءشان قلب شده است، لذا آمده اند تا رایشان را پس بگیرند>>>