همه میدونیم که یه سی سالی هست که هر سه قوهً نظام با هم دست به یکی میکنن تا ارکانه حکومت رو واسه ولایت فقیه زورکی نگه دارن ولی حالا که کف گیر به ته دیگ حکومت دینی خورده انتصابات جالبی واسه احقاق حق والی مستضعفین جهان صورت میگیره.
Some quotes from Khomeinie's Mashoriat (as opposed to Mashrotiat) hero in Persian
Great singing and dancing!
I am Iranian (DASH NOTHING); I am also Persian (DASH NOTHING). One is my nationality and one is my ethnicity; it is what it is dadash. Why are we hyphenating ourselves into further and further segregation and isolation;
This is the year of Hossein.
We have to act and organize ourselves to confront the murderers of our brothers and sisters in Iran, here.
ماجرای ترانه از زبان کروبی