واکنش مراجع تقلید به گفتار احمدی نژاد در تاجیکستان
The Controllers are Winning. We are manipulated through propaganda to assure their massive profits, and ability to dominate nations into the future. We are the Losers.
In a five months period in 2011 Porche sold 17 million worth of luxury sports cars to Iranians.
How Israelis are brainwashed -- Full Documentary
for naming them as assasins
A Lecture by an exiled and quintessential Jebheyeh Melli Academic on why he thinks the 'Monarchy' is SOOOOOOOoooooo Bad and Democracy is SOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo Good ...
Iran and the West to Meet on Friday April 13th to Try to Resolve Nuclear Issues