IR persecutes Christians in Easter


12 Iranian Christians Stand Trial Easter Sunday

Bos News Life / Bos News Life
recommended by Simorgh5555
In memory of the fallen patriots in Camp Ashraf in April 8 2011  >>>

Hamas hangs three Gaza prisoners

Darius Kadivar

Hamas hangs Gaza prisoners, including one 'collaborator'

recommended by Darius Kadivar
07-Apr-2012 (one comment)
آقای طالبی شروع کرد به تشریحِ نحوه ی کشته شدن شاپوربختیار از قول همان “یکی ازبچه ها”:… پسرِ بختیارکه رییس پلیس پاریس بود همه جورامنیت را برای پدرش فراهم کرده بود>>>

Women of the World Against War on Iran


Enlisting Michelle Obama - and the American Public - to Stop War on Iran

Common Dreams | Report / By Medea Benjamin, Rae Abileah
recommended by ShirOjan


To my friends

To my friends

Photo essay

by Sid Sarshar
07-Apr-2012 (9 comments)


Iran's nukes


Iran can produce nuclear weapons, but will never do so, says top lawmaker / The Associated Press and Haaretz
recommended by پندارنیک
07-Apr-2012 (34 comments)
Now here is the really clever bit. At night, the Astrologers could see the reflection of the Moon in the well, thereby knowing where the Moon was in the sky. Clever stuff eh. >>>

دال کاف جان، خودتو برسون

Mohammad Alireza
The better informed everybody becomes the greater the chance that war can be prevented. >>>

ترکیه و ایران


از ماست که بر ماست

اساسا روشنفکر ايرانى راه برون رفت از هزارتوى شکست تاريخى که گرفتار آنيم را نميداند

07-Apr-2012 (7 comments)
واقعيت اينست که ما بعنوان يک ملت سر هر بزنگاه تاريخى اشتباه کرده ايم و گناهش را به گردن اجنبى انداخته ايم تا از خود سلب مسئوليت کنيم. ما ايرانيان که تمدنى دو هزار و پانصد ساله داريم عاشق سينه چاک گذشته هاى دور هستيم چرا که از زمان حالمان بشدت شرمنده ايم. کافى است نگاهى به تاريخ اخيرخودمان بيندازيم تا روشن شود چرا به دوهزار سال پيش مينازيم و دلمان را به يادها و به بودها خوش ميکنيم >>>


I Am A Sarajevan

Sarajevo’s siege became my siege, her loss became my loss

07-Apr-2012 (3 comments)
I left Iran when I was five years old. Until then I’d lived an idyllic life in Tehran with my family on the Street of Good Fortune #22, (Khiabane Khoshbakhti ۲۲) where both sets of grandparents, uncles and aunts and a large entourage of friends, neighbours, shop-keepers, ice cream vendors, and the local fruit and vegetable sellers were daily fixtures in my childhood existence>>>