Grandma holds a Koran to make sure American soldiers walk under it
My mother took my grandmother to Las Vegas for the first time in her life. The interesting aspect of this trip is not so much my grandmother’s amazement of Vegas but more as to what she did to American soldiers in Las Vegas airport on the way back. In Las Vegas airport, my mother and grandmother were waiting in the flight terminal to board their plane while hundreds of soldiers were getting ready to be deployed to Iraq. My grandmother, who always manages to be a social butterfly even with the little English that she knows, began to tell the soldiers how much she wishes they were not going to war and were able to stay home with their families
تو باید نفرینت را پس بگیری
لازم نیست خیلی مرا بشناسید که بدانید من دیوانه نویسنده فقید کوین. و.
سینسور هستم. دستشویی ٬زیر میز اتاق نشیمن ٬روی میز کنار تخت و ته همه
کیفهای دستی من نوشته ای از کوین یافت می شود. با کوین قبل از مرگ رابطه
ای نداشتم. ولی بعد از مرگش خوابش را هر از گاهی می بینم. دست بر قضا راهی
جهنم شده است و اینجور که خودش می گوید اوقات خوشی را دارد... در خواب از من قول شرف گرفت که به کیدین زن بیوه اش نگویم. ساعت سه صبح از خواب پریدم و در اینترنت دنبال تلفن کیدین. و. گشتم. نبود. شماره یک مردی بود بنام ج. ن. تامسون. ظاهرن نسبتی با خانواده کوین دارد.
Continued ideologically inflamed rhetoric of the “battle of Armageddon”
The Bush administration has once again ratcheted up the drum beating of a “Preemptive War” against Iran, on the presumption of the now familiar saber rattling pretext of “weapons of mass destruction.” Many believe his motive as a dire hope of passing on the White-House-Baton to another neo-conservative warmonger, John McCain, as his successor. While the court of public opinion worldwide, including the U.S., is unanimously against waging another bloody war of transgression costly to all sides concerned, President Bush, at least on the surface, seems to have been orchestrating another false image of “an international coalition” relying on his political lackeys and lapdogs, and poodles and patsies in Europe, Israel and the Middle East, as they are referred to by the independent press and the populace.
What impressed me most was Shahbanou's simplicity and kindness that so characterizes her personality
Earlier this month I got an email from Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi's webmaster & secretary inviting me to assist to an annual Paris ceremony in remembrance of her late daughter Princess Leila (March 27, 1970 - June 10, 2001) which was followed by a more relaxed reunion in a Hotel lounge and drawing room for all who were kind enough to attend the gathering at the Passy Cemetery nearby the Trocadero. The invitation was really an unexpected one for me even if I knew that she did read them since I saw some of them (in relation to our Royal History) linked to her official website.