Haj Seyd Mammad
10-Aug-2008 (5 comments)
Charlie Rose  talks with Edward O. Wilson, one of the most pre-eminent U.S. scientists, about his book "The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth" >>>
10-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
esteghbal az hijab dar gharb!!! >>>
Denver Tinbender
10-Aug-2008 (one comment)

A belief that, the answers to "The Liberation of Iraq" are to be found in Washington among the ranks of former officials, advisors, retired military General, Israeli lobbyist, and other MAARGEAR

10-Aug-2008 (12 comments)
If I could dream ,The dream I wanted too,I would close my eyes, And dream a dream for you.I would give you all the world,That you are deserving of, And to you I would give, My everlasting love. >>>
Azadeh Azad
10-Aug-2008 (7 comments)
Video: Sylvia Plath recites three of her poems >>>

A Good Friday Night :-)

In barnameh be jonbeshe 18 tir taghdim shodeh bud >>>
Darius Kadivar
Two Volumes Published by Syracus University Press by Dr. Abbas Milani set to shed light on Pahlavi Generation>>>
1915 / 1916: Introduces general theory of relativity, widely regarded as the most remarkable scientific contribution of the 20th century. 1921: Nobel Prize for (by his standards) comparatively minor achievements. 1924: last major scientific contribution (at age 45, on waves & matter). >>>
10-Aug-2008 (10 comments)

Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the lure of oil and gas prompted US into installing puppet governments and US bases all around these unstable areas.

10-Aug-2008 (3 comments)

Mahmoud Darwish, The award-winning Palestinian poet, has died aged 67, after heart surgery in a Texas hospital.

10-Aug-2008 (51 comments)
Iranian Olympic Swimmer refused to compete in his first event because an Israeli swimmer was to compete with him in the same swimming pool. >>>
10-Aug-2008 (6 comments)
My review of Edwin Black's ridiculous article at the San Francisco Chronicle from January 8, 2006 on Iran's history under Reza Shah. I expose Edwin Black's lies on Iran and counter them with facts. >>>
SCE Campaign
10-Aug-2008 (4 comments)

 وقتی حكم اعدام را شنیدیم شوكه شدیم و الان خواب و خوراك نداریم و هر آن احساس می‌كنیم كه می‌خواهند، طناب دار را به گردنمان بیندازند در حالی‌كه واقعا بی‌گناهیم و به ما تهمت زده و پرونده‌سازی كرده‌اند

AmirAshkan Pishroo
European critical of American policy on Iraq can no longer afford to adopt the Chinese shopkeeper position: “ you broke it, you own it.” Losing Iraq to thugs and jiihadists would be a disaster for both Europe and America, let alone the region. >>>