17-Aug-2009 (15 comments)
With the ongoing recession, many people have undergone depression. Even otherwise depression has overtaken people in large numbers. You don’t need a doctor or even medicine to overcome it and beat the blues: >>>
17-Aug-2009 (one comment)
It’s so easy, I mean – to be happy. In these times of stress, strain and tension one looks forward to a life of ease, peace and happiness>>>
Saead Soltanpour
17-Aug-2009 (one comment)
ولی دریغ از شناسنامه برای بچه های ایرانی که پدرشان افغان هست>>>
Noosh Afarin

ورود لباس شخصیها، حزب اللهی ها،  انصاراللهی ها،، مذهبیون دو اتیشه و تمامی سازمانهای حفظ  امنیت دولت اسلامی که احتیاج به کامیون برای حمل نامشان داریم اکیداً ممنوست... و ١٨ به بالا. 

17-Aug-2009 (one comment)
خوب به یاد دارم سال 1365 بود. حجت الاسلام ناصری نماینده آیت الله منتظری برای بازدید به زندان مشهد آمده بود. ایشان می گفت آیت الله منتظری عمیقا نگران شرایط حاکم بر زندانها هستند>>>
Ali Abdolrezaei
من زامپانو بودم عنوان یکی از کلیپ های علی عبدالرضایی است که اخیرن در یوتوب منتشر شده است
17-Aug-2009 (10 comments)
someone near by said "stop my brother from another mother, why kill them?  Lets own them, sort of like Dogs and Cats". >>>
17-Aug-2009 (one comment)
From npr.org: "Masih Alinejad, Iranian journalist's courageous journey" >>>
David ET
17-Aug-2009 (25 comments)
This photo taken today hopefully will be the final wake-up call for those who were hoping Akbar Rafsanjani would do anything for Iranians!>>>
Darius Kadivar
Shah of Iran and Wife Queen Soraya at a Reception in their honor in London, Great Britain during a State Visit. (circa 1955) >>>
Darius Kadivar
Queen Soraya of Iran affected by the warmth of her reception at Southampton on her arrival in England. (circa 1955) >>>
Reza-Rio de Janeiro
17-Aug-2009 (15 comments)
Can Iranian Lawyers around the world Unite to prepare and present this case? >>>
17-Aug-2009 (one comment)
May the religion of peace rest in peace >>>
نشریه زیرزمینی خیابان >>>
Several personally (and crudely) constructed political theories on what may be to come from recent protests and events in Iran.>>>