David ET
10-Jan-2009 (27 comments)
-"People like this should publicly be insulted and told off and put at shame!" >>>
News Goffer
10-Jan-2009 (13 comments)
Nobody does it better than us, so don't even try it! >>>
Paymaneh Amiri
09-Jan-2009 (17 comments)

Love talks, hate walks, or it should.

09-Jan-2009 (one comment)
"خواجه نصیر الدین " دانشمند یگانهی روزگار در بغداد مرا درسی آموخت که همه ی درسبزرگان در همه ی زندگانیم برابر آن حقیر مینماید و آن این است : >>>
09-Jan-2009 (one comment)
در تهران دوباره برف بارید>>>
Orang Gholikhani
09-Jan-2009 (3 comments)
برف میبارد امروز
میروم آهسته با شک >>>
09-Jan-2009 (one comment)
When the shovel arm hits the overpass, how fast do you have to be going to slice the bridge in half?>>>
09-Jan-2009 (one comment)
My Friends Need Help
Niloufar Parsi
09-Jan-2009 (119 comments)
what is the solution to the incredible carnage in Gaza? >>>


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
09-Jan-2009 (3 comments)
Manoucher Avaznia
Mr. Skeptic’s stubborn manner was of some use after all, however until then he had not quite understood the usefulness of what he called his “big mouth”. >>>
08-Jan-2009 (12 comments)
Where are the peace seekers and freedom fighters when it comes to the Palestinian people trapped in a sea of blood?>>>
08-Jan-2009 (53 comments)
regardless of your point of view, is this too much to ask at this point?>>>
08-Jan-2009 (10 comments)

As a Parent, one can not but be cognizant of the kind of society our children are growing up in>>>