اى خانه ى دلدار كه از بيم بدانديش
روى از تو همى تافته و دل بتو دارم
رو تافتنم را منگر زانكه به هر حال
جان بهر تو مى بازم و منزل بتو دارم
Disambiguation, in other words freedom of speech. We all enjoy the benfits of having the right to express ourselves and our views without restriction or censorship, however...
Today is 17 Dey-mah in Iranian calender, which is the anniversary of Jahan-Pahlavan GholamReza Takhti’s passing. We honor him for his devotion and love of Iran
Proof for the need to have Western Europe provide the funding and technical assistance necessary to develop Iran's natural gas fields and the pipelines to deliver that gas to Western Europe
دریاچه یخزده
گریه میکند در لب سبزه زار
New Events Section in iranian.com. There's so much happening around the world
The only certain result of Israeli savage assault on Gaza Strip would be the rise of anti-Semitism around the world
I posted this brief history in response to a question about Israel, "Who is Occupying Whose Land?"
Iranian discrimination case against Merril Lynch & Co comes to an end as they agree to pay $1.55 million in damages.
Ref. Black Pearls, Kalimat Press, California.
این رادیو اسرائیل هم از آن رادیو هائی است که خودش به خودش حال میدهد و می گوید تنها رادیوئی که اخبار راست در خاورمیانه را می گوید
Iranian man comes to the conclusion that there is no catcher in the rye.
ایرانیان از دیر باز با نفت و گاز آشنا بودند و در گذشته های باستانی این سرزمین نیز نشانه های فراوانی از شناخت نفت و خصوصا قیر و کاربرد این مواد به چشم می خورد
One last look to the terrible year of 2008