For someone like Ahmadinejad who sounds off on almost everything, especially if it has to do with Israel, he is very quiet these days.
I am glad you and many others are now voicing your disappointment about what is happening to Palestinians but when this all is over, don't disappear again while some of us keep trying to get your attention about inhumanity in your own country too !
Since I'm not Persian, I'm sure I'll have the spelling wrong on the names, but here goes... Husein Firouzegan (and his brother Hamid)
listening to the news in the past few weeks has been so dark and disturbing, there is suffering all around the world... Is this the end of peace and prosperity for all of us? I GUESS NOT!!!
This Is All The Questions I Chose.
Hamas Palestinian child abuse has different facets. One is total brainwashing from an early age to raise suicide bombers out of innocent children
This is a message of the Iranian Student Movement for Freedom and Sazman SAMAN 1360
Ten hard and fast rules. Time to get serious here.
Tired of having bad Sheesh Kebab?
"Those who have armed and encouraged groups like Hamas - which only yesterday did not hide its sympathy for the criminal Saddam Hussein... have innocent blood on their hand in the hostilities."
Life threats on Nobel Peace Laureate are real.
After all the arguments about the current massacre in Gaza, a good friend of mine taught me how to make sense of it all...
Lyrics about Iranian girl from dreams
don't take it personally but...