Azadeh Azad
03-Jan-2009 (6 comments)
A poem dedicated to Fatemeh Haghighat-Pajouh, a mother executed by the Islamic State in Iran for having saved her daughter from a domestic rapist! >>>
Darius Kadivar
MKO leader Massoud Rajavi meets Saddam Hussein in Baghdad. The Iraqi dictator sheltered the MKO who sided with Saddam during the Iraq Iran War. (circa 1986) >>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Jan-2009 (6 comments)
In March 1975, subsequent to discussions at an OPEC meeting, Iran and Iraq agreed to meet and negotiate their dispute over borders and water and navigation rights. This meeting resulted in the Algiers accord below, and in a subsequent treaty signed June 13, 1975. >>>
A  real  patriot speaks out . >>>
03-Jan-2009 (one comment)
“There comes a time when the operation of the machine is so odious that you cannot even passively participate. You’ve got to place your body on the gears, the levers, all the apparatus>>>
03-Jan-2009 (39 comments)
Don't be indifferent to the travesty taking place in Gaza. >>>
03-Jan-2009 (4 comments)
This is intended for those who have no more qualms in openly admitting they are sick of hearing about the Holocaust. >>>
02-Jan-2009 (27 comments)
A particular objection that has been voiced in opposition to Israeli counterattacks has been 'Rocket attacks by Hizballah or Hamas are not comparable in force to Israeli military capabilities... >>>
Farhad Kashani
02-Jan-2009 (12 comments)
The world is waking up to see how IRI and the Nazis are the same.>>>
Sayeh Hassan
02-Jan-2009 (12 comments)
Shiraz University has been the scene for numerous student demonstrations in the past year, which has led to the students being targeted by the Islamic Regime... >>>
Orang Gholikhani
02-Jan-2009 (4 comments)
فال حافظ خبر این سفر داده بود >>>
 فیلم نامه کوتاه جاسوسی - اکشن براساس خبر استفاده ابزاری سازمان اطلاعاتی آمریکا از قرصهای ویاگرا >>>
02-Jan-2009 (one comment)
This was news to me and quite a delightful sight...thought sharing it with those friends who haven't come across it...Happy New Year!  >>>
02-Jan-2009 (91 comments)
This is a response to the Israeli propaganda piece currently on the front page masquerading as an "article". >>>