Manoucher Avaznia
خِرَد آیا که بود باز ترازو گردد؟
نقدها را به عیاری سنجد؟ >>>
Jahanshah Javid
26-Dec-2009 (17 comments)
Can you handle a joke? Here's one of my favorites>>>
26-Dec-2009 (one comment)

This is the worst time for a military attack on Iran - and certainly Won't help the Green Movement at this point.

The $350 sci-fi film from Uruguay that went live on YouTube on a Thursday and by Monday morning Hollywood offered the young filmmaker $30 Million dollars to deliver more of the goods>>>
Darius Kadivar
26-Dec-2009 (4 comments)
French and Iranian Intelligentsia, philosophers and Human Rights Activists respond to Crown Prince Reza's call for an Iranian Solidarnosc aimed at regime change towards a democratic Iran. Watch Here >>>
Brian Appleton
26-Dec-2009 (one comment)

Professor Hunt who has authored over ten archeology books and who specializes in Alpine Archeology, is also a great admirer of Iranian culture, archeology and history.

26-Dec-2009 (4 comments)
Too many witnesses & surviving victims >>>
Flying Solo
26-Dec-2009 (8 comments)
قرار انگار این بوده که مرد بدوه و زن ناز کنه. >>>
برای کسانی که خواهان استقرار دولتی دمکراتیک، با قوانینی مبتنی بررعایت اصول جهانی حقوق بشر در کشورمان هستند، این نظام اصلاح پذیر نیست>>>
25-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
Finally and "Person of the year" that truly deserves the spot light!>>>
25-Dec-2009 (one comment)
سرودهء هادی خرسندی برای نویسنده و روزنامه نگار زندانی ایرانی، احمد زیدآبادی. + یک قطعه موسیقی روی شعر، سرودهء علی تهرانی. >>>
25-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
This video was originally posted by youtube user Philhellenes. // It was removed by youtube (reason unknown). Please free to mirror it. The link referred to is here; ...  >>>
Brian Appleton
25-Dec-2009 (one comment)
Azadeh captures the struggle of the expatriate who belongs neither here nor there >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
25-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
نگه از پنجره می اندازم,
بامداد آمده باز. >>>
25-Dec-2009 (one comment)
دست آوردهای جنبش سبز، تا به امروز، درتاریخ سی سالۀ پس ازانقلاب بی سابقه بوده است. اما این نهضت مردمی ،هنوز،راهی دشواروموانعی بسیاردرپیش دارد >>>