03-Mar-2010 (6 comments)
A drawing/caricature about the power of perseverance. >>>
03-Mar-2010 (12 comments)

A personal expereince in modern Iran!

03-Mar-2010 (one comment)
عقیده های سیاسی مثه اجناسن. منوپولی داره، نمیخواد از دست بده. آزدی رو بهانه می کنه، مثه اینکه آزادی به تخمش هست. نیست. اونایی که حمایت می کنه عیان است عزیز. داشته باش، آدرس ما خاور میانه. دین ما اسلام. این یعنی چی؟ >>>
03-Mar-2010 (2 comments)
In the Iranian remake of the movie “Hannibal”, Mousavi confronts Khamenei! >>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Mar-2010 (3 comments)
A Tribute to Award Winning Director Jafar Panahi's Filmography who along with his wife and daughter as well as 15 friends was arrested in his house yesterday by the Thugs of the Islamic Republic. SET THEM FREE ! >>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Mar-2010 (4 comments)
Muzzaferedin Shah escorts Princess Elena de Savoy of Italy during the Persian Shah's State Visit. At the time the House of Savoy was the longest surviving royal house in the world. (Circa 1902) >>>
03-Mar-2010 (4 comments)

Punishing the victims is un-American

03-Mar-2010 (3 comments)
همه سیاه پوشیده بودن، به جز من که کاپشنم قرمز بود! >>>
02-Mar-2010 (20 comments)

The phrase "independent investigation of truth" is associated with a religion, the Baha'i Faith, that does not live up to that ideal at all.

02-Mar-2010 (one comment)
It's humor on farts and passing gas. >>>
02-Mar-2010 (19 comments)
Thou dagger thou pushes... >>>
02-Mar-2010 (26 comments)
Question for self proclaimed Patriots: Which foreign country, which jackbooted mercenary are youwilling to sell your soul to in order set you country in ruins? >>>
Orang Gholikhani
02-Mar-2010 (6 comments)
مست  و تنها میروم
به یاد گذشته
مغرور و بی تقوا میرروم
به سوی آینده >>>
Niki Tehranchi
02-Mar-2010 (33 comments)
It really bothers me that Obama is a smoker... >>>