Sahameddin Ghiassi
10-Sep-2010 (one comment)

 ... دزدی فساد غارت  جمع ثروتهای نامشروع و تجاوز حقوقی و فیزیکی حرام است و چگونه اشخاصی با کردن عمل حرام بازهم اسم مسلمان و یا مسیحی و یا کشیش روی خود میگذارند مثال شما مثال ستاره قبل از صبح است . .

homo sacer
10-Sep-2010 (10 comments)
If anything, the post-election protests of 2009 re-introduced “the element of hope and the possibility of social improvement” – a Chekhovian concept - that had been missing in our earlier discourse>>>
10-Sep-2010 (8 comments)

حدادیان ثابت کرد که مهم نیست که چی می خونی مهم اینکه چه جوری می خونیش!

Which one do you like?  Absolutely no comparison, haj agha.

10-Sep-2010 (one comment)
this thought provoking blog is supposed to be fun too - please try not to offend or get offended.  >>>
a glimpse into the many faces of Persia. >>>
10-Sep-2010 (20 comments)
Which is more sacred? >>>
10-Sep-2010 (7 comments)
The Coke Studio sessions with many traditional musicians from the Subcontinent produced a unique blend of Western fusion with Qawwali. Here is Abida Parveen. The sound here sounds like Qawwali meets Led Zeppelin. Take a look! >>>
10-Sep-2010 (19 comments)
Thousands of Qurans are burned on almost daily>>>
10-Sep-2010 (8 comments)
Learning to live with it>>>
Niki Tehranchi
10-Sep-2010 (4 comments)
Castro gets sanctimonious in his old age, a handlebar-mustachioed hillbilly from the Florida backwater gains international attention, and Lady Gaga really makes us gag... >>>