30-Aug-2012 (one comment)
Hosting Jimmy Panetta, an Obama surrogate and son of US Secretary of Defense, at its public event on Sunday, September 16th at FAZ restaurant in Sunnyvale>>>
Saead Soltanpour
اولین گروه کانون اندیشه و گفتگو حقوق بشر بود که در 8 ژانویه 2004 مراسمی بر گزارکرد که از اعضای حزب خواست که فعالانه در کمک رسانی شرکت کنند >>>
30-Aug-2012 (3 comments)
The U.S. State Department has confirmed receipt of a letter from Congressman Rohrabacher on the need to support the fight for the independence of Azerbaijan province from Ira>>>
First Amendment
A word or two... >>>
Darius Kadivar
30-Aug-2012 (3 comments)
The Reluctant Fundamentalist, a big-screen adaptation of Mohsin Hamid's acclaimed 2007 novel, has opened the 69th Venice Film Festival>>>
By changes I mean love romance change of environment like moving house. These are considered big changes>>>
Performed by SHIRIN >>>
Darius Kadivar
30-Aug-2012 (7 comments)
Started by former British Army soldier Jordan Wylie on August 24, one day after the shots of Prince Harry cavorting in Las Vegas went public>>>
Temporary Bride
30-Aug-2012 (4 comments)
No one ever goes up the dark stairway in the corner. Mine is the only room this way. I sweep my own floors and make the bed each morning>>>
30-Aug-2012 (one comment)
سران سیاسی و نظامی رژیم غاصب >>>
کرمانشاه >>>
30-Aug-2012 (16 comments)

در این قسمت به معرفی هایده خواننده ی معروف ایران می پردازیم

Iqbal Latif
30-Aug-2012 (one comment)
All revolutions devour their children but the Iranian revolution had a fiercer appetite than most>>>
30-Aug-2012 (12 comments)
دکانداران مصدقی، چپولان و مسلمین حاکم بر ایران >>>