افشاگری حسن داعی در مورد ارتش سایبری نایاک ، لابی رژیم


افشاگری حسن داعی در مورد ارتش سایبری نایاک ، لابی رژیم
by afshinazad

ارتش سایبری نایاک و سایت ایرانیان دات کام اسناد دادگاه فدرال واشنگتن حسن داعی : پس از آنکه "باب نی" نماینده فاسد کنگره و کارفرمای تریتا پارسی در پایان سال 2006 تحت تعقیب قضائی قرار گرفت و ارتباطات وی با جمهوری اسلامی برملا شد، سیل مقالات و گزارشات در باره لابی رژیم ایران در آمریکا و بخصوص نقش ویژه سازمان نایاک براه افتاد. برملا شدن ارتباطات ویژه تریتا پارسی با مسئولین رژیم و بخصوص باند احمدی نژاد و ملاقات های پنهان با هاشمی ثمره در اروپا، باعث بی آبروگی و بی اعتباری وی در میان جامعه ایرانی-آمریکائی شد. تریتا پارسی و حامیان وی، برای مقابله با انتقادات هموطنان و ترمیم چهره لابی رژیم دست به اقدامات گوناگونی زدند. مثلا از سال 2009 که دادگاه فدرال به من اجازه انتشار اسناد داخلی نایاک را داد، تریتا پارسی با یک موسسه روابط عمومی بسیار مهم بنام Brown Lloyd James قرارداد بست تا ضمن بکارگیری امکانات رسانه ای این موسسه در آمریکا، برای ارتقاء موقعیت خراب شده نایاک یک کارزار براه بیندازند.این موسسه همچنین برای معمر قذافی و کمپانی نفتی بریتیش پترولیوم نیز کار روابط عمومی و "ترمیم چهره" انجام داده است. من در یک گزارش ویژه اسناد مربوط به این شرکت روابط عمومی و هجوم رسانه ای آنها در رسانه های آمریکائی و ایرانی را بازگو خواهم کرد.اسناد دادگاه همچنین نشان میدهد که نایاک از سال 2008 ببعد یک ارتش سایبری درست کرده تا سربازان آن تحت نامهای مختلف، زیر هر مقاله ای که بنفع یا علیه نایاک چاپ میشود نظر بدهند و وبلاگ ها و روزنامه ها را در اختیار گیرند تا فضایی بنفع این سازمان ایجاد کنند. این ارتش مخفی سایبری توسط بابک طالبی نفر شماره دوم نایاک براه افتاد و نام Internet response Team را روی آن گذاشت.سربازان این گروه کماندوئی را کارمندان نایاک و همچنین داوطلبانی تشکیل میدهند که برطبق خط و خطوط داده شده توسط تریتا پارسی به فعالیت در دنیای مجازی می پرداختند. برای مطالعه بخشی از این اسناد به روی این لینک کلیک کنید://www.iranian-americans.com/docs/ResponseTeam.pdfنکته دیگری که در این اسناد جلب توجه میکند، ارتباط ویژه نایاک با دو سایت "ایرانیان دات کام" و دیگری "پیوند" میباشد که به بلندگوهای این سازمان تبدیل شده اند. به چند ایمیلی که بین جهانشاه جاوید و تیم نایاک رد و بدل شده نگاه کنید تا با "بیطرفی" سایت ایرانیان در مورد نایاک آشنا شوید.این ایمیل ها نشان میدهد که نایاک از امتیازات ویژه ای در این سایت برخوردار بوده و مقالات و بلاگ های آنان بی هیچ مشکلی وارد سایت میشده اند. ماهی دو سه مقاله و هفته ای چند بلاگ سهم حداقلی است که جهانشاه برایشان معین کرده است.طی 4 سال گذشته، جهانشاه جاوید بارها و بارها مقالاتی را در نشریه خود به چاپ رسانده که ضمن دفاع از نایاک، با اسم و رسم به من حمله کرده اند. من نیز بارها و بارها با ارسال ایمیل از او خواسته ام که پاسخ مرا چاپ کند که وی نیز اعتنائی نکرده است.ایمیل های بدست آمده از دادگاه نشان میدهد که انتظار بیطرفی از جهانشاه جاوید امری بیهوده و ناشی از توهم است. وی که اولین کارهای رسانه ای خود را نزد صادق خرازی یعنی پدر خوانده لابی رژیم در آمریکا شروع کرد، در سایت خود بخش کوچکی را به بلاگ های مختلف اختصاص داده تا نشانی از دموکراسی و آزاد منشی اش باشد. اما بخش اصلی سایت همواره شامل مقالات و گزارشاتی است که توسط امثال تریتا پارسی، دیگر اعضای شناخته شده یا مستعار نایاک، اردشیر عمانی و افرادی مشابه است.در اینجا بازهم از جهانشاه جاوید میخواهم که بنا به اصول شناخته شده دموکراسی، اجازه دهد تا در مقابل دهها مقاله ای که نایاک و ارتش سایبری اش در این سایت علیه من نوشته اند، یکبار و فقط یکبار وی پاسخ کامل من به آنان را به دو زبان انگلیسی و فارسی چاپ کند.


more from afshinazad
Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

VPK jaan,

1. You wrote: "I agree that NIAC is not helping overthrow VF regime."

Great we agree here.


2. Would you also agree to the following proposition?

"NIAC policies help the VF regime"




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

MK Jaan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree that NIAC is not helping overthrow VF regime. I do not agree they are my enemy. There is a difference between that. To me an enemy must pass a much higher bar than "not helpful"; so far NIAC does not fit.

Majid Zahrai

آقای کاظم زاده

Majid Zahrai

شما می فرمایید که اول باید از من بازجویی و تفتیش عقاید بشود تا تعیین بشود که آیا میشود با بنده صحبت کرد یا خیر.


جالب است که کسی مانند شما که در خارج از کشور ادعای روشنفکری و کنشگری سیاسی دارد هم دست به همان تکنیک های گزینشی می زند که جمهوری اسلامی در ایران  سالهاست به آن دست میازد.

کل این ماجرا در این روزها خیلی برای من غم انگیز بوده. از سویی از جمهوری اسلامی ایران بیزارم، از سوی دیگر از نایاک خوشم نمی آید، از دیگر سو به حسن نیت حسن دایی سرسوزنی اعتقاد ندارم، و آخر از همه اینکه در چنین موقعیت هایی از تماشای رفتار تحصیلکردگان مدعی روشنفکری و فعالیت سیاسی چنین رفتاری می بینم و اگر ابراز نظر بکنم باید زیر اخیه کشیده بشوم و یا مانند آن دیگری لابد به من نیز برچسب نمایندۀ جمهوری اسلامی بودن بخورد.

امید من خوشبختانه به هیچیک از شما در خارج از ایران نیست. به سوالات شما هم فراتر از این جواب نمیدهم و پاسخ شما را هم ظرف سطور متعدد این نظریات خوانده ام.

من از نیاک حمایت نمیکنم، اما مجددا به شما یادآور میشوم که دشمن دشمن شما، الزاما دوست شما نیست. این شامل حال آقای حسن داعی، نیوکان ها، آیپک، و سازمان مجاهدین خلق ایران نیز میشود، چون هیچ معلوم نیست کسانی که علاقه ای به ایران و ایرانیان ندارند تا کجا برای مقاصد خودشان پیش خواهند رفت و دست به چه کارهایی ممکن است بزنند.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

A Pro-Democracy Student View from Inside Iran on NIAC

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Mash Ghassem jaan besiyar aziz,

I agree pretty much with what you wrote.  Our differences appear to be on minor tactics.  The pro-democracy students INSIDE Iran also make strong criticism and condemnation of NIAC and CASMII.

Here is an article published in the official site of Daftar Tahkim Vahdat:







Mash Ghasem

مسعود عزیز ،

Mash Ghasem

مسعود عزیز ، این که شد مثل " سین" ، "جین" های  آنچنانی! آقای من اینجوری که نمیشه نشست باهم صحبت کرد.
عزیز من شما در مورد نایاک ۱۰۰%  صحیح و  درست میباشید. اون
دو کلوم  هم که من  اینجا در مورد  " حسابرسی  به اعضا و شفافی ملاقات "
آوردم اتفاقا  ایده های هست که من از شما اقتباس کرده ام ( بدون اجازه شما ،
البته) .

به نظر این حقیر ، اصل  بحث  اینجاست که آیا آینده و آتیه ایران را 'نایاک'، دایی ,مجاهدین و امثالهم میسازند یا این آینده را جنبشهای اجتماعی
ما رقم میزنند.  و بر این باورم که فقط و فقط  با تقویت این جنبشها :
دانشجویان، زنان، کارگران... که ما میتوانیم سازمانهای مانند "نایاک" و حتا
بدتر از اون را منزوی کرده و به حاشیه برانیم. جنبش آفریقای جنوبی پیروز
شد  چونکه بین  جنبشهای خارج و داخل کشور آن زمان  آفریقای جنوبی ، یک
رابطه ارگانیک ، انداموار  برقرار  بود. جنبشهای پر سنبه  از داخل کشور   اکثریت
قریب به اتفاق این سازمانهای کاغذی  برون مرزی  را بی استفاده و نامربوط
خواهد کرد ، که نصف بیشترشون همین حالاشم نامربوطند.       
شما فقط دقت کن در این  زبان و فارسی ایکه دانشجویان مازندرانی در بیانیه
خود آورده اند. آدم حظ میکنه از این همه دانش و سخنوری و رو به آتیه داشتن, با اجازه شما استاد عزیز ، یک بار دیگر مهمترین قسمتهاش رو با هم بخوانیم: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ تاريخ در حال رقم خوردن است،خاورميانه ابستن حوادثی ژرف و تاريخ ساز
هست،چهره ی ديگری از ان در حال شکل گرفتن است،ما بر اين باوريم در قرن بيست
و يکم و در شرايطی که جنبش های اجتماعی در اقصی نقاط دنيا از هم الهام
گرفته و به هم ياری می بخشند،همکاری خرده جنبش ها در کشورهای مختلف منطقه
می تواند هزينه ی سرکوب برای اين دولت ها را بالا برده و همچنين بر حمايت
های بين المللی از ان ها بيفزايد.
استمرار در تاکيد و مقاومت بر سر مطالباتمان است که پيروزی را نصيب ما خواهد کرد...

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Questions of Mr. Zahrai

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Mr. Zahrai,

I do not know you. In order to provide an answer to your concern, I need to know your objectives. Please provide HONEST answers to my questions, and then I will be glad to provide a comprehensive response. The reason is that it matter whether you want to replace the ruling regime with democracy or you want to preserve and prolong the rule of the nezam vf.


1. Do you support the Velayat Faqih constitution? Please either "yes," or "no."

2. Do you support the reformist factions of the Nezam Velayat Faqih such as Khatami, Mousavi, Karrubi?

3. Do you support or oppose the overthrow of the Nezam Velayat Faqih (so that for example, we can establish democracy in Iran)? Please either "I support the overthrow of the Nezam VF" or "I oppose the overthrow of the Nezam VF."

4. In YOUR opinion, does NIAC promote policies that help overthrow the IRI? Please either "NIAC promotes policies that cause the overthrow of IRI" or "NIAC does not promotes policies that cause the overthrow of the IRI. If you would like to elaborate, please do so and provide us with a list of policies that NIAC promotes that cause the overthrow of IRI.

5. In YOUR opinion, does NIAC promote policies that help the Nezam Velayat Faqih?

I look forward to a civil dialogue and exchange of views and analysis. 



Masoud Kazemzadeh

On the Role of Responsible Intellectuals

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

VPK jaan,

Let me simply re-post what I already wrote.

I have written this already, but let me repeat. If you give billions of dollars every year to Khamenei, is that good for Khamenei or is it bad for Khamenei? If various entities in the world praise the terrorist regime is it good or bad for the regime? If various entities around the world criticized, condemned, and isolated the terrorist regime, is it good or bad for Khameni and the regime?

If my analysis and opinions are correct, then the logical conclusion is that NIAC’s policies help the terrorist regime to continue its rule.

I am a democrat. This means that I want to see the terrorist regime overthrown and democracy established in Iran. If what Basij does helps the terrorist regime, therefore as a democrat I have to oppose the basij and regard it as my enemy. If what NIAC does helps the terrorist regime, therefore as a democrat I have to oppose NIAC and regard it as my enemy.

If you agree with my analysis and opinion, then you, too, should oppose NIAC and regard it as your enemy. Please correct me if there is anything wrong with my assessment

If my analysis-opinion is correct, then it logically follows that if you oppose the terrorist regime and want to overthrow it, then NIAC is your enemy. If my analysis is wrong, then show me how it is wrong. I would be grateful to see any logical weaknesses and flaws in my analysis-opinion. I would be happy to change my analysis-opinion. You did NOT provide any argument against my writings.




Mr. Dai,

It is not easy to tell the difference between those who post on this site who are NIACis, supporters of the terrorist regime, actual agents of the Ministry of Intelligence, or simple naive persons used as useful idiots. For example, I cannot tell whether Molla is an agent of the Ministry of Intelligence or merely a supporter of the terrorist regime. In his posts, he supports the terrorist regime, and opposes the opposition, but once in a while claims that he is not a supporter of the terrorist regime.




Vildemose jaan,

Thank you for your kind and generous words. I appreciate your contributions to this forum.

With all the best wishes,



Mash Ghasem jaan,

I. On Dai’s work with the Washington Times in the struggle against NIAC.

In 1917, in the middle of WWI, Lenin sought and received secret assistance from Germans who were at war with Russia. The German secret agents put Lenin in a train and took him into Russia. Does the fact that Lenin got help from German secret agents logically follow that everything Lenin did is wrong? Do YOU condemn Lenin?

The fact that a right wing journalist from a right wing paper writes a story does not mean that the story is false. Similarly, a left wing journalist from a left wing paper writing something does not mean that his/her story is right or wrong. One has to read the report, read the document and use one’s brain.

As responsible intellectuals, we have to ask:

(1) "Who is our primary enemy?" If your answer is the fascist fundamentalist terrorist regime, then you follow one set of policies.

(2) For example, if you regard your main enemy to be the ruling fascist terrorist regime, then your next question is what groups promote policies that help the ruling terrorist and what groups fight against the ruling terrorists.

(3) The following question is: Does NIAC promote policies that help the terrorist regime or does NIAC promote polices that cause the overthrow of the terrorist regime?

(4) If your answer is that NIAC promotes policies that cause the overthrow of the terrorist regime, then NIAC is promoting policies beneficial to your cause. Then, you might join NIAC, or support it, or ignore it. If your answer is that NIAC promotes polices that help the fundamentalist regime, then NIAC is YOUR enemy. If your answer is NIAC is your enemy, you go to the next question.

(5) Next, who supports NIAC and who opposes NIAC? The Washington Times opposes NIAC.

(6) The next question is would you be willing to work with a group that you may not like but has the same enemy. This is a judgment call. For example, Lenin did not like the German government, but he worked with them in order to overthrow the Russian govt. You may support Lenin or condemn Lenin. Another example, is during WWII, Stalin cooperated with capitalist colonialist imperial powers (U.K., and U.S.) in order to fight Hitler and fascists. You could condemn Stalin for his cooperation with imperialists or you might support Stalin collaboration with imperialists. Or from the American point of view, FDR collaborated with Stalin in order to oppose Hitler. What Dai is doing is similar to what FDR did or what Lenin and Stalin did. You can condemn FDR for working with Stalin; but you should be aware many think what FDR did was good. The US could not defeat Axis by itself, so it was wise to ally with USSR to defeat Nazis. Mr. Dai is doing what FDR did; he is allying with WT in order to fight against NIAC and the fundamentalist regime. This is a judgment call. You may condemn Dai, but you should be aware that many hold a different opinion.

(7) The questions are: Has Mr. Dai undermined NIAC? Does undermining NIAC harms the fundamentalist terrorist regime? Are you willing to give an interview to a conservative journalist from a conservative American paper in order to harm the fundamentalist regime?

II. Far more significant is the question on what should responsible intellectual do to help the struggle against the fascist terrorist regime.

Khamenei uses the money from the sale of oil to pay many things including the salaries of IRGC, Ministry of Intelligence torturers, basij .... If you give billions and billions of dollars every year to Khamenei, then Khamenei could hire more personnel for his coercive apparatuses, pay them more, keep them working for him. If you have sanctions, then Khamenei simply does not have accesses to billions and billions of dollars every single year. These IRGC, Ministry of Intelligence, and Basij are the ones who attacks the striking workers, students, torture them, rape them, kill them. What is the impact of cutting the oil income going into the hands of Khamenei? What will happen if the terrorist regime loses 60% of its income overnight?????????

Therefore, giving BILLIONS of dollars every year to Khamenei has DIRECT impact on what happens to our striking workers, students, who fight against Khamenei. In the fight between Khamenei and the opposition, giving billions and billions of dollars to Khamenei is intervening in that fight to the benefit of Khamenei and against the interests of the workers and students who are fighting against Khamenei.

The question is does NIAC promotes policies which help give billions of dollars to Khamenei or does NIAC promote policies that take away billions of dollars going to Khamenei. If your answer is that NIAC promotes policies which help give billions of dollars to Khamenei, then I think the discussions in this blog have been relevant to the struggles of our striking workers and students inside Iran.

The above is my analysis-opinion. If you find anything that is in error of fact or interpretation, please let me know and I will be happy to change my opinion. Just tell me any sentence is factually wrong, and I will gladly accept your view. Just tell me any interpretation is wrong, and I will gladly change my opinion. It appears to me that my opinion is correct, but I am open to any logical argument.



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree with much of what you say. As well as some of what some other people including Mola {I hate it when that happens} mentioned. This is what I think:

  • IR is the greatest or at least a big enemy of the Iranian people.
  • There are other enemies specially Britain; Neocons and MKO.
  • Washington Times has no credibility.
  • Mr Dai has very questionable credentials.
  • Writing a letter does not mean one supports something. I write letters to my various representatives all the time. Some are Democrat and some are Republican. Does it mean I am an agent of both parties?
  • Mr Parsi has also some questionable connections. Although in my opinion they are not as questionable as those of Mr Dai.

Majid Zahrai

I'm with Mash Ghasem on this

by Majid Zahrai on

All this diversion about Iran's real issues ahead could very well be planned to sap our energy and distract us from helping the people of Iran while taking sides with two different organizations who obviously are wealthy and supported enough to hire lawyers and fight battles in court.

Mr. Dai not only does his hochigari against the respected publisher of this website, in his latest comment he basically says that those who oppose his opinions are either merceneries for the IRI or for NIAC. To him the only good participants in this disucssion are people who have defended him.  So much for what kind of "analyst" he is, and let this also be a lesson for people like Mr. Kazemzadeh who has gone completely gong-ho in chiming in with Dai so that he may attack NIAC through him. Word of caution: the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. All you had to do was to disagree with Mr. Dai and you, too, would join the ranks of cyber mercenaries for the IRI or NIAC!


Mr. Daioleslam

by MM on

I (*) have been basing my questions on your emails that were exhibited in the court documents (See below for the references):

1- Which "friends of you" was Kenneth Timmerman referring to when he emailed you that "I can always put you in touch with the people at Washington Times.  The problem, though, is that your friends have got to have something newsworthy to say" (exhibit D) (**)?

2- Why did you email to Kenneth Timmerman that the absolute integral part of any attack towards Obama and Clinton (***) started with the destruction of Trita Parsi (exhibit C) (**)?

BTW,  did you send your documentation to the FBI and asked them to expose Trita Parsi as an IRI agent (****)? If yes, what was the result, if no, why not?  And, I furthermore urge you to send the documents to the FBI for a full investigation? 


(*) I am not a NIAC cyber-army-member and certainly not an IRI-supporter, I have a day-job, but have supported NIAC since 2002 because they represent a portion of the Iranian-Americans, NIAC is respected by the US Congress and the White House and have accomplished a great deal since their inception, some of which were listed in my blog "Sorry… mind if I mop while you mope?".

(**) For the full text of the emails, please see the plaintiff's exhibits C-D in pages 18-19 that were filed in the District Court document # 08 CV 00705 (JBD) (PARSI et al v. HASSAN, //www.foreignpolicy.com/images/091113_Protective_order_Oct_30.pdf).

(***) Clinton and Obama were the democratic presidential candidates at the time.

(****) "Trita Parsi, Bob Ney, and Iran’s Oil Mafia: Penetrating the US Political System", By Hassan Daioleslam, on April 25th, 2007 - TP's relationship with IRI's inner-circles and the infiltration of the US Congress were discussed in your article: //www.intellectualconservative.com/2007/04/25/trita-parsi-bob-ney-and-iran%E2%80%99s-oil-mafia-penetrating-the-us-political-system/  and your website

Mash Ghasem

174 comments later and we're back to square one, looks a lot

by Mash Ghasem on

like our progress with democracy and free-speech in Iran, almost 100 years after Constitutional Revolution we're back where we began a 100 years ago.

Daei's citing of the infamous Washington Times as a defense should once and for all show all who we're dealing with in here, but  that's not going to happen. As most have expressed  HD's political background, method of engagment and tis his latest masterpiece, citing moonies WT leaves much to be desired.

Of universal agreeement is also the fact that IR remains the number one enemy of Iranian people, so who ever feels and needs to have meetings with any such officials should be most transparent and open about the content of such meeting. Especially if it's done in the name of a membership group, that claims to defend freedoms in Iran.

Last but not least: why all of this is really one of the worst diversions we could all waste all out times in? Because it has ZERO relevance or connection to the actual struggle of Iranian people. On that note I humbly direct your attention to the coming nation-wide students' strikes in Iran NEXT WEEK, 25 Ordibehesht.

And a lot more important that their most courageous action, under the bloody reign of IR, is their attention to issue of STRATEGY and how to successfully continue the struggle untill the overthrowing of IR, cheers


18ارديبهشت. پيوستن دانشجويان دانشگاه مازندران به اعتصاب سراسری 25 ارديبهشت و طرح پيشنهادهايی استراتژيک


اين اعتصاب ها بايد بصورت هفتگی ادامه يابد و پيشنهادمان اين است که چون در
بسياری از دانشگاه ها طی يک ترم بيش از يک غيبت در يک درس مجاز نمی باشد
،می توان تدابيری همچون تغيير روزهای اعتصاب بصورت گردشی انديشيد تا مشکلی
متوجه دانشجويان کنشگر نگردد.

تاريخ در حال رقم خوردن است،خاورميانه ابستن حوادثی ژرف و تاريخ ساز
هست،چهره ی ديگری از ان در حال شکل گرفتن است،ما بر اين باوريم در قرن بيست
و يکم و در شرايطی که جنبش های اجتماعی در اقصی نقاط دنيا از هم الهام
گرفته و به هم ياری می بخشند،همکاری خرده جنبش ها در کشورهای مختلف منطقه
می تواند هزينه ی سرکوب برای اين دولت ها را بالا برده و همچنين بر حمايت
های بين المللی از ان ها بيفزايد.
استمرار در تاکيد و مقاومت بر سر مطالباتمان است که پيروزی را نصيب ما خواهد کرد...




MK: Thank you for being the

by vildemose on

MK: Thank you for being the only voice of reason and without an alterior-motive. Wish we had more people like you.

United we bargain, divided we beg....

That's what Niac and neocons want; for us to stay divided.

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

"Ahmadinejad sent a letter to Obama, he must be an American agent!" pondered Hazrate shotor.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Mr Dai

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You bring some good points up. There are really two separate issues:

  • Your credibility which I admit I have questioned.
  • Relation of Mr Parsi with IR

I will leave out the first question and get to the second one. Is Mr Parsi connected to IR? I would have to say "Yes". He must have connections or else how would he be able to arrange meetings? Next, does this mean he is an agent of IR? I do not know that. Being connected does not mean being an agent. I personally know former members of IDF. That does not make me an Israeli agent. I also know people who once held positions in the Shah government. I am not an agent of Reza Pahlavi. 

I also know some mid level people in IR. They happen to hate IR but keep their position anyway. That does not make me an IR agent. 

I think Mr Parsi is the one to address whether he is an agent of IR. Just as you need to address your relation with MKO. Just as I have made it clear I am not an agent of Israel; IR or Monarchists. I do not hide my preference for Reza Pahlavi. However that is a personal preference and does not make me his agent. I have never met him. Maybe I will some day. I agree that NIAC is not interested in overthrow of IR. However I bet they would deal with a new non Islamic regime as well.

I give you another example: China. They are not interested in overthrow of IR. But they will be fine with any other Iranian government. They just want to make business deals. Maybe NIAC wants to keep its relations for similar reasons.

Just food for thought. Nothing personal against or for anyone.

Now I hope people will get over insults. Let us work together to overthrow IR. NIAC will be on the side lines watching Meanwhile if they want to preserve the Persepolis Tablets then good for them.


If forgotten, just scroll down to see my questions!

by پندارنیک on



آقای داعی عزیز

سوال و جواب بین بنده و شما احتیاجی به اسناد دادگاه فدرال و این
کلمه‌های قلمبه سلمبه ندارد. شما که به قول خودت توی کارهای ساختمانی
هستی‌، باید بهتر، شفاف تر و بی‌ حاشیه تر از عهده پرسش‌های عمله‌ای مثل من
بر آیی‌. با بچه که طرف نیستی‌، عزیز جان.



ارتش سایبری


دوستان عزیز

با خواندن برخی از نظرات که بیشتر به کیفر خواست و فحش نامه شبیه است یک سوال جدی برایم پیش آمد که کدامیک وابسته به ارتش سایبری نایاک و کدامیک وابسته به سربازان گمنام امام زمان میباشند. البته آنچنانکه ازبسیاری از ایمیل های تریتا پارسی و بابک طالبی با مآموران شناخته شده وزارت اطلاعات نتیجه میگیریم این است مرز جدی بین آنها وجود ندارد.

در پاسخ به آنانیکه میگویند من باید اول نظرم درمورد مجاهدین را بگویم در غیر اینصورت به من اعتماد نخواهند کرد نیز میگویم که احتیاجی نیست به من اعتماد کنید. کافی است به اسناد دادگاه فدرال نگاه کنید که باندازه کافی گویاست. جالب اینجاست که وقتی روزنامه واشنگتن تایمز تصمیم به چاپ بخش کوچکی از اسناد داخلی نایاک گرفت و این سازمان به کمک وکیل و موسسه روابط عمومی و با توسل به تهدید و سه بار مراجعه به قاضی دادگاه در صدد جلوگیری از چاپ این اسناد بود، یکی از شگردهای آنان بی اعتبار کردن من بود و با جمع کردن عده ای در اروپا و ایران و ضمن تماس با خبرنگار واشنگتن تایمز من را تروریست و جانی و ...خواندند.

جواب روزنامه واشنگتن تایمز به تریتا پارسی هماناست که من به نظرات مطرح شده پائین میگویم: 

به من اعتماد نکنید، به اسناد خود نایاک و ایمیل های خود تریتا پارسی نگاه کنید. به اندازه کافی گویا و معتبر هستند و خوب بودن یابد بودن حسن داعی از اهمیت و اعتبار این اسناد کم نمی کند. حسن داعی هرچه باشد و به هر میزان که بی اعتبار شود اما با تکیه بر آن نمی توان لابی تریتا پارسی به نفع رژیم ایران را پوشاند. 

با سپاس

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear MK

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree with some of what you are saying. But disagree with other parts.

  • POMI / MKO / MEK or whatever new name it has is not an option. Dai must respond and clearly define his position on MKO. Without that I will never trust him.
  • I am all for a new organization. We do need to form it.
  • Yes Shah was pushed out by a coalition of Carter; Britain specially BBC and France. This was the greatest disservice they did to Iran. I will never trust BBC.
  • The end of the regime is near. The big question is what comes next.
  • I do not consider NIAC an enemy nor helpful in removing IR. Is there to promote normalization of relations. Parsi does not care who runs Iran; just wants normalization.
  • We have no friends except for ourselves. We better get together now or let others write our future.

Here is another proposal that I know will be controversial. We must ally ourselves with Israel. I know many Israeli and find them to be fine people. They are afraid sh**less of their neighbors. If become their friend the benefits are immense. We are both in the same boat. Among wolves who want our land and our blood. Their political power will neutralize that of Britain and other real enemies of Iran.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Please do not put Reza Pahlavi in the same boat as Rajavi. Reza Pahlavi volunteered to fly jets for Iran. Rajavi sided with Saddam. You see the difference here or not?

The people you mention like Dabashi and Ebadi are arguments against NIAC not for it!

Please also do not insult MK. I do not know how good a professor he it. But I do know he is a patriot and respect him for it.

NIAC has done some good in many areas. However it is not our path to change in Iran.

There is need for a new organization to pull us together. It must include all patriots. Including Monarchists, JM; non-MKO socialists and so on.

Let us keep the insults out of this debate.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

R2-D2 jaan

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

R2-D2 jaan,

I, too, feel that the end of the regime is close.  One would be sad when the Titanic sank.  I am pretty sure than when the terrorist regime falls, the wonderful people of Iran will be celebrating like no other.  Few people have been so terribly brutalized as our people.  Few regimes have been so reactionary, so vicious, so blood-thirsty as the Islamic Republic.  Our people deserve much much better government than the one ruling us.

I look forward to the day of our freedom, our bahar azadi, when the dark days of oppression will end.  So many have sacrificed so much.

Lets hope we are right and the bahar azadi is close.  If our efforts help, then it is our moral duty to do all we can to overthrow this fascisitc regime and establish freedom and democracy in our beloved Iran.

be omid azadi,




Masoud Jaan

by R2-D2 on

You're a wonderfully informed Scholar - I have to say, as you very well know, I not only enjoy reading your blogs and commentary, but also, I always Learn something from them :)

Let me share with you a personal experience:

Back in 1979, I was a student in Engineering at the University of London - Two (2) months prior to the so-called Revolution in Iran, I started seeing signs on the "Light-posts" in the neighborhood of London that I lived in Persian saying "Khomeini" :)

I had absolutely no idea (Repeat, "No Idea Whatsoever") who Khomeini was - My friends who were a bit older than me said that this is "Ayatollah Khomeini", and clearly gave me his background :)

In the early parts of 1979, I started to see Mr. Ghotbzadeh and Khomeini everyday on BBC at 6:00 O'clock - They were giving interviews to the whole World ..... !

Similarly, many Scholar of Iran, said that a meeting that took place in 1978, in Guadalupe, attended by Callahan of Britain, Giscard of France, Helmut Schmidt of Germany, and Jimmy Careter of U.S., essentially sealed the Shah's fate -

The understanding predominat at the time was that the Shah could not be relied upon anymore to stand against Soviet Russia and Communism - I don't know whether you remember, he was giving interviews in the 1970's to Barbara Walters, Orianna Fallaci, Mike Wallace, and others, and was saying some "Crazy" and "Megalo-Maniac" stuff - You can actually watch these interviews on YouTube -

As it was clearly understood, the Western leaders collectively made the decision to get rid of him, and replace him with Khomeini and the Islamic Regime ..... !

I can say to you cathegorically that the bringing of Khomeini from Najaf to Neuphle Chateu in Paris was indeed a stratetgeic move to make Khomeini acceptable to both the Iranian people, and the rest of the World .... ! Like I said, every day, he was on BBC at 6:00 pm giving interviews ..... !

What I'm trying to say is this:

As you well know, I am, and have always been, a great admirer of our beloved Dr. Mossadeq - In my eyes, he was a great Patriot regardless of some serious errors of judgment on his part in dealing with the British ..... !

Having said all of that, in my book, all of these stories that we read about this fellow or that chap, are indeed "Secondary" issues in the overall assessment of things -

The Mullahs served their masters well while Communism was still around - Now that Communism is gone, we see all the unintended consequences of propping up bastards like them in the first place ..... !

The key is to focus on the removal of these people at any and all cost - The whole Islamic Republic has been a truly "Dark Cloud" hovering over our beloved Iran for the past thirty (30) years -

Engaging in such discussions as in this blog, in my humble opinion, is nothing but an exercise in futility - All of us freedom loving Iranians, whether in our beloved Iran, or overseas, should focus our energies and thoughts first and foremost on removing these bastards - As the saying goes, "We Should Not Miss The Forest For The Trees " ..... !

Nothing More, And Indeed, Nothing Less :) !




Masoud Kazemzadeh

Azadeh jaan, R2-D2 jaan, Amir jaan

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Azadeh jaan,

Thank you my friend. The public support of democrats like you is very helpful to counteract the propaganda of the enemy.

On HD.

1. I do not know him. I have only read less than 20 stuff that he has published, mostly the documents that he has published. Therefore, I do not have a good basis for judging him.

2. I read a few things posted on him in this blog. Many of the stuff against HD were obvious smears and they were done soooooo badly with full of lies and ridiculous stuff. For example, in this one:


The Propagandist writes:

"In June, 1981, it began a campaign of assassination that killed many moderate elements of the Iranian government and brought to power the fundamentalist and reactionary forces, who in turn executed thousands of MKO supporters."



ANYone who knows the most elementary stuff about history knows that the propaganda written is 100% LIE. The FACT is that in June 1981 the extremist terrorist fundamentalist made a coup against the moderate President Bani Sadr. The PMOI in actual FACT sided with and defended the MODERATE Bani Sadr and opposed the terrorist fundamentalists. Heloooooooo. The PMOI began an armed struggle against the terrorists and killed terrorist leaders such as Bahonar, Rajai, Beheshti. This is exactly the same policy President Obama has with terrorist of al Qaeda by killing the terrorist of al Qaeda like Usama bin Laden.

One might agree with the policy of killing terrorist leaders as done by President Obama and the PMOI. Or one might disagree with such policies and oppose killing terrorist leaders.


There are many other LIES in the propaganda. For example the propaganda writes:

"The Propagandist writes: "Since MKO could not be active in the United States and Europe as a terrorist organization, it created a political arm known as National Council of Resistance (NCR), ..."


Again this is a LIE. In actual FACT the National Council of Resistance of Iran was created by President Bani Sadr and Masoud Rajavi in 1981 and included many parties and groups such as the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdestan, Hezb Kar, National Democratic Front, a faction of the Fadaian - Minority lead by Mehdi Sameh, etc....

Again those who wrote the propaganda are either utterly ignorant of the basics of Iranian politics and history or charlatans and liars.

Now lets review what the stuff says directly about HD.

The Propagandist writes:

"According to Mohammad Sobhani, a former MKO member:

"Hassan Daioleslam, who is also considered as a member of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (Rajavi Cult) had been under harsh criticism for a long time by the cult leader Massoud Rajavi because he would not leave the USA and join the cult under the rule of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. But now, in the new circumstances in which the remnants of the Rajavi cult after the fall of Saddam Hussein find themselves in western countries, Hassan’s social position and his ability to speak English has grabbed the attention of Rajavi."



Anyone who knows anything about CULTS knows that a member of a cult cannot be under HARSH CRITICISM FOR A LONG TIME BY THE CULT LEADER. Duuuuuuuh.

If you are in a cult, then when you disobey the cult leader, they put tremendous pressure on you and if you do not submit, then the cult leader will crush you or at a minimum expel you. And one of the most dangerous persons to a cult leader is a former member of that cult. If HD was a member of the PMOI, and he opposed Rajavi for a looooooooong time, and still a member, then PMOI is not a cult but a very open and pluralistic entity that allows those who oppose the leader can continue to do so for a looooooooooong time and be members in good standing. Do you see how utterly ridiculous the garbage is that the propagandist writes.

In conclusion, the Propaganda that I have seen posted in this threat against HD is pure 100% GARBAGE. If that is all NIAC or the group that is behind this propaganda is (I have no idea whether NIAC is or is not behind this propaganda cited here), then it shows their lack of evidence. They have written garbage merely to throw mud at a person.

Obviously, they know that HD’s brother and sister are members of PMOI. Well if HD was a member of PMOI, then they would also know. The fact that instead of using the same evidence, they say that his brother and sister are members of PMOI. In actual fact many members of the terrorist regime have close family members in the PMOI. For example, Ayatollah Ahmad Jennati’s son was in the PMOI. Jenatti has been the head of the Council of Guardians since when it began in 1979-1980 period. Ayatollah Gilani who was the prosecutor general and responsible for mass killings, executed his own son who was a member of PMOI.

The fact the Jennati’s son was a member of the PMOI has nothing to do with Ayatollah Jenatti’s politics. The same logic holds for HD. If the propagandist had evidence, then they would have presented it.

It would be interesting to know who is actually behind the above attack. Is it NIAC? Is it someone from the Ministry of Intelligence? Is it someone on their own, an individual who has some affinity for NIAC or for some other reason? Why the site does not provide the name of the persons who are the sites authors and founders?

In conclusion, I have no idea whatsoever about HD. In other words, I do NOT know his politics. What is obvious is that there is a campaign to attack him. It appears to me that the reason is to intimidate him into silence so that he would be afraid to criticize NIAC. Obviously, NIAC sued him, but he stood up to NIAC and has succeeded in publishing wonderful documents about NIAC.

I am very happy to have seen these documents.

If one day it comes out that HD is an actual member of the PMOI, then we should criticize him for his support and membership of PMOI. The PMOI is a dictatorial group and as democrats we oppose and criticize them.

I tried to the best of my abilities to be very very comprehensive and cover any and all aspects. If there is anything else, please let me know.




My friend R2-D2,

Looooooong time, no see. Great seeing your post. Welcome back. Please explain what you meant. I am not sure.





Amir jaan,

I fully agree with you. What we needed (need), was (is) a movement modeled after the anti-apartheid movement that campaigned for UN Security Council sanctions against the apartheid regime. Unfortunately due to a variety of factors, including the weakness of the opposition, this has not happened.

You are right about China. They get about 18% of their oil from IRI. I have heard that the regime gives (secret) discounts in order to get customers. So, the Chinese get stable and cheaper-than-market price for the oil. Also both Russia and China somewhat benefit when the IRI does things against the U.S. which keeps the U.S. occupied. Some times, Russia and China get major concessions from the U.S. in order to vote along with the US in the UNSC. When there is tension between IRI and the US and price of oil goes up, Russia benefits because they are a major oil exporter. But China loses when the price of oil goes up. However, both Russia and China have much much more significant relationships with the US than they have with the terrorist regime. Therefore, when push came to shove (so far) they did not veto 4 major UNSC sanctions against the terrorist regime in the past 4 years or so. They had to do with uranium enrichment and not about human rights or democracy.

In my opinion, there is an unholy alliance of big American oil companies, big American companies, some elements of the fundamentalist regime, some Iranian-American businessmen in the US, and greedy opportunistic individuals who want to remove the sanctions so that they can make huuuuuuuge amounts of money dealing with the terrorist regime. Their primary motive is to make profit. They do not give a damn about human rights of the Iranian people. My 2 cents.

I think (and hope) that the Obama administration might go for real serious sanctions. Saudi Arabia has excess capacity. They are producing about 4 million barrels a day (I think, I can check this if you want me to). They have the capacity to produce up to about 9 million barrels a day. Iran exports about 2 mbd. Recently Iraq exported more than Iran. So with Saudi Arabia increasing their exports, the world could absorb the total sanction on oil from Iran right now. I think that Saudis were reluctant to increase their oil export because that would have upset the terrorist regime which might have created trouble for the Saudi government. But if push comes to shove, I think the Saudis will increase their oil production to fill the gap left by the sanctions on oil from the terrorist regime.

Well, at least this is my view.

Best wishes and hope for a free and democratic Iran





by Paykar on

This thread has gone though its uncivil phase. Please be civil in presenting your opinion. Massoud’s credentials speak for themselves.

I don't agree with your assumption that an analyst must " speak" to officials of Iran. There are many sources of publically available information to enable an educated person to draw rational conclusions about the state of affairs in Iran.

Stop your insults, you are not doing Mr. Parsi a favor.



Massoud Jaan

by Paykar on

Thank you for taking the thread in a new direction, namely a concrete proposal  that might unify the opposition.

The sanctions against the oil purchase are certainly capable of crippling the regime; but worldwide participation seems implausible, given that a major power such as China would not participate at all. Same can be said about India and a few European countries (I do not have exact knowledge of who buys and what percentage of it).

Obviously we (all of the opposition combined) do not have the power to persuade a significant number of countries to adopt such a measure.

Unless the U.N. mandates such a sanction (very unlikely) and the U.S. takes the lead in enforcing the it by naval blockade, there seem to be no other way. Furthermore, a naval blockade effectively means an act of war.

Given the fragile state of global economy for the foreseeable future, none of the major powers would push for this type of sanction- I wish it could happen.

I apologize for a hasty response.



Ramin J

So Parsi met with an Iranian official???

by Ramin J on


Masoud, since you are supposedly a professor of political science, the real question is: Why are you not meeting with and intervieiwng Iranian officials? If you claim to analyze Iran, how can you do so by never actually talking to the people you analyze?

In one of the intreviews regarding his book, Parsi said he also met with Israelis. So is he now a lobbyist for Israel as well?

What kind of a logic is this Masoud? Is this why you are a third rate professor at a third rate college?

Your intelligence seems to be at Sara Palin's level. She thought she knew foreign policy because she could see Russia from her window. You think someone is a lobbyist for the regime if he talks to their officials.

Sara Palin may run for president. Perhaps you can run for village idiot Masoud? You have my vote.

Ramin J

Massoud - pro-democracy activists do NOT oppose NIAC

by Ramin J on

Massoud - you do not speak for pro-democracy activists. I favor democracy and regime change in Iran, yet find myself in disagreement with many of the simplistic arguments you have presented, as well as your rather undemocratic approach to people who differ with you.

And as a pro-democracy Iranian who long for the day the regime falls, i do note that the following people seem to be aligned or at least supportive of NIAC:

1. Shirin Ebadi - //www.niacouncil.org/site/News2pageNewsArti...

2. Hamid Dabashi - //iranian.com/main/2010/jun/trita-parsi

3. Nazila Fathi and Nader Hashemi - //www.niacouncil.org/site/PageServer?pagename...

4.Maz Jobrani - //www.niacouncil.org/site/PageServer?pagename...

5. Scott Lukas and Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak - //www.niacouncil.org/site/News2pageNewsArti...

But if with "pro-democracy" people you mean Rajavi, Pahlavi and their blind followers, then you may be right. But no one else tends to view them as pro-democracy though. 

In fact, last time i checked, neither MKO nor the Monarchists could get Ebadi to speak at their events or express support for them. Wonder why she then would attend NIAC's event?

Oh, i know your answer! Of course, Ebadi is also with the regime. Her 30 year work for human righst was just a facade to trick people to think she is against the regime.

But you Massoud, a mediocre professor at a third rate college, was far too smart for the NIAC conspirators. You solved the mystery of Ebadi and Parsi in minutes! Good for you!


As The Saying Goes .....

by R2-D2 on

The Titanic is sinking, and indeed, we are re-arranging the chairs ..... !

P.S. I sincerely hope you understand what I'm saying ;) !



Azadeh Azad

Strong arguments, Masoud jan

by Azadeh Azad on

Your arguments are strong and I don't think those who truly oppose the Islamic Dictatorship of Iran would disagree with them.

 What I'd like to know is: what do you know about this HD guy and what do you think of him? Thanks.




Myths vs. Facts

by MM on

Myths vs. Facts: Fighting the Smears


.......On a few occasions, US lawmakers asked if Parsi could introduce them to the Ambassador, since Parsi had interviewed him on numerous occasions for his book. Parsi obliged and did make introductions. He did not, however, arrange any meetings. In his email to the Iranian ambassador, Parsi also made it very clear that the introduction was solely made due to NIAC's hope to prevent a US-Iran war. Again, the email was sent at the request of those Members of Congress - not the Iranian government. NIAC has never and will never work on behalf of the Iranian government.


I try to reference all my

by MM on

I try to reference all my comments to the most reliable source that I can find (look them up!).  Correct referecing is the first thing you learn when trying to publish in peer-reviewed journals.  Unfortunately, some of us can write a whole bunch in a blog without saying much, others with PhDs will not use their skills to coalesce, while others' writings as articles get rejected or have be edited / checked with lawyers and still be called "wonderful" by naivety!

Masoud Kazemzadeh

VPK: Why Pro-Democracy Activists Oppose NIAC

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

VPK jaan,

You wrote: "I agree that NIAC is not going to help overthrow IR. That is why I have been advocating a new organization. NIAC does not even claim to be trying to overthrow IR. It wants to normalize realtions."


MK: Thank you for agreeing. Lets develop this further. If we want to overthrow the fundamentalist terrorist regime (Nezam Velayat Faqih), what policies help us and what policies help the terrorist regime. Based on the answer to this, we can judge who our enemies are.

See what Basij does in Iran and what the opponents of the regime do? Basij praises officials of the terrorist regime and says fadayat shavam stuff to the leaders of the terrorist regime.

What slogans do the pro-democracy protesters shout and use on the streets of Iran? The opponents of the terrorist regime say: "marg bar dictator," "marg bar Khamenei," "marg bar asl velayat faqih,".....


Now read the e-mail of the President of NIAC to one of th highest leaders of the TERRORIST regime.


Dear Amb. Soltanieh,

It was a great pleasure seeing you in Holland for the Pugwash meeting. I very much enjoyed our conversation and I look forward to remaining in touch.

Trita Parsi




Is this the slogan, policy, action of the likes of basij or the likes of the opponents of the terrorist regime?

I have written this already, but let me repeat. If you give billions of dollars every year to Khamenei, is that good for Khamenei or is it bad for Khamenei? If various entities in the world praise the terrorist regime is it good or bad for the regime? If various entities around the world criticized, condemned, and isolated the terrorist regime, is it good or bad for Khameni and the regime?

If my analysis and opinions are correct, then the logical conclusion is that NIAC’s policies help the terrorist regime to continue its rule.

I am a democrat. This means that I want to see the terrorist regime overthrown and democracy established in Iran. If what Basij does helps the terrorist regime, therefore as a democrat I have to oppose the basij and regard it as my enemy. If what NIAC does helps the terrorist regime, therefore as a democrat I have to oppose NIAC and regard it as my enemy.

If you agree with my analysis and opinion, then you, too, should oppose NIAC and regard it as your enemy. Please correct me if there is anything wrong with my assessment.

Now on what should replace the terrorist regime. I am an official of Jebhe Melli Iran- Kharej az Keshvar. I have chosen what party/organization I think is the best. Another person may choose monarchy, another choose a socialist group, etc. It is up to each person’s wishes. Each of these parties/groups provide its arguments against the terrorist regime. Each person should study various group’s ideology, history, methods of struggle, and then come to his or her solution.

What does NOT make any sense it to support a group whose policies will help the terrorist regime and thus prolong the tyranny. Let me give you an analogy.

Someone has cancer. Dr. says there are 5 possible solutions. There are some things that help the cancerous tumors and there are some groups that says their remedy might work. One thing should not do is to provide help to the cancerous tumors. In this analogy, basij and NIAC provide help to the cancerous tumor. Therefore, if my analysis-opinion is correct, therefore, do NOT help the Basij or NIAC. Now the remedies of this or that group may work or may not work.

In my opinion, the best policy is to have sanctions on purchase of crude oil from the terrorist regime. This will certainly weaken the terrorists. Hopefully, this will weaken the regime so much that the people will be able to overthrow the terrorist regime. We also need to isolate the terrorist regime globally. We need to protest against them and shout "marg bar Khamenei," "marg bar asl velayat faqih," "Independence, Freedom, Iranian Republic." We need to do this every place possible.

If anyone else has a better policy that would help the struggle to overthrow the terrorist regime and establish democracy, I would love to read it. Through a open, honest exchange of ideas, we could see what policy has a good chance of working. I am willing to change my opinion if anyone presents a policy that has a higher chance of overthrowing the terrorist regime than the one I proposed.

Best regards,
