افشاگری حسن داعی در مورد ارتش سایبری نایاک ، لابی رژیم


افشاگری حسن داعی در مورد ارتش سایبری نایاک ، لابی رژیم
by afshinazad

ارتش سایبری نایاک و سایت ایرانیان دات کام اسناد دادگاه فدرال واشنگتن حسن داعی : پس از آنکه "باب نی" نماینده فاسد کنگره و کارفرمای تریتا پارسی در پایان سال 2006 تحت تعقیب قضائی قرار گرفت و ارتباطات وی با جمهوری اسلامی برملا شد، سیل مقالات و گزارشات در باره لابی رژیم ایران در آمریکا و بخصوص نقش ویژه سازمان نایاک براه افتاد. برملا شدن ارتباطات ویژه تریتا پارسی با مسئولین رژیم و بخصوص باند احمدی نژاد و ملاقات های پنهان با هاشمی ثمره در اروپا، باعث بی آبروگی و بی اعتباری وی در میان جامعه ایرانی-آمریکائی شد. تریتا پارسی و حامیان وی، برای مقابله با انتقادات هموطنان و ترمیم چهره لابی رژیم دست به اقدامات گوناگونی زدند. مثلا از سال 2009 که دادگاه فدرال به من اجازه انتشار اسناد داخلی نایاک را داد، تریتا پارسی با یک موسسه روابط عمومی بسیار مهم بنام Brown Lloyd James قرارداد بست تا ضمن بکارگیری امکانات رسانه ای این موسسه در آمریکا، برای ارتقاء موقعیت خراب شده نایاک یک کارزار براه بیندازند.این موسسه همچنین برای معمر قذافی و کمپانی نفتی بریتیش پترولیوم نیز کار روابط عمومی و "ترمیم چهره" انجام داده است. من در یک گزارش ویژه اسناد مربوط به این شرکت روابط عمومی و هجوم رسانه ای آنها در رسانه های آمریکائی و ایرانی را بازگو خواهم کرد.اسناد دادگاه همچنین نشان میدهد که نایاک از سال 2008 ببعد یک ارتش سایبری درست کرده تا سربازان آن تحت نامهای مختلف، زیر هر مقاله ای که بنفع یا علیه نایاک چاپ میشود نظر بدهند و وبلاگ ها و روزنامه ها را در اختیار گیرند تا فضایی بنفع این سازمان ایجاد کنند. این ارتش مخفی سایبری توسط بابک طالبی نفر شماره دوم نایاک براه افتاد و نام Internet response Team را روی آن گذاشت.سربازان این گروه کماندوئی را کارمندان نایاک و همچنین داوطلبانی تشکیل میدهند که برطبق خط و خطوط داده شده توسط تریتا پارسی به فعالیت در دنیای مجازی می پرداختند. برای مطالعه بخشی از این اسناد به روی این لینک کلیک کنید://www.iranian-americans.com/docs/ResponseTeam.pdfنکته دیگری که در این اسناد جلب توجه میکند، ارتباط ویژه نایاک با دو سایت "ایرانیان دات کام" و دیگری "پیوند" میباشد که به بلندگوهای این سازمان تبدیل شده اند. به چند ایمیلی که بین جهانشاه جاوید و تیم نایاک رد و بدل شده نگاه کنید تا با "بیطرفی" سایت ایرانیان در مورد نایاک آشنا شوید.این ایمیل ها نشان میدهد که نایاک از امتیازات ویژه ای در این سایت برخوردار بوده و مقالات و بلاگ های آنان بی هیچ مشکلی وارد سایت میشده اند. ماهی دو سه مقاله و هفته ای چند بلاگ سهم حداقلی است که جهانشاه برایشان معین کرده است.طی 4 سال گذشته، جهانشاه جاوید بارها و بارها مقالاتی را در نشریه خود به چاپ رسانده که ضمن دفاع از نایاک، با اسم و رسم به من حمله کرده اند. من نیز بارها و بارها با ارسال ایمیل از او خواسته ام که پاسخ مرا چاپ کند که وی نیز اعتنائی نکرده است.ایمیل های بدست آمده از دادگاه نشان میدهد که انتظار بیطرفی از جهانشاه جاوید امری بیهوده و ناشی از توهم است. وی که اولین کارهای رسانه ای خود را نزد صادق خرازی یعنی پدر خوانده لابی رژیم در آمریکا شروع کرد، در سایت خود بخش کوچکی را به بلاگ های مختلف اختصاص داده تا نشانی از دموکراسی و آزاد منشی اش باشد. اما بخش اصلی سایت همواره شامل مقالات و گزارشاتی است که توسط امثال تریتا پارسی، دیگر اعضای شناخته شده یا مستعار نایاک، اردشیر عمانی و افرادی مشابه است.در اینجا بازهم از جهانشاه جاوید میخواهم که بنا به اصول شناخته شده دموکراسی، اجازه دهد تا در مقابل دهها مقاله ای که نایاک و ارتش سایبری اش در این سایت علیه من نوشته اند، یکبار و فقط یکبار وی پاسخ کامل من به آنان را به دو زبان انگلیسی و فارسی چاپ کند.


more from afshinazad
Masoud Kazemzadeh

MM on Slanderous Attacks, NIAC, and NIAC Financial Gain, Sanctio

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


Wow, now you are against libel and slander. (1) Please tell us whether your personal attacks on me constitute libelous or slanderous? (2) And whether the document published by Dai (letter of Trita Parsi) actually vindicates my assumption?




MK: 11. In your opinion, is it reasonable or it is irrational to think that a possible motive for NIAC officials (e.g., Trita Parsi and Siamak Namazi) was for personal financial gain?


MM: It is completely irrational, illogical and insane since not a single one of your premises were accurate. Based on 10 disconnected and false premises and assumptions, you wish Iranian-Americans to buy your illogical conclusion. This raises questions that you faked your way through college and through your PhD thesis.





Now lets looks at some evidence provided my Mr. Dai. The following is a quote from a letter written by Trita Parsi to Roy Coffee.



Trita Parsi's letter:


Although the mission of the proposed lobby should be to improve relations between the US and Iran and open up opportunities for trade, the initial targets should be less controversial issues such as visas and racial profiling/discrimination. Since the lobby will be spared from creating a grassroots network of its own, the initial focus on non-controversial issues will only serve to establish credibility within the community, and not massive support (which would necessitate the complete avoidance of issues such as US-Iran relations).

Furthermore, it would bea wise strategy to mainly target Iranian-American businessmen for financial support. This group has both a higher propensity to support the lobby’s mission and it is also in a better position to underwrite the expenses of the lobby. Nonetheless, despite its predominantly business oriented constituency, it isessential that the lobby creates a "human face" for its aims and goals. AIPAC successfully painted the opponents of the Iran Libya Sanctions Act as "greedy businessmen who had no scruples when it came to doing business with terroristregimes." The oil companies failed to characterize their campaign with "human concern for the well-being of innocent Iranians stuck with a dictatorial regime" or "support for the poor mid-Western family father who lost his job due the sanctions." The human element is essential both when it comes to attracting support among Iranian-Americans and when it comes to winning the debate and the votes on the Hill. "




1. Are your personal attacks on me libelous or slanderous? In other words, you knew what you wrote was not true, but you wrote a false attack to undermine and hurt me.

2. Does the letter by Trita Parsi show that making money was a possible motive for the creation of a lobby to get rid of the sanctions?


3. Were you aware of the above letter?  Please either "yes" or "no"? 


Please no more personal attacks and insults. Please provide a simple "yes," or "no."  I look forward to reading your honest answers.



Majid Zahrai

سندروم "بگم، بگم؟"

Majid Zahrai

واقعا که باعث خجالت و افسردگی است. سندروم "افشاگری" یا "بگم بگم" از فردای 22 بهمن 57 گریبان ملت ایران را گرفته و رها نمیکند. چه سرهای سبز که با این لمپنیسم بالای دارها رفته و چه آبروها که ریخته شده. از افشاگری های ساختگی سفارت آمریکا (لانۀ جاسوسی) تا ستون "هویت" روزنامۀ کیهان شریعتمداری و دادگاههای فرمایشی و اعترافات اجباری و "بگم، بگم؟ " های رییس جمهور دروغگو و بی اخلاق ایران، گوش ما دیگر از این حرفها پر شده است. ایرانی های بیچاره داخل ایران که راه فراری از این لمپنیسم ندارند و باید این لاطائلات را ببینند و بشنوند. ببینید ما ایرانی های خارج از ایران چه بدبختیم که آقای داعی و امثال ایشان "کارشناس امور ایران" نامیده میشوند و آنوقت از تریبون استفاده می کنند تا اینطور به دیگران حمله کنند. باید باعث خجالت ما باشد که گوش به حرفهای کسی بدهیم که بی مهابا و بر اساس هیچ و پوچ به خودش اجازه میدهد به سردبیر این سایت حمله کند که یک موی گندیده اش می ارزد به هزاران "کارشناسی" که بجز تخریب و ایجاد تنفر هیچ کاری برای ایران و ایرانیان نکرده است.



thanks Anahid and Mehrdad for your kind remarks

by MM on

JJ has created a forum for debate.  It is too bad that we do not fully appreciate it and try to forge a coelition towards a democratic Iran, rather than using it to throw libel and slander.

Too bad!



by MM on

Still waiting on:

- What did Timmerman mean by asking HD's "friends" with information to come forward (*)?

- Why did HD write that the path towards the destruction of Obama and Clinton started with the destruction of T. Parsi (*)?

(*) for details, see my last two posts 

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Mardom Mazloom on NIAC, Prolonging Velayat Faqih or Democracy

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Mardom Mazloom,

I am not going to lower myself to your level. Instead of making personal attacks and insults, may I request that you use logical arguments.

1. I argue that the fundamentalist terrorist regime is bad and has to be replaced with a democratic secular republic.

If my position is bad or unpatriotic, then PLEASE present YOUR arguments that the Nezam Velayat Faqih is good and patriotic and has to be preserved. Calling me RayBan Kazemzadeh or this or that, does NOT contribute to the knowledge of the readers of this blog.

In other words, I am against the Nezam Velayat Faqih. You need to make YOUR position CLEAR. Either you support the Velayat Faqih Constitution or you oppose it.

So this is what argument YOU need to make. Why Nezam Velayat Faqih is good and why democracy is bad. Please please, do not make personal insults. Simply make logical arguments.

2. On NIAC. My argument is that if we want to overthrow the Nezam Velayat Faqih (the fundamentalist terrorist regime), one may join a number of opposition groups. NIAC policies do NOT help in the struggle to overthrow the terrorist regime. Moreover, the policies advocated and lobbied by NIAC help the terrorist regime prolong its rule.

If my argument is wrong, then you NEED to make logical arguments that NIAC policies help the struggle to overthrow the Nezam Velayat Faqih.

Either my argument is correct or it is wrong. Calling me Rayban Kazemzadeh does NOT add to our knowledge. Please make a logical argument that NIAC is involved in policies that cause the overthrow of the velayat faqih regime Iran.

For example, make the argument that removing sanctions and giving billions and billions of dollars to the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei will cause the overthrow the Nezam Velayat Faqih.  In other words, tell us that giving an additional 40 BILLION dollars a year to Khamenei is bad for Khamenei and good for the opposition to the Velayat Faqih.  Please make the argument that Nelson Mandela who advocated sanction on the aparthied regime was a traitor and a  MORON and should be condemned.


3. On the June2009 vote and the post-election protests. I have a book coming out on this subject. Once it is out, I will post a link to it, so that you and other readers of this site may get it and read it.

In the meantime, lets use YOUR own words.


"Before the June's election, he was the one here, jumping up and down and labeling others who wanted to vote as Naive, IRI agents, etc"


"Neverthless, people went and voted, not to approve the regime but to say no to it. They were duped...."


Do YOU see that in YOUR own words, you write that those who voted were DUPED. And the person who BEFORE the election wrote here that to vote and think that their votes matters are being "NAIVE"????? Do YOU realize that according to YOUR OWN words, I was right????


And YOU write


"Neverthless, people went and voted, not to approve the regime but to say no to it. They were duped and it's because of that, that they came to streets and first chanted "where is my vote" and then "Marg bar dictator". "


"Before the June's election, he was the one here, jumping up and down and labeling others who wanted to vote as Naive, IRI agents, etc. After the election, RayBan Kazemzadeh wept crocodile tears for the noble people of Iran who were killed because they protested for their stolen votes. Now, go figure out!"


The questions here are:

a. Who is responsible to the death of the Iranian people?

B. Should those who oppose the terrorist regime should have participated in the protests or not?

C. Should those who oppose the terrorist regime cry for the death of the Iranian people or not?

D. Those whose slogans on the streets of Iran are: "Esteghlal, Azadi, Jomhuri IRANI," are they supporters of the terrorist regime or are they supporters of MY politics?

E. Did agents of the fundamentalist terrorist regime say that people should vote? Did Supreme Leader tell the people to vote?

I look forward to reading your LOGICAL arguments. Please do not make personal attacks and insults.


Ramin J

Tell us about your criminal record in France Dai!

by Ramin J on

i used to read a lot of Dai's articles, primarily in Farsi, but after doing my own research on him, including talking to friends in Paris who knew him when he was based there for the MKO, I simply cannot believe a word coming out of his mouth.

The fact that he is with the MKO is undisputed, even at the Parazit interview he refused to distance himslef from them, and actually spoke about them in very flattery terms. 

But what got me is that I saw that he himslef has never done a positive thing, only attacked people. And i disagree with many of the people he attacks, but I cannot see ourselves building a future by just attacking people we disagree with. And of course, one does wonder what type of a person actually spends ALL of his time attacking others.

The other thing, which is related, is finding out from mutual friends that not only does Dai not do any good things, he has a criminal record in France for financial fraud and other things.

In his defense, my friends tell me that he had to defraud a bunch of people because he was under order from the MKO, but regardless, it does tell you something about who this person is. 

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Bavafa, I think

by Anahid Hojjati on

blocking is good sometimes.  It does not have to be permanent but why would some commentator go around calling Vildemose and MM and Ari names? For instance, it is obvious that Vildemose is against IRI so why would any one with good intentions would drag vildemose into this? Others who have been called names too. I know that they are against IRI.

Also if someone on IC advocates positions that are not as anti IR as some others, they need to be convinced that there are better opions for Iran. Yes, there were in past some users who were pro IRI no matter what but thankfully they are mostly gone because they were abusive to others on the site. As far as being against NIAC, I think Hassan Dai is a wrong "parchamdar" since there are some evidence that he is into MKO camp.



by yolanda on

Wow! so the dude got blocked?


Anahid Jaan: Not doubting you or any thing

by Bavafa on

I don't know if one of these individuals has been blocked or not, but reading his posts, I had long wondered how he was able to carry on with his less then intelligent type comment, rudely attacking any one that opposes his extreme view could carry on like that.

On the other hand, since I really do not advocate blocking any one, even those extreme and rude individuals, I never said any thing nor wished for him to be blocked. Just ignored his comments even when it was directed at me.

But I also like to bring this to our attention that such accusation is not coming only from one individual. I don't mean to suggest that all of those who oppose NIAC resort to such tactics but unfortunately many of them are from such camp.


Anahid Hojjati

Dear Bavafa, my understanding is that

by Anahid Hojjati on

some of these weird name calling, I call it weird since the users whom you named are some of the nicest writers/commentators on this site, so I followed the comments and it looked like the commentator who did these name calling and also upset "Hafez for Beginners", this person has already been blocked. So as unfortunate as it is that Vildemose, MM, Ari, and Afsaneh have been called names, at least the name caller has been blocked.


Some food for thought here

by Bavafa on

- Ari is being compared to IRI thugs

- Vildemose is accused of being a terrorist

- MM is accused of IRI paid agent

These are all coming from NIACers and Die supporters.

Go figure, can it get any more telling about their credibility and mindset?!?!?!?


P.S. Of course we are not forgetting JJ as an accomplice to Titra Parsi organization, as the main premise of this paper, which I called it a witch hunt


Andisheh TV interview with Hassan Dai is very telling

by MM on




Abridged Hassan Daioleslam Interview - Andisheh TV 1 of 3 (relationship w/ neocons like Kenneth Timmerman; editing/influencing of Hassan Dai’s writings; destroy Trita Parsi as a starting point to smear Clinton and Obama)

Abridged Hassan Daioleslam Interview - Andisheh TV 2 of 3 (relationship w/ J. Glazov; high-ranking sister and brother of Hassan Dai in MKO; Iran sanctions; neocons)

Abridged Hassan Daioleslam Interview - Andisheh TV 3 of 3 (advice from Michael Rubin on how to say things to avoid libel; Why no one publishes Hassan Dai’s articles)


Regarding emails Between Kenneth Timmerman and Hassan Dai

by MM on

Talking about emails, let's look at some more emails between Kenneth Timmerman and Hassan Dai where KT asks HD "your friends have got to have something newsworthy to say."  Who is your friends w/ "newsworthy to say"???????

In another email, HD suggests that destroying Trita Parsi is an absolute integral part of any attack on  Clinton or Obama.

Judge for yourselves!


From: Kenneth Timmerman.............

Sent: Wednesday. August 27. 2008 7:59 PM

To: Hassan Dai ......

Subject: Re: Nemazee


... As for your second item. I can always put you in touch with people at the Washington Times. The problem, though, is that your friends have got to have something newsworthy to say. I doubt that any print publication would publish their entire statement, except as a paid advertisement.


On 4/2/08 12:35 AM. "Hassan Dai" ~hassan.dai@.....wrote:

> Ken.

> 2 questions:

> 1- Is it politidly correct to attack the Rockefeller

> foundation?

> 2- Is the CA senator going for reelection? In this

> case, we could use her support to NIAC.

> Ken.

> I strongly believe that Trita Parsi is the weakest

> part of the Iranian web because he is related to> Siamak Namazi and Bob Ney. I believe that destroying

>him will be the start of attacking the whole web.

>This is an absolute integral part of any attack on

> Clinton or Obama.

> I hope your friends understand this crucial point.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I second the request by "Pendareh Nik". Sir, what is your relationship with MKO and its affiliations. It is very important to your credibility. This does not mean that NIAC is good or bad. The two issues are not related. It is possible that NIAC is involved with the IR. However from my point of view anyone related to MKO is irrelevant.    VPK 


Just for the record...

by پندارنیک on


Can I ask Mr. Daei to help the readers just a bit more by,

1- Explaining his general view on the MKO, and

2- Describing his take on the leadership of the said organization during last three decades, and

3-Shedding some light on his political stand vis-á-vis that of neocons', and

4-Prescribing his remedy for the Ashraf standoff.




Mardom Mazloom


by Mardom Mazloom on

You have it all WRONG, Haji!

I've been registered just after June's election SO I couldn't jump up and down and tell people what to do. 

Neverthless, people went and voted, not to approve the regime  but to say no to it. They were duped and it's because of that, that they came to streets and first chanted "where is my vote" and then "Marg bar dictator". Can you see the difference between your inaction and people's mouvement?

And finally, I'm not sure what would happen in 2013 but if you are in connection with A.N.'s jinns, please ask them ! 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Vildemose Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are welcome. I am honored to defend my friends. Specially against such ridiculous accusations.



Ari, your last line of

by Rostam on

Ari, your last line of questioning also reminds me of Khomein's thugs of late 79 and 1980. It also reminds me of today's IRI thugs who in this very site in defense of the IRI, ask me what are the names of those the IRI executed? What were their crimes and when were they arrested for?

It also reminds me of the likes of Ahmadinejad who after the june events of 2009 said, "what protestors? They were just people out there in the streets doing early shopping for Norooz. Another day, he called them khar o khashak.

I can't argue with folks like that. I can't argue with folks like you for the same reason.

P.S. I do not mean that you are an IRI supporter. But I do consider you among the crowd that the IRI calls "useful idiots".

Again, no offense intended, just stating my honest opinion.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

No offense taken!

But let me help you here so that the reader may be better served. Which Khomeini thug said that Iranians may have a fear of democracy (or whatever other statement my comments reminded you of)? If you don't remember a name, what did this thug look like? Where did he make the statement? How did you come to know that he was a Khomeini supporter. I know it was 30 years ago, but on the plus side you are much smarter now, by your own account.



by Rostam on

My source is my own experience and what I witnessed with my own eyes in Iran during the early years of the revolution. That is good enough for me.

No offense intended, but your comments in this blog truely remind me of Khomeini's thugs in late 1979 and 1980.


Mardom Mazloom

by Rostam on

You wrote: "Before the June's election, he (Kazemzadeh) was the one here, jumping up and down and labeling others who wanted to vote as Naive, IRI agents, etc."

And you were jumping up and down and claiming that voting in Iran is legitimate and people should go and vote. But who turned out to be correct all along? Who turned out to be naive? 

You also wrote: "After the election, RayBan Kazemzadeh wept crocodile tears for the noble people of Iran who were killed because they protested for their stolen votes."

Had the people of Iran boycotted the elections, as Kazemzadeh and many others had proponed, would as many people have died following June 2009? Yes or no? Do you see that it is YOU who is shedding corcodile tears for those who died? Human life has little value for you.

Did so many have to die in order to prove, once and for all, that you were wrong all along? That the elections were fake? That they should be boycotted? Yes or no?

Many people needlessly died in 2009 because people like YOU encouraged them to vote instead of boycotting the election.

In 2013, whose side are you going to be? Those who want a boycott or those who encourage people to vote? I challenge you to answer this question. And again, who were right all along about the elections?



by Rostam on

"You are a good person, but due to your naivete, you actually harm the Iranian people. This is my opinion of you. My opinion might be right or wrong.

I hope this is helpful."

MK: Your opinion is very right. The proof is the state of affairs in Iran today.

Talking about naivety, Mammad is a pro Ali Shariati. But in one of his comments in the past, he claimed to also be a true secular. It is impossible to argue with a person like this.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Cite source.



by Rostam on

Your comments in this blog reminds me of Khomeni's thugs who 30 years ago were using almost the same identical reasoning and words than you are using today to silence any criticism of Khomeini.

The bad news for you and NIAC is that people are a lot smarter today than 30 years ago.


"Lack of healthcare also

by Rostam on

"Lack of healthcare also kills - that's the point I'm trying to make Fred. And 40 million don't have it. A basic Human Right."

The insensitivity of some fellow Iranians such as "Hafez for beginners" to the fate of their own people who are being imprisoned, raped and executed by the Islamic Republic is simply mind boggling.

She is comparing that type of violations in Iran to the violation of "basic human rights" of 40 million Americans who "lack adequate health care."

Poor those Americans. I bet they are willing to exchange their place with the Iranians who are rotting in Evin in a heart beat.

Makes me feel like throwing up.

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on


Talk is cheap!

NIAC has taken concrete steps to help Iranian Americans. You are useless to us here in United States. Iranian Americans need leaders and organizations that care for the community.

Here is another action taken by the NIAC to help Iranian students who want to study here:

"Iranian students who come to the United States for a better future must make a terrible sacrifice.  Unlike all other students from the Middle East, Iranian students are only allowed a single-entry visa. This means they cannot leave the country or return to see the family they left behind, even if a loved one falls ill, without putting their education and future in jeopardy. 

US policy should not force Iranian students to choose between their loved ones and their future. 

On Norooz, President Obama promised to expand educational exchanges for Iranian students.  The Iranian-American community responded, sending thousands of letters urging the President to fix the Single-Entry Only policy as a first step. 

But despite the President’s promise, nothing has changed.

Now we must tell our representatives in Congress to press the President to keep his promise."



What have you or your organization has done for the Iranians lately? Nothing, that's why talk is cheap.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Amir jaan

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Amir jaan,

I miss those wonderful student days. Yes, I remember our dear friend Hamed. He was truly an honest and decent human being. Our mutual friend (Mehdi) was very close to him. I was very sad when I heard about his death.

Yes, I have remained member of the same political group now as when we went to the same university during 1979-83 period. Here are some of my photos:



With all the best wishes my friend,




Massoud Jaan

by Paykar on

I want to congratulate you on staying true to your political conviction.

Hopefully, we will get to see a democratic Iran.

I want to pay tribute to another friend who also stayed the course. I am sure you remember Hammed Shahidian. Although none of us shared the same views, we never doubted each other's sincerity.



Ari Jaan

by Paykar on

You should have seen what I had written but decided not to post:-)

Sometimes emotion gets the best of us( I am as guilty as anyone).

Good night, We all mean well.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dai, Mammad, Vildemose

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Mr. Dai,

Thank you for the document (the letter between Trita Parsi and Roy Coffee). You have done an excellent job exposing TP. The letter is amazing.

I would like to welcome you to Iranian.com. I look forward to reading your views and the documents you have discovered.

When I agree with you, I will say so. And when I disagree with you I will say so. You are new here, so let me introduce myself. I am a member of Iran National Front-Abroad and have been an official in the U.S. branch of the INF-Abroad. These are our sites:








Any time you lose an argument, you get emotional and upset and then ghahr mikoni and run away.

This is a DEBATE. This is a thread in a public forum where various poster DEBATE various issues. You post a comment and mention my name, you enter a DEBATE. In a debate, you want to prove something and I want to prove another thing. Asking questions is one of the ways that debate proceeds.

You lose arguments, you call my questions "interrogation," and insult me!!!!! My suggestion is that you should use logical arguments and evidence. Try to show weaknesses in my argument by asking questions. Saying you are no Nelson Mandela is of course true. I am Masoud Kazemzadeh. Anyone who confuses me with Mandela is terribly uninformed. Every person can and should learn from the experiences and policies of others. It is good to learn lessons from other struggles against reactionary oppressive regimes. Instead of making this a personal attack, you need to make precise arguments on why sanctions on South Africa were justified and similar sanctions against the terrorist regime are not justified. Or on the implications of our different policy proposals, you need to make a logical argument on why if we follow your policy we will not get war in Iran. I think that if any person who reads my argument would say, MK is right that Mammad’s policy leads to war and MK’s policy leads to the prevention of war and in establishment of democracy. You saying MK is no Mandela does NOT add any value to the debate or provide logic to the argument. I made a logical argument. You should present a counter-argument, and not personal attacks.

Again, I think that you are a good person and mean well. But you obviously do not know very much about the ramifications of various policies. Using the term khaleh kherseh was neither a compliment nor an insult. It is a common analogy for a person who means well but does not know the harm that he or she is causing to those whom s/he wishes to help.

I do believe that people can change. I believe that you can change. I am hoping that you can learn from this exchange and evolve. So by evolving you would one day stop promoting policies that will cause war and harm to Iran.

With all the best wishes,



Vildemose jaan,

The passage you quoted is amazing. I hope ALL readers would read it and THINK.
